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Ha Ha!Trump asks Russia to find Clinton's missing emails

Yeah, I heard part of the press conference on the way to work. Dumbass journalists were livid - "You want Russia to hack Hillary's e-mails??"

No, dumbfuck, the e-mails were deleted. We just want to know why, since you miserable sock puppets in the media never bother to ask what was in 30,000 e-mails deleted from the server, after which the server was "scrubbed" to prevent forensic efforts to recover the documents.

Seriously, I have never understood why this is not a death knell for Clinton. Nixon's secretary conveniently erased 18 minutes of tape, and the country went apeshit.

Clinton erases 180 hours of documentary evidence, and nobody says ****.

Because the government has infected A large portion of America with devils breath, they just changed the name of it to entitlement programs, put it in peoples faces and they will do whatever you want them to.
Because the government has infected A large portion of America with devils breath, they just changed the name of it to entitlement programs, put it in peoples faces and they will do whatever you want them to.

What? Wtf does that have to do with an indictment? Or an impeachment?
I don't think electing Hillary is the way to do it. I don't think electing Trump is either. There's more going on in the Democratic party to be hopeful about though. No one can sit here and try and say that Republicans have shown hardly anything worth a damn during Obama's entire term. That's why Trump got the nomination. That and people are angry and want to "make America great again". Which is just as empty as "hope and change". If you want to talk motivation......the motivation behind much of that sickens me. So no I don't think that's a viable option.

Well, one of them is going to get the Presidency. Short of something happening that would disqualify one of them it will either be Trump or Clinton. I cannot stand the thought of another Clinton running the show. I will admit, I absolutely despise the Clintons. See, with Obama, I disagree with him on just about everything, but I think he is a decent person, good father and husband and such. I think the Clintons are just terrible people. 60s liberals who talk a good game but are even more damn corrupt then the people they speak against. Hypocrisy on display.

I disagree with you as to there is more going on in the Democrat Party. What may I ask? I don't know what policies Clinton and the Dems are pushing all that much more than Trump. The Dems use the same old playbook every year. There whole platform is to demonize the Republican. That is pretty much it. I don't know what is hopeful about that. What has their panties all knotted up right now is Trump is turning the tables on them a bit with that. They are not used to it.

Before you make assumptions about the motivations, talk to a few people who are for Trump and not on a message board where part of it is to try to get other people fired up. I realize that I am biased, but I think I am a pretty level headed guy. It has taken me a while to come around to Trump, and I am still apprehensive. I think you will find the motivations are not nefarious in any way. One of my big ones is just the fact that we must rid ourselves of the Clintons. I like the thought of a business man who has actually hired and fired running things. Most of these politicians have never done anything like that in their entire lives. They are theory people. I like his stance on the 2nd Amendment. We all need the right to protect ourselves. As a black guy, if you know history, I would hope you appreciate that. Nobody is going to be enslaved if they can shoot back. That's just a couple of things.
IF the Russian government is behind Hillary's leaked emails, and we don't know for sure that they are....
1. Hildebeast deleted the ones on HER end. Somebody hacks the other person, well then they have a Hildebeast email.
2. Hildebeast's emails were hacked and saved by the Rooskies and whoever else before she deleted them.
3. You would think the Rooskies would prefer Hildebeast for President because they can blackmail her. Instead they seem to be favoring Trump. Why would this be? Could it be that Putin is serious about eradicating the Muzzies and knows Trump would be a much better partner?
Your thoughts.
The fact that the libtards don't/can't get sarcasm shows how ******* dumb they really are. Trump said that comment sarcastically....I should know as I am the Queen of all that is sarcasm. Liberals need to get a ******* sense of humor.
LMFAO, this **** just said deficits are coming down, 19 trillion and counting.

The libtards hold their hat on deficits and the unemployment number - neither of which mean a damn thing and they know it. The national debt is the number that matters and the percentage of people in the work force are the numbers that mean something. Debt is at its highest ever and will continue to skyrocket. The percentage of people in the workforce is at its lowest ever. Our economic growth has been below 2% for Odumma's entire presidency. We need 3 to 4 % growth at a minimum to sustain our spending, etc.
Next up from Wikileaks are the DNC voicemails. I believe they were released last night so we should starting hearing what was in them soon. And, they say they have more. Not sure what more means but we shall wait and see.
The fact that the libtards don't/can't get sarcasm shows how ******* dumb they really are. Trump said that comment sarcastically....I should know as I am the Queen of all that is sarcasm. Liberals need to get a ******* sense of humor.

Oh, Bullshit. Trump decides try to play it off as sarcasm, and all of a sudden you were on to it all along.
The libtards hold their hat on deficits and the unemployment number - neither of which mean a damn thing and they know it. The national debt is the number that matters and the percentage of people in the work force are the numbers that mean something. Debt is at its highest ever and will continue to skyrocket. The percentage of people in the workforce is at its lowest ever. Our economic growth has been below 2% for Odumma's entire presidency. We need 3 to 4 % growth at a minimum to sustain our spending, etc.
It's like telling a bookie that you are losing less this week so he should feel good about you, even though you still owe him 10Gs.
Obama studied constitutional law at Harvard, taught constitutional law for years at the University of Chicago Law School, and was a State Senator and US Senator. You can disagree with his politics all you want but he was plenty qualified.

studying it doesnt mean you know what the **** it says.
that has been proven over and over and over and over for 7.5 years now.
Well, one of them is going to get the Presidency. Short of something happening that would disqualify one of them it will either be Trump or Clinton. I cannot stand the thought of another Clinton running the show. I will admit, I absolutely despise the Clintons. See, with Obama, I disagree with him on just about everything, but I think he is a decent person, good father and husband and such. I think the Clintons are just terrible people. 60s liberals who talk a good game but are even more damn corrupt then the people they speak against. Hypocrisy on display.

I disagree with you as to there is more going on in the Democrat Party. What may I ask? I don't know what policies Clinton and the Dems are pushing all that much more than Trump. The Dems use the same old playbook every year. There whole platform is to demonize the Republican. That is pretty much it. I don't know what is hopeful about that. What has their panties all knotted up right now is Trump is turning the tables on them a bit with that. They are not used to it.

Before you make assumptions about the motivations, talk to a few people who are for Trump and not on a message board where part of it is to try to get other people fired up. I realize that I am biased, but I think I am a pretty level headed guy. It has taken me a while to come around to Trump, and I am still apprehensive. I think you will find the motivations are not nefarious in any way. One of my big ones is just the fact that we must rid ourselves of the Clintons. I like the thought of a business man who has actually hired and fired running things. Most of these politicians have never done anything like that in their entire lives. They are theory people. I like his stance on the 2nd Amendment. We all need the right to protect ourselves. As a black guy, if you know history, I would hope you appreciate that. Nobody is going to be enslaved if they can shoot back. That's just a couple of things.

Don't ever assume I haven't been talking to people. That's all I've been doing. I've never been the type to stay in my circle and ***** about things with people who think the same way I do. Why do you think I'm in here. This is just one of the places I go because I want to hear what's going on with people who look at things differently than I do. I'm not here to troll anyone. I'm always up for a conversation regardless of whether someone is going to agree or not. Some people have had rational motivations and some have not. What's amazing to me is that I can't see what the Republican Party stands for anymore than I can see actual liberals in the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is a liberal. The President is not. The Clintons are not. The Affordable Care Act is a Republican policy.

As far as the 2nd Amendment goes, I have said this over and over. It is an entitlement issue just like anything else. People cannot reasonably look at it that way because everyone feels entitled from their own point of view about it. The problem is that those who want gun reform need to talk more about what they plan to do about about actual prevention and investment in specialized law enforcement as much as they are about screening people who legitimately purchase guns because you're not going to catch a whole lot of people that way. But more needs to be done there. Things cannot be left the way they are. I don't see what is too hard to see about that.

There are a serious lack of ideas in the Republican Party right now. I will give Trump this. He at least is out there actually talking about what he feels needs to be done in a real way. He hasn't offered any legitimate policy to back it up but he's talking about it. He's being direct. But I don't trust that man at all. His temperament is unworthy of the office and so is his experience. Sometimes it's not having no experience that hurts you it's having too much that can be looked into. If people think it's ok to have someone who is potentially that divisive and reckless as the President then there's not much I can say to them.

And no one is enslaving anyone. If anything people willfully enslave themselves by not being informed and seeing things for what they are. They allow themselves to be controlled by people who use their beliefs against them. I don't like it in any circumstance. I'm tired of watching people vote against their self interest and try and explain how it's good for the country because of some personal or social bias they have.
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Don't ever assume I haven't been talking to people. That's all I've been doing. I've never been the type to stay in my circle and ***** about things with people who think the same way I do. Why do you think I'm in here. This is just one of the places I go because I want to hear what's going on with people who look at things differently than I do. I'm not here to troll anyone. I'm always up for a conversation regardless of whether someone is going to agree or not. Some people have had rational motivations and some have not. What's amazing to me is that I can't see what the Republican Party stands for anymore than I can see actual liberals in the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is a liberal. The President is not. The Clintons are not. The Affordable Care Act is a Republican policy.

As far as the 2nd Amendment goes, I have said this over and over. It is an entitlement issue just like anything else. People cannot reasonably look at it that way because everyone feels entitled from their own point of view about it. The problem is that those who want gun reform need to talk more about what they plan to do about about actual prevention and investment in specialized law enforcement as much as they are about screening people who legitimately purchase guns because you're not going to catch a whole lot of people that way. But more needs to be done there. Things cannot be left the way they are. I don't see what is too hard to see about that.

There are a serious lack of ideas in the Republican Party right now. I will give Trump this. He at least is out there actually talking about what he feels needs to be done in a real way. He hasn't offered any legitimate policy to back it up but he's talking about it. He's being direct. But I don't trust that man at all. His temperament is unworthy of the office and so is his experience. Sometimes it's not having no experience that hurts you it's having too much that can be looked into. If people think it's ok to have someone who is potentially that divisive and reckless as the President then there's not much I can say to them.

And no one is enslaving anyone. If anything people willfully enslave themselves by not being informed and seeing things for what they are. They allow themselves to be controlled by people who use their beliefs against them. I don't like it in any circumstance. I'm tired of watching people vote against their self interest and try and explain how it's good for the country because of some personal or social bias they have.

I was speaking historically there. If African tribes would have had firearms, do you think they would have been enslaved? If the Jews had firearms (the Nazis disarmed the Jews) do you think 6 million of them would have been killed? I do firmly believe that if we allow ourselves to be disarmed, eventually, maybe not in the next few generations, but eventually, the kind of stuff the Nazis did or what is going on over in the Middle East could surely happen here. Another thing here is it seems to me African-Americans have been voting against their self-interests for 50 years voting for Democrats. What has the Democrat Party done to improve the lives of black people? They do everything they can to keep people of all races, but it seems to fall more on blacks, depending on the government. The whole thing with open borders defies logic to me. We have over 90million people out of the work force as it is, how do we find employment for who is brought in? And who suffers most? Lower middle class to poor blacks, Hispanics, and yes, whites.

The 2nd Amendment is decidedly not an entitlement issue. You are flat out wrong there. It is a right endowed in or Constitution. The problem is not with guns, but with society. Are we going to amend our Constitution because some in society cannot handle the freedoms they have been blessed with? Are you willing to do that with other things? I have heard defenses of criminal acts being that they did it because of something they heard in the music they were listening to or a movie or video game or whatever. You OK with censorship, or is it only guns? There has to be some consistency there.

Lastly, I did not assume anything. You do seem like someone who has thought about many of these issues. However, you painted all Trump people with a broad brush in one of your statements, which is why I responded the way I did.
I was speaking historically there. If African tribes would have had firearms, do you think they would have been enslaved? If the Jews had firearms (the Nazis disarmed the Jews) do you think 6 million of them would have been killed? I do firmly believe that if we allow ourselves to be disarmed, eventually, maybe not in the next few generations, but eventually, the kind of stuff the Nazis did or what is going on over in the Middle East could surely happen here. Another thing here is it seems to me African-Americans have been voting against their self-interests for 50 years voting for Democrats. What has the Democrat Party done to improve the lives of black people? They do everything they can to keep people of all races, but it seems to fall more on blacks, depending on the government. The whole thing with open borders defies logic to me. We have over 90million people out of the work force as it is, how do we find employment for who is brought in? And who suffers most? Lower middle class to poor blacks, Hispanics, and yes, whites.

The 2nd Amendment is decidedly not an entitlement issue. You are flat out wrong there. It is a right endowed in or Constitution. The problem is not with guns, but with society. Are we going to amend our Constitution because some in society cannot handle the freedoms they have been blessed with? Are you willing to do that with other things? I have heard defenses of criminal acts being that they did it because of something they heard in the music they were listening to or a movie or video game or whatever. You OK with censorship, or is it only guns? There has to be some consistency there.

Lastly, I did not assume anything. You do seem like someone who has thought about many of these issues. However, you painted all Trump people with a broad brush in one of your statements, which is why I responded the way I did.

You're preaching to the choir about Blacks voting against their self interest. Bernie Sanders had no chance at the nomination due in large part to the fact that southern black voters would never vote for him and are tied to the Clintons even though the Clinton Administration instituted plenty of policy that doubled down on harming the progress of the black community. It's infuriating. Evangelicals do the same damn thing. In the case of black voters often it's somewhere in between both racial and religious loyalties that are often nonsensical.

Your argument for firearms changing history is simplistic although I agree with the intention. Native Americans didn't have firearms either and were essentially enslaved too. How about people just be left the **** alone? Not every culture was built on embracing the use of guns. Clearly history has shown that either you have them and survive or you don't and get taken over. That mentality gets murky though in a urban/suburban setting. We're never going to be Australia. We could never disarm to that degree. We shouldn't either. We have a much more complex society. Our government is also much more nefarious.

I'm talking about the 2nd amendment philosophically as a entitlement issue. I'm talking about how it is viewed by people in different parts of society. Gang members feels entitled to carry just as much as 9 to 5 people. You can't tell either side their wrong either because of their social standing and their environment. You can argue the law but as we all know that doesn't prevent guns from getting into peoples hands or violence from happening.

I felt you did assume, and I do have my opinions about Trump supporters but mostly about Trump as a candidate. I try to be open to people's opinions since they are the voters who put these candidates into their positions. Trying to reconcile my opinions about Trump versus my opinions about people who voted for him for may still vote for him is what I'm doing right now.
How can the Russians hack a server that no longer exists and an email account that no longer exists ?

It doesn't matter....millions of Americans who don't follow politics just saw all the media hysteria and said ...."What 30,000 e-mails?"

It was a monumental headline grab - The morning of Hillary's big speech and all people are talking about is Trump AND Hillary’s emails.
Oh, Bullshit. Trump decides try to play it off as sarcasm, and all of a sudden you were on to it all along.

The minute I saw that I knew it was sarcasm. But continue to jump to conclusions as to how I perceive things.
You're preaching to the choir about Blacks voting against their self interest. Bernie Sanders had no chance at the nomination due in large part to the fact that southern black voters would never vote for him and are tied to the Clintons even though the Clinton Administration instituted plenty of policy that doubled down on harming the progress of the black community. It's infuriating. Evangelicals do the same damn thing. In the case of black voters often it's somewhere in between both racial and religious loyalties that are often nonsensical.

Your argument for firearms changing history is simplistic although I agree with the intention. Native Americans didn't have firearms either and were essentially enslaved too. How about people just be left the **** alone? Not every culture was built on embracing the use of guns. Clearly history has shown that either you have them and survive or you don't and get taken over. That mentality gets murky though in a urban/suburban setting. We're never going to be Australia. We could never disarm to that degree. We shouldn't either. We have a much more complex society. Our government is also much more nefarious.

I'm talking about the 2nd amendment philosophically as a entitlement issue. I'm talking about how it is viewed by people in different parts of society. Gang members feels entitled to carry just as much as 9 to 5 people. You can't tell either side their wrong either because of their social standing and their environment. You can argue the law but as we all know that doesn't prevent guns from getting into peoples hands or violence from happening.

I felt you did assume, and I do have my opinions about Trump supporters but mostly about Trump as a candidate. I try to be open to people's opinions since they are the voters who put these candidates into their positions. Trying to reconcile my opinions about Trump versus my opinions about people who voted for him for may still vote for him is what I'm doing right now.

Come to our side. We have cookies, plus Diamond and Silk, who should have been given a spot at the convention.
and we'll still be talking about Hillary's emails

Sorry Hillary, Friday's headlines will be about Trump

This is the night Hillary Clinton has been waiting for her entire life. This is the night where she has her latest and best chance to make her case to undecided voters, clarify her vision for America, and cut into her massively high unfavorable ratings. Finally, the attention at the Democratic convention and in the news media will be on her, her message, and not just endorsements and speeches from powerful allies like Mike Bloomberg and President Barack Obama.

Good luck with that.

We already know who's going to dominate the headlines Friday morning in the end. And he happens to be Clinton's opponent.

He proved he's the master of the media cycle many times before, but Wednesday's coup ended all arguments on that score. Even if the talk about the Russian email hacking story dies down by Friday, Trump will have a few rallies and his Twitter account at the ready to stir something else up if he wants. And we know the news media will be eager to cover it.

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and we'll still be talking about Hillary's emails

Sorry Hillary, Friday's headlines will be about Trump

This is the night Hillary Clinton has been waiting for her entire life. This is the night where she has her latest and best chance to make her case to undecided voters, clarify her vision for America, and cut into her massively high unfavorable ratings. Finally, the attention at the Democratic convention and in the news media will be on her, her message, and not just endorsements and speeches from powerful allies like Mike Bloomberg and President Barack Obama.

Good luck with that.

We already know who's going to dominate the headlines Friday morning in the end. And he happens to be Clinton's opponent.

He proved he's the master of the media cycle many times before, but Wednesday's coup ended all arguments on that score. Even if the talk about the Russian email hacking story dies down by Friday, Trump will have a few rallies and his Twitter account at the ready to stir something else up if he wants. And we know the news media will be eager to cover it.


But I thought the media was biased and just helped Democrats?
But I thought the media was biased and just helped Democrats?

It goes on to say other things

if they can script their narrative, so can I

Hillary’s Senate Accomplishment: One Bill Enacted into Law, to Name a Federal Building.

In eight years, her one concrete achievement was getting a courthouse renamed for Thurgood Marshall.

Democrats have been using their convention speeches this week to make Hillary Clinton look like a can-do politician. On Tuesday, Bill Clinton flatly declared, “She’s a natural leader, she’s a good organizer, and she’s the best darn change-maker I ever met in my entire life"

Holy ****, Donald is living in their heads - after bashing them about no American flags in the convention - they rob them!

U.S. Flags Disappear From City Hall...Added To DNC Stage

PHILADELPHIA — The six flag poles on top of the Philadelphia City Hall are bare Thursday morning. One city official who asked not to be named told The Daily Caller that the U.S flags typically atop the City Hall flagpoles have been moved to the Democratic National Convention stage.

He's playing them like a fiddle. It's funny watching tbe libs freak out over his email joke. Well played Don, well played.