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Govt. shutdown

Joe needs to man up and switch parties.

We already know who he sides with. I don't care if there is a " D " in front of his name. I hope he stays until the kick him out.
Uh, no it isn't, not even close..but keep telling yourself that .

If the other side is just as bad, then for every example of left wing media lies and malpractice that has been posted here you provide one from the right.
You can start with the 67 examples I posted of outright lies, fake news and misinformation from your side.

Get your head out of the sand. Also understand that there should not be an "other side".

The only reason right wing news sources exist is because the ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The NY TIMES, LA Times etc. is to counter their ever increasing spewing of lies, misinformation, and glaring political bias..

They are representatives for the democRAT party... Their respective "journalists", and executives all vote overwhelmingly democRAT. That right there should raise a red flag for you son.

If these news outlets adhered to the standards of true journalism, then there wouldn't be a need for the "other side".

In the days of Walter Cronkite, there was no "other side". Today liberalism has corrupted the news media along with academia and Hollywood.

Really. Can you sit here and tell me with a straight ******* face that Fox News, Breitbart, Blaze, ect is not disgustingly biased. Because I will wholeheartly say that a few of the major news media sources are. Not all but there are some that are shamefully biased. NBC being right in front. More misinformation doesn't do anything but throw gas on this though. Some where along the line it wasn't good enough for a respectable journalist to sit in front of the country and just deliver the news. You needed to have a bullshit slant to everything because of pieces of **** like Roger Ailes. Liberalism and "academia" did not poison peoples perceptions on their own. Fear, phobia, and paranoia did. Calling someone a DemocRAT and not acknowledging that sitting across the aisle, table, ect is a person with just as much bias is ridiculous. You follow along with the slant that you want because you are convinced that it serves your outlook and you views of the truth. Who the **** is running about calling people ConservaTARDs or anything stupid like that. You sound like a child.
I just read about a filter that Microsoft is embedding in to its ****** Edge browser. It will filter out "red" ie fake news such aw Breitbart, Drudge (he only links to news, he doesn't write it), etc. Sites such as CNN, Buzzfeed, Daily Beast, NY Times, etc are actually deemed legitimate and will have a green tag. These filters are going to become more and more embedded in search features making searching for "alternative" sources increasingly difficult. This pisses me off in a big way. ******* totalitarian pigs.
Really. Can you sit here and tell me with a straight ******* face that Fox News, Breitbart, Blaze, ect is not disgustingly biased. Because I will wholeheartly say that a few of the major news media sources are. Not all but there are some that are shamefully biased. NBC being right in front. More misinformation doesn't do anything but throw gas on this though. Some where along the line it wasn't good enough for a respectable journalist to sit in front of the country and just deliver the news. You needed to have a bullshit slant to everything because of pieces of **** like Roger Ailes. Liberalism and "academia" did not poison peoples perceptions on their own. Fear, phobia, and paranoia did. Calling someone a DemocRAT and not acknowledging that sitting across the aisle, table, ect is a person with just as much bias is ridiculous. You follow along with the slant that you want because you are convinced that it serves your outlook and you views of the truth. Who the **** is running about calling people ConservaTARDs or anything stupid like that. You sound like a child.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe you answered Stewey's request. And those on the left don't name call as a primary tool? Priceless!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe you answered Stewey's request. And those on the left don't name call as a primary tool? Priceless!


Saul Alinsky.
I just read about a filter that Microsoft is embedding in to its ****** Edge browser. It will filter out "red" ie fake news such aw Breitbart, Drudge (he only links to news, he doesn't write it), etc. Sites such as CNN, Buzzfeed, Daily Beast, NY Times, etc are actually deemed legitimate and will have a green tag. These filters are going to become more and more embedded in search features making searching for "alternative" sources increasingly difficult. This pisses me off in a big way. ******* totalitarian pigs.

I use Vivaldi as a web browser and duckduckgo as a search engine.
I know one thing I think the commerce secretary is a total jackass. The guy is worth 700 million dollars and telling people to get a loan where they have to pay interest to cover the bills. Then he was saying the 800k workers only account for 0.03% of the GDP so it doesnt have that much of an effect on the economy. While this maybe true he is looking at people as just numbers. They were saying TSA screeners make 25-35k a year roughly. Someone on that salary would be hurting missing 2 paychecks especially if you have a family. Also there is not even a guarantee you would get a loan....I just think those are ridiculous comments to make and certainly are not going to help Trump or the Republicans.
They went the way of the Dodo, see Bill Kristol and National Review. Trump's base will not leave due to the decades of believing in the wider type Republican, voting for them and getting duped. You also mention that you hate the 2 party system, we don't have a 2 party system Shinin. What we have is 535 people voting in lockstep with the embedded leadership, voting for their goals and the goals of the man behind the curtain a'la Oz, not the American people. If anything, Trump is the second half of the 2 party system. America as founded needs Donald J. Trump.

Heard it said once that the Dems are the Harlem Globetrotters and the Reps are the Wash. Generals. I find no fault in that statement.

I've read this a couple times over now, and boy is it the cold, hard truth really.
It may take years before some conservative leaning people ever fully admit that backing Trump was a colossal mistake and before the voices of sensible conservatives can rise above this noise.

What has been insane to me about this whole situation is that Donald Trump is clearly just a populist and only concerned about himself. He has made that clear multiple times. When he tried to run ten years ago he was laughed at by Republican voters. Republicans were so angry about the "liberal agenda" that they were willing to listen to this ******* and Democrats were so busy sabotaging Bernie Sanders campaign and letting Hillary Clinton campaign from inside the Obama administration that they failed to seize the moment. Its a ******* mess. But being stubborn and digging your heels in defending Trump and continuing to cheer this on is shameful.

Look at how Trump has treated his handpicked cabinet members on the way out the door. Whether he fired them or they quit he has never taken responsibility for any of his own actions in any of these situations. In each case he has thrown tantrums and insulted and in some cases threatened them. That is not the way a leader is supposed to act. How he treated Mattis was a disgrace and normally one that any Republican worth a damn would be pissed about. But not now......can't admit any wrongs whatsoever. Might lose face and have to be humbled. Can't have that.

If this were a Democrat doing this **** this board would be burning to sky with hate for that person. The fact that a lot of you can't even admit that a lot of what Trump is doing and has done is dangerous and wrong says as much about you as it does about him.

This situation with the kids from Kentucky with the MAGA hats and the Marine was like a Rorschach test. Depending on what side you're on you're going to see what you want and not try and see the situation for what is really is. I've heard very few people being objective about this.

The shutdown is the same situation. Democrats are holding Trump hostage over the border funding not because they truly oppose the wall, but because of what it would represent for Trump and his ego. They want a win and they want to build momentum for their base. They want to do exactly what Trump wants to do. They should be using this opportunity to push for more PERMANENT protections for asylum seekers and DACA recipients but we have no idea about the real negotiations going on behind closed doors. I don't have much faith in the Democrats at this point to get this right from that point of view. But what I do know is that it's hard to negotiate with a person like Donald Trump who is a megalomaniac. People are so stubborn on both sides of this to find any common ground.

This is a sad situation. I'd like to think we could get to a tipping point that leads in a constructive direction but I doubt it. This is only going to get worse.

I'd also love to hear where some of you think the Republican party will go after Trump is out of office. The last people off of a sinking ship is supposed to be the captain but that shouldn't be the case here. Thrown this ******* over and save what is left of the Republican party.

In my opinion, there is absolutely no way this all doesn't end in violence. To me, it is just a matter of when. Look at what happens here on the daily. People can't even discuss events without devolving into name-calling, threatening, insulting. Do you honestly believe that one morning we are going to wake up and everything is gonna be ok and everyone is gonna be happy and talk like grown-ups? It is to laugh. The only way this ends is if one side gives up, or one side is dead. I don't see any scenario in which one side gives up, so...…
In my opinion, there is absolutely no way this all doesn't end in violence. To me, it is just a matter of when. Look at what happens here on the daily. People can't even discuss events without devolving into name-calling, threatening, insulting. Do you honestly believe that one morning we are going to wake up and everything is gonna be ok and everyone is gonna be happy and talk like grown-ups? It is to laugh. The only way this ends is if one side gives up, or one side is dead. I don't see any scenario in which one side gives up, so...…

I think it comes down to who has the most freakishly large biceps.
In my opinion, there is absolutely no way this all doesn't end in violence. To me, it is just a matter of when. Look at what happens here on the daily. People can't even discuss events without devolving into name-calling, threatening, insulting. Do you honestly believe that one morning we are going to wake up and everything is gonna be ok and everyone is gonna be happy and talk like grown-ups? It is to laugh. The only way this ends is if one side gives up, or one side is dead. I don't see any scenario in which one side gives up, so...…

I hope not man. People are alot more alike than they are different at the end of the day. I know a lot of people from a lot of walks of life and I try to understand where everyone I know is coming from. We don't always agree on everything but we respect each other. The people I have a problem with are the ones who want to interfere in someone's life or pursuit of happiness that will in no way effect their own. Someone may not worship the same God as you or believe in God at all. They may not have the same sexual preference as you. They may have traditions in their family that came from less "PC" times but have turned into something meaningful to them. I have strong feelings about a lot of this stuff. I could talk for a few hours about how backwards I think this #metoo movement is and how counter productive it will end up being if it goes on like this. But we have to figure out how everyone can live without the constant threat of persecution. I think it's possible but people can't align themselves with pieces of **** or put those people in charge of their country and think that will help. It won't. It is only going to divide the country more.
Liberals hit the hardest, lol

The people I have a problem with are the ones who want to interfere in someone's life or pursuit of happiness that will in no way effect their own.

I agree with your post, every bit and personally (for real) live by the same mantra. Be happy. Let others be happy. And stay out of their way in their pursuit to be happy as long as it is legal.

But I have to throw this out there. This sentence above? This is what Liberals do that drive Conservatives mad. The desire for bigger government, more government control, more governmental restrictions in our lives. Whether it's our personal lives or our businesses.
So with this whole partial shutdown, it's getting harder to tell fact from fiction, or outright lies, so maybe someone here can help.

I keep seeing memes on FB that last week, GOP members of the house had a proposal to start paying federal workers again, but only 6 democrats votes with them.
The source of this is credited to Dan Crenshaw, R. Texas, but no real way to verify it, which seems to happen a lot these days with sound bites, etc.

Anyway, I'd assume if a vote was taken, there would be a bill number attached to it that would allow us peasants to read it, but can't find one. If it was true, I'd think that information would be out there already, and if it is true, I'd love to see the up and down vote.

Trump has his share to blame in this, but they're all acting like a bunch of 6 year olds.
When Pelosi smiles, you know its bad
When Pelosi smiles, you know its bad

It’s so funny that she and Cryin Chuck think they won. It’s not over at all. They’re playing checkers and Trump is playing 3 dimensional chess. Don’t think for a second that Trump folded. 2020 is shaping up very nicely.
It’s so funny that she and Cryin Chuck think they won. It’s not over at all. They’re playing checkers and Trump is playing 3 dimensional chess. Don’t think for a second that Trump folded. 2020 is shaping up very nicely.

I think Trump should stick to Go Fish
This is why nothing ever gets done. Read any major (cough cough) new outlets, how we beat the president. Isn’t about doing good for the people, compromise, ......**** sake.
So the State of the Union is back on, right Speaker Pelosi? I mean we have security now don't we?

**** it. Just pull emergency pres powers and do what the **** he wants,....then grab her dry, crusty *** box lol
Trump got outmaneuvered by better politicians. It's that simple. They had public opinion on their side, and a media pushing against him 24/7. Probably why he shouldn't have dragged it out this long. Smart thing he did was recognize that he was losing the PR war and signed the bill. Truth is, we will likely be right back here come February 15th.

While I am pretty certain that the Democrats will not negotiate in good faith going forward, I am hopeful that they will. Politically, they have no reason to. They won. However, if they are actually for the American people, here is the chance to prove it. Curious to see how this all plays out, but you'll have to forgive me if I doubt that anything meaningful actually gets done.
They’re playing checkers and Trump is playing 3 dimensional chess. Don’t think for a second that Trump folded.

EDIT: The only thing I can think is that Trump thought the Dems would cave. He had to have thought that. Otherwise, why not declare a national emergency from the word go?
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EDIT: The only thing I can think is that Trump thought the Dems would cave. He had to have thought that. Otherwise, why not declare a national emergency from the word go?

Cause he now gave them a chance to negotiate which they said they would do. If they don’t they look like liars. He will get the wall one way or another. If he gets it and makes them look like **** in the process, so much the better.
Cause he now gave them a chance to negotiate which they said they would do. If they don’t they look like liars. He will get the wall one way or another. If he gets it and makes them look like **** in the process, so much the better.

Eh, I don't know. Why wait 34 days to do that? He could have given them a chance to negotiate right off the bat, so I'm not sure I buy that. While I agree that if they said they will negotiate and then do not, that looks bad, but it wouldn't surprise me. After thinking about it, I think they will negotiate every bit of border security EXCEPT the wall.

That being the case, why not just declare the emergency to begin with? He has to know they aren't going to give in on the wall. He has to. They said as much, and they haven't budged. He just gave in and re-opened the government, so why would they give him the wall now if they think they won round 1? Answer is they won't.

So I am not sure what this dick measuring contest is about. He might as well go ahead and declare a national emergency and build the wall, because in this person's opinion, that is the only way it happens.