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Ha Ha!Trump asks Russia to find Clinton's missing emails

What about the content of the hacked emails?

I think thats horrible. Sanders ran a great campaign and thats what he gets? This type of sabotage is not isolated and its been going on forever but to see it exposed like this is pretty damaging and embarrassing. Theres a reason they didnt want Sanders gaining traction. It wouldnt have mattered anyway because Sanders had no shot at the black vote.
It's a divide and conquer mentality and it has been this whole election.

Every election for generations has been a "divide and conquer" affair. Look at the 1860 election, for crying out loud. Or how about Mondale's flaccid 1984 effort vs. Reagan, where the Democrats hatched their "He's going to kill old people and cancel social security" strategy? Seriously, who was the last politician to run a campaign that was basically 100% positive? Reagan in 1984 perhaps?

If you look at Trump on the whole over his years and years of self service and non public service it is clear he is not fit for the office.

I don't believe that lack of holding elected office is a bad thing. Somebody else who never held public office before being elected President was Eisenhower, and he was a damn fine President. His lack of political experience is not a disqualifying characteristic, according to the Constitution, our history, and common sense.

The guy is arguably a sociopath and at the very least an opportunist megalomaniac.

Oh, he is self-absorbed, and has a temper he will need to harness. But who has run for President who is not an egomaniac?
What about the content of the hacked emails?

That what they want to hide, why do you think they are going after Trump?

Deflect, deny, obfuscate...the press works for the DNC and it's controlled by the Hillary campaign....all totally corrupt

DNC emails discuss rewarding donors with fed-gov’t appointments

Email exchanges involving top officials at theDemocratic National Committee released along with private documents by WikiLeaks show that DNC officials hoped to reward top donors and insiders with appointments to federal boards and commissions in coordination with the White House.

The revelations give an inside look into how the Democratic Party attempted to leverage its access and influence with the White House to bring in cash.

In an April 20, 2016 email, DNC National Finance Director Jordan Kaplan canvassed what appears to be the committee’s finance department – its fundraising office – for names of people (mainly donors) to reward with federal appointments on boards and commissions.

That email exchange yielded a list compiled by DNC Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer and emailed to Kaplan on April 26 titled “Boards and Commissions Names_Final,” which listed the names of twenty-three DNC donors and insiders

If this is what a strong candidate looks like to you then thats pathetic.
Well, the last two elections we put up weak candidates, Democrat Lite if you will, and we lost.

I'm not going to do the work for you.
Yeah, because you know your sources are bullshit.

The information about Trumps dealings with Russia are right there if you look along with a whole ton of other information. Its been known for a while. It is not the sole responsibility of people who are not voting for him to look into his past, frankly it is the duty of those who believe his current brand of bullshit to do so even more.
Hildebeast already sold over half of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia after a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.

The biggest difference is that she has to appeal to a much wider base and she has tried almost to her detriment to make sure she appears genuine to all of these people even though shes a serious hypocrite and a liar.

I don't trust anyone who brazenly and unwaveringly supports a candidate.
And you're black and you WILL vote for the Democrat.
Well, the last two elections we put up weak candidates, Democrat Lite if you will, and we lost.

Yeah, because you know your sources are bullshit.

Hildebeast already sold over half of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia after a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.

And you're black and you WILL vote for the Democrat.

First of all I am an independant. I have been almost the entire time Ive been able to vote. Yes I'm black. That doesnt mean Im going to vote for a Democrat every election. If Mitt Romney was running against Hillary now Id be voting for Romney. He's the only Republican candidate that Ive actually considered voting for recently. In this election Im torn. Both candidates are awful. I am well aware of the Clinton Uranium One deal. The deal had to be approved by a number of high ranking officials and was done to try and garner favor with Russia to help with dealing with Iran. If course the Clintons found a way to make money off of it. The Uranium cannot be exported out of the country but the Russians get a stake in it. These deals happen all the time. Ask the Bush family. Im tired of this ****. Thats my point. Whats scary is Trump is in over his ****** head and making a specticle of something that can turn into something very damaging for all of us. I think both parties should be ashamed of themselves running candidates like this and that falls squarely on the voters.
Watch the full press conference - you will NEVER see Hillary take questions from everyone like he does

He is going to destroy Clinton in a debate. He handles an adverse media contingent like it's nothing.
First of all I am an independant. I have been almost the entire time Ive been able to vote. Yes I'm black. That doesnt mean Im going to vote for a Democrat every election. If Mitt Romney was running against Hillary now Id be voting for Romney. He's the only Republican candidate that Ive actually considered voting for recently. In this election Im torn. Both candidates are awful. I am well aware of the Clinton Uranium One deal. The deal had to be approved by a number of high ranking officials and was done to try and garner favor with Russia to help with dealing with Iran. If course the Clintons found a way to make money off of it. The Uranium cannot be exported out of the country but the Russians get a stake in it. These deals happen all the time. Ask the Bush family. Im tired of this ****. Thats my point. Whats scary is Trump is in over his ****** head and making a specticle of something that can turn into something very damaging for all of us. I think both parties should be ashamed of themselves running candidates like this and that falls squarely on the voters.

See, what I don't understand that this country has been run into the ground by experienced politicians on both sides. These are supposed to be the expects and they have made a complete mess of things. I do agree with you in having some reservations about Trump. But the alternative? Trump needs to win this thing if for no other reason but to put the Clintons out to pasture. This country desperately needs their corruption to be a thing of the past. Maybe Trump actually winning this will wake the parties up to realize we cannot keep business as usual. Is there a risk here? Oh, yea, but I believe it is one worth taking.
See, what I don't understand that this country has been run into the ground by experienced politicians on both sides. These are supposed to be the expects and they have made a complete mess of things. I do agree with you in having some reservations about Trump. But the alternative? Trump needs to win this thing if for no other reason but to put the Clintons out to pasture. This country desperately needs their corruption to be a thing of the past. Maybe Trump actually winning this will wake the parties up to realize we cannot keep business as usual. Is there a risk here? Oh, yea, but I believe it is one worth taking.

I wish I could agree with you. But this isn't the way to do it. Electing someone like Trump to prove a point is actually the opposite of what we should be doing and would do nothing but set us back. Trump would fail because no one will work with him on either side and his foreign relations and reputation are horrid. How he might react to this is what scares me the most. Then you have a country who will listen to any of these elitest business as usual candidates who get to say.....see what happens?
First of all I am an independant. I have been almost the entire time Ive been able to vote. Yes I'm black. That doesnt mean Im going to vote for a Democrat every election. If Mitt Romney was running against Hillary now Id be voting for Romney. He's the only Republican candidate that Ive actually considered voting for recently. In this election Im torn. Both candidates are awful. I am well aware of the Clinton Uranium One deal. The deal had to be approved by a number of high ranking officials and was done to try and garner favor with Russia to help with dealing with Iran. If course the Clintons found a way to make money off of it. The Uranium cannot be exported out of the country but the Russians get a stake in it. These deals happen all the time. Ask the Bush family. Im tired of this ****. Thats my point. Whats scary is Trump is in over his ****** head and making a specticle of something that can turn into something very damaging for all of us. I think both parties should be ashamed of themselves running candidates like this and that falls squarely on the voters.
The first 2/3 of your paragraph nicely explains how Trump came to win the primary. The last 1/3, I don't think a businessman at Trump's level is in over his head when it comes to running the country. Hillary wouldn't be in over her head either, I just disagree with her politics. Now Bomma was both in over his head and I disagreed with his politics.
The first 2/3 of your paragraph nicely explains how Trump came to win the primary. The last 1/3, I don't think a businessman at Trump's level is in over his head when it comes to running the country. Hillary wouldn't be in over her head either, I just disagree with her politics. Now Bomma was both in over his head and I disagreed with his politics.

Obama studied constitutional law at Harvard, taught constitutional law for years at the University of Chicago Law School, and was a State Senator and US Senator. You can disagree with his politics all you want but he was plenty qualified.
I wish I could agree with you. But this isn't the way to do it. Electing someone like Trump to prove a point is actually the opposite of what we should be doing and would do nothing but set us back. Trump would fail because no one will work with him on either side and his foreign relations and reputation are horrid. How he might react to this is what scares me the most. Then you have a country who will listen to any of these elitest business as usual candidates who get to say.....see what happens?

But is electing Hillary Clinton the way to do it?

How else do you accomplish much of anything if not by proving a point? That's what drives people, motivates.

Let's say Trump wins this thing by a comfortable margin. I guarantee you people will work with him. Self preservation will overtake other feelings. They want to keep their jobs.
Obama studied constitutional law at Harvard, taught constitutional law for years at the University of Chicago Law School, and was a State Senator and US Senator. You can disagree with his politics all you want but he was plenty qualified.

Trying to defend Ocommie at this point is futile. He will go down in history beating Jimmy Carter as the worst president of all time.
Trying to defend Ocommie at this point is futile. He will go down in history beating Jimmy Carter as the worst president of all time.

He's a two term President for one. Two he inherited a mess that was pretty insane and hadn't been seen for 50+ years. I don't agree with everything he's done but a lot of what his administration got accomplished was pretty remarkable considering the current political climate. I wasn't even trying to defend him. I just stated that he's a credentialed man who worked hard to get where he is. No one gave him a handout. Isn't that the bootstrap way? Would you rather he got the silver spoon and the privilege? You sound ridiculous saying something like this. Just say you personally don't like him and leave it at that.
But is electing Hillary Clinton the way to do it?

How else do you accomplish much of anything if not by proving a point? That's what drives people, motivates.

Let's say Trump wins this thing by a comfortable margin. I guarantee you people will work with him. Self preservation will overtake other feelings. They want to keep their jobs.

I don't think electing Hillary is the way to do it. I don't think electing Trump is either. There's more going on in the Democratic party to be hopeful about though. No one can sit here and try and say that Republicans have shown hardly anything worth a damn during Obama's entire term. That's why Trump got the nomination. That and people are angry and want to "make America great again". Which is just as empty as "hope and change". If you want to talk motivation......the motivation behind much of that sickens me. So no I don't think that's a viable option.
Just say you personally don't like him and leave it at that.

I hate that terrorist ************. And his record as president proves that he was woefully unqualified and that the people who voted for that commie are the dumbest ******** on the face of the Earth.
I hate that terrorist ************. And his record as president proves that he was woefully unqualified and that the people who voted for that commie are the dumbest ******** on the face of the Earth.

This was a most well thought out response. I voted for him so I guess that makes me a dumb commie ******* according to you along with 66 million other people. Do you care to share what about his record made him woefully unqualified?
Obama studied constitutional law at Harvard, taught constitutional law for years at the University of Chicago Law School, and was a State Senator and US Senator. You can disagree with his politics all you want but he was plenty qualified.

One term as a state senator and less than one term as a U.S. Senator, where He didn't do much because He was busy running for President from day one. I like my local state senator but I don't think he's qualified to be President. Bomma was no more qualified. Also I would say that He only studied Constitutional law in order to find ways around the Constitution, either that or Harvard didn't teach Him very much.

On the other hand, Bomma was supremely qualified to be President if the main qualification was that He would be the First Black President, which was the main reason why most people voted for Him.
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How can the Russians hack a server that no longer exists and an email account that no longer exists ? Moronic libturds
Here comes Obama's fake black preacher shtick. He is a such a pandering ****.

12 years ago tonight I, this ******** can't stop talking about himself, the narcissistic ****.
LMFAO, this **** just said deficits are coming down, 19 trillion and counting.
You people at like the USA does not spy on anyone. Trump is just calling for the release of emails. He is not asking Russia to hack anything. I would love to see start kind of dirt gets released.