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Govt. shutdown

Trump got outmaneuvered by better politicians.

Trump is playing them like a Stradivarius. He's offered them EVERYTHING their base wants knowing full well they wouldn't budge. Their base is pissed at them. The public sees them for the partisan hacks they are. So he opens the gubmint for 3 weeks. They reach another impasse. It shuts down again. He looks like a statesman. They look like hacks. He holds the FISA declas over their heads. He holds the emergency card. He can get what he wants without giving up anything and their base will be pissed at them for losing DACA etc. "Hey, I offered. They slapped it away." Those optics don't work for the dims.

While I am pretty certain that the Democrats will not negotiate in good faith...

When has a dim negotiated in good faith? Any dim? Ever? The party of satan doesn't do anything in good faith. It isn't who they are. That's why Trump took this tack.

I doubt that anything meaningful actually gets done.

I believe there is a humanitarian crisis at the Southern border. There is clearly a security crisis at the Southern border. I believe this president has presented the case well and laid out the correct course of action. Given the hand he's been dealt, he's playing it like Doyle Brunson. And the dims are playing right into it.
The Dems are bragging about forcing Trump to cave. Trump is going to come out of this as the guy willing to negotiate.

When the 2020 elections cycle comes, Trump will be able to show a list of compromises. He'll also point to a boomin economy and the fact that none of the doom and gloom predictions about turning society back to the 1950s have remotely come true.

Most importantly, he will have the strong case that the Dems only care about opposing him and not working for the country. The proof will be what will probably still be the ongoing Muller investigation along with the many other investigations that will no doubt start popping up now that Dems control the House.
Cause he now gave them a chance to negotiate which they said they would do. If they don’t they look like liars. He will get the wall one way or another. If he gets it and makes them look like **** in the process, so much the better.

I hope President Trump has it figured right. I think if he held out for another week or two he would have won.
I believe there is a humanitarian crisis at the Southern border. There is clearly a security crisis at the Southern border. I believe this president has presented the case well and laid out the correct course of action. Given the hand he's been dealt, he's playing it like Doyle Brunson. And the dims are playing right into it.

The Dems are bragging about forcing Trump to cave. Trump is going to come out of this as the guy willing to negotiate.

The optics of this are debatable right now. I hope all this optimism is based on reality not just.......


because even if he declares a national emergence, they will just call some liberal judge and stop it.........again.


The left will go to any lengths and say anything to stop Trumps agenda....anything, true or not.

I don't know. I just think Trump got beat by better politicians. He isn't a politician. He is a business man. He negotiates with other businesses. You can't use the same strong arm tactics, because the Democrats don't give a ****, this isn't a business with a finite bottom line that he can wait out, and no business has the PR machine that the democrats have in the media.

If his plan all along was to close the government, open the government on a CR, then close it and build the wall anyway by declaring a national emergency, he could have simply not wasted the time of closing the government. To me, that was dumb. He unnecessarily put people out of work and accomplished little in the process. I still say he was betting the Dems would cave. Because if he truly believed otherwise, all of this was an unnecessary show.

And as far as the Dems turning on their base, I am reading that a portion of the Trump base is pissed that he caved. Ann Coulter is leading that charge. I think the word she used was "wimp." I don't know. I guess we'll see.

I don't think this was some master plan. I think he miscalculated, realized it far too late, and now is threatening plan B (national emergency) as a negotiating tactic. I am still not convinced he will actually do it.

And like Chip said, I think it could end up tied up in the courts anyway. Silly as that sounds, national security tied up in the courts. Personally, I want the wall, I think the nation needs better border security, and I think Trump can have all of it. He has to present it as such. He keeps presenting it as "the wall." Present it as a comprehensive border security package. Include all the things the Dems claim to want, plus improved physical barriers where they are needed. Don't even use the word "wall." Had he done that in the beginning, I think he would have been better off, because now it looks like he is fishing. Fishing for anything to get the Dems to bite, and I think it weakens his position. But that's just me.
Trump got outmaneuvered by better politicians. It's that simple. They had public opinion on their side, and a media pushing against him 24/7. Probably why he shouldn't have dragged it out this long. Smart thing he did was recognize that he was losing the PR war and signed the bill. Truth is, we will likely be right back here come February 15th.

While I am pretty certain that the Democrats will not negotiate in good faith going forward, I am hopeful that they will. Politically, they have no reason to. They won. However, if they are actually for the American people, here is the chance to prove it. Curious to see how this all plays out, but you'll have to forgive me if I doubt that anything meaningful actually gets done.

In a world where news is often overblown, and under-analyzed I say WAIT. Trump is planning a national emergency because Democrats would not make concessions. He had to this because the air traffic controllers were not working.
News is under-analyzed? Not here it isn't.

As far as Trump and his national emergency, we'll see.
Like many here I hope he has things under control. To me it looks like he blinked just when it was getting painful, which is disappointing. He's given that asshat Schumer the stage to say that he hopes Trump learned his lesson. I fear that Trump will give them amnesty in return for a couple billion in border funding with all kinds of conditions that will make it useless.
It won't get to the National Emergency phase. He compromised. The next shutdown will have to be a Dem compromise. The country will not stomach another shutdown. He is not asking for something unreasonable, and the public realizes this. Enjoy your small victory Nancy. It aint going to last.
Nobody said working with the Communists would be easy

President Trump: “If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on February 15th, again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws & the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency.”

"I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!"

I thought he needed some kind of approval for the national emergency thing. I don't think he can just say it's an emergency and do whatever he wants. I guess we will see what happens, but right now it is definitely a win for the dems.
I thought he needed some kind of approval for the national emergency thing. I don't think he can just say it's an emergency and do whatever he wants. I guess we will see what happens, but right now it is definitely a win for the dems.

I think it backs them into a corner to negotiate or be to blame for the next shutdown.
I think it backs them into a corner to negotiate or be to blame for the next shutdown.

the dems really have nothing to lose. Trump should have took this deal before shutting the govt down originally. Then if the dems did not negotiate the shutdown would have been on them. Right now what does Trump have left to negotiate. The dems pretty much have what the want. Only thing Trump can throw in is a path to citizenship. If this happens his hardcore base will turn on him. Only way Trump could have "won"is not give the dems anything and strong arm to build the wall.
I thought he needed some kind of approval for the national emergency thing. I don't think he can just say it's an emergency and do whatever he wants. I guess we will see what happens, but right now it is definitely a win for the dems.

The Oterrorist was able to Give Iran $150 billion without congressional approval. Surely Trump can spend $7 billion on American security without those *******.
Eh, I don't know. Why wait 34 days to do that? He could have given them a chance to negotiate right off the bat, so I'm not sure I buy that. While I agree that if they said they will negotiate and then do not, that looks bad, but it wouldn't surprise me. After thinking about it, I think they will negotiate every bit of border security EXCEPT the wall.

That being the case, why not just declare the emergency to begin with? He has to know they aren't going to give in on the wall. He has to. They said as much, and they haven't budged. He just gave in and re-opened the government, so why would they give him the wall now if they think they won round 1? Answer is they won't.

So I am not sure what this dick measuring contest is about. He might as well go ahead and declare a national emergency and build the wall, because in this person's opinion, that is the only way it happens.

Have you been reading the news he has invited them to negotiate over and over, they kept saying no negotiations until the govt is reopened. He called there bluff now they have 21 days to negotiate or be proven liars. Win, win.
I hope not man. People are alot more alike than they are different at the end of the day. I know a lot of people from a lot of walks of life and I try to understand where everyone I know is coming from. We don't always agree on everything but we respect each other.

The left calls Trump a Nazi, and a demon. The left believes Trump is a Nazi, and a demon. The left calls Trump a traitor, intent on destroying America. The left calls Trump supporters Nazis, and demons. The left believes Trump supporters are Nazis, demons. The left believes Trump supporters are traitors, intent on destroying America.

Exactly what limits would you place on harming demons, Nazis and traitors intent on destroying America? None, of course. Death is perfectly reasonable and justified if in fact those making the statements believe them to be true.

The people I have a problem with are the ones who want to interfere in someone's life or pursuit of happiness that will in no way effect their own.

Laws, by definition, are the power of government forcing citizens to behave a certain way and are exactly, to the letter, what you describe.

Who is inevitably in favor of more laws and government power - conservatives or liberals?
IMO, President Trump conceded the re-opening of the government in good faith that the Dims will negotiate. He reiterated that by saying "off to the races" if it doesn't happen. He's also shown he will shut down the government, but isn't as heartless as the Dims want to push that narrative.

As such, you can fully expect the negotiations to go nowhere. You can also expect the national emergency crisis to be declared and Dim lawyers filing to block this. Which would eventually find it's way to the Supreme Court. Where the Dims are out-numbered. Checkmate.
The Oterrorist was able to Give Iran $150 billion without congressional approval. Surely Trump can spend $7 billion on American security without those *******.

Yeah the hole thing of checks and balance went out the window along time ago. I think the first graffiti art in the new wall should be BO handing over billions of cash to the Iranians
Trumps line in the sand is much stronger then Obama.. just sayin. Tick tock Dems.
i think Trump did this now so travel would not be impacted for the Super Bowl

No, I told him that I have a business trip in February and didn't want to have to take a train to Texas.
It's back on - Dems are not happy

Pelosi invites President Trump for State of the Union on Feb. 5

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a letter Monday said President Trump could give his annual State of the Union address in the House chamber on Feb. 5, shortly after lawmakers and the White House reached an agreement to end the partial government shutdown.

"When I wrote to you on January 23rd, I stated that we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has reopened to schedule this year's State of the Union address," Pelosi wrote in the letter.

She then extended an invitation to the president to give his speech on Feb. 5, a date she said the two had agreed upon


Nancy caves without getting a running govt assured for the coming year.... he gets to attack the Dems for an hour on national tv then shut it all down a week or two later