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Good.....U.S. soldier held in Afghanistan is released

What about the men in Benghazi? What about the American soldier being held in Mexico?

This reeks to high Heaven. There is NO answer that justifies doing this exchange. None. Even if this was my own brother out there. Under the circumstances I'd not be for this sort of exchange. Not with the hell Obama just re-released back into the wild.

Don't worry they'll be tracked. You would think that some you guys would know better. In fact this could lead to the re-capture of those from this bunch dumb enough to go back to their old ways, plus some bonus goat f*****s.
I long for 'The good ol' days' when conservatives like Reagan didn't....negotiate....ah....trade..................never mind.

Welcome home soldier.

Reagan negotiated with terrorists or countries?
Reagan eleveated some goat ******* to give them credibility?
Reagan negotiated with terrorists or countries?
Reagan eleveated some goat ******* to give them credibility?

Yes but it would have been a sweeter deal than that fool Obama could ever think up! We sell an Islamic fundamentalist nation weapons( which will probably be used against us and our friends) and get hostages+cash in return plus we take the money from said sales and fund our own terrorist group in Central America!

You have to hand it to conservatives, no matter what evil they are up to they try to stretch the American taxpayers dollar as far as they can.
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then I guess we'll see if anyone loses their jobs. you know, since you want to make the argument of similarity in this.
As well, we'll see if the country of Taliban becomes pro or remains against us.

oh, wait...

the Taliban isnt a goddamn country.

and ... please... please will someone tell me why Dems always fall back on the old "it was done by ___________" so we can do that now instead of being better than the previous administrations?!?!
Yes but it would have been a sweeter deal than that fool Obama could ever think up! We sell an Islamic fundamentalist nation weapons( which will probably be used against us and our friends) and get hostages+cash in return plus we take the money from said sales and fund our own terrorist group in Central America!

You have to hand it to conservatives, no matter what evil they are up to they try to stretch the American taxpayers dollar as far as they can.

You libtards are all the same...you cant defend this fraud you call a president, so you justify the actions of this piece of garbage by pointing out what other presidents may have done in past.
Its 2014 and Obama is president, not Bush, not Reagan...Obamas lies and scandals belong to him..deal with it ya *****.
Don't worry they'll be tracked. You would think that some you guys would know better. In fact this could lead to the re-capture of those from this bunch dumb enough to go back to their old ways, plus some bonus goat f*****s.

Tracked how? While i would like to think they will be tracked, I dont see how. Do you think we put microchips in them somehow? That seems a bit far fetched to me. I really hope they have some kinda plan because the deal looks horrible on paper
Tracked how? While i would like to think they will be tracked, I dont see how. Do you think we put microchips in them somehow? That seems a bit far fetched to me. I really hope they have some kinda plan because the deal looks horrible on paper

It is laughable to think that we can track these guys. We did such a great job of tracking OBL. How many American lives were lost in the meantime, in Iraq and Afghanistan. These guys are hard core taliban Cadre, and will definitely be back in the game. Now they have a bigger gripe.
It is laughable to think that we can track these guys. We did such a great job of tracking OBL. How many American lives were lost in the meantime, in Iraq and Afghanistan. These guys are hard core taliban Cadre, and will definitely be back in the game. Now they have a bigger gripe.

I wouldn't say too laughable. I mean damn my dog has a GPS chip in it.
I long for 'The good ol' days' when conservatives like Reagan didn't....negotiate....ah....trade..................never mind.

Welcome home soldier.

Soldier? Yeah, let's welcome home a soldier for the Taliban. Solid.
something just isn't right here....

just b/c I don't know exactly what it is.....well.....

1. false defector
2. track the muzzies
3. who the **** DOES know?
Your dog doesn't have the capacity to have it removed. These guys do, and will.

True if they knew it was in. If (big if) we did do something to that extent. We certainly wouldn't do it as they watched. Just saying
True if they knew it was in. If (big if) we did do something to that extent. We certainly wouldn't do it as they watched. Just saying

I'm sure they ordered a full body mri as soon as they reached Qatar.
Anybody that tries to correlate releasing these guys to prisoner exchanges after wars is a ******* moron. A couple of these guys were wanted for WAR CRIMES. Did the allies let Nazi war criminals free after the war? I guess those Nuremburg trials didn't happen. These aren't just run of the mill soldiers. They are top military leaders. It's ******* ignorant to think of this as a prisoner exchange. It's NOT.
Soldier? Yeah, let's welcome home a soldier for the Taliban. Solid.

Amazing how without any official inquiry yet into his disappearance/capture you've come to a conclusion!

One would think you would be happy with this news because if I remember right you were one of the pro military persons in the other thread upset over my comments concerning silly military hand gestures and the president.

Again one would think that you of all people here would be rejoicing at an American life saved, but instead you show your true conservative nature. Which is of course' USE ANY reason to throw mud on the president ANY!' Any reason to believe that this president hates America, hates the military, hates Christians,(closet Muslim of course) NEVER give him any credit! EVER!

ANYTHING HE DOES! ANY REASON! AT ANY COST...even your own 'claimed' decency because of course you know how to push your fingers together and hold them up to your forehead.

We don't need any hand gestures to spot decency thanks, it shows all by itself.
Anybody that tries to correlate releasing these guys to prisoner exchanges after wars is a ******* moron. A couple of these guys we
Anybody that tries to correlate releasing these guys to prisoner exchanges after wars is a ******* moron. A couple of these guys were wanted for WAR CRIMES. Did the allies let Nazi war criminals free after the war? I guess those Nuremburg trials didn't happen. These aren't just run of the mill soldiers. They are top military leaders. It's ******* ignorant to think of this as a prisoner exchange. It's NOT.

Sure we even brought some of them here to work for us.

Oh and don't play the 'They were just following orders' card for these scientists and industrial experts it didn't work at Nuremberg for military service Germans.

Of course they never saw Nuremberg. Like I said they were brought here. Don't be surprised if at least one of those Taliban guys is working for us now, either way like I said they can easily be tracked.
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USE ANY reason to throw mud on the president ANY!' Any reason to believe that this president hates America, hates the military, hates Christians,(closet Muslim of course) NEVER give him any credit! EVER!

ANYTHING HE DOES! ANY REASON! AT ANY COST...even your own 'claimed' decency because of course you know how to push your fingers together and hold them up to your forehead.

We don't need any hand gestures to spot decency thanks, it shows all by itself.
When you elect an unqualified, career politician, because he has a D in front of his name, this is what you get.
When you elect an unqualified, career politician, because he has a D in front of his name, this is what you get.

This is what you get when you are blinded by your own hatred, you stop thinking straight.

Here let me give you an example of clear thinking:

I Polo am not a fan of George W. Bush.

I heard Bush tell me in 2001 that we had to go after terrorists because of the danger they pose to us ,do I agree with him?

Yes I do. I saw what they did and agree with him 100%.

Does my dislike of W. change that opinion? No it doesn't. I don't have to like him to agree with some decisions he makes.

If it had been Reagan, or W, etc. who had gotten our guy back this place would be in the middle of a 3 day right wing circle***k at this point. I can here the right testicle slobbering now; " That's the difference between an R and a D prez an R never leaves a man behind". "If this had been the D prez so and so he would have left him hanging out to dry"

Blah Blah....I call bullshit.
]Anybody that tries to correlate releasing these guys to prisoner exchanges after wars is a ******* moron. A couple of these guys we

Sure we even brought some of them here to work for us.

Oh and don't play the 'They were just following orders' card for these scientists and industrial experts it didn't work at Nuremberg for military service Germans.

Of course they never saw Nuremberg. Like I said they were brought here. Don't be surprised if at least one of those Taliban guys is working for us now, either way like I said they can easily be tracked.

The Allies setup a system to figure out who stood trial. Please give me the name of the scientist who were "war criminals" that were let go. Remember just fighting in a war is different from being charged with a war crime. I know all about operation paperclip and how many of the scientists had their records whitewashed. However later they were investigated and I don't remember one war criminal. But if you can find me one I'll admit being wrong.
Well here we go....

Videos Showing Missing Couple Held in Afghanistan Made Public
A pregnant American woman and her Canadian husband who disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2012 can be seen asking the U.S. government for help in undated videos obtained by The Associated Press.

The videos were emailed to the woman's father last July and September by an Afghan man who identified himself as having ties to the Taliban. They were later provided exclusively to the AP, which published the footage Wednesday.


In one video, Caitlan Coleman, dressed in a black garment that shows only her face, asks the U.S. government to help free her and her husband, Joshua Boyle, from their Taliban captors.

AP Publishes Taliban Video Showing Missing CoupleNBC NEWS

"I am a prisoner of the Taliban, my husband and I here," Coleman says in English. She sits next to Boyle, who has a dark beard, in an unknown location.

The couple's child, who would be roughly 18 months old, is not shown in the videos. The families told the AP they do not have information about the name or gender of the child.

U.S. law enforcement officials investigating the couple's disappearance consider the videos authentic but say they carry limited investigative value since it isn't clear when or where they were made, according to the AP.

The families made the videos public in the wake of the rescue of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was released from Taliban custody in exchange for the release of five Taliban suspects at Guantanamo Bay.


The families say they are disappointed their children and grandchild were not freed as part of the same deal, the Associated Press reported.

“It would be no more appropriate to have our government turn their backs on their citizens than to turn their backs on those who serve,” Patrick Boyle, the man’s father, told the AP.

Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle are seen in a still from a video made by the Taliban.
First published June 4th 2014, 6:44 pm

Daniel Arkin is a staff writer for NBC News. He started at NBCNews.com in November of 2012. Arkin is... Expand Bio
How do you keep track of someone in the Pakistan border regions?

well, you can use a bird or a squirrel. some sort of animal that can sneak into and around the region without drawing suspicion.
a small animal that appears harmless, soft and fuzzy.

something that can be deployed from a high altitude, ideally.

something like this: