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Ha Ha!Trump asks Russia to find Clinton's missing emails


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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“I will tell you this, Russia if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

“If it is Russia and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences,” he said. “That said, the Democrats singularly focusing on who might be behind it and not addressing the basic fact that they've been exposed as a party who not only rigs the government, but rigs elections while literally accepting cash for federal appointments is outrageous. The American people now have absolute and further proof of the corruption that exists around Hillary Clinton. It should disqualify her from office, if the media did their job."

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/pol...nald-trump/article92103212.html#storylink=cpy

The libtards and the libtard media are exploding about this. I watched it live and laughed just like he intended everyone to laugh. Yet, once again, the libtards and libtard media are lying about what he said and how he said it (you know, the context).
Yeah, I heard part of the press conference on the way to work. Dumbass journalists were livid - "You want Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails??"

No, dumbfuck, the e-mails were deleted. We just want to know why, since you miserable sock puppets in the media never bother to ask what was in 30,000 e-mails deleted from the server, after which the server was "scrubbed" to prevent forensic efforts to recover the documents.

Seriously, I have never understood why this is not a death knell for Clinton. Nixon's secretary conveniently erased 18 minutes of tape, and the country went apeshit.

Clinton erases 180 hours of documentary evidence, and nobody says ****.
The libtards and the libtard media are exploding about this. I watched it live and laughed just like he intended everyone to laugh. Yet, once again, the libtards and libtard media are lying about what he said and how he said it (you know, the context).

Exactly - the lyin' media is going out of their minds - they totally disregarded this part because he called them out too

“If it is Russia and they are interfering in our elections, I can assure you both parties and the United States government will ensure there are serious consequences,” he said. “That said, the Democrats singularly focusing on who might be behind it and not addressing the basic fact that they've been exposed as a party who not only rigs the government, but rigs elections while literally accepting cash for federal appointments is outrageous. The American people now have absolute and further proof of the corruption that exists around Hillary Clinton. It should disqualify her from office, if the media did their job."
Trump did not mean hey Russia come on and hack us... he meant that if they already have the info to let everyone else see it.... but the media will bash Trump left and right over this
Headline should read

Trump Hijacks the Democrat Convention

LMAO! Brilliant!
I'm watching a video of his presser. It's great! Trump: "Bernie has lost his energy. He wants to go home and go to sleep." LMAO!
The real reason the presstitutes are going apeshit - he is destroying their narrative

Trump: Obama is 'the most ignorant president' in history

"I think president Obama has been the most ignorant president in our history. His views of the world as he says don't jibe and the world is a mess,” Trump told reporters at a press conference in Florida. “He has been a disaster as a president. He will go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our country. It is a mess. And I believe that Hillary Clinton will be even worse.”

Watch the full press conference - you will NEVER see Hillary take questions from everyone like he does

It's sad that any of you find this funny. There's nothing funny about this ****. How about we spend equal time talking about how dangerous a candidate Trump is too while you're busy tearing down "libbies" or whatever stupid ******* catch term is in vogue right now. Trump has basically been banned from most US banks because he's an albatross financially and has openly been dealing with Russian oligarchies for a while now. He has gotten financial backing from them. I'm going to assume that you see no problems with that if you find this amusing. These aren't just harmless jokes he's making. When are people going to realize this isn't a ******* reality show and theres pretty serious consequences to this.
It's sad that any of you find this funny.
It's hilarious. Worst possible candidate the Dems could have.

There's nothing funny about this ****.
Well, there is the media's hypocrisy.

How about we spend equal time talking about how dangerous a candidate Trump is too while you're busy tearing down "libbies" or whatever stupid ******* catch term is in vogue right now.
See above.

Trump has basically been banned from most US banks because he's an albatross financially and has openly been dealing with Russian oligarchies for a while now.

He has gotten financial backing from them.
Proof? Besides the Daily Kos or Ebony?

I'm going to assume that you see no problems with that if you find this amusing. These aren't just harmless jokes he's making.
You assume correctly. We're pretty ******* happy that the GOP finally has a candidate who is taking it to the Dems.

When are people going to realize this isn't a ******* reality show and theres pretty serious consequences to this.
I hope there is for the illegals and the Muzzies.
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He said that it's not safe for America to have Hillary continue to be briefed on national security because she's a proven liar and incompetent. Great stuff...
i wish someone would point out how awful Trump is and why.
maybe we can have a side by side comparison of him and Hildog?
It's sad that any of you find this funny. There's nothing funny about this ****. How about we spend equal time talking about how dangerous a candidate Trump is too while you're busy tearing down "libbies" or whatever stupid ******* catch term is in vogue right now. Trump has basically been banned from most US banks because he's an albatross financially and has openly been dealing with Russian oligarchies for a while now. He has gotten financial backing from them. I'm going to assume that you see no problems with that if you find this amusing. These aren't just harmless jokes he's making. When are people going to realize this isn't a ******* reality show and theres pretty serious consequences to this.

So I was searching for your head-shaking, finger-wagging posts about the Secretary of State (1) having classified documents on a personal server, (2) to keep them off the government's server where they would be backed up and not deleted, (3) is then asked by the FBI to turn over the 60,000+ e-mails to see if she was a criminal, (4) deletes more than 30,000 such e-mails, (5) has the server SCRUBBED SO THAT THE DELETED E-MAILS CANNOT BE RETRIEVED, (6) accepted millions of dollars in donations from tyrants and despots, including a large donation from a company that needed approval of sale of its uranium assets and obtained that approval FROM CLINTON'S STATE DEPARTMENT, (7) engaged in clearly improper shenanigans to rig the Democratic primaries with corrupt and bought-and-paid-for "superdelegates," and (8) flat-out lied about sending and receiving classified e-mails on her private server but, hey, no harm since "she was not under oath" at the time and cannot be charged with perjury.




Hmmm ... cannot seem to find them.

But banks are not dealing with Trump because of his supposed dealings with Russian oligarchy (as compared to Hillary's multi-million dollar "donation" followed by approval of a deal involving that generous donation source from none other than Hillary's own people)? Okay, this **** is now serious.
The unspoken truth is if Hillary's email was hacked by a foreign govt and her secret server prevented that from being noticed then she really did end up being guilty of negligence... If the 30,000 deleted emails exist... Then she is instantly guilty and should be ineligible...
i wish someone would point out how awful Trump is and why. maybe we can have a side by side comparison of him and Hildog?

1. Heartless One-percenter
2. Demeans women by paying them as much as their male counterparts.
3. Accused of dealing with Russian oligarchs on property deals.
4. Started college which promised to make students millionaires; students shocked to learn life does not work that way.
5. Made a ton of money in private business.
6. Has never been responsible for deposing a government and bringing about an ISIS-led nation.
7. Donates millions to charities.
8. Never sat by idly while an American ambassador was murdered and his body dragged around, and then lied about what happened.

1. Love-filled One-percenter who got rich off the taxpayer.
2. Uplifts women … well, except for Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kyle, Gennifer Flowers, and on and on … oh, and pays female staffers much less than male staffers. But she UPLIFTS, dammit.
3. Took millions in donations from company that sold uranium assets to Russia … which Hillary’s uplifting State Department approved. Hey, uplifting!!
4. Took top secret documents out of the State Department, lied about it, deleted 30,000 e-mails, scrubbed server, claims 30,000 deleted e-mails were about dinner plans and Chelsea’s wedding. Uplifting!
5. Made a ton of money off the government tit and benefits flowing from such nipples.
6. Libya. Oh, and Syria. Oh, and Afghanistan. But not Hillary’s fault. Uplifting!!
7. Set up “foundation” that is on a non-profit abuse watch list.
8. Yeah … not so much.
Dumb Media Play Right Into Trump’s Hands On Russian Hacking

Donald Trump gave a wild press conference, saying outlandish things to highlight Hillary Clinton's inability to protect national security. It worked.

Missing the Actual Message(s) Trump Conveyed

By focusing on this idea that Trump wants Russia to spend the next few days hunting down 30,000 personal emails with no national security implications, the media are missing what is actually going on.

Most media are immune to it, but Trump is actually pretty good at sending out top-level messaging. Here’s some of what an average listener might hear today while the media heard Trump asking for Russian control of the country:

It’s not safe for Hillary Clinton to be briefed on national security.
That’s actually exactly what Trump said in this press conference: “I don’t think that it’s safe to have Hillary Clinton…be briefed on national security.” She is not secure with her information. Then her own people went out and elevated the idea that 30,000 emails about yoga weren’t really about yoga but that her mismanagement of same constitutes a national security threat. What a bunch of amateurs! That so plays into Trump’s message, it’s not even funny.

The system is rigged to favor Hillary Clinton.
When FBI Director James Comey laid out a detailed case for how Hillary Clinton had mishandled classified information and then announced he was going to let her get away with it, many people thought he’d done her a favor. He may have sealed her fate, though. Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe Clinton acted unethically and 56 percent say she broke the law. And she got away with it. The media may be fine with that, but Americans are not. This topline message serves Trump, not Clinton.

How bad are the things Hillary Clinton is hiding, exactly? Comey showed that everything Clinton had said about her private server was false. Sean Trende noted that average Americans listening to the press conference would have their curiosity piqued. As he put it, “What lots of people heard: “Don’t *you* want to know what are in those e-mails/If Russians hacked her here, where else?” The freakout by those on the Left only confirms people’s suspicion that Clinton didn’t delete yoga emails, but emails that contained far more sensitive information. Otherwise, why would they care so much if Russia released them?

Man, does Hillary Clinton have bad judgment. A freakout about 30,000 yoga emails only highlights all the time that has to be wasted to cover up for Clinton’s legendarily bad-decision making processes. If she can’t handle emails about yoga — if they are even about yoga — what else can’t she handle? She sure can’t handle the Russian Reset.

Media Too Partisan, Unevenly Outraged

During his press conference, Trump called out Katy Tur of MSNBC. Here’s how Politico described the scene:

Tur asked Trump whether he has ‘any qualms about asking a foreign government … to hack into a system of anybody’s in this country’ after Trump said he hoped Russia would find more emails from Hillary Clinton or the DNC.

‘Hey, you know what gives me more pause, that a person in our government, crooked Hillary Clinton — here’s what gives me more pause,’ Trump said, as Tur tried to ask follow-ups. ‘Be quiet, I know you want to, you know, save her. That a person in our government, Katy, would delete or get rid of 33,000 emails. That gives me a big problem. After she gets a subpoena. She gets subpoenaed, and she gets rid of 33,000 emails. That gives me a problem.’

Even apart from the fact that trust in media is at historic lows, this is what happens after decades of hyperpartisan coverage. The reason saying “I know you want to save Hillary Clinton” stings is because everyone knows it’s true. It’s not just true of Clinton, it’s true of nearly every Democratic officeholder in the land. There are consequences to unfair coverage, and one of them is that it’s hard to take media freakouts seriously anymore.

The media have spent the better part of the last 40 years crying wolf about every single conservative office seeker in the land, painting them as “successors to George Wallace.” The dog doesn’t hunt anymore, and just at the time it might be needed.

If the media had been even a fraction as outraged by Hillary Clinton’s server, her shady lies, her foundation’s solicitation of funds from oligarchs and dictatorships while she served as secretary of State, the revelation that foreign governments had almost certainly hacked her information, this freakout by the media would come off very differently.

If the media had not spent 2012 mocking Mitt Romney for his “gaffe” of saying that Russia was our biggest geopolitical threat, if they had cared when Ted Kennedy asked the Soviets to intervene in the 1984 Democratic primary, if they briefly interrupted worship at Barack Obama’s feet when he made hot-mic promises to Russians, and so on and so forth, this would be a different story.

The media may be more outraged by calls for Russia to release emails about yoga, but for many people it’s just a reminder of how Hillary Clinton’s willful mishandling of classified information threatened national security.

1. Heartless One-percenter
2. Demeans women by paying them as much as their male counterparts.
3. Accused of dealing with Russian oligarchs on property deals.
4. Started college which promised to make students millionaires; students shocked to learn life does not work that way.
5. Made a ton of money in private business.
6. Has never been responsible for deposing a government and bringing about an ISIS-led nation.
7. Donates millions to charities.
8. Never sat by idly while an American ambassador was murdered and his body dragged around, and then lied about what happened.

1. Love-filled One-percenter who got rich off the taxpayer.
2. Uplifts women … well, except for Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kyle, Gennifer Flowers, and on and on … oh, and pays female staffers much less than male staffers. But she UPLIFTS, dammit.
3. Took millions in donations from company that sold uranium assets to Russia … which Hillary’s uplifting State Department approved. Hey, uplifting!!
4. Took top secret documents out of the State Department, lied about it, deleted 30,000 e-mails, scrubbed server, claims 30,000 deleted e-mails were about dinner plans and Chelsea’s wedding. Uplifting!
5. Made a ton of money off the government tit and benefits flowing from such nipples.
6. Libya. Oh, and Syria. Oh, and Afghanistan. But not Hillary’s fault. Uplifting!!
7. Set up “foundation” that is on a non-profit abuse watch list.
8. Yeah … not so much.

You left somuch off....

Totally the best thing ever for african Americans.. Proved it by supporting the crime bill that was the enabling factor in police targeting urban black people with policies that gave rose to the BLM movement.. Go hillary!

Also she vocally supported tighter restrictions on immigration and physical barriers and more border patrols in the past.. All noble plans unless a republican makes them...

She is also tempermental, stubborn, vindictive, and tactless, but not in the mean bully trump sort of way...
Oh yeah she " forgot" to pay a bunch of taxes that they caught when bill ran back in 92... Totally unlike trumps companies that misses a couple grand in taxes here and there... That was malicious, obviously....
Im not doing your work...

It's hilarious. Worst possible candidate the Dems could have.

Well, there is the media's hypocrisy.

See above.


Proof? Besides the Daily Kos or Ebony?

You assume correctly. We're pretty ******* happy that the GOP finally has a candidate who is taking it to the Dems.

I hope there is for the illegals and the Muzzies.

Wow I really regret coming into this post. All I will say is this. If you want to blindly back him then fine. It was a self serving buffet of empty rhetoric from Trump. Now its crossing into really dangerous territory. Trump gets to serve his ego and the bobblehead hoard gets to eat up what they already have a taste for. You think it's funny that he's "taking it to the Dems". If this is what a strong candidate looks like to you then thats pathetic. It's a divide and conquer mentality and it has been this whole election. If you look at Trump on the whole over his years and years of self service and non public service it is clear he is not fit for the office. The guy is arguably a sociopath and at the very least an opportunist megalomaniac.

I'm not going to do the work for you.

The information about Trumps dealings with Russia are right there if you look along with a whole ton of other information. Its been known for a while. It is not the sole responsibility of people who are not voting for him to look into his past, frankly it is the duty of those who believe his current brand of bullshit to do so even more.

I'm in no way an advocate of Hillary Clinton. I am well aware of her dealings as well. But I'll actually come in here and say that. She honestly isn't much better than Trump as far as her tactics go. The biggest difference is that she has to appeal to a much wider base and she has tried almost to her detriment to make sure she appears genuine to all of these people even though shes a serious hypocrite and a liar. Then there is the obvious fact that no one wants to talk about which is that if we elect Hillary we are essentially brining Bill Clinton back into the White House as well. Depending on how revisionist you are that could be a great thing or a horrific thing. It's a huge shell game.

I don't trust anyone who brazenly and unwaveringly supports a candidate. If you actually care about this country then you will speak on that person as a whole, flaws and all. If you acknowledge the potential blow back of your decision but decide that it is worth making the decision then that's fine too. But at least that's somewhat tolerable. Not respectable, or admirable, or logical, or justifiable, or really even understandable but just tolerable.
Did watch all 57 minutes of Trump actually saying the things he did? and not having lies spoon fed to you by the media? unless you did, you shouldn't even be commenting here

so watch every minute of it...then get back to us..

Did watch all 57 minutes of Trump actually saying the things he did? and not having lies spoon fed to you by the media? unless you did, you shouldn't even be commenting here

so watch every minute of it...then get back to us..

I watched it. I watched the RNC as well. I watched all the debates in the primaries. Dont try that with me. I check Drudge. Huff. Politco. Vox. Blaze. Red State. Media Matters. Ect. The only outlet I wont **** with is Fox News. I try my *** off to stay informed. Thats how I was raised. No one is spoon feeding me a ****** thing
The libtards keep saying we need to find out who hacked the emails. They could care less about the bigotry, racism, etc. in the actual emails. The libtards truly are disgusting.