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The voting habits of the left makes a case for dictators and despots against democracy. They view the public as being incapable and dumb.
Also democracy requires that you convince people to vote for you. That means work and they might not always vote your way. Much easier to have one-party rule and that party is run only by a handful of people.
Obama once gave a speech where he said that the general public was too dumb to select leadership. You know what he was getting at.
Media is pushing Kneepads as the greatest politician since, well, Joe Biden.
Obama once gave a speech where he said that the general public was too dumb to select leadership. You know what he was getting at.

They certainly wouldn't have selected his *** if they had any real knowledge of his history.
Regardless where you stand, it should be concerning for everyone the blatant bias from the media when they should just be reporting the news.
Unfortunately those times are long gone. It's only ramped up to the point they can't hide it. The advancements in communication technology shines a light on them.
Regardless where you stand, it should be concerning for everyone the blatant bias from the media when they should just be reporting the news.
The conspiracy people used to say TPTB would create one world government or one party rule in other words with consent of the people and justification due to some crisis or external threat -- creating order out of chaos.

They've essentially done that with Donald Trump as the bogeyman and "threat to democracy." The average Democrat voter has fully embraced an "ends justifies the means" ethos and has given the Party the full authority to pick it's Candidate for them completely outside the will of the people. To conduct Soviet style political persecution and Show Trials all in the name of "stopping Donald Trump" and "protecting democracy" or "reproductive rights." They have framed Donald Trump as the gravest threat faced by civilization, and have assumed war time powers and dictatorial control in full subversion of the political process.
Regardless where you stand, it should be concerning for everyone the blatant bias from the media when they should just be reporting the news.
If they did that then Trump would be elected.
As an Admin of my Ranger club's board I was part of the setup crew and welcoming committee at the Truck Nationals in Carlisle this weekend.
A sweet black late-model rolls up with a chick driving it, behind her is a Dodge brodozer driven by her boyfriend.
They introduce themselves and say they're from Canada, the first thing the boyfriend says is "Trudeau is a ****ing Communist."
His opinion was that Trudeau gets elected by all the immigrants in the cities and the rest of the country hates him.
Trudeau is that metrosexual from Canada. I think that's the guy. But that doesn't matter. Was the chick hot?
Trudeau is that metrosexual from Canada. I think that's the guy. But that doesn't matter. Was the chick hot?
Above average with bonus points for being a gearhead.
Pictures. Or you will forever be known as the withholder of hot Pictures.
Withholder of hot Pictures said:
Above average with bonus points for being a gearhead.
Yeah, Ron...er W.O.H.P. We need pictures.
I said it a long time ago. All they need is for the polls to say" it's close". Then they can do their vote stealing, their ballot harvesting, their 80 million ballots in the middle of the night deliveries.
And they will.

They absolutely will.
Will the American people believe she got the most votes in the history of this country? More than Joe Biden? It will take that level of " steal" to win it for her. It will happen.

Kamala is a Russian asset. She is a Chinese communist party asset. Over 300M dollars flowed to her campaign in just days. Remember, the Supreme Court says dark money is legal.
She will not debate. She will not have a press conference. And she will cross the finish line.
As an Admin of my Ranger club's board I was part of the setup crew and welcoming committee at the Truck Nationals in Carlisle this weekend.
A sweet black late-model rolls up with a chick driving it, behind her is a Dodge brodozer driven by her boyfriend.
They introduce themselves and say they're from Canada, the first thing the boyfriend says is "Trudeau is a ****ing Communist."
His opinion was that Trudeau gets elected by all the immigrants in the cities and the rest of the country hates him.
Pretty much
behold the brilliance of ignorance

Or Sen. Ted Stephens.

Has Trump insulted the VP pick yet? Or should the question be, how many times has Trump insulted the VP pick?