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Govt. shutdown

rut row, raggy

If you are making less than $40k a year and are married to a spouse that is not working, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

Lol...not a reality based take, imho.
You have to know that our representatives in Congress are really concerned about all the repercussions from this shutdown......right ??





President Trump: No Money for Wall, No Signature on Bill to Fund Government

“The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security — the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles”

well we live paycheck to paycheck with one child to support. The problem is we make enough to not receive any help whatsoever. Between rent, gas, daycare, electric, phones, and health insurance it is pretty difficult to save any kind of money. We both work at least 40 hours per week.
well we live paycheck to paycheck with one child to support. The problem is we make enough to not receive any help whatsoever. Between rent, gas, daycare, electric, phones, and health insurance it is pretty difficult to save any kind of money. We both work at least 40 hours per week.

Look for a better job. In the booming Trump economy they are out there. Seek and ye shall find.
well we live paycheck to paycheck with one child to support. The problem is we make enough to not receive any help whatsoever. Between rent, gas, daycare, electric, phones, and health insurance it is pretty difficult to save any kind of money. We both work at least 40 hours per week.

Govt. worker or private sector?
Trump has two years with a MAJORITY to fund this **** and now he's going to try to shakedown a new Congress coming in. I knew a lot voters were stupid but anyone who is going to place any blame on anyone but the President in this situation is as big a part of this problem as anyone.
Trump has two years with a MAJORITY to fund this **** and now he's going to try to shakedown a new Congress coming in. I knew a lot voters were stupid but anyone who is going to place any blame on anyone but the President in this situation is as big a part of this problem as anyone.

When he signed the last horseshit establishment spending bill that did not include funding for border security he made it clear that he would never sign another one without it. Kudos to him for not caving like the RINO's always do. We need border security and the amount that he's asking for is less than aid that we give to Other countries for Their security. President Trump will explain it to you lefty simpletons tomorrow night at 9pm Eastern.

If the Republicans had been conservative when they had the majority in both houses of Congress and the presidency they would have expanded their majority instead of losing it. I keep shouting it but no one hears it: you can’t out Democrat the Democrats.
Trump has two years with a MAJORITY to fund this **** and now he's going to try to shakedown a new Congress coming in. I knew a lot voters were stupid but anyone who is going to place any blame on anyone but the President in this situation is as big a part of this problem as anyone.
It's not the Democrats' fault that they oppose the wall? They get a free pass because Trump was unable to force it through when Republicans had the majority? He would have needed a supermajority and we did not have that. It's nonsensical to state that anyone who doesn't put all the blame on Trump is a big part of "this problem".
I think it's time for the president tell congress to either get aboard or step back because the train is leaving the station.
It's not the Democrats' fault that they oppose the wall? They get a free pass because Trump was unable to force it through when Republicans had the majority? He would have needed a supermajority and we did not have that. It's nonsensical to state that anyone who doesn't put all the blame on Trump is a big part of "this problem".

No my point is he can't come out not and try and make this a "Democrats don't want security" thing when he hadn't gotten it funded through half of his term already. If that's the case then a lot of Republican's don't either by his logic. This whole situation is ridiculous and he's out here pulling numbers out of his *** trying to justify his tantrum. This is absolutely ridiculous. Border security does need to be improved. But building this wall will not be the end all for that. That money could be used to actually make legitimate improvement and lasting ones. Another problem is a lot of terrorists aren't undocumented. They are already here or come here legally. People are stupid enough to be convinced into thinking that only people who sneak into this country aim to harm this country or the people in it. There are plenty of people here already who are doing plenty of that. I don't recall any illegals shooting up kids in a school.
No my point is he can't come out not and try and make this a "Democrats don't want security" thing when he hadn't gotten it funded through half of his term already. If that's the case then a lot of Republican's don't either by his logic. This whole situation is ridiculous and he's out here pulling numbers out of his *** trying to justify his tantrum. This is absolutely ridiculous. Border security does need to be improved. But building this wall will not be the end all for that. That money could be used to actually make legitimate improvement and lasting ones. Another problem is a lot of terrorists aren't undocumented. They are already here or come here legally. People are stupid enough to be convinced into thinking that only people who sneak into this country aim to harm this country or the people in it. There are plenty of people here already who are doing plenty of that. I don't recall any illegals shooting up kids in a school.

The problem isn't just terrorism. The problem is America citizens being killed in this country by illegal aliens. PERIOD. Just saw another one today in TN. Been deported many times. Drunk driving and kills an innocent teenager. A wall is the only thing that will stop MASSIVE illegal immigration from the southern border. There are so many we don't even know how many there are. Drones and sensors won't work because they just tell you they are there (or something alive is there) But it doesn't stop them. You have to send out people to capture them. But if the border has no wall they are almost impossible to catch them all. A real wall works great. It makes it to where you have time to get officers on the spot if you have a mass of people trying to get in. Everywhere on the border it is tried it works. The border patrol says it works and that they need it. The only people that don't want it are people who don't like Trump and want open borders. PERIOD.
No my point is he can't come out not and try and make this a "Democrats don't want security" thing when he hadn't gotten it funded through half of his term already. If that's the case then a lot of Republican's don't either by his logic. This whole situation is ridiculous and he's out here pulling numbers out of his *** trying to justify his tantrum. This is absolutely ridiculous. Border security does need to be improved. But building this wall will not be the end all for that. That money could be used to actually make legitimate improvement and lasting ones. Another problem is a lot of terrorists aren't undocumented. They are already here or come here legally. People are stupid enough to be convinced into thinking that only people who sneak into this country aim to harm this country or the people in it. There are plenty of people here already who are doing plenty of that. I don't recall any illegals shooting up kids in a school.

Wow you are wrong on almost every single point you try to make. Without a 60 vote majority there was no way the Republicans could do this without the Democrats. The amount being asked for is simple rounding error in a small part of the budget. If a wall can stop even a percentage of those coming here illegally it is worth this drop in the bucket being asked for. So what if there are people here already doing bad things, what the **** does that have to do with stopping more from coming? You make no sense.
Because facts matter:

Terrorists caught entering through southern border in 2017: 0

That’s the whole point you dumb ******* commie. They are pouring into the country with no wall and inadequate security. G-damn you’re stupid.
Wow you are wrong on almost every single point you try to make. Without a 60 vote majority there was no way the Republicans could do this without the Democrats. The amount being asked for is simple rounding error in a small part of the budget. If a wall can stop even a percentage of those coming here illegally it is worth this drop in the bucket being asked for. So what if there are people here already doing bad things, what the **** does that have to do with stopping more from coming? You make no sense.

No I'm not. This would have been difficult to get funded in 2017 but the beginning of last year this could have gotten funded. The bill last year only included 1 billion towards the initial construction. The House Republicans asked for 10 billion up front. That number fell all the way to 1.6 billion and then to about a billion. At least 14 GOP Senators voted against the initial bill twice last year because of the DACA framework. That's one thing I will give Trump credit for is he wasn't initially trying to just build this wall and not reform the immigration laws. And people already here doing "bad things" does ******* matter. It matters when you have a sitting President putting things in the context of fear and trying to scare people into doing something based on false boogeyman bullshit. I've not once heard the President vow to try and clean up crime as a whole that isn't tied to some dog whistle about illegals or terrorists. This will be a mess if it gets pushed through like this. I heard a report the other day on Fox News about the 2006 Secure Fence Act and how Democrats voted for that and how this is the same thing only now it's Trump and blaa blaa blaa. Will people go look at the context of these two situations and do research for themselves. Nope. Will they just open up and get fed the bullshit? Yep. That bill called for two layers of reinforced fencing (which later was reduced to one layer) along with more checkpoints, manpower and materials. I believe that bill only authorized about 700 miles of fencing. The alternative was a bill that would make any undocumented immigrant a felon regardless of whether an actual crime was committed or not. I'm not going to get into the history of immigration in this country here because I'd be wasting my time but that's probably one of the most unamerican ideas that there is.
Because facts matter:

Terrorists caught entering through southern border in 2017: 0

Incidents of right-wing domestic terrorism in 2017: 36

Zero terrorists caught entering through southern border in 2017

Increase in right-wing domestic terrorism under Trump

How many US Citizens were killed last year by illegal aliens that had already been deported before?
Last edited:
How many US Citizens were killed last year by illegal aliens that how already been deported before?

He doesn't care. As long as dems are flooding across the border he's fine with it. He thinks "drones" are going to stop them... yea right...
Because facts matter:

Terrorists caught entering through southern border in 2017: 0

Incidents of right-wing domestic terrorism in 2017: 36

Zero terrorists caught entering through southern border in 2017

Increase in right-wing domestic terrorism under Trump

so you're saying we have enough problems of our own without importing more.