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Global Heat: Britain longest heatwave in 42 years, deadly heat in Japan and Arctic

Global Cooling Alert! Roads worsen in KC with winter storm; highways closed in Kansas and Missouri

Winter is coming

Climate and the weather are two different things. It's a well-known fact climate change affects weather patterns, both the heat and the cold. Err, nevermind....

This is a perfect representation of the climate change discussion by the Right/Trump cult on the board. Might as well not have it at all.


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It’s a well known fact that cold weather is weather and hot weather is climate. And global warming causes hot and cold weather, droughts and floods, fire and rain, apathy and riots... just look around. How can you deny it?

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That is the little voice inside your head, eh Tibsy?

I doubt Uncle George likes all the stuff you do, lol.

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Climate and the weather are two different things. It's a well-known fact climate change affects weather patterns, both the heat and the cold. Err, nevermind....

This is a perfect representation of the climate change discussion by the Right/Trump cult on the board. Might as well not have it at all.


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The problem is Tibs old boy, is every "solution" to global warning coming from your socialist friends is exactly out of the Communist manifesto.

Taxation, rationing, subsidies, control.... More and more and more. How the **** is gas $7/gallon in France when I paid $2.15/gallon this morning on my way to work EXACTLY? Explain the cost difference to me and why without mentioning a controlling government. How can it possibly be good for their economy when every truck that moves goods around Europe costs 3 times as much in fuel costs? Every ship that fuels up in E.U. ports pays 2 times as much.

This is the future YOU propose. This is the future YOUR side wants to happen here in the U.S.

And you'll throw out tons of statistics on the "cost" of climate change. But here's the kicker. All those taxes in the E.U.? They aren't doing a goddamn thing for the environment. They aren't helping much at all. It's just a shell game. All their green energy isn't going to make them cost effective against the U.S. or China or India. Not unless they guilt us into taxing our energy just like them. And you are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Climate change is real. The socialist solution is bullshit.
Climate change is real. The socialist solution is bullshit.

I actually mostly agree with this sentiment. A far cry from the usual 'climate change is a hoax' mantra from the right. So at least we're both in the same ballpark when it comes to the problem, our differences are about what to do about it. I don't think throwing money at the problem is the solution either, just want to see more alternative energy sources being studied and implemented, and a severe reduction in coal-burning energy. That would be a good place to start.
I want gas to be $4/gallon again so ******* morons can ***** about it as they drink their $4 cup of coffee.
I actually mostly agree with this sentiment. A far cry from the usual 'climate change is a hoax' mantra from the right. So at least we're both in the same ballpark when it comes to the problem, our differences are about what to do about it. I don't think throwing money at the problem is the solution either, just want to see more alternative energy sources being studied and implemented, and a severe reduction in coal-burning energy. That would be a good place to start.

Kinda makes it hard to get behind when the rich can pollute as much as they want so long as they buy carbon offsets. If man made global warming is real that money isn’t going to save any of us.

Alternative energy is the way to go, through research and development to make it both sustainable and affordable. What you don’t do is choke off everything we use now to force it upon everyone. I think you use what we have now while funding research and development on alternative energy. You don’t just eliminate fossil fuels to force people to use available alternative energy today. It’s unreliable at best and few can afford it.
Renewables give the control to the people. If you get your electricity from solar and have an electric car, you can give a middle figure salute
to the utility company. So if you don't support renewables, you support the government having more regulatory control on your life.
Yes, the Earth’s climate changes. It is ridiculously arrogant to believe that man can affect the climate cycles of this planet. The purveyors of this tripe knew that the liberal masses are predisposed to this kind of arrogance. Useful idiots.
One way to warm up a cooling world


Paris is BURNING: Huge bonfires are lit on the Champs Elysee in Paris as police blast thousands of people with water cannon and tear gas as they protest proposed fuel hikes








Let them drill their own oil!

oh wait, let their solar refineries make more gas!


Take a closer look at the guy’s bag in the last picture. Dude’s probably thinking sure I got my *** beat but it’s still better than listening to my wife nag me to go get some diapers while the game’s still on.
Climate and the weather are two different things. It's a well-known fact climate change affects weather patterns, both the heat and the cold. Err, nevermind....

This is a perfect representation of the climate change discussion by the Right/Trump cult on the board. Might as well not have it at all.


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Here’s what bothers me is liberals feeling that they are educated on the issue and those against it are not. It’s the exact opposite.

When climate change became a thing years ago, i read all about it, and of course i was very concerned. But i went beyond just listening to one side and it turns out that there is no proof at all of man made climate change.

Time and again, those on the side of climate change have been caught faking evidence. None of their predictions have come true. In fact, the exact opposite often happens which is why it started as global cooling in the 70s thenglobal warming in the 90s and now just climate change so they can claim to be right whenever it is 5 degrees warmer or colder than the average temp for that day.

also, when you look at the resumes of those involved in climate change, you find the more serious academics are the skeptics. The climate change supporters also have a financial stake in it as some have grant money offered so long as their papers conclude man made climate change is real. You also have the oportunists like Al Gore who sell carbon credits to fools.

The founder of Greenpeace left Greenpeace because by his own words, it was taken over by politics and became an anti-business propaganda group instead of a group concerned with a clean environment.

Bill Nye, who is and actor, NOT a scientist, gets refuted by actual scientists and liberals side with the actor.

Liberals are also unconcerned that many politicians or their family members have so called "green" businesses that are awarded huge government contract or subsidies. That’s just fine, but Trump better not make a cent if somebody stays a night in one of his hotels.
Renewables give the control to the people. If you get your electricity from solar and have an electric car, you can give a middle figure salute
to the utility company. So if you don't support renewables, you support the government having more regulatory control on your life.

No you can't.

You are still required by law to be hooked up to the grid.
I actually mostly agree with this sentiment. A far cry from the usual 'climate change is a hoax' mantra from the right. So at least we're both in the same ballpark when it comes to the problem, our differences are about what to do about it. I don't think throwing money at the problem is the solution either, just want to see more alternative energy sources being studied and implemented, and a severe reduction in coal-burning energy. That would be a good place to start.

7/10ths of one degree...

Midevil Warm Period....

Little Ice Age...

Much warmer during the time of the Roman Empire until just before it fell....

Warmer during the time of the Dinosaurs....

You know how you can tell how man made global warming is a Hoax besides the fact that the Neo-Socialists who clamber for more control ignore all that? The fact that the biggest polluters in the world are given a pass. If it was real and as big an existential threat as you control freaks on the left want us to believe there would be no exemptions and they wouldn't delay the implementation 10-20 years.
It’s a well known fact that cold weather is weather and hot weather is climate. And global warming causes hot and cold weather, droughts and floods, fire and rain, apathy and riots... just look around. How can you deny it?

unless those things don't happen, then it causes them not to happen
Renewables give the control to the people. If you get your electricity from solar and have an electric car, you can give a middle figure salute
to the utility company. So if you don't support renewables, you support the government having more regulatory control on your life.

What does your local government do when they lose all that money from the sales taxes on electricity?
Yes, the Earth’s climate changes. It is ridiculously arrogant to believe that man can affect the climate cycles of this planet. The purveyors of this tripe knew that the liberal masses are predisposed to this kind of arrogance. Useful idiots.

The same people that tell you that there cannot be a big conspiracy between climate scientists and governments are the same people that tell us that there is a conspiracy between doctors (i.e. scientists) and the government to keep pharmaceuticals expensive and keep cancer from being cured.
You know how you can tell how man made global warming is a Hoax...
If you're able to take a momentary pause from your spastic conspiracy theories, why don't you look into it if the US Dept of Defense thinks Climate Change is a hoax and a liberal fantasy. Or read up on what Fortune 500 companies and other leaders of industry think about it, including the pillars of the gas-oil industry like Shell and Exxon.

It amazes me how members of the far-right ideological camp are so pompous and self-centered, that they stubbornly think they - and only they - have cracked the code that man-made climate change is a thing of pure fiction, yet the rest of the world has long accepted it as fact and is preparing for its consequences.
If you're able to take a momentary pause from your spastic conspiracy theories, why don't you look into it if the US Dept of Defense thinks Climate Change is a hoax and a liberal fantasy. Or read up on what Fortune 500 companies and other leaders of industry think about it, including the pillars of the gas-oil industry like Shell and Exxon.

It amazes me how members of the far-right ideological camp are so pompous and self-centered, that they stubbornly think they - and only they - have cracked the code that man-made climate change is a thing of pure fiction, yet the rest of the world has long accepted it as fact and is preparing for its consequences.

So China, India and all of Asia are preparing for its consequences? What about Africa, South America, and Central America? Wow we are so far behind. We need to send all of the immigrants back so that they will be ready for Global Warming....
I actually mostly agree with this sentiment. A far cry from the usual 'climate change is a hoax' mantra from the right. So at least we're both in the same ballpark when it comes to the problem, our differences are about what to do about it. I don't think throwing money at the problem is the solution either, just want to see more alternative energy sources being studied and implemented, and a severe reduction in coal-burning energy. That would be a good place to start.

And where does inovation really come from? It doesn't come from government or policy. It 95% of the time comes when countries are wealthy enough to have the TIME and EXTRA RESOURCES to inovate. You think ******* Venezuela is thinking about global warming? You think their scientists are hard at work on that problem? Not a chance.

Necessity is the root of all invention. And capitilism drives inovation. Maybe when Southeast Asia's middle class wakes up to the hell hole they are creating in their environment, they will actually inovate and invent something as good as fossil fuels. It's not impossible at $2.15/gallon. There is plenty of people donating money in this country every day to green science. Liberal universities with their TRILLIONS in endowments are pumping plenty of money into research. What socialist California state school wouldn't love to be the one that finds the breakthrough?

Let it happen. I'm not stopping it. Not one conservative, republican, Trump supporter here has ONCE said people aren't free to spend all the time and money they want towards alternative energy research. If you feel it's that important, stop giving to whatever charity you give to and give to some reserach department.

What is being proposed by France (and the Paris Climate Agreement) was/is crazy. And if you think Obama's philosophy wasn't in lock-step with what Macron and his fellow EU socialists think about energy, you are kidding yourself. They want to tax, regulate to death, stipend and ration fossil fuel energy while subsadizing green energy (which will inhibit inovation). It's a lose-lose philosophy I hope never happens (well, it won't happen if people keep voting Republican).
Yes, the Earth’s climate changes. It is ridiculously arrogant to believe that man can affect the climate cycles of this planet. The purveyors of this tripe knew that the liberal masses are predisposed to this kind of arrogance. Useful idiots.

A little related, was reading an article recently where an archaeologist and glaciologist say they found why "The Dark Ages" began or why in 536 AD, an enormous change in the earth's climate began. A cataclysmic volcanic eruption in Iceland apparently covered half of the Earth's sky for 18 months with ash & debris (and apparently there were a couple other eruptions). It changed the climate of the earth like nothing recorded history has ever seen.


Link above for anyone interested. There was also a documentary I think called "The Day The Sun Went Out" that goes into it as well. Those guys were mainly analyzing tree rings in certain parts of the world but it all led back to one thing, a huge natural disaster that altered the climate on a scale way beyond anything even remotely close to what an entire human population could do. Perhaps these liberal climate change believers should be figuring out how we can survive something similar to that if, God forbid, it ever happens again.

I remember scientists saying it happened because of a large comet that hit earth, but they curiously couldn't seem to find the crater. Go figure.
If you're able to take a momentary pause from your spastic conspiracy theories, why don't you look into it if the US Dept of Defense thinks Climate Change is a hoax and a liberal fantasy. Or read up on what Fortune 500 companies and other leaders of industry think about it, including the pillars of the gas-oil industry like Shell and Exxon.

It amazes me how members of the far-right ideological camp are so pompous and self-centered, that they stubbornly think they - and only they - have cracked the code that man-made climate change is a thing of pure fiction, yet the rest of the world has long accepted it as fact and is preparing for its consequences.

A report written by political hacks during the Obama Regime does not hold a lot of water. Keep in mind these people want you to believe the Bengazi attack was caused by a YouTube video. But go ahead and ignore the rest of what I posted. Cherry pick all you want.
Renewables give the control to the people. If you get your electricity from solar and have an electric car, you can give a middle figure salute
to the utility company.

hahahaha, WRONG!

The "green" government will tax your *** into oblivion because solar and wind is so expensive it has to supported by govt hand outs, and they don't give a **** about consumer prices



Macron on the Brink: More Water Cannon, Tear Gas, and Stun Grenades

Riot police have deployed water cannon, tear gas, and stun grenades against protesters on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, France, as the “Yellow Jackets” stage their third major rally against President Emmanuel Macron’s “green” tax hikes on fuel.


The clashes on the famous avenue leading to Napoleon Bonaparte’s iconic Arc de Triomphe come as Macron is in Argentina for the G20, threatening to disrupt a planned trade deal between the European Union and South America’s Mercosur bloc over a disagreement with Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro — dubbed the “Trump of the Tropics” — over a disagreement on climate change.

The globalist poster boy’s “green” policies are running into substantial opposition at home, however, with the “Yellow Jackets” movement which has united the anti-establishment left with the populist right in a loose, seemingly leaderless coalition in defence of the French working class bringing the presidency of the man who once boasted he would govern “like Jupiter” to the brink.


in related science news

Neil deGrasse Tyson Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

Renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is reportedly being investigated by the companies behind his show “Cosmos” after being accused of sexual misconduct.

Two women claimed deGrasse Tyson acted inappropriately during personal interactions. In one, Katelyn Allers, an associate professor of astronomy and physics at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, claimed Tyson inappropriately touched her in 2009 while admiring a space tattoo on her upper left arm. Another woman, Ashley Watson, claimed that she quit a position as Tyson's assistant due to inappropriate sexual advances. Those claims follow an earlier allegation by musician Tchiya Amet, who claimed Tyson raped her while both attended graduate school.

when it comes to climate change/global warming, I tend to go with the things I actually see first hand.

A few years ago my uncle decided to have the roads in the ranch complex paved, he was tired of the gravel maintenance and mud. He used asphalt, turns out we now have less snow/ice issues than in the past. The roads melt and dry from the solar energy much faster than the gravel and concrete areas. The surrounding micro climates are a bit warmer overall too. With this local info, let's look at the changes on a much larger scale. Imagine how much the micro climates have been altered by the large cities and all the paved over ground and large scale thermal mass buildings. I am sure that there is a direct correlation there, due to my observation on a smaller scale.

On to observation #2. we have tank heaters on the field stock tanks to keep them free from ice during the winter. Every one of them are and have been on individual meters for years. 5 years ago we started placing concrete pads around them, 20 ft out from the tanks. The reason we did this was to mitigate the mud issues, BUT, we have seen a reduction on energy usage by almost 7% since then. Last year we incorporated a material into the concrete we used that resulted in a black concrete mixture. We are HOPING to see an additional energy savings from that too. These results lend more support to point #1

I am not a scientist, but I do believe my FIRSTHAND observations. I DO BELIEVE that human terraforming has impacted our climate here on the big blue marble, but I am not completely sold on the fact that we are 100% responsible. I also believe that we as a country have made incredible strides towards reducing our impact, and could make even more with the desire to do so. I also believe that these steps will not really do anything except slow the destruction by a small amount, due to other countries increasing their destructive terraforming as their societies advance. I also do not believe that it is our RESPONSIBILITY to fund their advancement.

And apparently you DO believe that one person's firsthand observations are in some way significant in climate discussions.