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General Milley

The worrisome part for me is the question... is that the best intel they have? Really? They couldn't find one terrorist just walking around? Not one safe house? Seriously? Intel is so bad they had to kill an entire family of non-terrorist? This is what a government/ military that is more worried about being woke looks like. Absolutely inexcusable.

That's what happens when you ask the modern, woke military and military intelligence to fight a two-front war: One against goat herders hiding in the hills of a landlocked third-world country and the other against the rampaging white supremacist threat in the United States.
That is without a doubt the most idiotic interpretation of what the oath entails that it does not surprise me that you are the one who posted it. By that logic, ANY soldier that does not like his CO can shoot and kill the officer, claim he was a domestic enemy and face no reprimand at all. By your own belief, there is no law or legal precedence for any soldier that commits a crime against anyone if they believe they were a domestic enemy. The chain of command also does not exist in your fairy tale world either. You claim Trump supporters are delusional while posting some ignorant bullshit like this. People in glass houses...

Bravo. Bravo.

Um, no. As a military officer, it is not in your purview to make that decision. And in any case, you don't go outside the chain of command, call your adversary and tell him, "Hey, I'll let you know if we decide to attack." Tibs, that's treason. Period. And, as you Libs like to say, full stop.

You hate Trump, I understand. But to support this action by a military officer because the news media led you to believe that Trump was so dangerous and was gonna start a war (LOL) is nothing short of ignorant and stupid. This sets a dangerous precedent going forward. Even your hero, LTC Vindman (remember him?) says that Milley should resign.

For all the times you accused Trump of treason, it's astonishing that you would dismiss actual treason when it is right in front of your face.

You talk about the downfall of the nation, well, this is how it starts.
Well put Sarge. You are a true patriot. Thank you.

Your last sentence should be a warning shot to righties and lefties alike. I fear it will fall on the deaf ears of the ignorant.
I turn on the Sunday morning talkies , for as long as I can, and I am absolutely stunned at the propaganda being deilvered with a straight face. The Gen Milley thing is represented as a routine response to a routine situation. The political elite protecting the political elite. Nothing more. But the Jan 6 thing is still our greatest threat. Pathetic.
I turn on the Sunday morning talkies , for as long as I can, and I am absolutely stunned at the propaganda being deilvered with a straight face. The Gen Milley thing is represented as a routine response to a routine situation. The political elite protecting the political elite. Nothing more. But the Jan 6 thing is still our greatest threat. Pathetic.
Easy to understand. There's a great line in the movie 1941 when Slim Pickens character encounters the German officer on the Jap sub. He yelled. "You're all in cahoots!".

Same thing, different set of characters.
That's what happens when you ask the modern, woke military and military intelligence to fight a two-front war: One against goat herders hiding in the hills of a landlocked third-world country and the other against the rampaging white supremacist threat in the United States.

Yeah straight white conservative males that just want to be left alone and enjoy freedom and liberty are hated but they don't want us to stop working and paying taxes though.
Yeah straight white conservative males that just want to be left alone and enjoy freedom and liberty are hated but they don't want us to stop working and paying taxes though.
We're sort of a necessity...We're going to have to work a lot harder and pay more taxes to cover the tab..
We're sort of a necessity...We're going to have to work a lot harder and pay more taxes to cover the tab..
Nah, hyperinflation will solve that… make the dollar worthless then switch to the new globebuck… all your savings are worthless… but dont worry after everything is seized and wealth is redistributed you’ll get a fair living wage to continue your job…

man its literally insane that i first heard that theory decades ago and its playing out exactly as predicted in my lifetime… I honestly didn’t think they had the balls… it always was the most logical path forward for them though….

EXCLUSIVE: A former assistant secretary of the Army under President Trump has accused top military officials Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gen. James McConville of engaging in a "pattern of behavior" that overstepped their authority and undermined potential commands from Trump.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, E. Casey Wardynski, a former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs under the Trump administration, accused high-ranking military officials Milley and McConville of making statements that insinuated they were calling the shots.

"These kind of behaviors and this willingness for military leaders to exceed their authorities and ignore authorities of the civilian officials appointed over them … positions under the Constitution and laws of the country was not something that came to them on Jan. 8," Wardynski said. "It was something that they had done for a while."

According to Wardynski, there were "stunning" instances in which he saw, firsthand, high-ranking military officials exceed their authority.

"It was in and around the riots in D.C.," Wardynski said. "Gen. Milley, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – first thing to know, is he is a staff officer, he is an adviser, he's not a commander – he ordered elements of the 82nd Airborne and the 10th Mountain Division to fly overnight to D.C. to Fort Belvoir and Andrews without consulting the Army chain of command and reaching around the chain of command to do that. I know that for a fact."

New revelations in a book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa claim Milley made two phone calls to Chinese officials in fear that Trump would create conflict with the nation, telling the officials that he would forewarn about an attack planned by the U.S. on China. The book claims that Milley contacted his Chinese counterpart after he had reviewed intelligence that suggested Chinese officials believed the United States was planning an attack on China amid military exercises in the South China Sea.

Trump has said the behavior, if true, amounted to "treason." Milley has defended the contacts with China as "routine."

Wardynski went on to detail two separate occasions when McConville told him that he "would not be obeying any illegal orders from the president" amid several violent riots across the nation in the summer of 2020, particularly in D.C.

"That's not something in 30 years of service in that uniform I thought I'd ever hear," Wardynski said. "My interpretation of that was he was talking about any use of the Insurrection Act by the president."

Clearly, this is a Deep State actor moving behind the scenes to get his way — even if his way means committing treason down the line. General Milley has thus become the personification of what conservatives mean when they say "Deep State": an arrogant, self-righteous, unelected, elitist official who thinks he can circumvent the American people's will via our elected representatives.

Clearly, this is a Deep State actor moving behind the scenes to get his way — even if his way means committing treason down the line. General Milley has thus become the personification of what conservatives mean when they say "Deep State": an arrogant, self-righteous, unelected, elitist official who thinks he can circumvent the American people's will via our elected representatives.

Who's been saying that the republic is over? It's not hard to see, if you're willing to look.
Who's been saying that the republic is over? It's not hard to see, if you're willing to look.
The only ray of hope that I see is that if this country does go completely to ****, generally speaking, it will be those on the right that will have the skills and mindset to survive.
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EXCLUSIVE: A former assistant secretary of the Army under President Trump has accused top military officials Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gen. James McConville of engaging in a "pattern of behavior" that overstepped their authority and undermined potential commands from Trump.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, E. Casey Wardynski, a former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs under the Trump administration, accused high-ranking military officials Milley and McConville of making statements that insinuated they were calling the shots.

"These kind of behaviors and this willingness for military leaders to exceed their authorities and ignore authorities of the civilian officials appointed over them … positions under the Constitution and laws of the country was not something that came to them on Jan. 8," Wardynski said. "It was something that they had done for a while."

According to Wardynski, there were "stunning" instances in which he saw, firsthand, high-ranking military officials exceed their authority.

"It was in and around the riots in D.C.," Wardynski said. "Gen. Milley, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – first thing to know, is he is a staff officer, he is an adviser, he's not a commander – he ordered elements of the 82nd Airborne and the 10th Mountain Division to fly overnight to D.C. to Fort Belvoir and Andrews without consulting the Army chain of command and reaching around the chain of command to do that. I know that for a fact."

New revelations in a book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa claim Milley made two phone calls to Chinese officials in fear that Trump would create conflict with the nation, telling the officials that he would forewarn about an attack planned by the U.S. on China. The book claims that Milley contacted his Chinese counterpart after he had reviewed intelligence that suggested Chinese officials believed the United States was planning an attack on China amid military exercises in the South China Sea.

Trump has said the behavior, if true, amounted to "treason." Milley has defended the contacts with China as "routine."

Wardynski went on to detail two separate occasions when McConville told him that he "would not be obeying any illegal orders from the president" amid several violent riots across the nation in the summer of 2020, particularly in D.C.

"That's not something in 30 years of service in that uniform I thought I'd ever hear," Wardynski said. "My interpretation of that was he was talking about any use of the Insurrection Act by the president."
I call bullshit. If the guy was displaying a 'pattern of behavior' then why the hell didn't you stop it then? Why are you waiting how many months after the fact to say something? This is why I don't trust any of them. They knew it was happening supposedly, and did nothing. Anyone serving in public office isn't worried about doing the right thing. They are worried about self preservation. Period. Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter. Over and over, **** just amazingly slips through the cracks, and when it comes to light, no one is ever held accountable. Yet they'll ruin your life over trivial ****. Tell me they aren't on the same team.
I call bullshit. If the guy was displaying a 'pattern of behavior' then why the hell didn't you stop it then? Why are you waiting how many months after the fact to say something? This is why I don't trust any of them. They knew it was happening supposedly, and did nothing. Anyone serving in public office isn't worried about doing the right thing. They are worried about self preservation. Period. Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter. Over and over, **** just amazingly slips through the cracks, and when it comes to light, no one is ever held accountable. Yet they'll ruin your life over trivial ****. Tell me they aren't on the same team.

Oh I agree with you they are on the same team. It's convenient to say after the fact "he was doing this, that and the other." To your point, what did you do then to stop it? Nothing.

But there is something there to be concerned about. Evidence of a continued pattern of this behavior.

Not that it matters now. He's a protected traitor and nothing will happen.
I call bullshit. If the guy was displaying a 'pattern of behavior' then why the hell didn't you stop it then? Why are you waiting how many months after the fact to say something? This is why I don't trust any of them. They knew it was happening supposedly, and did nothing. Anyone serving in public office isn't worried about doing the right thing. They are worried about self preservation. Period. Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter. Over and over, **** just amazingly slips through the cracks, and when it comes to light, no one is ever held accountable. Yet they'll ruin your life over trivial ****. Tell me they aren't on the same team.

Oh I agree with you they are on the same team. It's convenient to say after the fact "he was doing this, that and the other." To your point, what did you do then to stop it? Nothing.

But there is something there to be concerned about. Evidence of a continued pattern of this behavior.

Not that it matters now. He's a protected traitor and nothing will happen.
Because most of the government is in on it. Trump was the outsider and had to be gotten rid of.
But there is something there to be concerned about. Evidence of a continued pattern of this behavior.
According to whom? The former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs? LOL. And he is just FINALLY getting around to saying something. You know, now that nothing can be done about it. Somebody hold me up, I'm about to pass out. If Milley making those calls hadn't come to light, would he have even said anything? And who is to say he isn't simply piling on? Either way, I'm not so sure it's 'evidence.'
According to whom? The former assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs? LOL. And he is just FINALLY getting around to saying something. You know, now that nothing can be done about it. Somebody hold me up, I'm about to pass out. If Milley making those calls hadn't come to light, would he have even said anything? And who is to say he isn't simply piling on? Either way, I'm not so sure it's 'evidence.'

I'm not quite sure what you are debating with me about.

When Harvey Weinstein's was first fingered (pardon the pun), not all women came forward. Over time, and with increasing momentum, they did. I'm not predicting there will be dozens of whistle blowers, but it's also not unusual for people to come forward after a transgression occurs.

I'm also not saying the article I posted was a bombshell......but another person is now throwing shade at Milley. Add it to the other issues if you want...as just another piece of the puzzle.

I agree with you (and I did so in my piror post) that it's odd we heard nothing from this person before the current Milley **** storm.
Who's been saying that the republic is over?

You've been calling it for a long time now. DBS and others as well. Deep down I knew it was coming but struggled with the thought of our once great country collapsing like this.
You've been calling it for a long time now. DBS and others as well. Deep down I knew it was coming but struggled with the thought of our once great country collapsing like this.

Oh it won't be allowed to collapse. It obviously is going to take an extreme amount of discomfort for Americans to do something about it. The list is growing. The Xiden group has had 9 months. They've done some pretty good damage in 9 months. I'd expect them to try and drag out the covid hysteria through the 2022 elections. You know for that safe massive scale mail in voting and those wonderful dominion machines.