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This ^^^

"Oh, you must be a conspiracy theorist!"

You mean I believe I have been lied to my entire life about everything that matters on a macro scale - the JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, Vietnam, and Watergate, and Iraq, and Social Security, and the deficit, and the debt, and inflation, and public education, and the "independence" of the mass media, and Russia, Russia, Russia, and Covid, and lockdowns, and Covid "vaccines," and Biden's competence, and Harris' qualifications, and the Trump assassination attempt? Why yes, I do.

And I am correct. We have been lied to - fed absolutely blatant lies, the absolute opposite of the truth - about every one of those issues.
What troubles me most is the people that know that it’s all lies, but go along with it because the ends apparently justify the means. Those very people have and will have blood on their hands and will inevitably reap the whirlwind.
For those not following the Kamala Is A Fake story, let me provide an overview. This is the story of the blatant lies and AI fakery of the Harris campaign. First, a guy named Bhavik Lathia posted this comment/photo on Twitter with the remark, "I've been knocking and doors and participating in Michigan elections since 2004 [he must be tired by now] ... I don't know if I've experienced anything like this." The attached photo show as absolutely MASSIVE crowd greeting AF2 with Harris aboard.

Lathia identifies himself as "Background Mobilizations Director" for the FakeHarris campaign. He credits the photo to Ben Sarle, who is identified in the Twitter post with the photo as the FakeHarris "Digital Campaign Director."

So DK points out that the clear reflections on the side of AF2 don't show the crowd ... and in fact don't show anybody but the one Secret Service Agent who was actually on the ground.

One of the replies, from #Working4aliving, shows a great view of the engine on AF2 with a perfect reflection, showing the airport buildings in the background ... but zero crowd. None.

Kamala Fake Crowd.jpg

So once outed as trying to pass of fake photos of wildly supportive Harris crowds when the claim was a lie and they knew it was false, both Lathia and Sarle blocked their Twitter accounts. So brave.

Now more and more people are revealing fake crowd photos at Harris events, with obviously faked images. Apparently AI has problems with faces and hands so the photos reveal "attendees" with blurred faces, or six fingers, or three hands.

So let's sum up. Kamala Harris' staff - people who identify as having a position with her campaign - are publishing AI generated fake photos of large crowds supposedly showing up to hear Kamala the Babbling Hyena, and when confronted, run and hide. No doubt major media will be all over this pronto.

This ^^^

"Oh, you must be a conspiracy theorist!"

You mean I believe I have been lied to my entire life about everything that matters on a macro scale - the JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, Vietnam, and Watergate, and Iraq, and Social Security, and the deficit, and the debt, and inflation, and public education, and the "independence" of the mass media, and Russia, Russia, Russia, and Covid, and lockdowns, and Covid "vaccines," and Biden's competence, and Harris' qualifications, and the Trump assassination attempt? Why yes, I do.

And I am correct. We have been lied to - fed absolutely blatant lies, the absolute opposite of the truth - about every one of those issues.
It’s not just the issues here.

How far back does this actually go?

Last night my brothers and I had a discussion about religion. My parents anniversary is tomorrow so they took a trip to the oldest church “recorded” in the US.

With religion we talked about religious figures such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed etc and how they have similar back stories. Just from a common denominator there was a figure who’s story was revised by region.

The same goes for all these paranormal events. I’ve read people who develop concussions and are prone to seizures are the most religious. Perhaps the brain damage causes hallucinations due to ones own upbringing and a yearning for comfort.

This all pry’s off emotion and the government pry’s off emotion to lure a following. So just food for thought just how far back does this manipulation go?
This all pry’s off emotion and the government pry’s off emotion to lure a following. So just food for thought just how far back does this manipulation go?

Good question, and obviously the false narrative has been around since at least the late 1800's and the "Remember the Maine" Spanish-American war lie. By 1921, Lenin had a brutal truth-suppression squad forcing the narrative onto the population, but the problem with that narrative was always that the Russians knew it was a lie. "Food production exceeded the goals? Then why is there no food in the stores?"

Mass media and social media are now the worst purveyors of the Big Lie. They spew garbage 24/7 to earn money, and very often do the work of their social overlords in government, just as Lenin's Ministry of Truth arrested and killed people for telling the truth.

Here is one undeniable fact regarding large-scale false narratives: They are invariably developed and propagated by those who stand to gain, i.e., the wealthy and those in power.
Good question, and obviously the false narrative has been around since at least the late 1800's and the "Remember the Maine" Spanish-American war lie. By 1921, Lenin had a brutal truth-suppression squad forcing the narrative onto the population, but the problem with that narrative was always that the Russians knew it was a lie. "Food production exceeded the goals? Then why is there no food in the stores?"

Mass media and social media are now the worst purveyors of the Big Lie. They spew garbage 24/7 to earn money, and very often do the work of their social overlords in government, just as Lenin's Ministry of Truth arrested and killed people for telling the truth.

Here is one undeniable fact regarding large-scale false narratives: They are invariably developed and propagated by those who stand to gain, i.e., the wealthy and those in power.
The worst part is when normal people start repeating the lies like they are truth.
My neighbor would not believe me this morning when I said Harris stole the No tax on tips thing from Trump. They just spew what they hear 24/7.
Every CEO will no longer be paid a salary. But once a year will receive a tip.

Mass media and social media are now the worst purveyors of the Big Lie. They spew garbage 24/7 to earn money, and very often do the work of their social overlords in government
Nail in the coffin statement. Agreed.

People are easily influenced and our very own government more than any has the means to generate those lies and make them look as truth.

A.I. is a very real threat and will be a political tool this decade.

As A.I. advances look for more scamming and blackmail to take effect
For those not following the Kamala Is A Fake story, let me provide an overview. This is the story of the blatant lies and AI fakery of the Harris campaign. First, a guy named Bhavik Lathia posted this comment/photo on Twitter with the remark, "I've been knocking and doors and participating in Michigan elections since 2004 [he must be tired by now] ... I don't know if I've experienced anything like this." The attached photo show as absolutely MASSIVE crowd greeting AF2 with Harris aboard.

Lathia identifies himself as "Background Mobilizations Director" for the FakeHarris campaign. He credits the photo to Ben Sarle, who is identified in the Twitter post with the photo as the FakeHarris "Digital Campaign Director."

So DK points out that the clear reflections on the side of AF2 don't show the crowd ... and in fact don't show anybody but the one Secret Service Agent who was actually on the ground.

One of the replies, from #Working4aliving, shows a great view of the engine on AF2 with a perfect reflection, showing the airport buildings in the background ... but zero crowd. None.

View attachment 12936

So once outed as trying to pass of fake photos of wildly supportive Harris crowds when the claim was a lie and they knew it was false, both Lathia and Sarle blocked their Twitter accounts. So brave.

Now more and more people are revealing fake crowd photos at Harris events, with obviously faked images. Apparently AI has problems with faces and hands so the photos reveal "attendees" with blurred faces, or six fingers, or three hands.

So let's sum up. Kamala Harris' staff - people who identify as having a position with her campaign - are publishing AI generated fake photos of large crowds supposedly showing up to hear Kamala the Babbling Hyena, and when confronted, run and hide. No doubt major media will be all over this pronto.

How do we know that this photo of the plane and its reflection is real? 🙂🙂
Im kind of half kidding. But only half. What a filthy game politics Are. And it’s only getting worse. Both sides lie to the people they work for nonstop. There’s not one politician I trust. And that’s pretty darn sad. The exact same goes for the media.
They are now photoshopping and using AI to generate fake crowds for photos of Harris events. They also keep tweeting out the supposed small crowds at Trump rallies while leaving out that their photo is from several hours before the even started. Everything the do and say is a lie.

Here's a recent example. Big crowd to welcome her off the plane. Except somehow none of this crowd appears in the reflections of the plane.

Bunch of frauds. It's actually pretty alarming the lengths they'll go to make it look like people actually give a **** about them.

Zero integrity. They are everything America wasn't supposed to be in politics.

These folks gotta go.
her latest rally...


Is there a website/link to a place that shows Kamala's actual progressions thru politics with what truly happened to propel her at each level

It's hard to believe she's going to be President.
The fake news media is trying to make the whoree look competitive. Through their biased coverage and made up polls. She’s not and it will be a blowout as long as the election is fair.