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Going back-back, to cali cali... I mean Iraq


Hilary, what face do you make before bill unloads on you?
Yes I remember elfie what does that have to do with my question if it's an inside joke calling me that name?

She posted in a thread months ago where I first posted the Beirut '83 bombing and mentioned she had brought it up before in this forum. She also as you said used the Adult Swim cartoon which I thought was very clever at describing what goes on here so I knicked it.

Sue me.
she/it disappeared remarkably around your valiant appearance.
how coincidentaldam
relax, our best people are working the problem


We are going to let Iran handle it. In case you can't think of an even worse scenario, we may even cooperate, militarily, with Iran.
Does Saudi Arabia ever do ****? They got a decent military don't they?
Does Saudi Arabia ever do ****? They got a decent military don't they?

They're too busy plotting the next huge terrorist attack against the US, so we will stupidly attack someone that had nothing to do with it.
Wait - didn't Obama just spend billions arming them in Syria?

“See you in New York!”

When the airport falls, I envision fleets of jumbo jets piloted by idealistic young men with visions of virgins headed for NYC and Israel
Have you ever heard of the 'Status of Forces' agreement Boooooooosh signed in 2008? You know the one that agreed we had to have ALL our troops out by the end of 2011?

Yeah that agreement. The one that pulled out the rug from under our current presidents plan to leave 30,000 troops in Iraq.

Yeah Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh did that

I won't even begin to attack the weaker part of the rest of your argument. You speak as if you understand the Status of Forces Agreement, as if, when signed, it's a concrete document that cannot change, be negotiated, or modified. I mean hell, your own B. Hussein breaks every US law to get what he wants, you really expect us to believe he'd let this simple document stand in his way??

"By 2008, President Bush’s surge in forces had achieved large-scale security in Iraq. In November of 2006, 3,475 Iraqis died in battle and 69 Americans were killed as well; that number was down to 500 and 12, respectively, by November 2008. Violence in Anbar province had dropped 90 percent. As leftist Peter Beinart wrote in 2009 in the Washington Post, “if Iraq overall represents a massive stain on Bush’s record, his decision to increase America’s troop presence in late 2006 now looks like his finest hour.”

In 2008, the Bush administration negotiated a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government that would remove troops by the end of 2011. Bush signed that agreement in anticipation of Obama’s entry to the White House. Sure enough, Obama then failed to sign a renewed status of forces agreement."

You want us to believe he wanted to leave 30,000 troops in Iraq, yet the "man" wouldn't sign a renewed Status of Forces Agreement whereby he could have allocated whatever troop level he wanted in a country that was begging us to stay.

Please, stop. I'm embarrassed for you.
U.S. Marines, Army soldiers deployed to U.S. Embassy in Iraq

The Pentagon said about 100 Marines and Army soldiers have been deployed to Baghdad to help with security at the U.S. Embassy and stand ready in case the speedy evacuation of American citizens is needed.

Rear Adm. John Kirby called it a “small number” of U.S. troops and Marines, the Army Times reported. Another U.S. military official not identified in the Army Times report put the number around 100.

The news of the deployment comes as State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Sunday that most of the 5,000 or so staffers at the U.S. Embassy — located in Baghdad’s Green Zone, the former center of the governmental Coalition Provisional Authority — were going to stay.

“Overall, a substantial majority of the U.S. Embassy presence in Iraq will remain in place, and the embassy will be fully equipped to carry out its national security mission,” Ms. Psaki said, the Army Times reported. Others at the embassy have relocated to consulates in Basra, Irbil and in

Marines, US Warships Head Toward Iraq

About 100 Marines and Army troops were deployed to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad today and four warships steamed towards Iraq as tensions rose due to the advance of a radical Islamic insurgency

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush and two other ships from the northern Arabian Sea and it has arrived in the Persian Gulf as President Obama considers possible military options for Iraq. A fourth ship, the amphibious ship USS Mesa Verde, was ordered into the Persian Gulf today. The Mesa Verde carries approximately 550 Marines and about five Osprey planes.

Let some cruise missles of the chain. They have been getting dusty
I won't even begin to attack the weaker part of the rest of your argument. You speak as if you understand the Status of Forces Agreement, as if, when signed, it's a concrete document that cannot change, be negotiated, or modified. I mean hell, your own B. Hussein breaks every US law to get what he wants, you really expect us to believe he'd let this simple document stand in his way??

"By 2008, President Bush’s surge in forces had achieved large-scale security in Iraq. In November of 2006, 3,475 Iraqis died in battle and 69 Americans were killed as well; that number was down to 500 and 12, respectively, by November 2008. Violence in Anbar province had dropped 90 percent. As leftist Peter Beinart wrote in 2009 in the Washington Post, “if Iraq overall represents a massive stain on Bush’s record, his decision to increase America’s troop presence in late 2006 now looks like his finest hour.”

In 2008, the Bush administration negotiated a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government that would remove troops by the end of 2011. Bush signed that agreement in anticipation of Obama’s entry to the White House. Sure enough, Obama then failed to sign a renewed status of forces agreement."

You want us to believe he wanted to leave 30,000 troops in Iraq, yet the "man" wouldn't sign a renewed Status of Forces Agreement whereby he could have allocated whatever troop level he wanted in a country that was begging us to stay.

Please, stop. I'm embarrassed for you.

Bush was in a position to twist the Iraqi governments arm at that time as they were still weak and very much in need of our support. He 'bowed down' as you guys like to point out Obama did to the Saudis because the Iraqi's kept bringing up Abu-Ghraib and other abuses conducted by American troops. They wanted to prosecute our guys in their courts for any future incidents, that's why he agreed to the pull out in 2011. When Obama came in the die were cast, Obama was not going to sign or change anything that gave them jurisdiction over our troops.

Bush is completely to blame for this(Cheney also). This is what happens when you bring in contractors and under trained guardsmen because you want to make your buddies rich, and when you have an imbecile in the White House.

Bush owns that **** up.

I wondered how long it would be before someone would say it was Bush's fault? LOL
relax, our best people are working the problem


So......hmmmm.....wow..just wow

So SteelerLynn gives me a warning for insulting a service member(which is a lie,but that's another story) what were her words?

Oh yeah here is the exchange that earned me my ‘infraction’



My brother has/had a photo of him and his sergeant in his barracks when he went back to Germany during Vietnam and behind them is a poster with a G.I. holding 2 severed viet cong heads in each hand and a **** eating grin on his face. On the bottom of the poster it said "Re-up Today!"

Back in the 80's I did a school project on that war and I remembered the photo so I asked him if he still had the poster because I wanted to photograph it and semi-censor it of course but he told me the poster was his roommates. I then asked him if that picture was really real and our guys did that kind of stuff. He just said " The **** they show you on the news is sterilized, what you see some guys do you wouldn't believe."

I'll take his word before any of yours.

You're a ******* retard. That is all.

Polo--Yes and an intellectual giant like yourself with Ferris Bueller and Jimmy Buffet quotes in their sig would be more than qualified to make that assessment.

SteelerLynn--They are in honor of my father who passed away almost 2 years ago. So keep up your stupidity and insults and you will be gone. That's your warning.

Polo--Right but you can insult me? Spoken like a true fascist. Go ahead show us what power you wield, get rid of me so the reich wing men on here can go back to their regularly scheduled reich wing circle jerk/facialize each other party.

Maybe as their next evolutionary baby step they can learn how to fling their poop at those who aren't party members....well never mind.

SteelerLynn--You really think you're above reproach?

Yes I called you a ******* retard because you have not proven otherwise. You insult and question the actions of board members who had the courage to serve this country. Before you type another insult - I am an active duty military spouse. Don't question my loyalty or what the soldiers do.

So apparently insulting a cheesy film character and an even bigger cheeseball pop musician is worthy of banning, or being warned. I'm also supposed to know her veteran father was a fan of these people because of course I read minds.

Yet you can insult a recipient of the silver star, bronze star, and purple heart.....and don't start up the swift boat crap that has all proven to be B.S.

A man who actually served in battle unlike the chicken hawk who got is into this Iraq mess. Gee I wonder what you'll get?

I wonder if my comments about this board being right wing fascist are true...not really

I don't wonder.
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When Obama came in the die were cast, Obama was not going to sign or change anything that gave them jurisdiction over our troops.

Bullshit, and you know it. Obama had EVERY means with which to set up a new agreement. He chose not to because one of his goals was to end the war, period, regardless of consequences. If he had wanted to, which he clearly did not, he would have instituted a new agreement. It's really that simple. The man violates the Constitution, he breaks the law to pass the things he wants, he breaks the law to make exchanges with the Taliban. He would have and could have done the same to keep our troops in Iraq - which Iraqis were begging us to do.

This is 100% on him. It's not even a debate.

Polo...or whoever you want to be. I can't believe you are so defensive of the gov't we have. They can do no wrong regardless of what they have done. I really don't give a **** if they are republican or democrat. I just care that they aren't ******* us and everyone else over.

But, with you it's all about our muslim leader and how nothing is his fault. You really are a ******* dipshit. PEOPLE are more important than Bama. But in your world...not so much. Politics are a ******* joke, and a bad one at that.
Bullshit, and you know it. Obama had EVERY means with which to set up a new agreement. He chose not to because one of his goals was to end the war, period, regardless of consequences. If he had wanted to, which he clearly did not, he would have instituted a new agreement. It's really that simple. The man violates the Constitution, he breaks the law to pass the things he wants, he breaks the law to make exchanges with the Taliban. He would have and could have done the same to keep our troops in Iraq - which Iraqis were begging us to do.

This is 100% on him. It's not even a debate.


It's not even a debate? You mean because you linked to an article from a right wing hack who is a joke among real journalists
Who is Ben Shapiro?

I can also post links, except mine have facts in them.


5 Huge Lies From the Right Wing Media That Conservatives Still Think Are True

The most recent set of headlines that raised eyebrows came from Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro, who claimed that anonymous sources had informed him that secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel had met with a group called “Friends of Hamas.”

Unfortunately for Shapiro, New York Daily News writer Ben Friedman came clean early last week. Friedman published a piece in which he made clear that he was the “source” of the Friends of Hamas rumor, which originated when he made a joke on a media call, asking a staffer if Hagel had spoken with any other anti-Israeli groups like the Junior League of Hezbollah or the Friends of Hamas. Shapiro took the joke and ran it as news, claiming that a White House spokesman had “dodged” a question on Hagel’s relationship to Friends of Hamas.

Rather than correct himself, Shapiro doubled down on the nonsense, calling Friedman a “hack” and declaring, “welcome to the Obama media, where protecting Chuck Hagel and attacking any media who question Hagel is par for the course.” Shapiro went on to claim that “the story Breitbart News ran originally was accurate” and that Friedman wasn’t the source of the story.

And in case you’re still wondering, no, “Friends of Hamas” doesn’t exist and Ben Shapiro hasn’t provided any sources or proof.

So this is your source to be taken seriously?
Yeah barbaric.....

My Lai massacre commited by U.S. troops in Vietnam.


Ok so trenches of people, compaired to about 10/20. And while I have no idea about it as I'm to young. I'd say it was a couple of GIs that were couple crazy *****, compaired to a army bent on slaughtering those that don't agree.
Polo...or whoever you want to be. I can't believe you are so defensive of the gov't we have. They can do no wrong regardless of what they have done.
Not exactly, the government is wrong all the time when Republicans are running it. /Polo

But, with you it's all about our muslim leader and how nothing is his fault. You really are a ******* dipshit. PEOPLE are more important than Bama. But in your world...not so much. Politics are a ******* joke, and a bad one at that.
Karma. And quit being racist.

That's why I always say that smaller government is better for everybody. It's not always going to be run by my side and it's not always going to be run by the other side.
Polo...or whoever you want to be. I can't believe you are so defensive of the gov't we have. They can do no wrong regardless of what they have done. I really don't give a **** if they are republican or democrat. I just care that they aren't ******* us and everyone else over.

But, with you it's all about our muslim leader and how nothing is his fault. You really are a ******* dipshit. PEOPLE are more important than Bama. But in your world...not so much. Politics are a ******* joke, and a bad one at that.

All the president does is wrong to people like you.

Which is he a muslim leader or a disciple of Rev. Wright? I'm really confused with all of the different conspiracies you guys have warehoused in those twisted minds.

Can you clear that up for me so I won't be a dipshit anymore?
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