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Going back-back, to cali cali... I mean Iraq

It's on....

Iran sends troops to Iraq

IRAN has sent special forces and elite troops to Iraq to bolster efforts by the government to halt the advance of militants.

A 150-man unit of the Quds Force, the elite section of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, has deployed to Iraq, supported by a team of Saberin, Iran's equivalent of the SAS. They will assist Iraqi forces as they regroup after the loss of Mosul and Tikrit.

With troops already fighting in Syria to defend the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Iran's decision to send soldiers into Iraq underscores its concern that another key ally is under threat.

This. I would have never gone to Iraq or Afghanistan. I'd have carpet bombed Afghanistan's Al Qaeda camps. With Iraq I would have sent my arms inspectors in and demanded to see a building. If they refused I'd turn it into ashes. Then I'd go to the next building. Eventually he'd get the idea.

Amen. Neither Bush or Obama, had the balls to do what needed to be done. We tried to run politically correct popular wars instead of effective ones. No one is afraid of us any more. But at least they like and respect us now! Oh wait...
goodnight Iraq

New video of thousands of Iraqi soldiers in Tikrit being captured by ISIS. According to ISIS, they’ve taken 4,500.

It's on....

Iran sends troops to Iraq

IRAN has sent special forces and elite troops to Iraq to bolster efforts by the government to halt the advance of militants.

A 150-man unit of the Quds Force, the elite section of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, has deployed to Iraq, supported by a team of Saberin, Iran's equivalent of the SAS. They will assist Iraqi forces as they regroup after the loss of Mosul and Tikrit.

With troops already fighting in Syria to defend the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Iran's decision to send soldiers into Iraq underscores its concern that another key ally is under threat.


They won't do shitttt
What's comical is that they'll go on and on about losing $500 million on Solyndra and things like that, but the trillion dollars and counting we pissed away in Iraq doesn't garner a peep. The Pentagon loses $500 million in the couch every day. Whats really tragic though is the thousands of young men that never made it home and the thousands more that have to live the rest of their lives with their arms and legs blown off... all that so they could enrich their defense contractor buddies. Since Bush was living the good life during Vietnam, I guess it's no surprise he learned nothing from it. On the other hand, I'm sure ol' "Five Deferrment Dick" Cheney remembered Vietnam quite well. He just doesn't give a **** if a few working class kids have to die so he and his Haliburton homies can pocket a cool $50-$60 billion in the process. But hey, this all happened on a republican adminisrtation's watch so.. you know... It's all good...

You pretty much summed it up, there hasn't been a bigger bunch of criminals,traitors, and chicken hawks at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. since Nixon and his goons occupied that address....well Reagan's goons tried giving tricky Dick a run for his money they gave a worthy effort but Bush tops them all.

Right wingers get most of their information from fossil fuel funded blogs or right wing T.V. like Fox News.

So all they can do is rehash the same ol same ol talking points based off what the Koch brothers want out there.

Solar for example:

They'll go on and on about what an economic disaster it is, the truth is the opposite.


While many Americans have heard of the failure of one solar manufacturer – Solyndra – the reality is that solar is booming in the U.S., with many other manufacturers growing exponentially. The best news is that the 70% per year annual growth is not just being fueled by environmentally-concerned consumers, but rather by “average Americans” who realize that solar can start saving them money — with little or no cash outlay

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I wonder how long it will take before the Chinese get on the phone to Washington and order us to intervene as they are in danger of losing control of their oil.
If we had just made the whole place a glass parking lot, we wouldn't have these problems now. Just sayin'.

Yeah but a few nukes wouldn't have served Halliburton's interests.

Here's a better idea don't involve yourself militarily with nations that have nothing to do with a perceived threat. Quaint isn't it?
I really strongly advocate that every hardcore democrat and republican be sent to Iraq immediately... they can teach the Iraqis how to hate each other illogically without murdering everyone, and frankly our lives over here would instantly be better... they would have all sorts of oil to bicker over there and frankly who would know if they royally ****** their economy.... seriously how can this country make the same seven or eight foreign policy blunders over and over again for well over a hundred years now... go in when we should stay out... stay out when we should go in... never have a real plan outside of the next ten minutes... Id love to know how all you retards keep voting these morons into office
Obama's fault!

Obama’s entire national security team should resign over Iraq

McCain blames Obama and his national security team for the rout, saying it was responsible for withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Iraq and calling back the generals McCain said has been the successful architects of security in the war-ravaged country.

“The first thing is get rid of this national security team, which has been a total failure,” he told reporters ahead of a classified Senate Armed Services Committee briefing on the security situation in Iraq. “[They] called back in people who succeeded in Iraq like General Petraeus, General Mattis, many of the other leaders —General Keane, who’s the architect of the surge."

McCain said later on the Senate floor that the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq was dictated by politics and not by the nation’s security interests.

“All of this could have been avoided,” McCain said of the growing strength of al Qaeda-linked jihadists in Iraq


Obama’s Iraq

When in 2011 President Obama announced, against the advice of his commanders, the complete withdrawal of all US forces from Iraq, he grandly declared “the tide of war is receding.”

Two days later, his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, answered critics such as John McCain, who said the president’s announcement was a victory for Iran.

The president’s practice has been to blame his failures on his predecessor. But in Iraq, President George W. Bush did not hand over a mess. He handed over a victory that Obama only had to sustain.

All that the President has squandered — in a humiliation for America, a vindication for al Qaeda, a gain for Iran and a catastrophe for long-suffering Iraqis caught in the violence.

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I really strongly advocate that every hardcore democrat and republican be sent to Iraq immediately... they can teach the Iraqis how to hate each other illogically without murdering everyone, and frankly our lives over here would instantly be better... they would have all sorts of oil to bicker over there and frankly who would know if they royally ****** their economy.... seriously how can this country make the same seven or eight foreign policy blunders over and over again for well over a hundred years now... go in when we should stay out... stay out when we should go in... never have a real plan outside of the next ten minutes... Id love to know how all you retards keep voting these morons into office

I am instantly suspicious of anyone I run into in my personal life who is a militantly staunch Democrat or Republican. I try to go the other way whenever possible.
Hey, wait a second. Didn't Bammy say he had AQ on the ropes? This can't be happening.

"Recently, on Nov. 1 [2012] in Green Bay, Wis., Obama said, “Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.”" - CNN
"Recently, on Nov. 1 [2012] in Green Bay, Wis., Obama said, “Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.”" - CNN

When we went into IRAQ everyone and their brother thought they had WMD. Intelligence from other countries besides us seemed to show they had them. There are many many people at fault for going into Iraq not just bush. I think Bush at least deserves some credit for sticking to his guns and not backing down. Personally I think we should just stay out of the middle east period. Let them fight with each other and kill themselves. Nothing we do over there is going to stop it short of wiping out the whole region. Its just a pointless neverending battle
When we went into IRAQ everyone and their brother thought they had WMD. Intelligence from other countries besides us seemed to show they had them.
They did, but us and the UN gave Saddam enough time to move them to Syria, which is the stuff Assad is using now. Defected Iraqi air force pilots have said so.

Personally I think we should just stay out of the middle east period. Let them fight with each other and kill themselves. Nothing we do over there is going to stop it short of wiping out the whole region. Its just a pointless neverending battle
Agree 100%. If the Greenies and Democrats would let us drill for our own oil we could tell them to kiss off.
"Recently, on Nov. 1 [2012] in Green Bay, Wis., Obama said, “Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.”" - CNN

He should have just said "mission accomplished" then follow it up with " making progress, it's easier.

When did private industry that makes war material get such a bad rap? Private industry like Ford made tanks in WW2, Chevy made M1 Carbines among countless other things, Winchester made M1 Garands, Smith Corona typewriters 1903A3s, Boeing made the B-17, on and on I could go. Without them, we don't win the war. Was it that stupid *** Oliver Stone JFK movie in which he had Cubans, the Mafia, the CIA, the defense industry, Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI and Mother Thersea involved in the assasination?
When did private industry that makes war material get such a bad rap? Private industry like Ford made tanks in WW2, Chevy made M1 Carbines among countless other things, Winchester made M1 Garands, Smith Corona typewriters 1903A3s, Boeing made the B-17, on and on I could go. Without them, we don't win the war. Was it that stupid *** Oliver Stone JFK movie in which he had Cubans, the Mafia, the CIA, the defense industry, Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI and Mother Thersea involved in the assasination?

Mostly it was the Cold War military buildup after WWII and the space race that pumped tons of money into govt contractors. It could be argued that they saw a good deal in WWII and sought to keep it growing. President Eisenhower warned against the "military-industrial complex", which is funny because it ramped up under him.
“The future does not belong to those who slander the name of the Prophet Muhammad”

- Barack Ackbama

Iraqi jihadis cut off head for World Cup tweet

Bloodthirsty Iraqi jihadists posted a photo of a Sunni police chief’s decapitated head online — along with a twisted joke about using it as a soccer ball at the World Cup on Friday.

“This is our ball . . . It is made of skin #WorldCup
,” the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria tweeted with the grisly image.

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Religion of peace update #7,944,
“The future does not belong to those who slander the name of the Prophet Muhammad”

- Barack Ackbama

Iraqi jihadis cut off head for World Cup tweet

Bloodthirsty Iraqi jihadists posted a photo of a Sunni police chief’s decapitated head online — along with a twisted joke about using it as a soccer ball at the World Cup on Friday.

“This is our ball . . . It is made of skin #WorldCup
,” the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria tweeted with the grisly image.

I am instantly suspicious of anyone I run into in my personal life who is a militantly staunch Democrat or Republican. I try to go the other way whenever possible.
I am instantly suspicious of moderates.
I just saw a picture of this massive AQ caravan headed towards Baghdad. We've been asked by the PM to provide air strikes, so why don't we take this opportunity to light up a few thousand AQ? They're riding right down the middle of the street - right out in the open!
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I am instantly suspicious of moderates.

I don't think I'm even a moderate. I'm more in the "Politicians are full of **** crooks who could care less what happens to the people in this country and are only interested in power" class. But as far as social views I have always respected people who are open minded enough to not let a party line dictate how they are supposed to feel about various issues. Unfortunately there aren't many out there. It just makes sense to me personally to consider each issue individually on it's own merit as opposed to referring to the Dem or Rep handbook to know if I should be outraged about an issue or not. It's ok to go against the party on an issue, nobody will come and take you away in handcuffs.
I don't think I'm even a moderate. I'm more in the "Politicians are full of **** crooks who could care less what happens to the people in this country and are only interested in power" class. But as far as social views I have always respected people who are open minded enough to not let a party line dictate how they are supposed to feel about various issues. Unfortunately there aren't many out there. It just makes sense to me personally to consider each issue individually on it's own merit as opposed to referring to the Dem or Rep handbook to know if I should be outraged about an issue or not. It's ok to go against the party on an issue, nobody will come and take you away in handcuffs.
Agreed. You didn't strike me as a moderate.
Agreed. You didn't strike me as a moderate.

I would say I border on Indifferent unfortunately. Hopefully that will change eventually. I usually feel like I am forced to vote for either a tree stump or an empty bucket. And somebody who actually might have new ideas and shake things up would never be accepted. People are too entrenched so..... I don't really see the point.