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Global Heat: Britain longest heatwave in 42 years, deadly heat in Japan and Arctic

They are beginning to reveal the goal of all this crap - "complete transformation of society".

Speaking at the UN Summer Academy in Bonn, Germany, the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Patricia Espinosa, said that in a world threatened by worrying trends such as food and water scarcity and chaotic urbanization, along with threats from climate change impacts, we need to get from international agreements to deep and complete transformation of societies.

We have modern negotiated instruments – in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, among others.

We have a path forward – towards sustainable development that is good for the planet and for the wellbeing of every woman, man and child. And towards a world where average global temperature rise is held to as close to 1.5 degrees as possible.

This path implies a deep transformation of societies, of how we grow and develop.

Climate change action is central to achieving this deep transformation and for getting on this path right now.

"Climate change action" is the new buzzword. It will connote all things good, and need no justification. I am sure that we will start to hear about it often, and usually in the context of something that needs to be funded or subsidized, or international agreements, and anyone against anything like that will be an evil person.

Read the whole ridiculous speech here - https://unfccc.int/news/international-agreements-must-drive-deep-transformation-of-societies

Talk about a true believing useful idiot.

Again, you see the idiotic arrogance with the premise that man can control the temperature of the planet.
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A little related, was reading an article recently where an archaeologist and glaciologist say they found why "The Dark Ages" began or why in 536 AD, an enormous change in the earth's climate began. A cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland apparently covered half of the Earth's sky for 18 months with ash & debris (and apparently there were a couple other eruptions). It changed the climate of the earth like nothing recorded history has ever seen.


Link above for anyone interested. There was also a documentary I think called "The Day The Sun Went Out" that goes into it as well. Those guys were mainly analyzing tree rings in certain parts of the world but it all led back to one thing, a huge natural disaster that altered the climate on a scale way beyond anything even remotely close to what an entire human population could do. Perhaps these liberal climate change believers should be figuring out how we can survive something similar to that if, God forbid, it ever happens again.

I remember scientists saying it happened because of a large comet that hit earth, but they curiously couldn't seem to find the crater. Go figure.

One of my favorite all-time books is Lucifer's Hammer. It's about what happens after a comet hits the Earth. Technically in the sci-fi genre, but a great read generally.
And another one goes public with the true intent of this global warming crap -

“We are dealing with what the scientific community tells us is the great crisis facing our planet and facing humanity, and that is climate change,” Sanders said.

“All of these reports make a very simple and profound point. And that is, time is late and as a planet that means countries all over the world, not just the U.S and Russia, are going to have to stand up and take on the fossil fuel industry. ... This is a crisis situation, it is unprecedented and we’ve got to act in an unprecedented way.”

Sanders blasted many of his colleagues, including some Democrats, who take money from the fossil-fuel industry in the form of campaign contributions.

Membership to the Green New Deal select committee would include a promise to not accept donations from any fossil fuel company.

Critics have blamed the industry and its lobbyists for binding the hands of Republicans in Congress who are either skeptical of the human role in climate change, or else argue moving toward renewable energy is not economically feasible.

Both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez decried those as false talking points.

“First of all it’s just plain wrong, that idea that we are going to somehow lose economic activity,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

“It’s inevitable that we will create jobs. We can use the transition to 100 percent renewable energy as the vehicle to truly deliver and establish economic, social and racial justice in the United States of America.”

It will be interesting to see if this talk track catches on.


Macron dumps gas tax hike; protesters may not stop

PARIS — French protesters are welcoming President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to scrap a fuel tax rise planned for next year — but say it may not be enough to contain public anger.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe told lawmakers that “the tax is now abandoned” in the 2019 budget, and the government is “ready for dialogue.”


all that green energy **** can stay in Europe while they freeze, WE have a leader that knows how to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer and our cars moving


Drill baby Drill!

Feds Discover Largest Oil, Natural-Gas Reserve in History

The federal government has discovered a massive new reserve of oil and natural gas in Texas and New Mexico that it says has the “largest continuous oil and gas resource potential ever assessed.”

“Christmas came a few weeks early this year,” Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke said of the new reserve, which is believed to have enough energy to fuel the U.S. for nearly seven years.

In all, the new reserve is said to contain 281 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, 46.3 billion barrels of oil, and 20 billion barrels of natural-gas liquids, the Interior Department’s U.S. Geological Survey said.

Almost a third of the U.S.’s total crude-oil production comes from the Permian Basin where the reserve was found, making it the biggest shale-oil-producing region in the U.S.



President Trump to roll back carbon rule on new coal plants

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is expected on Thursday to roll back an Obama-era rule requiring new coal plants to slash carbon emissions, a move that could crack open the door in coming years for new plants fired by the fossil fuel.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will make an “energy policy announcement” at 1:30 p.m. EST (1830 GMT) on Thursday. Andrew Wheeler, EPA’s acting administrator, will speak alongside Harry Alford, president of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, a long-time opponent of former President Barack Obama’s limits on carbon emissions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell applauded the EPA, saying it would help families who work in the coal industry in his state of Kentucky. “Coal deserves a level playing field, and that’s what this White House is trying to accomplish,” McConnell said.



U.S. proposes looser protections for a bird, to boost drilling, mining

(Reuters) - The U.S. Interior Department on Thursday proposed easing Obama-era protections for a bird, the greater sage grouse, to boost oil drilling and mining across Western states, a win for energy companies but a setback for conservationists.

The proposal, announced by the department’s Bureau of Land Management, fits within the Trump administration’s broader plan to increase energy production on federal lands by rolling back environmental regulation.

The BLM said the proposal would open up hundreds of thousands of acres of grouse habitat in states like Colorado and Utah to oil and gas leasing, allow for changes to grouse habitat boundary maps, and remove obstacles to new coal leasing.



Senate Confirms Trump Energy Pick Who Said Renewable Energy 'Screws Up' Grid

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has confirmed President Donald Trump’s nominee for a federal energy board, despite a video that shows the nominee saying that renewable energy “screws up” the nation’s electrical grid.

The Senate has approved Bernard McNamee’s nomination to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on a 50-49 party-line vote.

McNamee now heads the Energy Department’s Office of Policy and worked on a stalled effort to bail out struggling coal and nuclear plants.

In the video, McNamee says fossil fuels and nuclear energy “keep the lights on” and that renewable energy such as wind and solar power “screws up … the physics of the grid” providing the nation’s electricity.

Final proof, CO2 is your friend

Carbon Dioxide is a Cooling Gas According to NASA

The assumption is that carbon is a warming gas that is heating the planet. Every Democrat would bet their political lives on this. Unfortunately for them, and all the rest of us, is we are living on a cooling world not a warming one. They get it wrong on all points of the compass when it comes to climate change even with CO2 being a warming gas when the truth is that it helps cool the stratosphere by helping reradiate solar energy back into space.

NASA says that CO2 is a coolant not a warming gas. One part of NASA is now in conflict with its climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s Langley Research Center has collated data proving that “greenhouse gases” actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO) are two substances playing a key role in the energy balance of air above our planet’s surface tending to cool not heat.

“Carbon dioxide does not drive climate." “The idea CO2 controls climate, and that man’s CO2 particularly, controls climate, is actually delusional nonsense.” “There is no evidence for this in real data. Temperature changes in the oceans, in the long run, drive carbon dioxide levels, so they tend to move together.”

"Climate is totally, completely dependent on what the sun is doing to the system. The sun is the major driver of the earth climate system"

Entirely predictable. Global warming caused the carvan. Gore tweet -
People from all over the world are being forced to migrate because the climate crisis is affecting their livelihood. The migrant caravan from Central America is a recent, startling example. This @FT video connects the dots in a profound way. https://youtu.be/dpvlkibrTU8
As the article shares, crops have failed long before the industrial revolution, and this farmer was not in the caravan. So odd that many otherwise intelligent seeming people buy into this crap.

“All of these reports make a very simple and profound point. And that is, time is late and as a planet that means countries all over the world, not just the U.S and Russia, are going to have to stand up and take on the fossil fuel industry. ... This is a crisis situation, it is unprecedented and we’ve got to act in an unprecedented way.”

Oh yeah, I know I've heard that before somewhere.

Despite climate change predictions of worsening storms, no major tornadoes in US this year

The Washington Post reports that, with just a few days left in the year, 2018 will be the first year with no violent tornadoes since records began to be kept in 1950. This year is also vying to be a record for lowest number of fatalities from tornadoes.

It has been predicted that, due to climate change, storms would become more frequent and more violent. In the United States, this appears not to be the case – and not just for this year.

This year's goose-egg may seem to fit a recent pattern.

In simple terms, there have been downtrends in violent tornado numbers both across the entire modern period, and when looking at just the period since Doppler radar was fully implemented across the country in the mid-1990s. A 15-year average as high as 13.7 in the mid-1970s will drop to 5.9 next year.



It must be remembered that "Climate Change/Global Warming" is a religious cult idea designed to hide the fact that climate is always changing naturally, and it always has
There was an asymptotic inversion in the geosphere complexes, caused by global warming, that has the tornado energy currently stored at he base of mountain ranges. Typically this is followed by colder Springs - another indicator of global warming. Sometimes it also causes hotter Spring seasons, which are more directly caused by global warming. In some cases no effect is noticed, which indicates a latency - typical of a global warming effect, which will manifest later in the Summer, in the form of a colder or hotter Summer, or once again a latent effect.
Too much rain this year in Pittsburgh. My back yard has been a swamp for months.
There was an asymptotic inversion in the geosphere complexes, caused by global warming, that has the tornado energy currently stored at he base of mountain ranges. Typically this is followed by colder Springs - another indicator of global warming. Sometimes it also causes hotter Spring seasons, which are more directly caused by global warming. In some cases no effect is noticed, which indicates a latency - typical of a global warming effect, which will manifest later in the Summer, in the form of a colder or hotter Summer, or once again a latent effect.

Most excellent.
Too much rain this year in Pittsburgh. My back yard has been a swamp for months.

Record rainfall this year. Brought lots of landslides in the spring and summer. There are still potions of trees leaning against power lines in my county. Slackers.
Record rainfall this year. Brought lots of landslides in the spring and summer. There are still potions of trees leaning against power lines in my county. Slackers.

During that flooding rain we had back in June, a woman got out of her car because of rising water, and was swept away. That was 2 minutes from my house. Her body was recovered 2 miles down stream. That was a bad one.
During that flooding rain we had back in June, a woman got out of her car because of rising water, and was swept away. That was 2 minutes from my house. Her body was recovered 2 miles down stream. That was a bad one.

During my brief foray of working in the city last summer I had to drive the lower end of Washington Blvd. where a woman and her two kids drowned when the flood warning lights malfunctioned. A lot of flooding in Pittsburgh isn't from rivers rising, it's from water running downhill.
During my brief foray of working in the city last summer I had to drive the lower end of Washington Blvd. where a woman and her two kids drowned when the flood warning lights malfunctioned. A lot of flooding in Pittsburgh isn't from rivers rising, it's from water running downhill.

When you get 2" of rain in an hour, it's got to go somewhere. It goes downhill, until it finds a stream. Then it ultimately finds a river.
**** flows down hill.



They're saying that the wind chill here on Sunday/Monday is going to be -16F. **** that ****, I'm burning wood all weekend. Just got another cord delivered today.
It might dip to 30 degrees Sunday night, I'm burning wood too!

Supposed to be in high 60s till then, no need for socks, lol

Extreme Arctic outbreak possible next week as polar vortex targets northern U.S.

One of the most severe cold air outbreaks in years is possible from the Upper Midwest to the Northeast next week as the jet stream crashes south and a large lobe of the polar vortex plunges toward the Great Lakes.

Computer models forecast the brutal cold to crash into the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest starting Tuesday. The core of the frigid blast would grip the region from the Dakotas to the eastern Great Lakes on Wednesday and Thursday, sending cities such as Minneapolis, Des Moines, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago and Detroit into a teeth-chattering freeze.

The primary simulation from the American modeling system forecasts temperatures in the Midwest and Great Lakes next Wednesday to be 40 to 50 degrees colder than normal — which is a massive anomaly in the heart of winter when it is already very cold. Cold of this intensity would be extremely dangerous — producing widespread wind chills of minus-50 to minus-60 from Minneapolis to Chicago


Niagara Falls

it was 9 degrees here in MD I could use a little global warming please