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Gasoline cost highest EVER. Wonder why, wonder why ...

I bought 5 giant subs from Jersey Mike's for the family last night, $90. That is just subs, no chips or drinks.
Got lunch at Jersey Mike's on Friday. Junior sub, chips, and drink was over $10. Darn good sub though. Been bagging my lunch a lot lately.
Donald Trump, July 2020: "If Biden is elected, you'll see gas at $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 per gallon."
Media: "That's absurd."

I hope they keep it up, blaming everything on Putin. Makes them look powerless against a country with a GDP equal to Belgium.

But wait there's more!

Due to Russian President Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine, supplies of urea, a key ingredient in DEF, have fallen.

Russia is a major fertilizer exporter and a top exporter of urea, which is manufactured as a derivative of natural gas. Supplies, therefore, have been impacted by the war.
You do understand that this gas hike meets the far left goal of forcing people to electric vehicles and reducing gas useage… economy be damned….

Won't allow drilling on federal land, about 1/3 of the USA owned land and most of it is in the upper western area where few people are.
I had 6 shrimp and 8 wings, a beer and a glass of water yesterday at a restaurant and that cost me $45. I am officially done eating out. Anywhere. It's ridiculous.

Sounds about right. They are going out of business if things stay this way. Families are in pain as the cost in gas, food, energy bills, rent ( for those who pay it ) and insurance has gone way up. About $600 a month for the average family which only has about $3,000 in the bank. For a year families are down $7,200 a year on average in the new Biden economy. Something has to give and its is all the good extra stuff like direct TV, eating out, retail goods, vacations, etc... It will trickle down, doesn't matter what business your in. Families are down to the Bear necessities or soon will be. The buying power of the dollar is down..way down. Crime is up.

With the prices being like this, it won't take long to burn away savings and go into personal credit card debt for the average man. The stock market is a different story, its way down. Things are headed for a recession, with evidence that looks like a depression. The Biden economy that reversed everything good that Trump has done in less than two years. That's it and the damage has been done. Prices won't go back to what they were. Damn fool, people are hurting because of you.

Take back America!
Sounds about right. They are going out of business if things stay this way. Families are in pain as the cost in gas, food, energy bills, rent ( for those who pay it ) and insurance has gone way up. About $600 a month for the average family which only has about $3,000 in the bank. For a year families are down $7,200 a year on average in the new Biden economy. Something has to give and its is all the good extra stuff like direct TV, eating out, retail goods, vacations, etc... It will trickle down, doesn't matter what business your in. Families are down to the Bear necessities or soon will be. The buying power of the dollar is down..way down. Crime is up.

With the prices being like this, it won't take long to burn away savings and go into personal credit card debt for the average man. The stock market is a different story, its way down. Things are headed for a recession, with evidence that looks like a depression. The Biden economy that reversed everything good that Trump has done in less than two years. That's it and the damage has been done. Prices won't go back to what they were. Damn fool, people are hurting because of you.

Take back America!

It's worse than people realize. Switching my stocks to defensive insurance oriented and government backed bonds and T-bills. And even then my money is losing its value. Not only is the savings market down, there is real double digit inflation for must have items. It's killing savings and earning power. The dollar relative to what can buy is at an all time low. " Biden Economics " We need Ronald Regan alive, or the closest thing to it. We need more American suppliers and American manufacturing for supply related stuff. Cheap labor? No problem let the illegals do it.

They say the USA is close to breaking apart. An economic disaster looms. This combined with the polarization could do it. If it happens states will have to balance their own budget with taxes for their programs. States like California and New York will fall apart, and voters say half the Democrats will flee socialism. Democrats are in power for 1 ) racial reasons, 2 ) because the general voters are stupid and need our taxes for their programs, and 3 ) because they want to take away human rights.. the right to own a gun, the right of the unborn but clearly alive. Think about it.

The next Republican superstar is among us. Let him or her step forward. They will try to block him/her make no mistake about.

F the media for covering up all if Biden's problems and shifting the blame.
81 million (*cough*) Americans "voted" for Sloppy Joe, an imbecile grifter plagiarist. We got what we would expect, I guess. And to nobody's surprise - NOBODY - gas prices are at an all-time high, more than double the cost at the end of the Trump administration, now more than $5.00 per gallon.

Why is that? The question needs to be asked and answered but our corrupt, slavish media don't spend a second on issues that matter to Americans. More bullshit stories about LQBTFAVASDATEABBARGTEABREE rainbow parades, a "girl" with testicles winning another race and JANUARY 6!! So why are gasoline prices so high? Let's run down the list:
  • First, the energy secretary - the person running a department in the Federal government whose sole function is to ****-up energy production - is the laughably incompetent Jennifer Granholm, a career grifter and leech on productive Americans. The utter and complete failure as governor has undergraduate degrees in political science and French. I kid you not. In other words, 100% incompetent and completely uninformed on energy production in the United States. Political science and French? Are you kidding me??? Trump's last energy secretary was Dan Brouillette, who has an undergraduate degree in economics, and worked for eight years on energy regulation and development in Louisiana.
  • Second, on his first day in office, Sloppy Joe, scumbag plagiarist grifter, beneficiary of Hunter's corrupt foreign business deals, canceled and major delivery system for moving oil from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas and Louisiana. That pipeline would be finished by now but for Grifter Joe's sloppy cancellation and would move more than 3,000,000 barrels per day to American refineries for processing.
  • Third, corrupt grifter and imbecile, Sloppy Joe the Demented, increased regulations on energy production in America his first day in office.
  • Fourth, Grifter sleazeball the hair-sniffing plagiarist recently canceled oil leases in Alaska for fields that are very likely to have premium crude.
  • Fifth, Sloppy Joe, scumbag grifter, serial liar, plagiarist, lowlife sleazeball cheater, pushed for eliminating deductions for oil producers as part of his slimy grifter spending proposals. Remarkably and unexpectedly to the sleazeball liar lowlife scumbags polluting our nation's Capital, the proposed elimination of tax credits for unsuccessful drilling projects encouraged energy companies to STOP DEVELOPING RISKY PROJECTS. Go figure.
  • Sixth, oil markets do not operate in a vacuum. When the sleazy grifter plagiarist liar scumbag in charge says he is going to cancel a major supply avenue like the Keystone Pipeline, target energy producers, tax energy producers, cancel productive leases and do away with tax credits for projects that fail, then oil prices go UP.
So when some intellectual lightweight tells you that Sleazeball Grifter Plagiarist Hairsniffer and Cumala Kneepads are not responsible for gas prices. point out these facts.
$60 to gas up the daily 4 cyclinder driver.
These times are ruff. Like kneepads knees
Ouch...I put $20 in my Honda 4cyl and it didn't get to the half tank mark. Just over 1/3 full. FN ridiculous. I miss the olden days of cheap gas. Don't you?
Ouch...I put $20 in my Honda 4cyl and it didn't get to the half tank mark. Just over 1/3 full. FN ridiculous. I miss the olden days of cheap gas. Don't you?

Okay, yes, crime, and inflation, and record-high gas prices, and shortages, and the border, and deficit and debt and Afghanistan and grifter son and grifter President and slimy cackling imbecile VP and falling real wages and murders and carjacking and empty shelves and no baby formula, but Twitter!!
When the Libs on FB complain about oil company profits, I’ve taken to asking why that only happens under Democrat administrations? I don’t think that price gouging and record profits are part of the Dem playbook, yet it happens.
So with all this inflation, gas prices and all the other bs…..did the price of hookers go up too? Asking for a friend.
Scumbag grifter liar slimeball loser plagiarist thief ... "gAs pRyCe bEcuZ PooTin!"

Oh **** off:

I miss the olden days of cheap gas. Don't you?
Sadly, I don't think it's ever coming back. If Republicans don't gain control of both houses of congress and actually DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE, I'm certain it's not coming back. You'll be driving electric, if you're one of the fortunate few allowed to own a vehicle.
Sadly, I don't think it's ever coming back. If Republicans don't gain control of both houses of congress and actually DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE, I'm certain it's not coming back. You'll be driving electric, if you're one of the fortunate few allowed to own a vehicle.

I don't think any person can disagree. Just look at what happens every freaking day:
  • Sloppy Joe lectures us on driving electric cars, gets into his 15,000 lb. limo that gets 8 mpg and flies in a helicopter and jet that burn fuel like Sadaam Hussein torching Kuwaiti oil rigs.
  • Frankenstein Kerry lectures us on using fossil fuels, flies private jets because he's important.
  • Vodka Nancy tells us to stop driving SUV's, leaves the House floor and gets into a convoy of 8 massive SUV's.
  • Al Gore screams "the CO2 sky is falling," uses more electricity in his 12,000 sq. foot house than 50 families.
  • Barry the Scammer promises we are all going to drown because the polar caps are melting cuz CO2, buys ocean-front mansions.
Scumbag grifter liars, all of them. In closing, **** politicians.