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General Milley

not just Miley but the generals and admirals that agreed to help him as well. All of them are guilty of treason and participating in a coup d’état. This coupled with the blatantly fraudulent election proves that our republic is falling around us.

I have said this before and I will say it again, George Washington would already be leading troops in the field. We are not men of the same caliber that the founding fathers were.
There is a reason it was leaked from the WH. Biden is going to scapegoat him on Afghanistan, otherwise what was the reason to leak such damning information on a cohort? I agree with others though, that he should be court martialed and if found guilty, hung for treason.
not just Miley but the generals and admirals that agreed to help him as well. All of them are guilty of treason and participating in a coup d’état. This coupled with the blatantly fraudulent election proves that our republic is falling around us.

I have said this before and I will say it again, George Washington would already be leading troops in the field. We are not men of the same caliber that the founding fathers were.
This and George Washington would never pay a 6 billion dollar tax to the government to house people from the Middle East.
There is a reason it was leaked from the WH. Biden is going to scapegoat him on Afghanistan, otherwise what was the reason to leak such damning information on a cohort? I agree with others though, that he should be court martialed and if found guilty, hung for treason.

I hear you but question the timing. This information came from a book that took many months to write. The Afghanistan withdrawal just happened. Woodward et al had this information PRIOR to the Afghanistan disaster.

Again, this was a book, not a magazine article. Book was written, proofed, sent to a publisher, printed. It likely went to the publisher well over a month ago.
This is why Liberalism is the greatest threat to the USA. As predicted, the Left is defending Milley. Saying his choices were "common sense" to "protect us all" from the POTUS.

Think about that. Our media is complicit in supporting treason and a traitor of the greatest magnitude, colluding with our greatest foreign enemy behind the back and against the wishes of the elected President of the United States.

My grandparents, several of whom fought to defend this nation, are rolling over in their graves.

Not only is there no question he is a traitor and committed treason...but we now have the media and Liberals defending his crimes.

We are done.

Media pundits continued to praise Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley after a new book claimed he made two phone calls to Chinese officials during Donald Trump's presidency in fear that the commander in chief would attack.

MSNBC's Mike Barnicle said Wednesday the general's phone calls, if true, would have been "common sense" in a Trump administration he said was marked by four years of "imbalance." It was a common refrain for the press to suggest Trump was unhinged and unstable throughout his White House term.

On CNN, analyst Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark argued Milley was "within his rights" to make the calls and he would have been "derelict" in his duty if he hadn't picked up the phone.

Several others, like CNN's Mark Hertling, said Milley was justifiably trying to put "guardrails" in place between Trump and foreign policy disaster.

"Gen. Milley took some very prudent measures," Hertling, a retired U.S. Army officer, said.

"What he did was ensure the guardrails were in place," he later added. "So I give him high marks for this based on what’s described in the book."

"Late Show" host Stephen Colbert defended Milley during his monologue Tuesday night, while "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough ripped Milley's critics as "so stupid."

"Are you so stupid, I just got to ask, are you so stupid, are you so ignorant of how things work that you don’t know that from time to time generals talk to generals?" Scarborough asked.

Contributing writer to The Atlantic Tom Nichols said the alleged call to China was a "good thing" and decried calls for Milley to resign, while Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin said Milley's "revelation" about Trump raised important questions about the president's authority to order nuclear strikes unilaterally.

see, there will be not a mark on Milley. What he did was against Trump, so it's all good. They will defend this act, but not a peep about our 13 servicemen killed in Afganistan or the people left behind. Crickets. Hypocrites. Crickets.

Covid, Covid, Covid. Masks. Lockdowns. Covid. Covid. Covid. Trumps fault.

Rinse. Repeat.
see, there will be not a mark on Milley. What he did was against Trump, so it's all good. They will defend this act, but not a peep about our 13 servicemen killed in Afganistan or the people left behind. Crickets. Hypocrites. Crickets.

Covid, Covid, Covid. Masks. Lockdowns. Covid. Covid. Covid. Trumps fault.

Rinse. Repeat.

Yep. We are now living in a country where if you disagree with your political opponent, or who is in office and you are on the Left, you can
  • Commit Treason
  • Create and print lies about the person
  • Use the agencies of the Federal Government to spy on said person
  • Work directly with foreign government to usurp this person
  • Persistently lie to the American people through your complicit media
  • Continually impeach your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Investigate your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Preach violence against your political opponents
  • Take away the rights to free speech of your political opponents
All without fear of reprisal for breaking laws, violating the constitution, and destroying the fabric of the framework that has served this nation.

It's like watching doomsday unfold. Actually, we are watching it happen.
TSF is right, but as Sarge has asked at least four times, "What exactly are we going to do about it?"

Phony investigations, idiotic impeachments, letting felons out of jail, jailing protesters, denying medical care to citizens for political reasons, giving medical care to illegal aliens, abandoning American citizens behind enemy lines, lying, treason, bankrupting this great nation - and still we do nothing.
TSF is right, but as Sarge has asked at least four times, "What exactly are we going to do about it?"

Phony investigations, idiotic impeachments, letting felons out of jail, jailing protesters, denying medical care to citizens for political reasons, giving medical care to illegal aliens, abandoning American citizens behind enemy lines, lying, treason, bankrupting this great nation - and still we do nothing.
This is why China, Russia, The Taliban, North Korea, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba etc feel more confident each day in their anti-US bias.
Yep. We are now living in a country where if you disagree with your political opponent, or who is in office and you are on the Left, you can
  • Commit Treason
  • Create and print lies about the person
  • Use the agencies of the Federal Government to spy on said person
  • Work directly with foreign government to usurp this person
  • Persistently lie to the American people through your complicit media
  • Continually impeach your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Investigate your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Preach violence against your political opponents
  • Take away the rights to free speech of your political opponents
All without fear of reprisal for breaking laws, violating the constitution, and destroying the fabric of the framework that has served this nation.

It's like watching doomsday unfold. Actually, we are watching it happen.

Nope.Nobody does a damn thing. I have no idea what that line is. It's for damn sure our government can see this too. They're pushing way, way past the line. Nothing is off the table for them

They show complete contempt for us. The feeling is mutual.
But they're trying to disarm us ... my neighbor because they are looking out for us.


You guys should do the right thing and voluntarily give up your arms at your local PD or Sheriff's office. Before you go and do something stupid & hurt yourself or others, with all that rage you've got building up. Some words of advice and encouragement. Looking out for your best interests. (y)

And just as predicted, nary a negative word from Tiblio on Milley's traitorous treasonous actions. Pure support for the highest of crimes one could commit.
But they're trying to disarm us ... my neighbor because they are looking out for us.


Of course. It's best that only our noble honest moral federal government have the finest most advanced weaponry in order to protect us from ourselves.

We can just checkout our bolt action single shot rifles from them when we go hunting.

They would never do anything to harm us, abandon us or sell us out to a communist country.

We do have a voice in elections which are the most pure and legit in the history of mankind...should I say peoplekind now? Trudeau would appreciate my wokeness.

No concerns. Embrace the fundamental change comrade.
Pelosi is an accomplice. Woodward withheld information ( if this is true).

If someone that worked in Washington writes a book, everyone believes every word. Since when has Woodward been known as a truth teller? He's a liar. A communist Democrat operative. All should hang.
Tibbs you ignorant slut,

There was a coup through blatant election fraud. Moreover Miley knows good and well that the president can’t simply order a nuclear strike Because there is a two-man integrity safeguard built in and he knows that for a fact because he is one of the two men that has to agree.


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Oh, to be a reporter in a Milley conference...

"Joint Chief Milley, you've already admitted, in print no less, to informing the Chinese of any policy, political or military maneuverings the U.S. planned that may affect them, how do you respond to the credible allegations that you secretly informed the Taliban about the best location to detonate a suicide bomb attempt such that it would kill the maximum number of American servicemen and Afghan targets?"

My God, to watch him get "fake outraged" would be so amazing!
Whom do you trust more to make key defense decisions for this great nation?


Mark Milley or Milli Vanilli

One an absolute fake, a liar, a fraud, terrible at the job, bogus.

The other ersatz singers.
Yep. We are now living in a country where if you disagree with your political opponent, or who is in office and you are on the Left, you can
  • Commit Treason
  • Create and print lies about the person
  • Use the agencies of the Federal Government to spy on said person
  • Work directly with foreign government to usurp this person
  • Persistently lie to the American people through your complicit media
  • Continually impeach your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Investigate your opponent on baseless grounds
  • Preach violence against your political opponents
  • Take away the rights to free speech of your political opponents
All without fear of reprisal for breaking laws, violating the constitution, and destroying the fabric of the framework that has served this nation.

It's like watching doomsday unfold. Actually, we are watching it happen.
Milley Vanilli should be quaking in his boots tonight but of course knows he's safe. He was obviously part of the plot to hinder and depose Trump in the coup.
I just got the 24 hr Facebook prison term for saying I thought he should be hung and Pelosi should be impeached. My second infraction.

I of course disagreed and wish I could have actually spoken to whatever soy boy they have working behind the scenes to tell him what a bunch of shitbags they all are.
This is just another, damn I don’t even know how to phrase it. What has happened to this nation. The fact that people / our govt is defending this **** blows my mind. Wake the **** up people!!!!!
This is just another, damn I don’t even know how to phrase it. What has happened to this nation. The fact that people / our govt is defending this **** blows my mind. Wake the **** up people!!!!!

It's our fundamental change.