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Govt. shutdown

OOOOOHHHHH.....Pelosi with the "Smackdown" telling Trump he can't give the SOTU speech....and this affects my life how? I know he's not going to give it until after the shutdown, but honestly, WHO GIVES A ****??????
OOOOOHHHHH.....Pelosi with the "Smackdown" telling Trump he can't give the SOTU speech....and this affects my life how? I know he's not going to give it until after the shutdown, but honestly, WHO GIVES A ****??????

Hold it atop Trump Tower
A neighbor of mine and his wife are air traffic controllers and Democrats.

They are anti-Trump but want the Democrats to make a deal with him. I would love to see a people who voted against Trump that are out of work. DO they want the Dem's to play hardball or make a deal?

By delaying the State of the Union Speech, Trump is making it look like Pelosi is causing it.

My guess, it there will be a deal by the end of February or Trump declares a national emergency , ends the shut down blaming Democrats for failing to come to the table and make concessions, and acts alone.

We are seeing the POTUS negiation skills.
We are seeing the POTUS negiation skills.

How so? In that he is negotiating against himself?

The Democrats have not moved. They have stated that the only way they will negotiate is when the government shutdown ends. They have stuck to that. Trump is basically flinging **** at the wall, hoping they bite on something. Hasn't happened yet.

Now I'm not saying public opinion can't change, but right now, the media is portraying it as America blames Trump. At this point they are probably right. The only way Trump gets any leverage is if that perception changes. Might be hard to do with the liberal media machine, but it could happen. If it does, that is when **** will start to happen. And it will have less to do with Trump's "negiation skills" and more to do with Americans being tired of the clown show that is our government.
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Damn, Pelosi just slammed Trump to the curb. Trump tried to get all huffy puffy insisting he'll go ahead and hold the State of the Union address even though she already told him no. This is her response. Damn, she's cold-blooded. Slammed the door right in his face. Tells you everything you need to know how low this presidency has sunk when you get *****-slapped by Nancy Pelosi.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: <a href="https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SpeakerPelosi</a> to decline steps to permit a State of the Union Jan 29 <a href="https://t.co/ZDbKGjduNT">pic.twitter.com/ZDbKGjduNT</a></p>— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) <a href="https://twitter.com/KellyO/status/1088157878928764928?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 23, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

yeah, some sensible legislator there.
she states"we should work to finda mutually agreeable date when government has re-opened" but had plans to go to the other side of the ******* globe just last week.

and you still champion this dolt
It may take years before some conservative leaning people ever fully admit that backing Trump was a colossal mistake and before the voices of sensible conservatives can rise above this noise.

What has been insane to me about this whole situation is that Donald Trump is clearly just a populist and only concerned about himself. He has made that clear multiple times. When he tried to run ten years ago he was laughed at by Republican voters. Republicans were so angry about the "liberal agenda" that they were willing to listen to this ******* and Democrats were so busy sabotaging Bernie Sanders campaign and letting Hillary Clinton campaign from inside the Obama administration that they failed to seize the moment. Its a ******* mess. But being stubborn and digging your heels in defending Trump and continuing to cheer this on is shameful.

Look at how Trump has treated his handpicked cabinet members on the way out the door. Whether he fired them or they quit he has never taken responsibility for any of his own actions in any of these situations. In each case he has thrown tantrums and insulted and in some cases threatened them. That is not the way a leader is supposed to act. How he treated Mattis was a disgrace and normally one that any Republican worth a damn would be pissed about. But not now......can't admit any wrongs whatsoever. Might lose face and have to be humbled. Can't have that.

If this were a Democrat doing this **** this board would be burning to sky with hate for that person. The fact that a lot of you can't even admit that a lot of what Trump is doing and has done is dangerous and wrong says as much about you as it does about him.

This situation with the kids from Kentucky with the MAGA hats and the Marine was like a Rorschach test. Depending on what side you're on you're going to see what you want and not try and see the situation for what is really is. I've heard very few people being objective about this.

The shutdown is the same situation. Democrats are holding Trump hostage over the border funding not because they truly oppose the wall, but because of what it would represent for Trump and his ego. They want a win and they want to build momentum for their base. They want to do exactly what Trump wants to do. They should be using this opportunity to push for more PERMANENT protections for asylum seekers and DACA recipients but we have no idea about the real negotiations going on behind closed doors. I don't have much faith in the Democrats at this point to get this right from that point of view. But what I do know is that it's hard to negotiate with a person like Donald Trump who is a megalomaniac. People are so stubborn on both sides of this to find any common ground.

This is a sad situation. I'd like to think we could get to a tipping point that leads in a constructive direction but I doubt it. This is only going to get worse.

I'd also love to hear where some of you think the Republican party will go after Trump is out of office. The last people off of a sinking ship is supposed to be the captain but that shouldn't be the case here. Thrown this ******* over and save what is left of the Republican party.
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This situation with the kids from Kentucky with the MAGA hats and the Marine was like a Rorschach test. Depending on what side you're on you're going to see what you want and not try and see the situation for what is really is. I've heard very few people being objective about this.

While I actually agree with some of your post, especially in regards to Trump's treatment of cabinet members, explain the bolded please. What is it really?
atta boy

Joe Manchin will vote for Trump's plan to end shutdown

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) announced Thursday that he will vote for President Trump's proposal to reopen the government, making him the first Senate Democrat to back the plan that includes $5.7 billion for a border wall.

The big picture: Manchin will also vote for a Democrat-backed clean spending bill, joining at least three Republicans — Sens. Cory Gardner, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski — who have said they will vote for both bills in an effort to end the shutdown. Manchin acknowledged that neither bill is likely to pass the Senate, but said his votes "are a start to finding a way to reopen the [government and getting West Virginians] back to work."

atta boy

Joe Manchin will vote for Trump's plan to end shutdown

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) announced Thursday that he will vote for President Trump's proposal to reopen the government, making him the first Senate Democrat to back the plan that includes $5.7 billion for a border wall.

The big picture: Manchin will also vote for a Democrat-backed clean spending bill, joining at least three Republicans — Sens. Cory Gardner, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski — who have said they will vote for both bills in an effort to end the shutdown. Manchin acknowledged that neither bill is likely to pass the Senate, but said his votes "are a start to finding a way to reopen the [government and getting West Virginians] back to work."


Joe needs to man up and switch parties.
It may take years before some conservative leaning people ever fully admit that backing Trump was a colossal mistake and before the voices of sensible conservatives can rise above this noise.

What has been insane to me about this whole situation is that Donald Trump is clearly just a populist and only concerned about himself. He has made that clear multiple times. When he tried to run ten years ago he was laughed at by Republican voters. Republicans were so angry about the "liberal agenda" that they were willing to listen to this ******* and Democrats were so busy sabotaging Bernie Sanders campaign and letting Hillary Clinton campaign from inside the Obama administration that they failed to seize the moment. Its a ******* mess. But being stubborn and digging your heels in defending Trump and continuing to cheer this on is shameful.

Look at how Trump has treated his handpicked cabinet members on the way out the door. Whether he fired them or they quit he has never taken responsibility for any of his own actions in any of these situations. In each case he has thrown tantrums and insulted and in some cases threatened them. That is not the way a leader is supposed to act. How he treated Mattis was a disgrace and normally one that any Republican worth a damn would be pissed about. But not now......can't admit any wrongs whatsoever. Might lose face and have to be humbled. Can't have that.

If this were a Democrat doing this **** this board would be burning to sky with hate for that person. The fact that a lot of you can't even admit that a lot of what Trump is doing and has done is dangerous and wrong says as much about you as it does about him.

This situation with the kids from Kentucky with the MAGA hats and the Marine was like a Rorschach test. Depending on what side you're on you're going to see what you want and not try and see the situation for what is really is. I've heard very few people being objective about this.

The shutdown is the same situation. Democrats are holding Trump hostage over the border funding not because they truly oppose the wall, but because of what it would represent for Trump and his ego. They want a win and they want to build momentum for their base. They want to do exactly what Trump wants to do. They should be using this opportunity to push for more PERMANENT protections for asylum seekers and DACA recipients but we have no idea about the real negotiations going on behind closed doors. I don't have much faith in the Democrats at this point to get this right from that point of view. But what I do know is that it's hard to negotiate with a person like Donald Trump who is a megalomaniac. People are so stubborn on both sides of this to find any common ground.

This is a sad situation. I'd like to think we could get to a tipping point that leads in a constructive direction but I doubt it. This is only going to get worse.

I'd also love to hear where some of you think the Republican party will go after Trump is out of office. The last people off of a sinking ship is supposed to be the captain but that shouldn't be the case here. Thrown this ******* over and save what is left of the Republican party.

Here’s the difference between libs who are slaves to the Dem party and people who voted for Trump. I don’t give a **** about the Republican party.

That is why Trump was elected. People on both sides did not care about party and voted for the candidate whose ideas they preferred.

These past 2 years have only strengthened my support fpr Trump. Part of that is seeing the sabotage he gets from establishment republicans.

Trump may be an ego maniac and an ******* but i don’t care at all. All i care about is that the Prez is trying to get this country back on track. By that i mean stopping the slide to socialsim, fighting back against PC culture, and actually enforcing the laws.

The left makes the mistake of thinking everybody who voted Trump is either an idiot or they were somehow tricked or caught up in voting for a celebrity.

Two years later and it is still apparent that the left does not understand why Trump won. He won because when you get past the theatrics, he really was the most substantive candidate. Trump and Cruz were the most substantive and it came down to them. Establishment talking points guy Jeb Bush never stood a chance.

Its the same reason Bernie is so popular on the left. On both sides, people got tired of electing people who get in office and then don’t do what they said they would. Lots of people were disappointed in Obama. Many of his supporters thought he didn’t do enough.

Trump has already accomplished quite a bit. He actually is doing what he said he would do. A wall may never get built but not for lack of him trying.
Why do we elect a president when all it takes is one crazy *** woman in Congress to run the show?
It is silly to say Trump caved to Pelosi. Look at the big picture. Trump is winning on the shutdown as evidenced by the fact most of this country supports the shutdown or doesn’t care. There is no major upheaval as was always threatened and weak Reps feared so they caved on their positions.

Trump is also winning on the immigration discussions. They fact we are even having them is a win.

On the internet, it’s easy to think everybody is a partisan. To think that every Dem is cheering that Pelosi is not allowing the State of the Union. That’s not true though. Most people see something like this and even if they don’t like Trump, they think it’s over the line that you are not allowing the President to address congress. And nobody believes the nonsense about security.

So Trump is actually in the high ground in that most people expect the President to be allowed to deliver the speech.

He is also positioning himself as the one who is willing to negotiate and compromise.
800,000 government workers aren't getting a paycheck
how many illegals are?

build the wall
Here’s the difference between libs who are slaves to the Dem party and people who voted for Trump. I don’t give a **** about the Republican party.

That is why Trump was elected. People on both sides did not care about party and voted for the candidate whose ideas they preferred.

These past 2 years have only strengthened my support fpr Trump. Part of that is seeing the sabotage he gets from establishment republicans.

Trump may be an ego maniac and an ******* but i don’t care at all. All i care about is that the Prez is trying to get this country back on track. By that i mean stopping the slide to socialsim, fighting back against PC culture, and actually enforcing the laws.

The left makes the mistake of thinking everybody who voted Trump is either an idiot or they were somehow tricked or caught up in voting for a celebrity.

Two years later and it is still apparent that the left does not understand why Trump won. He won because when you get past the theatrics, he really was the most substantive candidate. Trump and Cruz were the most substantive and it came down to them. Establishment talking points guy Jeb Bush never stood a chance.

Its the same reason Bernie is so popular on the left. On both sides, people got tired of electing people who get in office and then don’t do what they said they would. Lots of people were disappointed in Obama. Many of his supporters thought he didn’t do enough.

Trump has already accomplished quite a bit. He actually is doing what he said he would do. A wall may never get built but not for lack of him trying.

Thank you for your honesty. You're not AT ALL wrong in your assessment of this other than the fact that certain people who have a choice can ever vote Republican in an election. The Republican base is a monolith and has been for decades. The candidates have followed suit and so has the coverage and propaganda machine attached to that. You all ***** about the "leftist" media and fake news and all that bullshit and it's just as bad on the other side. There used to be a much wider type of Republican and those who actually cared about more than this polarized base we have now. If some of those candidates would actually show up then we could see a much larger coalition of voters.

It's hard to get elected as a Democrat. That candidate has to appeal to a much broader base and keep everyone's attention and make empty promises to half of those people just to get them to the polls. that's why in the last 60 years you're really only seen young, charismatic people able to win in that party. People would rather stay home than to vote for an establishment candidate. I don't blame them either. The choices were horrible. I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. In Nevada we can vote "none" and went that way and filled out the rest of my ballot. It is the most disgusted I've ever been going into an election. I hate the two party system. Both parties got hijacked by people that had no business in the position they were in.

None of this means I'm at all ok with the current events obviously. Despite what some hardcore Democrats say.....I can criticize them all I want even if I didn't vote for Hillary just like I can think Trump is dangerous, selfish, and moronic. Voting because I want to see anarchy isn't the way I would go.

I also don't understand this whole cultural policing angle either. It's not the goverment's job to corral culture. They need to make and enforce laws but also be a place for mobility and support for the American people. Far right conservatives have as warped a sense of reality of far left people do. How the hell are you pro life but don't support welfare? Who the hell is going to raise the kids you want to force people to have. And then we can't teach kids about birth control because it's against the sensibilities of a lot of people as well. That's insane. What happened to government not interfering in people's business? Then you have far left people who want to take as much from the top as they can and prop people up too much and force their agenda as well culturally.

That's my issue with all of this. People look across and point fingers while they embrace the same kinds of actions on their side of the fence. There is no compromise and no sense of right and wrong. Just chaos as long as the few things they want go their way. That's horrible.
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There used to be a much wider type of Republican and those who actually cared about more than this polarized base we have now. If some of those candidates would actually show up then we could see a much larger coalition of voters.

They went the way of the Dodo, see Bill Kristol and National Review. Trump's base will not leave due to the decades of believing in the wider type Republican, voting for them and getting duped. You also mention that you hate the 2 party system, we don't have a 2 party system Shinin. What we have is 535 people voting in lockstep with the embedded leadership, voting for their goals and the goals of the man behind the curtain a'la Oz, not the American people. If anything, Trump is the second half of the 2 party system. America as founded needs Donald J. Trump.

Heard it said once that the Dems are the Harlem Globetrotters and the Reps are the Wash. Generals. I find no fault in that statement.
Thank you for your honesty. You're not AT ALL wrong in your assessment of this other than the fact that certain people who have a choice can ever vote Republican in an election. The Republican base is a monolith and has been for decades. The candidates have followed suit and so has the coverage and propaganda machine attached to that. You all ***** about the "leftist" media and fake news and all that bullshit and it's just as bad on the other side. There used to be a much wider type of Republican and those who actually cared about more than this polarized base we have now. If some of those candidates would actually show up then we could see a much larger coalition of voters.

It's hard to get elected as a Democrat. That candidate has to appeal to a much broader base and keep everyone's attention and make empty promises to half of those people just to get them to the polls. that's why in the last 60 years you're really only seen young, charismatic people able to win in that party. People would rather stay home than to vote for an establishment candidate. I don't blame them either. The choices were horrible. I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. In Nevada we can vote "none" and went that way and filled out the rest of my ballot. It is the most disgusted I've ever been going into an election. I hate the two party system. Both parties got hijacked by people that had no business in the position they were in.

None of this means I'm at all ok with the current events obviously. Despite what some hardcore Democrats say.....I can criticize them all I want even if I didn't vote for Hillary just like I can think Trump is dangerous, selfish, and moronic. Voting because I want to see anarchy isn't the way I would go.

I also don't understand this whole cultural policing angle either. It's not the goverment's job to corral culture. They need to make and enforce laws but also be a place for mobility and support for the American people. Far right conservatives have as warped a sense of reality of far left people do. How the hell are you pro life but don't support welfare? Who the hell is going to raise the kids you want to force people to have. And then we can't teach kids about birth control because it's against the sensibilities of a lot of people as well. That's insane. What happened to government not interfering in people's business? Then you have far left people who want to take as much from the top as they can and prop people up too much and force their agenda as well culturally.

That's my issue with all of this. People look across and point fingers while they embrace the same kinds of actions on their side of the fence. There is no compromise and no sense of right and wrong. Just chaos as long as the few things they want go their way. That's horrible.

****. There has been no middle in this country for decades. I’m right your wrong, pick your position. Communication, comprising, mutual benefits for the benefit of all. Nope. My way or the highway.

I’ve always been middle ground dude. But **** over the last 8 pushed me to where I am.
Thank you for your honesty. You're not AT ALL wrong in your assessment of this other than the fact that certain people who have a choice can ever vote Republican in an election. The Republican base is a monolith and has been for decades. The candidates have followed suit and so has the coverage and propaganda machine attached to that. You all ***** about the "leftist" media and fake news and all that bullshit and it's just as bad on the other side. There used to be a much wider type of Republican and those who actually cared about more than this polarized base we have now. If some of those candidates would actually show up then we could see a much larger coalition of voters.

It's hard to get elected as a Democrat. That candidate has to appeal to a much broader base and keep everyone's attention and make empty promises to half of those people just to get them to the polls. that's why in the last 60 years you're really only seen young, charismatic people able to win in that party. People would rather stay home than to vote for an establishment candidate. I don't blame them either. The choices were horrible. I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. In Nevada we can vote "none" and went that way and filled out the rest of my ballot. It is the most disgusted I've ever been going into an election. I hate the two party system. Both parties got hijacked by people that had no business in the position they were in.

None of this means I'm at all ok with the current events obviously. Despite what some hardcore Democrats say.....I can criticize them all I want even if I didn't vote for Hillary just like I can think Trump is dangerous, selfish, and moronic. Voting because I want to see anarchy isn't the way I would go.

I also don't understand this whole cultural policing angle either. It's not the goverment's job to corral culture. They need to make and enforce laws but also be a place for mobility and support for the American people. Far right conservatives have as warped a sense of reality of far left people do. How the hell are you pro life but don't support welfare? Who the hell is going to raise the kids you want to force people to have. And then we can't teach kids about birth control because it's against the sensibilities of a lot of people as well. That's insane. What happened to government not interfering in people's business? Then you have far left people who want to take as much from the top as they can and prop people up too much and force their agenda as well culturally.

That's my issue with all of this. People look across and point fingers while they embrace the same kinds of actions on their side of the fence. There is no compromise and no sense of right and wrong. Just chaos as long as the few things they want go their way. That's horrible.

Uh, no it isn't, not even close..but keep telling yourself that .

If the other side is just as bad, then for every example of left wing media lies and malpractice that has been posted here you provide one from the right.
You can start with the 67 examples I posted of outright lies, fake news and misinformation from your side.

Get your head out of the sand. Also understand that there should not be an "other side".

The only reason right wing news sources exist is because the ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The NY TIMES, LA Times etc. is to counter their ever increasing spewing of lies, misinformation, and glaring political bias..

They are representatives for the democRAT party... Their respective "journalists", and executives all vote overwhelmingly democRAT. That right there should raise a red flag for you son.

If these news outlets adhered to the standards of true journalism, then there wouldn't be a need for the "other side".

In the days of Walter Cronkite, there was no "other side". Today liberalism has corrupted the news media along with academia and Hollywood.
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Trump’s going to make them holler!

White House preparing draft national emergency order and identified $7 billion for wall

Washington (CNN)The White House is preparing a draft proclamation for President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency along the southern border and has identified more than $7 billion in potential funds for his signature border wall should he go that route.

President Trump has not ruled out using his authority to declare a national emergency and direct the Defense Department to construct a border wall as Congress and the White House fight over a deal to end the government shutdown.

"The massive amount of aliens who unlawfully enter the United States each day is a direct threat to the safety and security of our nation and constitutes a national emergency," a draft of a presidential proclamation reads.

"Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C 1601, et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States"
