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Ha Ha!Trump asks Russia to find Clinton's missing emails

You're preaching to the choir about Blacks voting against their self interest. Bernie Sanders had no chance at the nomination due in large part to the fact that southern black voters would never vote for him and are tied to the Clintons even though the Clinton Administration instituted plenty of policy that doubled down on harming the progress of the black community. It's infuriating. Evangelicals do the same damn thing. In the case of black voters often it's somewhere in between both racial and religious loyalties that are often nonsensical.

Your argument for firearms changing history is simplistic although I agree with the intention. Native Americans didn't have firearms either and were essentially enslaved too. How about people just be left the **** alone? Not every culture was built on embracing the use of guns. Clearly history has shown that either you have them and survive or you don't and get taken over. That mentality gets murky though in a urban/suburban setting. We're never going to be Australia. We could never disarm to that degree. We shouldn't either. We have a much more complex society. Our government is also much more nefarious.

I'm talking about the 2nd amendment philosophically as a entitlement issue. I'm talking about how it is viewed by people in different parts of society. Gang members feels entitled to carry just as much as 9 to 5 people. You can't tell either side their wrong either because of their social standing and their environment. You can argue the law but as we all know that doesn't prevent guns from getting into peoples hands or violence from happening.

I felt you did assume, and I do have my opinions about Trump supporters but mostly about Trump as a candidate. I try to be open to people's opinions since they are the voters who put these candidates into their positions. Trying to reconcile my opinions about Trump versus my opinions about people who voted for him for may still vote for him is what I'm doing right now.

I do a good bit of woodworking. The other day my table saw didn't work. I'm looking over the saw, checking to see if something was wrong with the electric, trying to figure this thing out. Turns out I forgot to plug the damn thing in. Point is sometimes the simple is the answer. We have gotten caught up into looking for complex answers to everything. In both those cases if the people in question could have armed themselves and given an organized resistance, history may very well have been different. Native Americans, when they did get guns, made things a bit more complicated, see the Apache and the Lakota Souix, among others.

The problem with "doing something" on guns is what do you do? I don't really have guns because I fear a government takeover, or I fear for my life or anything really deep. I enjoy shooting. I enjoy history. I combine those two things by collecting and shooting World War 1 and 2 era weapons. I do this for fun and relaxation. However, too many times that doing something includes a ban that would include guns like the M1 Garand or the M1 Carbine that would caught up in the zeal of banning. I just have never yet found an argument on how taking guns away from someone like me, who shoots them safely, cleans and maintains them at all times, and locks them up when not in use would keep anyone safer. However, most proposed new laws will effect people like me, and will have zero effect on the criminal.
Those damn e-mails!

Hillary Clinton spokesperson admits that Clinton lied when she said that none of her 30,000 deleted emails were work related

In March 2015, ABC News reported the following about the 30,000 emails that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had deleted from her private server:

“We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails and deliver them to the State Department,” she said, adding that all other emails were personal and pertained to matters such as “yoga routines,” “family vacations,” and “planning Chelsea’s wedding.”

In July 2016, Donald Trump said:

“I will tell you this — Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That’ll be next. Yes, sir.”

Hillary for America senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan responded by saying:

“This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent… That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”

So, which is it?

Are all of the emails private and not related to work?

Or, are they a matter of national security?

They can’t be both.

So which is it?

The minute I saw that I knew it was sarcasm. But continue to jump to conclusions as to how I perceive things.

Your fellow Trumpers discussed it for 3 pages yesterday and you sat idly by instead of clueing them in... Right!

Trump didn't even realize it was "sarcasm" until he saw how it was going over yesterday.
Your fellow Trumpers discussed it for 3 pages yesterday and you sat idly by instead of clueing them in... Right!

Trump didn't even realize it was "sarcasm" until he saw how it was going over yesterday.

And what say you about the palpable lie that Trump is supposedly "encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails"? As I noted immediately after that idiotic charge first arose, Clinton deleted the e-mails and scrubbed the server, so how the @#$% would saying releasing 30,000 old e-mails that are no longer on the server encourage "hacking"?

Jesus, facts do not matter to some.
It seems ridiculous the BS the media has stirred up about this.
And what say you about the palpable lie that Trump is supposedly "encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails"? As I noted immediately after that idiotic charge first arose, Clinton deleted the e-mails and scrubbed the server, so how the @#$% would saying releasing 30,000 old e-mails that are no longer on the server encourage "hacking"?

Jesus, facts do not matter to some.

My only contention is that Trump was not being sarcastic. But you're saying Trump is an idiot, or do you not understand the e-mails could have been hacked prior to the deletion and scrubbing?
Trump just asked for them to be released if the Russkies have them.
He didnt violate the Logan Act or anything else.

the FACT that the blatant outright corruption within the D Party is being ignored over this is ******* asinine.
Why aren't ALL the Ds taking the lead of the BernieBots?
And what say you about the palpable lie that Trump is supposedly "encouraging Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails"? As I noted immediately after that idiotic charge first arose, Clinton deleted the e-mails and scrubbed the server, so how the @#$% would saying releasing 30,000 old e-mails that are no longer on the server encourage "hacking"?

Jesus, facts do not matter to some.

For most liberals, it is about emotion. Facts do not matter. Some listen and pay attention and research. Those people are few. The rest get the headline, get bent out of shape, and take it as fact. It is what Democrats depend on.
For most liberals, it is about emotion. Facts do not matter. Some listen and pay attention and research. Those people are few. The rest get the headline, get bent out of shape, and take it as fact. It is what Democrats depend on.

That's funny because Newt Gingrich just got done admitting that most Republicans vote on how they feel and that facts don't matter.
I have never met a liberal that has done **** in life other than work for the government and suck on the public teet.
Your fellow Trumpers discussed it for 3 pages yesterday and you sat idly by instead of clueing them in... Right!

Trump didn't even realize it was "sarcasm" until he saw how it was going over yesterday.

Jesus Christ. I work all day and I don't check into the site except before work. So yeah, that's sitting idly by.
That's funny because Newt Gingrich just got done admitting that most Republicans vote on how they feel and that facts don't matter.

Link? I saw something from John Oliver where he said Gingrich said feelings are as valid as facts.

From what I could tell from the exchange is that Gingrich was saying that crime rates are down overall, but if you don't feel safe in your community what difference does the stat make? Or Gingrich is just stupid.

Why Gingrich should have asked the "reporter" is "how can crime rates possibly be down when gun sales have been through the roof? How can people possibly feel safe with the police actively looking to murder them?"
And most of you don't see this request by Trump as a concern?

Politics are a dirty, nasty, business.... But we never, ever, ask for another country, especially one like Russia, to become an active participant and break international law against our own freakin country...WTF! I have never seen anything that even came remotely close to this bullshit!

I was considering all options for this election until this past week..

We take out our own garbage ladies and gents..

My 2 cents....which I know this forum will not find even worth that much...
And most of you don't see this request by Trump as a concern?

Politics are a dirty, nasty, business.... But we never, ever, ask for another country, especially one like Russia, to become an active participant and break international law against our own freakin country...WTF! I have never seen anything that even came remotely close to this bullshit!

I was considering all options for this election until this past week..

We take out our own garbage ladies and gents..

My 2 cents....which I know this forum will not find even worth that much...

Are you people so damn stupid that if meant that for real he wouldn't have done it privately not in front of the world. You believe everything the press spoon feeds you.

How do you feel about the content of the emails and voicemails, your whole damn party is corrupt, and all you ***** about is what Trump said.

He plays you and the media like the fools that you are. Wait till he wears her *** out in front of the world at the debates. She can't hide anymore. The liar hasn't held a press conference in over 200 days, I wonder why..Her day is coming.
Last edited:
And most of you don't see this request by Trump as a concern?

Politics are a dirty, nasty, business.... But we never, ever, ask for another country, especially one like Russia, to become an active participant and break international law against our own freakin country...WTF! I have never seen anything that even came remotely close to this bullshit!

I was considering all options for this election until this past week..

We take out our own garbage ladies and gents..

My 2 cents....which I know this forum will not find even worth that much...

Finally some sanity. Thank you. It doesnt matter how he meant it. You dont do it. Period. This isnt a ****** reality show. As you so rightly pointed out....we take out our own garbage. Ive had enough of this ******* already. I cant wait until Nov. Im not even an advocate of Clinton but Trump is leaving me no choice.
And most of you don't see this request by Trump as a concern?
The FBI director already basically admitted that they did it.

Politics are a dirty, nasty, business.... But we never, ever, ask for another country, especially one like Russia, to become an active participant and break international law against our own freakin country...WTF! I have never seen anything that even came remotely close to this bullshit!
The FBI director already basically admitted that they did it.
And most of you don't see this request by Trump as a concern?

Politics are a dirty, nasty, business.... But we never, ever, ask for another country, especially one like Russia, to become an active participant and break international law against our own freakin country...WTF! I have never seen anything that even came remotely close to this bullshit!

I was considering all options for this election until this past week..

We take out our own garbage ladies and gents..

My 2 cents....which I know this forum will not find even worth that much...

Jesus Christ. I am no fan of Trump, but he did not ask Russia to be an active participant in American politics or break international law. It was nothing more than a jab at Hillary, the e-mail scandal, and the fact that the democrats claim the Russians hacked the DNC. You know 30,000 missing, likely incriminating emails. Talk about false outrage.

And if we took out our own garbage, Hillary Clinton would be in jail, and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Al Franken would no longer be holding public office. Seems the left is pretty fond of garbage.

I will give the Democrat machine one thing. They managed to change the conversation from what was in the e-mails to who hacked them. It is irrelevant who hacked them. The fact that they rigged their own primary and were proven to be bigots was glossed right over. Not that it takes much skill anymore, but they have a talent for it.
Jesus Christ. I am no fan of Trump, but he did not ask Russia to be an active participant in American politics or break international law. It was nothing more than a jab at Hillary, the e-mail scandal, and the fact that the democrats claim the Russians hacked the DNC. You know 30,000 missing, likely incriminating emails. Talk about false outrage.

And if we took out our own garbage, Hillary Clinton would be in jail, and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Al Franken would no longer be holding public office. Seems the left is pretty fond of garbage.

I will give the Democrat machine one thing. They managed to change the conversation from what was in the e-mails to who hacked them. It is irrelevant who hacked them. The fact that they rigged their own primary and were proven to be bigots was glossed right over. Not that it takes much skill anymore, but they have a talent for it.

As a prior poster on this page said, FINALLY someone with some sense.

This is the critical point: And if we took out our own garbage, Hillary Clinton would be in jail, and Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Al Franken would no longer be holding public office. Seems the left is pretty fond of garbage.

Tibs et al are far more concerned about Donald Trump's comments than Hillary breaking the law, deleting 33,000 emails, and getting them hacked in the first place????




We are lost.

33,000 emails. Criminal use of an email server. How many lives has Hillary put at risk getting these emails hacked, all for her own, self-interests? How much damage has she done to this country? What about the countless donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign enemy nations? What did those countless millions obligate her to? What about the DNC's corruption, rigging a national political process, and overt racism (calling Hispanics - Taco Bowls). Hillary's involvement in 26 scandals. Her laughing about freeing a male who raped and brutalized a 12 year old girl, while admitting she knew he committed the crime. One nefarious situation after another. Month after month, over the decades - CORRUPTION and illegalities.

But Donald Trump said something "not nice."

**** Liberals for turning a blind eye consistently and persistently to criminality, rape, abuses, and activities that put our lives and our nation at risk. I long for the days of Nixon, when 18 minutes of missing tape gets you impeached. I abhor the present - a day and age when a politician, with a list of offenses 50 times longer than Nixon's, stands to potentially gain the White House.

Yet someone like Tibs, who polluted this board for a year with Bernie Sanders rhetoric and desperately wanted this man to gain the nomination, now spends his time going after Donald's comments. Nary a peep about his beloved DNC that rigged the Democratic primaries and corrupted the American political process. Tibs personally got robbed by his own party's corruption. Nothing. Crickets. After being stolen from by the Gods he worships.

But Donald Trump's comments...

Bizarro world.
Yet someone like Tibs, who polluted this board for a year with Bernie Sanders rhetoric and desperately wanted this man to gain the nomination, now spends his time going after Donald's comments. Nary a peep about his beloved DNC that rigged the Democratic primaries and corrupted the American political process. Tibs personally got robbed by his own party's corruption. Nothing. Crickets. After being stolen from by the Gods he worships.
The Dems are better team players than the GOP. They think big picture, i.e. it doesn't matter how corrupt our candidate is as long as they regulate people onto unemployment, welfare, other govt dependency, let more Muslims into the country because they hate America too, and especially keep it legal to kill babies.
My only contention is that Trump was not being sarcastic. But you're saying Trump is an idiot, or do you not understand the e-mails could have been hacked prior to the deletion and scrubbing?

(1) If Russia already hacked Clinton's server, then what Trump says or does not say is completely irrelevant, no?
(2) If Russia already hacked Clinton's server, then she should have been indicted, per James Comey. He underscored that one of the reasons Clinton was not indicted, despite her extraordinary carelessness, was the fact that there was no evidence her server was hacked. Right?
(3) If Russia already has those e-mails, releasing them should be of no concern to anybody, right, since Clinton protested that the 30,000 deleted, super-deleted, scrubbed e-mails involved discussions about yoga and Chelsea's wedding, Correct?
(4) Therefore, Trump saying that Russia should release the hacked e-mails, if in their possession, would (i) entail no national security issue unless Hillary is a ******* liar and (ii) should lead to Hillary being indicted.

Clear enough?
The whole is rigged for the Dems


Harry Reid admits to violating election law, but FEC won't prosecute

The Federal Election Commission won't punish Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for admitting to violating an election law.

The reason: It's not worth the effort.

A critic of the agency noted that the case appears to show favoritism for Democrats. Some two months ago, Democrats on the FEC moved to punish Huckabee simply because of a joke in a speech urging donors to give him a million dollars. In that case the FEC lawyers said Huckabee was obviously joking, two of three Democrats on the commission voted to take legal action against the Republican.
