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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

Oh wow. Didn't hear that till now. People need to seriously step back, take a deep breathe & realize the absurdity of this ****.

It's constant and stupid now.
Yet the conservatives are always the bad guys.

One cannot enjoy a meal in peace.
LOL dumbass!

It's the ANTI-FA LEFT that is/has been proclaiming WAR!

I'm throwing their **** right back in your face so you can see it!


Peaceful looking bunch
Peaceful looking bunch

They wear masks not to hide their identities - none of them has a job and they live in mommy's basement, for crying out loud - but because they are so stunningly ugly that they don't want their idiotic "message" to get lost in the fact that they are uglier than Rosie O'Donnell with acne and during a bad hair day.
They wear masks not to hide their identities - none of them has a job and they live in mommy's basement, for crying out loud - but because they are so stunningly ugly that they don't want their idiotic "message" to get lost in the fact that they are uglier than Rosie O'Donnell with acne and during a bad hair day.

At the same time don't discount them. They have nothing to lose so direct action doesn't trouble them. They are organized and committed to cause enough that they are already resorting to violence. Personally I'm just waiting for them to escalate.

Crazy Maxine Waters, said by some to be one of the most corrupt people in politics, is rapidly becoming, together with Nancy Pelosi, the FACE of the Democrat Party. Her ranting and raving, even referring to herself as a wounded animal, will make people flee the Democrats!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 3, 2018
What's conservative about trillion dollar deficits starting in 2019?
What's conservative about trillion dollar deficits starting in 2019?

Remember the FBP, the Savior, the Messiah...

Bush left me this problem.
Bush's fault.
Booosh. Booooooosssshhh. BOOOOSSSssshhhh!!!

For 8 years, every problem was a Bush problem. Every "positive" news was Obama created.

Now for some reality and truth. Remember, when Trump came to office in January 2017, Obama left him a nice turd in the bowl - a $19.9Trillion National Debt. That **** doesn't flush on the first pull and dare I say on the 10,000th pull either.

Now...yes the deficit is going to increase. If you've ever lived through a home improvement project you'll track the following image. Sometimes to get from "bad to better" you have to go through an interim hell. Your house sucks in ways, you want to improve it, so you bite the bullet, pay the $$ and live through the construction hell - plastic sheeting, dust, noise, interruptions, project delays - only to have the house better in the end.

When Trump's plan finishes, we will see the deficit begin to steadily decline. We're going through the home improvement phase now.

Remember the FBP, the Savior, the Messiah...

Bush left me this problem.
Bush's fault.
Booosh. Booooooosssshhh. BOOOOSSSssshhhh!!!

For 8 years, every problem was a Bush problem. Every "positive" news was Obama created.

Now for some reality and truth. Remember, when Trump came to office in January 2017, Obama left him a nice turd in the bowl - a $19.9Trillion National Debt. That **** doesn't flush on the first pull and dare I say on the 10,000th pull either.

Now...yes the deficit is going to increase. If you've ever lived through a home improvement project you'll track the following image. Sometimes to get from "bad to better" you have to go through an interim hell. Your house sucks in ways, you want to improve it, so you bite the bullet, pay the $$ and live through the construction hell - plastic sheeting, dust, noise, interruptions, project delays - only to have the house better in the end.

When Trump's plan finishes, we will see the deficit begin to steadily decline. We're going through the home improvement phase now.


The deficit is a lot more than .7 percent of GDP. It might decline, but the debt will not, and then there is interest rates. Speaking of home improvements, sunny weather is a good time to patch the roof. That’s not what Trump did with his tax plan.
The last budget was a disaster. No two ways about it.
They are organized and committed to cause enough that they are already resorting to violence. Personally I'm just waiting for them to escalate.

Let them come out, the louder the better, know your enemy

Democratic Socialists of America Leaders Say 'Communism Is Good'

Multiple Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) leaders are openly endorsing communism on social media, indicating that the already far-left organization has taken a sharp left turn.

The party got a major boost last Tuesday when DSA-endorsed candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ousted 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York's 14th Congressional District.




They are all communist and we've know it for a long time. Socialism for these nuts is just a step to communism.
Happy 4th of July! Remember, today's the day the alt right's very own Alex Jones declared the unhinged libs will start a second civil war, something many of you have been echoing.

This is rich.

Social media trolls Alex Jones with 'Second Civil War' letters

Social media users mocked InfoWars founder and host Alex Jones for predicting that Democrats are planning to start a civil war on July 4.

The conspiracy theorist tweeted his prediction on Monday, accompanied by a video in which he claimed that “elite publications” were calling for a “civil emergency” using civil unrest and “racial strife” to force out President Trump.

BREAKING: Democrats Plan To Launch Civil War On July 4th https://t.co/38AWiUFaag
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 1, 2018

Twitter users were quick to jump on Jones’s claims, mocking him with letters written in the style of those from soldiers written during the American Civil War.

Many of the tweets referenced the alt-right and spoke of fighting the “MAGA” or “red hats,” referencing President Trump’s campaign slogan, Make America Great Again.

#secondcivilwarletters Dearest wife,
We were besieged on all sides with the dankest of memes from the 2nd Flying Pepe Battalion; however the siege lifted when the owner of a Thai/Mexican fusion restaurant denied service to Field Marshall Stephen Miller. Pls refill iTunes account
— Craig Jordan Potter (@Cjpotter2112) July 3, 2018

Dear Mom and dad,
The war is going well. The MAGA’s launched a barrage of red hats at us yesterday, but we retaliated by making them read books. They’ve created an image of strength but are very weak. We will win.
Send my love to Roscoe.
Love, Sam#SecondCivilWarLetters
— Sam Bova (@sam_bova) July 3, 2018

Dear Pa,
Rations are dwindling. Morale is low.
The Trump supporters we captured refused to share bathrooms with our trans troops.
We told them it was either that or they could piss in their own corn meal and eat it.
And they did. To “own the libs”.
— Charlotte Clymer️* (@cmclymer) July 3, 2018

My love,
Spying on a battalion of MAGA. Their red hats have faded to pink in the sun causing chaos in the ranks. Soldiers are yelling "bad guy with a gun" and shooting each other.
Will be home by Labor Day.#secondcivilwarletters
— Charlotte (@factsarefact12) July 3, 2018

Dearest Ruth,
Arrived deep in the woods of Bowling Green. I fear we may be surrounded. The enemy remains out of sight, but the aroma of Hot Pockets and hand lotion permeates the air. This may be the end.
PS dont check my browsing history.#secondcivilwarletters
— Matt Green (@matthewcgreen) July 3, 2018

Dearest family
Our plan worked. Their love of our candy helped us strike the final blow, and bring the wall down. We shall celebrate by finally putting a taco truck on every corner #secondcivilwarletters pic.twitter.com/iNfkuks4t3
— Charlie Rodriguez (@CharlieandTed) July 3, 2018

My dear wife,
Most of my battalion has succumbed to smallpox. The horrid disease was thought to have been eradicated shortly after the last civil war, but the enemy troops we recently faced were all unvaccinated. #secondcivilwarletters
— Tom Filline (@FillineMachine) July 3, 2018

I look at this photo, and it is a descriptive visualization of the Dem party...........a bunch of disparate identity groups that come together to support the most left leaning causes. It doesn't matter who, or what.........as long as they lean left, in any way. But after that, they have nothing in common, and will be at odds with each other at the drop of a hat. There is no vision, no morality, no higher cause....just their own little self interest. Think about it. The only people in our country who would want communism are those that cannot operate in a meritocracy..................losers.

How sad.
I look at this photo, and it is a descriptive visualization of the Dem party...........a bunch of disparate identity groups that come together to support the most left leaning causes.

And the louder and more unhinged they become, the more they drive away voters!

It's all working according to plan,,,,the more the radical left takes control of the Dem party, the better!

The left's contempt is going to reelect Trump

Democrats have a new theory for how they can win back Congress and the White House. Democrats are targeting the "20% of Trump's voters [who] told exit pollsters they didn't like him" hoping these reluctant Trump voters will help power a "blue wave" in the 2018 midterms and defeat President Trump in 2020.

One problem with that theory: The left's nonstop, over-the-top attacks on Trump are not peeling those voters away from him; they are pushing them further into the president's camp.

First, there was Robert De Niro's "f -- Trump" tirade at the Tony awards, followed by Samantha Bee's calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless c -- " on her TV show.

Then the owners of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va. threw out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for the president, while chanting protesters heckled Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant.

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., added fuel to the fire by openly calling on mobs of left-wing activists to "absolutely harass" Trump officials.

Then, there were the countless Trump opponents in the media, Congress and on Twitter who compared family separations at the southern border with Nazi Germany, and the Time magazine cover depicting Trump staring down heartlessly at a crying migrant girl and implying she was separated from her mother (until it emerged that she had not in fact been separated from her mother). And now come the threats to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee before he has even nominated one.

How do liberals think that 20 percent of reluctant Trump voters respond to these displays of unbridled contempt? They are outraged not at Trump but at his critics. The unhinged hatred for the president makes these voters almost reflexively defend him.

Don't take my word for it. The New York Times recently interviewed dozens of tepid Trump voters who explained how the incessant attacks are causing them to rally around the president.

These are exactly the voters Democrats are hoping to win back. Instead, they are doing the opposite. Polls bear this out.

Democrats are deluding themselves if they think they lost because of "#NeverHillary" voters who will come home when she is not on the ballot. They lost because they have become a party of coastal liberal elites who have lost touch with millions of ordinary citizens in Middle America -- working-class voters who are struggling with factories closing, jobs leaving and an opioid epidemic that is destroying their families. These voters concluded in 2016 that Democrats no longer care about their problems and that Trump does.

Spasms of anti-Trump outrage are not going to win them back. If anything, they are confirming these voters' conclusions that Democrats still don't get it -- and don't get them.

The left's miasma of contempt may feel cathartic, but it is the best thing that ever happened to Trump. Indeed, it may very well get him reelected.




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Spasms of anti-Trump outrage are not going to win them back. If anything, they are confirming these voters' conclusions that Democrats still don't get it -- and don't get them.

The Dems have no ideas or issues to run on except more taxes and more immigrants.
The Dems have no ideas or issues to run on except more taxes and more immigrants.


This is true. Let them try to make Immigration and taxes an issue. Its a losing issue.

In the mean time, how about we turn the cameras to the USA citizens victimized by illegal alien crime? I guess they are waiting until the election to make this a more visible issue.
The Dems have no ideas or issues to run on except more taxes and more immigrants.

Open Borders!

Abolish ICE!

The hard core radical socialists are taking control of the Dems...which is just fine for us!


'Abolish ICE' is a gift to Republicans

“Abolish ICE” has become the new rallying cry of the left, which is trying to turn the fury Americans are feeling about the horrors at the Mexican border on the little-understood agency known as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

But replace it with what? Democrats don’t have a clear answer for that, which is why they are heading into dangerous political territory.

Demonizing a government agency is an old, tired strategy — one that rarely if ever has worked.


But replace it with what? Democrats don’t have a clear answer for that, which is why they are heading into dangerous political territory.

No, they have a clear answer...people from Mexico and Central America who will be dependent on government and vote Democrat...they just don't want to say it, although they're getting closer to blurting out the truth as they drift further Left into insanity.
It's Hilarious, they still don't get it

Dem nightmare deepens as party is 'underperforming' among Hispanics

Golly gee, it turns out that race-baiting and fear-mongering aren't paying off for the Democrats and that Hispanic voters are not universally motivated by the call of open borders.

Democrats counting on President Trump's hard-line immigration policies to spark energized Hispanic turnout and a wave against GOP candidates in this year's midterms will be surprised to see what's transpiring. Even during the heat of the family-separation crisis, Democrats are underperforming in heavily Hispanic constituencies, from GOP-held border battlegrounds in Texas to diversifying districts in Southern California to the nation's most populous Senate battleground in Florida[.]

It's becoming increasingly obvious that Democrats believe all sorts of racist stereotypes about minorities: that blacks are incapable of advancing themselves without help from Democrats and the quotas they espouse, and that Hispanics are all supportive of illegal immigration, for example.

More tolerance from the left:

16-year-old kid.