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General Milley

Milley was an advisor, nothing more. He actually had no authority to order any troops to do anything.
Actually I think he did. That's what the Swamp and the Shadow Government is.
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

So he gave aid and comfort to Communist China? Assured them he would inform him of an attack that existed only in his own mind.
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

Tibs you ignorant slut,

That's just what you leftists are trying to spin it as.

But the truth is Miley is a hold over from the Obama Regimes purges of senior officers that would not agree to violating Posse Comitatus. He is your fellow traveler and he is the one that violated that sacred oath.
Michael Flynn, nominated to head the NSA, had a phone call with the Russian ambassador.

Result: Liberals freak, demand independent counsel, Flynn disqualified, liberals scream for four years, investigation that lasts three years, felony accusations, liberals demand blood where Flynn did nothing illegal, Sloppy Joe recommends charging under the stupid Logan act.

Mark Milley calls the Chinese, an avowed enemy at least 10x stronger than the Russians, to say the elected Commander-in-Chief is not in charge, don't worry, I'll warn you if anything is up.

Result: Liberals lick his ball sack.
The problem is ideologues on the left believe the ends justify the means… the right is stuffed with blowhards that aren’t willing to take a stand… the middle has crowded out the logical alternatives that used to be there with globalist opportunists. I remember reading tge Ugly American and thinking how obtuse our politicians were back then and its only gotten worse…

the left are just the new prudish pawns that are easily fooled by the elite… the same elite they fundamentally hate… sometime over the last 50 years they realized that the liberal extremists were easier to manipulate than the religious right… basically the new left and the old far right are the same people, just flipped far right to far left……. They are tge totalitarians, the pro censorship, pro segregation, anti civil rights group… they embrase the elite globalists agenda and dont see it… the right rails against the wrong things and usually backs their own share of globalists…
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

Of course he did.
Know that Woodward's book is supposed to be a hit piece on Trump written for the Swamp by their favorite "investigative journalist". I guarantee Woodward wasn't expecting this reaction.
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

Um, no. As a military officer, it is not in your purview to make that decision. And in any case, you don't go outside the chain of command, call your adversary and tell him, "Hey, I'll let you know if we decide to attack." Tibs, that's treason. Period. And, as you Libs like to say, full stop.

You hate Trump, I understand. But to support this action by a military officer because the news media led you to believe that Trump was so dangerous and was gonna start a war (LOL) is nothing short of ignorant and stupid. This sets a dangerous precedent going forward. Even your hero, LTC Vindman (remember him?) says that Milley should resign.

For all the times you accused Trump of treason, it's astonishing that you would dismiss actual treason when it is right in front of your face.

You talk about the downfall of the nation, well, this is how it starts.
Um, no. As a military officer, it is not in your purview to make that decision. And in any case, you don't go outside the chain of command, call your adversary and tell him, "Hey, I'll let you know if we decide to attack." Tibs, that's treason. Period. And, as you Libs like to say, full stop.

You hate Trump, I understand. But to support this action by a military officer because the news media led you to believe that Trump was so dangerous and was gonna start a war (LOL) is nothing short of ignorant and stupid. This sets a dangerous precedent going forward. Even your hero, LTC Vindman (remember him?) says that Milley should resign.

For all the times you accused Trump of treason, it's astonishing that you would dismiss actual treason when it is right in front of your face.

You talk about the downfall of the nation, well, this is how it starts.
To expound on this....President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of THE armed forces. The President gives a lawful order to General Milly and he is to follow it to the letter. There is no variance, no grey areas, it's absolute. The fact that Nancy Pelosi called a Standing General and demanded that he disobey the Commander in Chief if a launch order is given is WAY overstepping her authority. The speaker of the house has ZERO authority or influence over the military.
To expound on this....President Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of THE armed forces. The President gives a lawful order to General Milly and he is to follow it to the letter. There is no variance, no grey areas, it's absolute. The fact that Nancy Pelosi called a Standing General and demanded that he disobey the Commander in Chief if a launch order is given is WAY overstepping her authority. The speaker of the house has ZERO authority or influence over the military.
That is true, if we still had a constitution. It's gone. Then lousy thinkers like Tibs, MSLSD, CNN, etc., come along and applaud the treason because it helps to get back at a guy who got more votes than their goddess hillary.

A nation like that is toast. "Laws apply to them not us", is a mentality that says "there are no laws." When there are no laws, there is no republic. Thus, no more unity, strength, nation. Simple.
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

By this logic, anybody anywhere in chain of command can simply ignore an order and just say the person who gave the order is a threat to the country so they don’t have to follow it. As usual, liberals say anything to further their goal of the moment with no core beliefs other than keeping power.
imagine all the heads assploding if this happened under Bomma or President HeelsUp
By this logic, anybody anywhere in chain of command can simply ignore an order and just say the person who gave the order is a threat to the country so they don’t have to follow it. As usual, liberals say anything to further their goal of the moment with no core beliefs other than keeping power.

Yep. And does anybody really believe the doddering old geezer wandering around the White House, forgetting names, unable to complete a sentence he is not reading from a teleprompter and even then unable to do so without mumbling and getting confused, is a competent commander-in-chief?

So I guess any general can now ignore civilian control and do whatever he wants. Because that is EXACTLY what the imbeciles on the left are telling us, no matter they are (as usual) too stupid to realize it.
The fact that Nancy Pelosi called a Standing General and demanded that he disobey the Commander in Chief if a launch order is given is WAY overstepping her authority. The speaker of the house has ZERO authority or influence over the military.
I bet she does now.
Not too complicated. No wonder why you navel-gazers are having so much trouble with it. Next.

That is without a doubt the most idiotic interpretation of what the oath entails that it does not surprise me that you are the one who posted it. By that logic, ANY soldier that does not like his CO can shoot and kill the officer, claim he was a domestic enemy and face no reprimand at all. By your own belief, there is no law or legal precedence for any soldier that commits a crime against anyone if they believe they were a domestic enemy. The chain of command also does not exist in your fairy tale world either. You claim Trump supporters are delusional while posting some ignorant bullshit like this. People in glass houses...
if you believe the President is crazy and a problem there already is a procedure for dealing with that to relieve him of power… it isn’t this…

This is cut and dry treason… Benedict Arnold agreeing to surrender the fort…
Um, no. As a military officer, it is not in your purview to make that decision. And in any case, you don't go outside the chain of command, call your adversary and tell him, "Hey, I'll let you know if we decide to attack." Tibs, that's treason. Period. And, as you Libs like to say, full stop.

You hate Trump, I understand. But to support this action by a military officer because the news media led you to believe that Trump was so dangerous and was gonna start a war (LOL) is nothing short of ignorant and stupid. This sets a dangerous precedent going forward. Even your hero, LTC Vindman (remember him?) says that Milley should resign.

For all the times you accused Trump of treason, it's astonishing that you would dismiss actual treason when it is right in front of your face.

You talk about the downfall of the nation, well, this is how it starts.

Excellent points, but the bolded shouldn't be astonishing.
That is without a doubt the most idiotic interpretation of what the oath entails that it does not surprise me that you are the one who posted it. By that logic, ANY soldier that does not like his CO can shoot and kill the officer, claim he was a domestic enemy and face no reprimand at all. By your own belief, there is no law or legal precedence for any soldier that commits a crime against anyone if they believe they were a domestic enemy. The chain of command also does not exist in your fairy tale world either. You claim Trump supporters are delusional while posting some ignorant bullshit like this. People in glass houses...
Funny that Milley was afraid of what Trump might do but is apparently completely okay with Xiden.
Xiden okays a drone strike that kills a civilian family of ten, no problem.
Funny that Milley was afraid of what Trump might do but is apparently completely okay with Xiden.
Xiden okays a drone strike that kills a civilian family of ten, no problem.

It just to show you all they did was say go find something to blow up. Anything. Didn't matter that is was a friend and his children. They needed something to divert from their **** up.

That makes him an even bigger piece of **** than I already knew he was.
It just to show you all they did was say go find something to blow up. Anything. Didn't matter that is was a friend and his children. They needed something to divert from their **** up.

That makes him an even bigger piece of **** than I already knew he was.
The worrisome part for me is the question... is that the best intel they have? Really? They couldn't find one terrorist just walking around? Not one safe house? Seriously? Intel is so bad they had to kill an entire family of non-terrorist? This is what a government/ military that is more worried about being woke looks like. Absolutely inexcusable.