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Freedom of political belief is now under fire by the left.

If you're referring to Maxine Waters, she didn't call for violence, not that I know of. There was no violence involved with Sanders at the Red Hen nor with Kiersten Nielsen in the mex restaurant.


Definition of push
pushed; pushing; pushes
transitive verb
1 a : to press against with force in order to drive or impel
b : to move or endeavor to move away or ahead by steady pressure without striking
2 a : to thrust forward, downward, or outward
b : to cause to increase : raise

push prices to record levels

c : to try to move beyond or expand

push one's limits

d : to hit (a ball) toward the right from a right-handed swing or toward the left from a left-handed swing — compare pull
3 a : to press or urge forward to completion
b : to urge or press the advancement, adoption, or practice of

pushed a bill in the legislature

; especially : to make aggressive efforts to sell

we're pushing ham this week

c : to engage in the illicit sale of (narcotics)
4 : to bear hard upon so as to involve in difficulty

poverty pushed them to the breaking point

5 : to approach in age or number

grandmother must be pushing 75

intransitive verb
1 : to press against something with steady force in or as if in order to impel
2 : to press forward energetically against opposition
3 : to exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end

pushing for higher wages

— push one's luck
: to take an increasing risk

maybe you need to brush up on some definitions.
Look at you bleeding from your wherever, your ugly wife must have grabbed you by the *****, those other politicians could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot people and they’d still be loved, unlike your not-a-war hero POW father who was in on the Kennedy asasination.

No disrespect.

None taking. Because I have no idea what a word of that means. But keep on Flogging.
What about the fake news journalists? Apparently, Superselectiveoutrageman no longer wants us to tone it down.

maybe flogomanbun should loosen his manbun and see that it was Coolietard who posted the "tone it down" thread and not everyone's favorite neighborhood Supe.
oh, this is ******* rich. hold on to your hypocrisy.
“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she added.


Maxine Waters says she's faced increased threats, cancels attending 2 events

(CNN)Rep. Maxine Waters said Thursday she's seen an increase in threats since she made controversial comments last week encouraging protesters to heckle and harass members of Trump's Cabinet in public spaces.

The California Democrat canceled two scheduled appearances in Alabama and Texas this weekend after saying she got threatening messages and "hostile mail" at her office, including "one very serious death threat" on Monday from an individual in Texas.

"As the President has continued to lie and falsely claim that I encouraged people to assault his supporters, while also offering a veiled threat that I should 'be careful', even more individuals are leaving (threatening) messages and sending hostile mail to my office," she said in a statement.

"There was one very serious death threat made against me on Monday from an individual in Texas which is why my planned speaking engagements in Texas and Alabama were cancelled (sic) this weekend," she continued. "This is just one in several very serious threats the United States Capitol Police are investigating in which individuals threatened to shoot, lynch, or cause me serious bodily harm."

Reached for comment, a spokeswoman for the US Capitol Police said they do not comment on ongoing investigations.

The Democratic congresswoman received widespread criticism from both sides of the aisle after she encouraged people to publicly confront and harass members of Trump's administration

in places like restaurants, department stores and gas stations.

Her comments, fueled by frustration over migrant families separated at the border, came at the end of a week when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was heckled by activists at a restaurant in Washington, DC, and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant in Virginia.

Trump tweeted earlier this week that Waters

called for "harm" to his supporters and railed against her in a rallies in North Dakota and South Carolina.

Waters has forcefully denied that she ever called for violence, saying she's only urging peaceful protests.

"I believe in peaceful, very peaceful protests," she said Monday on Capitol Hill.

"I have not called for the harm of anybody. This President has lied again when he's saying that I've called for harm."

Also on Monday, Waters said she receives death threats "all the time." In April, a man pleaded guilty to threatening Waters last year.

"I don't cry about protests," Waters said earlier this week. "People protest me all the time. People come to my district office. That's their right. The only time I have anything to say about protests is when they threaten to kill me, then I turn that in. Otherwise, protests is the American way."
I think it's simpler than that. People are angry and upset about the policies and actions of this administration and Trump specifically. You call that reaction a 'childish tantrum', I disagree. It's people - grown adults - reacting viscerally to what's happening in their country and speaking up about it. The animosity could simmer down some if the President himself stepped up and sent out a positive message to help reunite the country, get people back to rooting for sports teams, spending time with friends and family. He has done the opposite, ever since taking office. How is any of this fun, for anyone, what's happening under Trump? It's like medieval battlefield warfare, round the clock. Seems like he plans to continue down this path, to the benefit of no one.

people were angry and upset about much of what went on in President Obama's terms in office. The only violence that occurred then was by people who supported him. His support of those groups caused the country to slip further and further apart. Not once did he attempt to unite the country. The left has continued this unrest beginning with their temper tantrums after Trump was elected President.

The left forced the "Affordable" care act through...with a bunch of lies and most peoples costs skyrocketed. A U.S. Ambassador was murdered and they lied about the cause of the attack and how they could have sent help but just left those guys to fight it out themselves....

Maxine may not have urged the left to attack anyone, but forming crowds and pushing back against people who are just trying to enjoy a night out or just doing day to day activities is not acceptable. If these confrontations continue, at some point someone is going to get hurt and then you and the media will blame President Trump and his supporters.

No one likes the idea of separating children from their parents....but this was not a news story until now, why? Because President Obama could do no wrong. So the media sat on the story until a Republican was in office...I have no doubt if Hillary had won, no one would know a damn thing about the kids on the border.

People get angry over politics. Childish ******* confront people who are just doing their jobs and harass them. Adults go out and vote and replace those in office.

Hell, I never liked President Trump as a candidate. He is just a rich, egotistical reality show star. Yet, he was able to beat the best the left could find. Why? Because the country is sick of being insulted just because we don't agree with what the liberals and their puppets in the media think we should be doing. We are not racist to want immigrants to come to the county LEGALLY. We are not all ignorant, redneck, sister ******* who hate gays, blacks, and jews. We have our opinions and beliefs and understand that others have their way of looking at things. Unlike the left though, we don't try and force our way of living on everyone else.

You want this country to become more civil. Well first Maxine needs to receive some kind of official reprimand out of Congress. Then, President Trump should publicly state that the time of discord needs to end and back of some of his ill advised tweets.

And all the ignorant liberal celebrities need to shut their ******* pie-holes and let President Trump do his job. Which if you objectively look at his actions, he has done a good job since he took office.
LMFAO. Maxine saying she believes in peaceful protests. The left keeps getting loonier and more and more delusional!
Look at you bleeding from your wherever, your ugly wife must have grabbed you by the *****, those other politicians could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot people and they’d still be loved, unlike your not-a-war hero POW father who was in on the Kennedy asasination.

No disrespect.

What about the fake news journalists? Apparently, Superselectiveoutrageman no longer wants us to tone it down.

these two posts seem to contradict each other....tone it down
maybe flogomanbun should loosen his manbun and see that it was Coolietard who posted the "tone it down" thread and not everyone's favorite neighborhood Supe.

CoolieTard is getting the ban hammer ready....
One of the reasons so many of us like Trump is that he is the only republican who publicly responds in kind to the dems, and doesn't let anything slip past. The high road, sit around and just take it thing had many of us fed up. He has to be over the top to make up for the massive lameness from the republicans. If the republicans were generally more combative and vocal about defending our positions - and actually acted on conservative principles - like with legislation that reflects them, we wouldn't need a Trump.
None taking. Because I have no idea what a word of that means. But keep on Flogging.


You're so unaware of the disrespectful **** Trump has said over the past two years you don’t even recognize when it gets repeated and yet you can’t believe the disprespect TRUMP gets!


You're so unaware of the disrespectful **** Trump has said over the past two years you don’t even recognize when it gets repeated and yet you can’t believe the disprespect TRUMP gets!


I knew where your lame post came from...but still say tone it down. Not that I condone it, but each time he used any of those phrases it was because others had thrown mud his way and he returned fire....plus you are pulling **** from the campaign and a voice recording from years ago that was just released during the campaign....not stuff he said since he took office.

You're so unaware of the disrespectful **** Trump has said over the past two years you don’t even recognize when it gets repeated and yet you can’t believe the disprespect TRUMP gets!


I’m perfectly aware of they way the media twist his words or selectively play snippets of his speeches. But I watch them all in there entirety. Trump can take it but , he will dish it back 2 fold. That is the difference now no one in the last 30 years has ever given it back to the left. I don’t always agree with everything he has to say. But I love the way he shoves it your face.
I knew where your lame post came from...but still say tone it down. Not that I condone it, but each time he used any of those phrases it was because others had thrown mud his way and he returned fire....plus you are pulling **** from the campaign and a voice recording from years ago that was just released during the campaign....not stuff he said since he took office.


Once you start getting nervous about where things are headed, Trumptards go from the bold “This is exactly why we love Trump and what is different about him, he fights back twice as hard! **** political correctness!” to “Who? What? Trump? He’s no different than any other politician slinging mud and they did it first”

Once you start getting nervous about where things are headed, Trumptards go from the bold “This is exactly why we love Trump and what is different about him, he fights back twice as hard! **** political correctness!” to “Who? What? Trump? He’s no different than any other politician slinging mud and they did it first”

Don't think I have ever posted that....hell read my comment above about what I thought of President Trump as a candidate.....
Don't think I have ever posted that....hell read my comment above about what I thought of President Trump as a candidate.....

Maybe not you but see Post #311.

Seems Trump supporters think public harassment is fine as long as it’s not in-person. WTF?
As I said before, I'm one of the rare conservatives on this board who doesn't like Trump. I think he's kind of a piece of **** as a human being, he's not really a conservative, he's boorish and inarticulate.
But please, please tell me just what exactly there is to like about the Dem alternatives. Terrible people in their own ways and absolutely hellbent on the destruction of every tenet of individual rights and freedom that this country was founded on.
Sorry, you're gonna have to do a lot better than "BUT TRUMP!!!" to convince me.
One of the reasons so many of us like Trump is that he is the only republican who publicly responds in kind to the dems, and doesn't let anything slip past. The high road, sit around and just take it thing had many of us fed up. He has to be over the top to make up for the massive lameness from the republicans. If the republicans were generally more combative and vocal about defending our positions - and actually acted on conservative principles - like with legislation that reflects them, we wouldn't need a Trump.

Maybe not you but see Post #311.

Seems Trump supporters think public harassment is fine as long as it’s not in-person. WTF?

you delicate little flower. did that mean word just cause you to wilt?

If you really believe that then you are ignoring a lot of evidence to the contrary.

I don't deny that he's good at pandering to a lot of hot button issues. Come back to me when he has shrunk federal government spending at all.
Come back to me when he has shrunk federal government spending at all.

Donald Trump achievements: Deregulation and government size

Official presidential photo of President Donald Trump
Main article: Donald Trump achievements
This article is a non-exhaustive list of achievements by U.S. President Donald Trump, his administration, and Congress related to deregulation and promoting limited government.

For additional deregulation achievements related to energy and the environment, see Donald Trump achievements: Energy and environmental policy. Some achievements related to healthcare and welfare can be found at Donald Trump achievements: Religious liberty, gender issues, and other social policies.

1 2017

The Trump Administration made much progress in rolling back regulations,[1] described in May 2017 as its "biggest untold success."[2] President Trump and Congress spent much time rolling back regulations, particularly those created by Obama,[3] and the federal agencies under Trump shifted their focus on cutting regulations rather than writing them.[4] The Administration's focused on reducing regulations for the purpose of "furthering individual liberty and property rights" along with economic reasons.[5] According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute in October 2017, the Trump was the "least regulatory president" since Ronald Reagan and was even faster than Reagan in advancing his conservative deregulation agenda.[6]

Legislation signed, 2017
President Trump successfully made use of Congressional Review numerous times to roll back Obama-era regulations – even more than expected.[7][8] Prior to Trump's presidency, the Congressional Review Act had been used only once successfully, sixteen years prior.[9] When the window to use the CRA for Obama-era regulations ended, Congress had passed and Trump had signed 14 CRA resolutions repealing Obama regulations[10][11][12] – significantly more than expected.[10][13] These actions were estimated to have saved $3.7 billion in regulatory costs and up to $36.2 billion in compliance costs.[10][14] In November 2017, President Trump and Congress repealed another regulation through the CRA, this time a regulation passed after Trump assumed office.[15] Some examples of CRA legislation signed by President Trump follow (other examples can be found in different sub-articles):
February 14, 2017—President Trump signed a bill into law repealing an Obama Era relation requiring energy companies to disclose financial transactions with foreign governments.[16]
March 27, 2017—President Trump signed four bills undoing Obama-era regulations.[7][17] Two of those bills rolled back federal education regulations.[18]
March 31, 2017—President Trump signed another bill undoing an Obama-era regulation, giving the power back to the states to expand drug testing for unemployment benefit applicants.[19]
April 3, 2017—President Trump signed a bill reversing an Obama-era FCC privacy regulation applicable to internet service providers. The FCC had adopted the rule to fill a gap created by a court case which ruled that the FTC did not have jurisdiction to extend its privacy rule over internet service providers because they were regulated by the FCC. The new law repealed the FCC rule and prohibits the FCC from enacting a replacement for 10 years without giving the FTC jurisdiction to regulate internet service providers' privacy practices.[20] Part of yet another series of bills undoing other Obama regulations.[21]
May 12, 2017—President Trump signed Public Law 115–33 (S. 496),[22] which repealed a rule by the Department of Transportation that would have taken power away from local governments on infrastructure planning.[23] The bill did not invoke the CRA.[22]
Executive actions, 2017
The Trump Administration focused on removing regulations rather than creating them,[24] and the various departments in the Trump Administration moved to undo numerous regulations.[25] In the first six weeks of Trump's presidency, over 90 regulations were repealed, whether through executive orders, Acts of Congress, or other means[26][27] — clearly keeping his promises.[28] Additionally, by late May 2017, the Trump Administration had approved a record low number of new regulations – $33 million in new regulatory costs by May 23 as opposed to $26 billion in the same period in previous administrations, and releasing 8% the average amount of rules released by the past three administrations during the same period of time.[29] The Trump Administration had a significantly lower regulatory reach in several other aspects compared to the previous administration.[30] By July 2017, the Trump Administration had withdrawn or effectively killed 860 proposed Obama era regulations,[31] including 179 that were on a secret list of proposed regulations by the Obama Administration,[32] and rate of killed regulations was 16 for every new one – well above of the mandated rate of two removed regulations for every new one.[31] It was again reported in September 2017 that the Administration was keeping its promises on deregulation.[33] By December 2017, the Trump Administration was killing regulations at a rate of 22 for every 1 regulation created and had saved about $570 million a year due to its deregulation actions.[34]

It was reported in August 2017 that the Trump Administration's fight against regulations had saved businesses $4 billion per year compared to the Obama Administration.[35] In the first 11 months of Trump's presidency, his administration imposed $5.8 billion in new regulations, as opposed to $24.8 billion in the last 16 days of Obama's presidency.[36]

In addition to cutting regulations, President Trump had a successful first year in reducing the number of federal government employees. By early August 2017, the Trump Administration had reportedly reduced the number of federal employees by 9,000 even with an increase in Pentagon employees.[37] By the end of September 2017, every cabinet department – with the sole exceptions of the departments of Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, and the Interior – had fewer permanent staff than they had at the beginning of the year.[38] Overall, the number of federal employees fell by 16,000 during this time, and it was the first time since Bill Clinton's presidency that the number of federal employees fell during a president's first year in office.[38]

The Trump Administration took numerous actions related to reducing government regulations:

January 20, 2017—On its first day in office, the Trump Administration ordered a regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies.[39]
January 30, 2017—Trump signed an executive order that requires two federal regulations must be eliminated for every regulation created.[40]
February 3, 2017—President Trump signed a memorandum directing the United States Department of Labor to review a regulation signed by Obama set to go into effect.[41]
February 24, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order requiring every federal agency to create a "regulatory reform task force" to find unnecessary, burdensome regulations to repeal.[42] This order was called "the most far reaching effort to pare back U.S. red tape in recent decades."[43]
April 25, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order ordering the Department of Agriculture to find and eliminate unnecessary regulations, in an effort to help farmers, particularly in the light of NAFTA and the trade imbalance with Canada.[44]
The Trump Administration took actions regarding federal land use:
April 26, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order ordering the Interior Department to review designations of national monuments from as far back as 20 years prior, with the intention of reversing federal overreach in land acquisition and returning power to the states.[45]
December 4, 2017—President Trump signed two executive orders greatly reducing the land area of two national monuments in Utah – in order to "reverse federal overreach" and preserve states' rights – created by the Clinton and Obama administrations.[46] The orders went into effect on February 2, 2018.[47]
September 7, 2017—The Office of Management and Budget issued a memorandum expecting federal agencies to decrease their regulatory costs.[48]
December 14, 2017—The Federal Communications Commission voted to repeal Obama-era "Net Neutrality" regulations.[49] The FCC made the repeal official in April 2018,[50] and the repeal took effect on June 11, 2018.[51]
The Trump Administration took numerous actions related to reducing the size of government and reducing waste:

On Inauguration Day, 2017, the Trump administration instituted a federal hiring freeze.[52] On January 23, 2017, Trump signed an executive order instituting the hiring freeze, from which the military was exempted.[53] On April 12, 2017, the administration partially lifted the hiring freeze and replaced it with a plan to restructure and shrink the executive branch,[54] and it still planned on not filling numerous governmental positions.[55]
February 28, 2017—President Trump announced that he did not plan on filling numerous government positions he considered unnecessary.[56] According to one source, about 2,000 positions were vacant, and most of them were likely included in this list.[57] As of April 4, 2017, President Trump did not make a nomination for nearly 500 positions requiring Senate confirmation.[58]
March 13, 2017—President Trump signed an executive order to perform an audit on every executive branch agency in order to reduce spending and waste and improve services.[59]
June 19, 2017—The Environmental Protection Agency ended a $1 million program where it gave gym memberships to its employees, ending the program due to an abuse of taxpayer money.[60]
The White House 2017 payroll was $5.1 million lower than the Obama Administration's 2015 payroll. Additionally, the Trump White House employed 110 fewer employees than Obama, and it did not employ any policy "czars."[61] In addition, President Trump donated his entire first-quarter 2017 salary to restore the Antietam National Battlefield.[62]
It was reported in October 2017 that First Lady Melania Trump had significantly reduced her staff in comparison with her predecessor Michelle Obama. Melania Trump employed four people in 2017 with a combined annual salary of $486,700 compared to Michelle Obama's 16 employees (her press secretary stated in 2009 that she actually employed a record-breaking 24 people) and a combined annual salary of $1.24 million in 2009.[63]
December 7, 2017—The Department of Defense announced it would begin its first-ever agency-wide financial audit.[64]
In 2017, the Trump Administration saved $774 million by beginning to privatize FEMA flood insurance risk.[65]
Appointments, 2017
June 10, 2017—The U.S. Senate confirmed Neomi Rao, who was noted for her position in favor of deregulation, as the administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).[66]
Other achievements, 2017
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

The national debt decreased after President Trump assumed office, unlike Obama.[67] In Trump's first 100 days in office, the U.S. national debt decreased by $100 billion, as opposed to Obama, where the debt grew by $560 billion by the same point in his presidency.[68] While the national debt increased by over $600 billion and passed the $20 trillion mark during fiscal year 2017, the rate of growth was less than half the average during the Obama Administration, and the Trump Administration made moves to reduce the need to borrow money.[69]
It was reported in June 2017 that President Trump's deregulation actions had increased confidence and hiring in the manufacturing sector.[70]
Failures, 2017
May 10, 2017—By one vote, the U.S. Senate failed to block an Obama-era regulation on drilling through the Congressional Review Act.[71]
The Trump Administration continued reducing regulations in 2018.[72] According to a May 2018 report by the American Action Forum, the Trump Administration was on track to double the amount saved and the number of regulation cut compared to its goals.[73] By May 2018, it had taken numerous steps to reduce banking regulations, both through legislation and through executive actions.[74]

Legislation signed, 2018
March 28, 2018—President Trump signed a bill into law that created a permanent ban on the use of federal funds for official portraits, though it only cut a small amount of federal waste.[75]
May 21, 2018—President Trump signed a CRA bill into law repealing a 2013 guidance issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that regulated auto lending.[76]
May 24, 2018—President Trump signed a bill into law repealing some financial regulations put into place under the Dodd–Frank law, including reducing the amount of regulation and oversight for banks having under $250 billion in assets.[77] The Act was described as the largest change to U.S. banking regulations since the Dodd–Frank law.[78]
Executive actions, 2018
February 27, 2018—The White House announced President Trump had reached an informal deal with Boeing that would save the U.S. government $1.4 billion – with the new price at $3.9 billion – for two new Air Force One planes.[79] Similarly, the Defense Department suspended F-35 Lightning II deliveries due to a dispute with Lockheed Martin over who should pay for a production mistake in the jets.[80]
April 9, 2018—Fourteen Trump Administration agencies signed a memorandum to speed up the approval process for infrastructure projects.[81]
April 12, 2018—President Trump signed an order creating a task force to review the finances of the United States Postal Service.[82]
April 24, 2018—The Treasury Department released a report on its deregulatory actions, revealing that it had eliminated or proposed eliminating over 300 regulations.[83] It was reported at roughly the same time that the Trump Administration was taking steps to reduce financial regulations.[84]
May 24, 2018—President Trump signed a directive ordering federal agencies to reduce regulations for private space travel companies.[85]
May 25, 2018—President Trump signed three executive orders reforming federal workforce rules, such as making it easier to fire federal employees for misconduct, weakening the power of federal labor unions, and making the workforce more efficient and less costly.[86] Among these changes, federal workers were required to use at least 75% of their work time to actually do the jobs they were hired to do rather than doing union-related work.[86] That same day, Trump signed another executive order exempting tour operators from an Obama-era regulation that required a certain minimum wage for those working for companies contracting with the federal government.[87]
Other achievements, 2018
While the following achievements were not official United States government policy actions by the Trump Administration, they were closely related to the Trump Administration and its policies:

June 21, 2018—The Trump Administration released its proposal for a comprehensive reorganization of the federal government which would advance conservative principles, including merging the Labor and Education Departments into one, privatizing the United States Postal Service, and merging all welfare programs into the HHS, which would be renamed.

Tax Cuts
Merry Christmas
Fair Trade
Secure Borders
Strong Military
Law and Order
The Heritage Foundation rated Trump more conservative than Reagan.

Don't fall into the libtard trap of ignoring facts just because you don't like the guy.
Last edited:
As I said before, I'm one of the rare conservatives on this board who doesn't like Trump. I think he's kind of a piece of **** as a human being, he's not really a conservative, he's boorish and inarticulate.

Two points.

(1) He was not a conservative before taking office, I agree with that, but since being sworn in, he has followed a very conservative approach. He receives high marks from conservative rating organizations for tax cuts, judicial appointments, ending the Obamacare mandate, pulling out of the stupid "climate accord," increasing energy production, etc. So he was not a self-confessed conservative before taking office - so what? If Obama had followed the same policies, I would have pushed for 3rd term.

(2) As Ben Shapiro likes to say, "Two things can be true at the same time." Trump can be a bad person and a good President.
Two points.

(1) He was not a conservative before taking office, I agree with that, but since being sworn in, he has followed a very conservative approach. He receives high marks from conservative rating organizations for tax cuts, judicial appointments, ending the Obamacare mandate, pulling out of the stupid "climate accord," increasing energy production, etc. So he was not a self-confessed conservative before taking office - so what? If Obama had followed the same policies, I would have pushed for 3rd term.

(2) As Ben Shapiro likes to say, "Two things can be true at the same time." Trump can be a bad person and a good President.

Back when he was first elected I said that President Trump isn't an idealogue, he's a pragmatist and will do what works. And what usually works is Conservatism.