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Good.....U.S. soldier held in Afghanistan is released


What do I put here? **** it.
Apr 8, 2014
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U.S. soldier held in Afghanistan is released

"Today the American people are pleased that we will be able to welcome home Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl," the White House said in a statement.

Bergdahl, the only remaining U.S. soldier captured during conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, was recovered by U.S. special operations forces about 10:30 a.m. ET in a peaceful handover in eastern Afghanistan, a senior Defense official told CNN. There were 18 Taliban members present.

Once on the American helicopter, Bergdahl, 28, used a paper plate to communicate because of the noise. He wrote on it, "SF?" meaning, "Special Forces?" The operators sitting with Bergdahl responded loudly: "Yes, we've been looking for you for a long time," according to the official.

Bergdahl broke down crying, the official recounted.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said in a separate statement that he had informed Congress of the decision to transfer five detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Qatar in exchange for Bergdahl, who was the only remaining American soldier captured from conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"A few hours ago, the family of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was informed by President Obama that their long wait for his return will soon be over," Hagel said.

"Sgt. Bergdahl is now under the care of the U.S. military after being handed over by his captors in Afghanistan. We will give him all the support he needs to help him recover from this ordeal, and we are grateful that he will soon be reunited with his family."

A statement from Bergdahl's parents, Bob and Jani, said: "We were so joyful and relieved when President Obama called us today to give us the news that Bowe is finally coming home! We cannot wait to wrap our arms around our only son. We want to thank Bowe's many supporters in Idaho, around the nation and around the world. We thank the Amir of Qatar for his efforts. And of course, we want to take this opportunity to thank all those in the many U.S. Government agencies who never gave up. Today, we are ecstatic!"

Secretary of State John Kerry said the "cost of years of captivity to Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and his family is immeasurable."

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Don't worry. The VA will provide all the support that he needs to re-adjust.

Welcome home, son.
The days of "we do not negotiate with terrorists" are over huh. I guess Obama needed some good press. Although I'm happy the NCO is home, at what cost?
Remember, this doofus willingly walked off the FOB, unauthorized, by himself, and was taken captive within hrs..what the hell did he think was gonna happen?? I'm glad he's safe and on the way home (albeit shocked, I figured he was a goner yrs ago), and glad for his parents'/extended family's sake, but he needs to be held responsible for his actions.
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I'm sorry, but give some what we need away to bring th home. Bomb them later.
I'm sorry, but give some what we need away to bring th home. Bomb them later.

I don't know. Allegedly he left his post, left his weapon, sought out the enemy to turn himself in. At best he's a deserter. At worst he's a traitor. I don't see the upside of sending 5 prisoners in exchange for him. Especially if doing so violated the law.
I don't know. Allegedly he left his post, left his weapon, sought out the enemy to turn himself in. At best he's a deserter. At worst he's a traitor. I don't see the upside of sending 5 prisoners in exchange for him. Especially if doing so violated the law.

If that was the case i would not have traded a stick of gum for him.
Apparently POTUS violated the law in the prisoner swap. Will this finally be the impeachable offense?


I'm just kidding. No one has the stones to hold him accountable.

This FBP is definitely the "Teflon Don" jus like you say ER4P. That 5 for 1 prisoner exchange let 5 seriously bad guys back into the terrorist tent.

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans

And he admits he did indeed break the law, so what.

The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests

Barry contended all along that his powers trumped the Congress and when he signed the bill..he said so.

When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

Hey, I'm glad to see that young soldier come home but in the process the United States took a major step backwards in policy, in fact "the action marked a “fundamental shift in U.S. policy.”
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If that was the case i would not have traded a stick of gum for him.


"The future is too good to waste on lies," one email reads. "And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong."

The emails were provided to the magazine by Bergdahl's family in Idaho, which has gone public with its own discontent with U.S. efforts to free their son. There is no way to authenticate the emails.

Some of Bergdahl's reported words read like a suicide note.

"I am sorry for everything," he wrote. "The horror that is America is disgusting."

He mailed home boxes containing his uniform and books.
Get ready for a bunch of kidnappings now they the think we'll deal with them.
This whole episode appears shady, from start to finish. The way he was captured, and what led up to it. The illegal prisoner swap. The dad using muslim phraseology in arabic, at the WH presser, while Bummer smiles approvingly. The dad is an obvious muslim convert, so I would expect the same from the kid. The five released prisoners are really bad actors, and we have most likely not seen the last of them. I doubt the MSM will give this the coverage it deserves.

What a **** sandwich.
Let's not throw any parades just yet.


There's a LOT to this story....including a report on Fox this am that said he had forgotten how to speak or understand English in 5 years. I was like "WTF"? That just doesn't seem possible.

There were e mails to his family that he was "ashamed to be an American".....
The whole episode does not add up. Did the guy wander off to get captured? He could have been a US Spy or a Taliban Spy as well. I find it hard to believe the govt would release 5 senior Taliban officials for one guy who got captured while breaking the rules. Maybe the 5 Taliban "promised" to work with the US govt or get inside info, but if we believe that we are dumber than I thought. The whole thing with "his life was in danger" all the sudden makes it seem to me like he was a spy and they were afraid someone was catching on. Although I do not know what kinda info you can gather being held captive.
As a prior service member, I believe that you need to do everything you can to get any man lefy behind. Put tracking chips in the traded captives and smoke them when it is advantageous to us.

Now, did he walk away from is post? If so, then he needs to be brought to trial, after his release has been secured. If found guilty, he needs to be punished. No time servered, as that was a result of his own actions.

I do not know the exact details, so I can not pass judgement. I just believe that is special treatment is given in this case, it will allow for more of the same to happen in the future.
As a prior service member, I believe that you need to do everything you can to get any man lefy behind. Put tracking chips in the traded captives and smoke them when it is advantageous to us.

Now, did he walk away from is post? If so, then he needs to be brought to trial, after his release has been secured. If found guilty, he needs to be punished. No time servered, as that was a result of his own actions.

I do not know the exact details, so I can not pass judgement. I just believe that is special treatment is given in this case, it will allow for more of the same to happen in the future.

Yes, he voluntarily walked away from his post.
The whole episode does not add up. Did the guy wander off to get captured? He could have been a US Spy or a Taliban Spy as well. I find it hard to believe the govt would release 5 senior Taliban officials for one guy who got captured while breaking the rules. Maybe the 5 Taliban "promised" to work with the US govt or get inside info, but if we believe that we are dumber than I thought. The whole thing with "his life was in danger" all the sudden makes it seem to me like he was a spy and they were afraid someone was catching on. Although I do not know what kinda info you can gather being held captive.

He has been held captive since 2009, he is not a spy, just a disillusioned dumbass that put other troops' lives at risk trying to find/save his ***
Two trials should be a product of this. First for the guy getting himself in that situation, any military regulations should apply

Second Barry O, now branded a dealer. What a shitstrom he's creating with this. Who's safe now?
Read this:


It certainly does not add up.


If you dont think that he is a spy what is your theory on why they traded 5 taliban officials for him? Based on info I have seen out there both he and his father are anti-west / american. If this is true we basically "rescued" a delusional anti-american and set free 5 senior officials with terrorist ties. I believe 2-3 of them are wanted for war crimes.
NOTHING about this sits right with me. NOTHING. If you look at Robert Bergdahl's twitter feed, he has all kinds of pro-Afghani posts on there, including some sort of pro- tree-growing group to reforest Afghanistan. Lots of Anti-American rhetoric.
I don't know. Allegedly he left his post, left his weapon, sought out the enemy to turn himself in. At best he's a deserter. At worst he's a traitor. I don't see the upside of sending 5 prisoners in exchange for him. Especially if doing so violated the law.

Didn't know that about him.