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Govt. shutdown

No, I only stay up that late for Steelers games. Plus I already know, word for word, all of the lies that will be flying out of his fat, ugly face. I do hope all the networks and news channels do an immediate fact check on all of his bullshit. But his starstruck, adoring fan base won't care. They actually love being lied to, it helps keep their wackadoo, unhinged world view in place.

And Happy New Year to you too 83, hope you enjoyed the holidays.

...understatement of 2019 so far.
I read somewhere that the Dept. of Defense has $100 billion just sitting there. Hopefully tonight Trump will declare a State of Emergency and just pull $5.7 billion from there.
I read somewhere that the Dept. of Defense has $100 billion just sitting there. Hopefully tonight Trump will declare a State of Emergency and just pull $5.7 billion from there.

I heard the project would be given to the Army Corp. of Engineers and they have between $10B and $20B. Corp. of Engineers makes a lot of sense. And I heard this morning that it's going to take about 5 minutes after the speech for the Dems to pitch a legal ***** sending it to the courts.
And I heard this morning that it's going to take about 5 minutes after the speech for the Dems to pitch a legal ***** sending it to the courts.
I doubt it would take a full five minutes....the pushback will be - and should be - immediate.

You can't declare a state of emergency just willy nilly cause you got a hair up your ***. It's abuse of power in its clearest form.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Former GOP Rep. Carlos Curbelo: No, there's not a crisis at the border <a href="https://t.co/ouG53hWWSe">pic.twitter.com/ouG53hWWSe</a></p>— TPM Livewire (@TPMLiveWire) <a href="https://twitter.com/TPMLiveWire/status/1082676882968117250?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2019</a></blockquote>
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The White House can use unspent funds to build a wall if President Donald Trump declares a national emergency and fends off various lawsuits, say lawyers cited in media reports.
The New York Times reported:

The Trump administration could point to two laws and say they allow officials to proceed with building a border wall without first obtaining explicit authorization and appropriations from Congress, according to Elizabeth Goitein, who oversaw the Brennan Center’s study and is a co-director of its Liberty and National Security Program.

One of the laws permits the secretary of the Army to halt Army civil works projects during a presidentially declared emergency and instead direct troops and other resources to help construct “authorized civil works, military construction and civil defense projects that are essential to the national defense.”

Another law permits the secretary of defense, in an emergency, to begin military construction projects “not otherwise authorized by law that are necessary to support such use of the armed forces,” using funds that Congress had appropriated for military construction purposes that have not yet been earmarked for specific projects.

“I think that it’s possible that the president could declare a national emergency and then rely on authority Congress has historically granted for exigencies to free up some funds to support constructing a barrier along the border,” William Banks, a Syracuse University law professor and the author of the 1994 book National Security Law and the Power of the Purse, told the New York Times.

According to the Wall Street Journal:

Currently, $13.3 billion in the Pentagon budget may be available, according to a congressional aide, enough to cover the $5 billion that Mr. Trump is seeking for the border wall. That would have to be diverted from projects such as military housing that Congress previously authorized.

Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin, said that without a statutory definition of “emergency,” courts are unlikely to second-guess the president’s judgment on that. The National Emergencies Act envisions that political checks, rather than litigation, will prevent abuse of executive authority, Mr. Vladeck said.

The Los Angeles Times said:

Legal experts say the act gives the president the power to declare a national emergency. But the act does not require presidents to prove a crisis exists to declare an emergency — it’s at their sole discretion.

Congress can terminate a declared emergency, but it requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers, according to Loyola law professor Jessica A. Levinson.

2/3 majority in both chambers. Good luck with that.
Here is a useful idiots classic -
Upon hearing the quotes, students said Trump’s words were “dehumanizing,” “problematic,” and “jingoist.”

“I just really think it’s hateful speech,” one student said, while another added, “the way he’s referring to people across the wall is dehumanizing.”

One student said the comments held racist undertones, claiming “there are racial biases deeply embedded in there.”

But this was all before they knew these quotes were actually coming from political idols of theirs.

Watch the full video to see their reactions to being told Democrats actually the statements.

. And I heard this morning that it's going to take about 5 minutes after the speech for the Dems to pitch a legal ***** sending it to the courts.

In Trump's speech he should say that if the dims try to tie it up in courts then the shutdown will continue during that whole process. I'm sure he's already 10 moves ahead of those morons.
I want it.

Only Democrats that want to import welfare voters to "insure future electoral success" don't want it.

The majority want the wall and border security. We've kicked the can down the road for 40 years on the issue. Talk time is done. Do time is here. The only reason the socialists care is they see 20 million votes. You can rest assured if these law breaking invaders all wanted to vote Republican the socialists would ship them all out and build a sky high wall.

They care about nothing but power. That's it. They could give two ***** about anyone but themselves.
The majority want the wall and border security. We've kicked the can down the road for 40 years on the issue. Talk time is done. Do time is here. The only reason the socialists care is they see 20 million votes. You can rest assured if these law breaking invaders all wanted to vote Republican the socialists would ship them all out and build a sky high wall.

They care about nothing but power. That's it. They could give two ***** about anyone but themselves.
I really believe that most of these dems actually adopt and internalize the position of the leadership talking points and don't know the real reason for the positions (votes/power). If you don't believe in something, you'll believe in anything - the modern democrat.
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Trump didn't help things by shutting down the government over this. That's the problem. Now he's backed into a corner and is trying to force the hand of Congress. That's not how the federal government works, or should work. This hot mess could have been avoided by good old fashioned, political compromise, the way it's been handled for decades. You know, negotiating in good faith and coming up with a solution, in this case to continue improving existing border security measures. But no, the 'best dealmaker on the planet' had to roll up into a ball and is now demanding to have his way or he'll let the world burn. No wonder nobody wants to work with him or compromise on this issue. He shat in the bed and now must deal with the consequences. And in the meantime, nearly a million federal workers go without pay, including the very TSA agents and air traffic controllers who's job it is to ensure our safety. Nice ******* job, Trump.

What you call good old fashioned compromising has actually been, in reality, just kicking the can down the road while nothing gets done and no real decisions made.

Trump has made this and immigration reform a pillar of his platform. He's not going to compromise on it. The wall funding is Part A and the minute the Supreme Court rules that he's allowed to throw out Obama's DACA executive order (which it will), then he won't back down on getting Congress to actually pass new immigration law that he will sign then either (or he'll let DACA lapse and start throwing kids out of the country).

For too long, our lawmakers get noodle legged whenever tough decisions have to be made and just push it off because none of them have spines enough to (egad!) possible make a bad decision (they'd rather just not make a decision at all).

The immigration laws are non-executable, which means the EXECUTIVE BRANCH can not legally follow the law in any way (and Tibs, if you try to tell me Bush and Obama were following the law, that's bullshit and you know it). The wall is a non-issue and minor in the scheme of things. $5 billion is minor in the scheme of things. He has stated, he would probably accept $2-3 billion for wall building and the other money in stuff Democrats want. But the Democrats aren't negotiating at all. They want NO money to go to a wall (only as far as fences). Pelosi is not coming off this point because she doesn't want Trump to call a victory even though a little money for more walls is 100% viable and needed.
The moron Governor of Kalifornia and the moron Mayor of NYC announced free health care for ILLEGAL ALIENS! WTF? Illegals are going to flock there. Savage put it best: that's pouring sugar on the counter to attract ants when you're trying to get rid of them. They'll eventually go bankrupt. The working class is leaving. The pace will pick up when their high taxes are raised even more.
The majority want the wall and border security. We've kicked the can down the road for 40 years on the issue. Talk time is done. Do time is here. The only reason the socialists care is they see 20 million votes. You can rest assured if these law breaking invaders all wanted to vote Republican the socialists would ship them all out and build a sky high wall.

They care about nothing but power. That's it. They could give two ***** about anyone but themselves.

Trump's imaginary wall evidently exists solely in his own mind. Two years in, and after giving it so much lip service, that should be alarming to anyone. No plans, no specifics, just a constantly changing storyline as the weeks, months and years go on. I guess one thing we can be sure of, whatever it is, whatever it will be built of and whatever length of the border it's aimed to protect, Trump's tinkerbell fantasy wall won't be paid for by Mexican pesos.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump "keeps talking about something called 'the wall' but we don't really know what he wants"<br><br>"A typical construction project by the Federal Govt. you have to submit plans" detailing cost, size, etc - <a href="https://twitter.com/SenAngusKing?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SenAngusKing</a> <a href="https://t.co/NmUNOpMoW8">pic.twitter.com/NmUNOpMoW8</a></p>— TheBeat w/Ari Melber (@TheBeatWithAri) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheBeatWithAri/status/1082780938382249984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Trump's imaginary wall evidently exists solely in his own mind. Two years in, and after giving it so much lip service, that should be alarming to anyone. No plans, no specifics, just a constantly changing storyline as the weeks, months and years go on. I guess one thing we can be sure of, whatever it is, whatever it will be built of and whatever length of the border it's aimed to protect, Trump's tinkerbell fantasy wall won't be paid for by Mexican pesos.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump "keeps talking about something called 'the wall' but we don't really know what he wants"<br><br>"A typical construction project by the Federal Govt. you have to submit plans" detailing cost, size, etc - <a href="https://twitter.com/SenAngusKing?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SenAngusKing</a> <a href="https://t.co/NmUNOpMoW8">pic.twitter.com/NmUNOpMoW8</a></p>— TheBeat w/Ari Melber (@TheBeatWithAri) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheBeatWithAri/status/1082780938382249984?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 8, 2019</a></blockquote>
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So you don't know what it is, but you know you are against it.
Trump's imaginary wall evidently exists solely in his own mind. Two years in, and after giving it so much lip service, that should be alarming to anyone. No plans, no specifics, just a constantly changing storyline as the weeks, months and years go on. I guess one thing we can be sure of, whatever it is, whatever it will be built of and whatever length of the border it's aimed to protect, Trump's tinkerbell fantasy wall won't be paid for by Mexican pesos.

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They already did design studies. They have a cost....$5 Billion.
Pure obstructionist talking points.

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They already did design studies. They have a cost....$5 Billion. Pure obstructionist talking points.
No specific plans submitted, no feasibility study, nothing thought-through or worked out. The $5 billion is just a number thrown out there 'to get started.' Estimates range from $8 billion to $70 billion. This FoxNews expert estimates around $25 billion. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tru...ill-actually-cost-according-to-a-statistician

The fact is, the campaign is long over and his ill-advised promise that Mexico will pay for the wall (repeated literally hundreds of times over and over) is pure fiction. Two years into his administration, with the entirety of the federal government at his disposal, we're sitting here in 2019 taking wild guesses as far as what the **** he wants to do on border security.

No wonder there's been zero progress made on this, even with a GOP majority in both the House and Senate. As a last gasp, desperate attempt to save face, he has now taken some 800,000+ federal government workers hostage to use them as bargaining chips to bully his way through. I hope the Dems hold their ground and not give into this madman.
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But then again, you have to pass the bill to see what's in it. So they should just pass it. Right?

They sure were for it before Trump:

They sure were for it before Trump

And everyone's still for it, including most Republicans and Democrats. That's what Trump and his base have so wrong. Everyone in their right mind wants reasonable border security and functioning immigration policies. Fund border partrol, reinforce existing fences, structures and infrastructure, add to it if deemed necessary. Increase funding for airport security & TSA, crack-down on visa overstays, etc. That's how we've been securing the borders for decades and illegal border crossings have come down significantly since the early 2000's. Trump is arguing a strawman and peddling provable lies, that anyone who dares question him wants a full-borne land invasion. Problem is (for him) most everyone sees right through his crap. Everyone besides his shrinking MAGA base, who nod along to his lies and applaud his harebrained schemes.
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How can they be "for" enforcing immigration policy and also support sanctuary cities?