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For those of you who say racism doesn't exist. I have a few questions:

I'll care more about black lives when blacks care more about black lives. Let a cop kill a black guy (doesn't even have to be a white cop, see Baltimore) and all hell breaks loose but they kill each other on a scale that the Klan never saw in their wildest dreams and there's barely a peep. Until then they're just opportunistic hypocrites.
Dead serious. I work in higher ed and can't wait to retire

Wow, and parents and kids pay huge coin for this type of indoctrination. I'm hoping that the lockdown causes some to rethink traditional higher education from a practical and philosophical standpoint as it has little to offer the traditional American fabric at this point.
First 35 seconds.

Dead serious. I work in higher ed and can't wait to retire

I'd be counting the minutes. And academia/higher education is probably the most dangerous area of indoctrination, because even though the ideas have festered and have been promulgated in other areas a good portion of their lives essentially, that is the time where those ideas are encouraged to finally be acted upon.

I can hardly stand Twitter anymore because of the army of communists and people that seem to hate this country just seems to grow exponentially. It's like, where did all of these radicals come from? Has goodness and decency in America finally been toppled by hate and divisiveness?

Just an example of the Twitter hate I've seen recently that's just disgusted me, this woman responds to singer Kaya Jones posting a picture of her biracial family on her Twitter header and this is what she said:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">People of all races for generations have fought and bled and died for this country, because even though we have flaws, they believed in the promise of America & the hope & opportunity it provides all citizens. We should be united in loving this country because we’re all Americans</p>— Lauren Michero (@POTUSTrump45Fan) <a href="https://twitter.com/POTUSTrump45Fan/status/1268963131843371009?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 5, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The hate and vitriol this woman received in some of the responses was just despicable. Did she say anything that was outrageous or inflammatory? It actually made me sick to my stomach.
The hate and vitriol this woman received in some of the responses was just despicable. Did she say anything that was outrageous or inflammatory? It actually made me sick to my stomach.

We must oppose these idiots, every time, every place, every instance, non-stop. They engage in their idiocy because they fear no backlash. They threaten, complain, whine because they fear no reprisal.

There are a LOT of us on Twitter saying "**** you" to these idiots. In point of fact, whenever Brian Stelter or Bill Deblasio and their embarrassingly moronic ilk say something stunningly stupid, i.e., whenever they speak or write, Twitter basically roasts them.

Also, James Woods has millions of followers and an equal number of great posts.
I can honestly say that nothing shocks me about any of the posts here.

I"m done, SteelerNation. It was a good run...

Bermuda out.
I can honestly say that nothing shocks me about any of the posts here.

Huh? Which posts? Berm, please communicate a little more than "I'm just out".
We must oppose these idiots, every time, every place, every instance, non-stop. They engage in their idiocy because they fear no backlash. They threaten, complain, whine because they fear no reprisal.

There are a LOT of us on Twitter saying "**** you" to these idiots. In point of fact, whenever Brian Stelter or Bill Deblasio and their embarrassingly moronic ilk say something stunningly stupid, i.e., whenever they speak or write, Twitter basically roasts them.

Also, James Woods has millions of followers and an equal number of great posts.

That's just not me. I'm not discounting your thought process or whatever, but I'm not getting into Twitter spats with trolls and idiots (on either side) because I feel that we need to push back or fight back -- it's the ******* internet.
Our president stated there were 'good people on both sides' when defending the White Nationalist rally in Charlottesville, and that was after a White Nationalist mowed down anti protesters, killing one. But when the decades consistent message of police brutality, yet again is mentioned, the response is to call up the military, and attack peaceful protests.

The president states there are a lot of 'good people' on the side of White Nationalists. Name ONE good person on the side of Neo-Nazis. By saying 'people' the president is implying more than one, you just have to name one.

For those of you that say racism doesn't exist - Why does the KKK still exist, assemble, march, and work behind the scenes against all non-white races in this country? Same for Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists?

You mean the "Charlottesville Lie"? I assumed everyone had gotten the message. Trump was not referring to the white nationalists when he said there were good people on both sides. That was a lie repeated over an over by the media.

He was referring to another group of Charlottesville demonstrators who came out that weekend—protestors who wanted the Robert E. Lee statue removed and protestors who wanted to keep the statue and restore the park’s original name.

When the subject of racism comes we are talking about systemic racism. Claims that the system is designed to keep blacks down, which is a lie, a copout. The fact that blacks remain at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder in 2020 is through no one's fault but their own.

The KKK are just racists, that's where it ends. They don't, neither can they oppress black people. They are negligible. Black people have done more harm to themselves than the KKK has ever done.
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I can honestly say that nothing shocks me about any of the posts here.

I"m done, SteelerNation. It was a good run...

Bermuda out.

When were you in? All I ever see you do on this side of the board is express some vague disbelief of the unidentified posts you don't seem to agree with. ....................Bye
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Listened to a black civil rights activist from the 1960's by the name of Selby Steele (good last name) on the Mark Levin show.

Unlike the 60's, todays tantrum protests have no goals. What do they want? They want power, and to gain power they must have victims.

George Floyd validates their claims of racism. Cries of systemic racism...all it does is expand their territory of entitlement. "We want more, society is responsible for us" That is corruption.
Blacks have never been less oppressed then they are now. They remain at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and are not happy about it. Instead of carrying their own weight and taking responsibility, they look at the police
For BLM to exist or have validity there must be a constituency that says black lives don't matter. Who says that???
Huh? Which posts? Berm, please communicate a little more than "I'm just out".

All of them. Probably upset he couldn't find a single one that supported Copes narrative and assertions.
What exactly did Cope think he was going to accomplish? Did he want us to look in the mirror and be ashamed of our skin color? Did he think he was going to convert us all to the Communist party? If he wants to vote for people that want to destroy our way of life, go ahead, but leave me the **** alone!
What exactly did Cope think he was going to accomplish? Did he want us to look in the mirror and be ashamed of our skin color? Did he think he was going to convert us all to the Communist party? If he wants to vote for people that want to destroy our way of life, go ahead, but leave me the **** alone!

Wokeness involves hating your whiteness, history, and heritage. You should find some black people to prostrate in front of and kiss their feet for the sins of your ancestors. We are to blame the entire white race for the sins of a few, that happened over 155 years ago. Never mind that blacks enslaved other blacks. Pay no attention to the fact that almost 4000 blacks owned almost 14000 black slaves in the U.S. Pay no attention that we are not to judge all blacks by the actions of a few, but we should judge all cops by the actions of a few and all white people because of their skin color even if their ancestors didn't own slaves and were slaves themselves.

Personally I can't think of anything so infantile than to complain about "institutional racism" when no one can point to an institution that is racists. Remember blacks can't be racists but when the police chief, mayor, majority of cops, and the governor are black or Demorats then you have to blame the "Institute". The stats don't bare out their mantra of white police killing unarmed black men. It's a myth.

If the black community really want to get rid of cops. Go for it. But it won't be a pretty site. Like I've said before it's almost time for the divorce. I have no white guilt and I couldn't care less about the sins of dead people.
Huh? Which posts? Berm, please communicate a little more than "I'm just out".

I think Berm has bought into the agenda being pushed.

Hang in there Berm....
I think Berm has bought into the agenda being pushed.

Hang in there Berm....

That agenda in question is designed to do nothing except make groups of people hate each other especially different races and genders. The hate feeds the agenda driven media and the mob. It's sad when it takes root in people. I would know personally because I also had to log off for the better part of a week last week and into this week. I basically despised the entire human race and I was hating how it felt. I felt I was at critical mass and knew I needed to step away before I said something I would regret. I still don't really like the human race, but at least the time away helped me tone down the rage I felt a little bit. I understand how Berm feels even if we don't share the same opinions about what is happening.
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That agenda in question is designed to do nothing except make groups of people hate each other especially different races and genders. The hate feeds the agenda driven media and the mob. It's sad when it takes root in people. I would know personally because I also had to log off for the better part of a week last week and into this week. I basically despised the entire human race and I was hating how it felt. I felt I was at critical mass and knew I needed to step away before I said something I would regret. I still don't really like the human race, but at least the time away helped me tone down the rage I felt a little bit. I understand how Berm feels even if we don't share the same opinions about what is happening.

You are a human racist.
That agenda in question is designed to do nothing except make groups of people hate each other especially different races and genders. The hate feeds the agenda driven media and the mob. It's sad when it takes root in people. I would know personally because I also had to log off for the better part of a week last week and into this week. I basically despised the entire human race and I was hating how it felt. I felt I was at critical mass and knew I needed to step away before I said something I would regret. I still don't really like the human race, but at least the time away helped me tone down the rage I felt a little bit. I understand how Berm feels even if we don't share the same opinions about what is happening.

Had anxiety one night woke up and couldn't get to sleep despite having to get up at 515. The agenda is being pushed strong. Many channels, media is having themselves a frenzy. I had to shut it all down. I think it is frustrating to a nation one way or another. If you agree or disagree. Lot of communistic forceful message sending going on. I am stepping back for the most part with TV, etc, I watch very little, and listen very little to what is being pushed. You are correct the purpose is to divide as that is the only thing it accomplishes. They want people to hate each other. It is by design. The media is trying to paint white people as a villain, and some are buying. I won't be bullied into anything that compromises my belief system and I won't apologize for being born white.I will not show disrespect to any color based on their agenda. I continue to know ignorance isn't color but individual based.

But yeah I will continue to give these media hounds less and less attention that they crave in their quest for chaos.
I also was experiencing anxiety over all of this. I finally concluded that it is PTSD due to the riot I lived through so many years ago. It stuck with me all of these years but unconsciously.
I have a question for Cope himself.

One of the two African Americans I've housed, fed, and gave a car to for $1...is a college athlete. Record breaking athlete at our school. This kid actually transferred to our high school and essentially prevented my oldest from becoming the starting QB. He then went off to college to play ball. Came home for the summer last year and my son says to me "Can X stay with us for a week when he comes home?" Sure I said. He'd never spent a night in our home. Was so respectful. Cleaning up after himself (unlike my sons). Mr. Please and Thank You all week. He leaves Friday. I ask my son, "Why did X stay here for a week when his parents are a mile away?" He said he didn't want them knowing he was home...just yet. Odd I thought.

Two days later my son calls me from work. Clearly Angry. "Dad....can X come back and stay with us?" Immediate answer: Of course, but why? You sound angry....

He says "X was in the car with his father. His dad finds out his girlfriend is white. He literally pulled over on the highway and kicked him out of the car and told him not to come home."

He pulled over....on a major Maryland/DC metropolitan highway, kicks the kid out. He hitch hiked back to our neighborhood. I felt so bad for the kid. He walked in the door with his usual smile on his face and said Thanks Mr. TSF. I simply said, no worries you're always welcome. I didn't ask a question of him, I knew he must feel horrible. Let him have his space.

A couple days later he goes to his home to get things he needed to stay here with us. His dad says to him, "When you get rid of that white girlfriend, you're welcome to come home." X laughed at him and said "Don't count on seeing me anytime soon."

He stayed the whole summer with us. Came back and stayed with us for Thanksgiving instead of going home. Spent Christmas with us too. He became another part of the family. Every time he shows up he takes his 250lb self and bear hugs me till I feel my old man ribs cracking.

He and his WHITE girlfriend now have an apartment as he recovers from Tommy John surgery, working to get back to the starting job on his football team. He and she both work. They come spend days with us still. Took him fishing 2 weekends ago.

Question: What form of racism is what his father did to him Cope? Woke racism? Acceptable racism? Reverse racism? Because it is racism.

I'd appreciate your new divine intellectual woke "I have protested and see the light" opinion on this issue.

It's called racism pure and simple. I'm not a Dem.