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I.D... now every single one of ours has been compromised.

I’m not religious, but if this damn sure isn’t a tie in to take the mark of the beast.

Why isn’t this story gaining more traction?
Does she know of price gouging? If so, why hasn't she taken action? She's been in power over 3 years. Fact is, those are empty words that will never be fulfilled. Hard to prove too. She's an idiot.
Does she know of price gouging? If so, why hasn't she taken action? She's been in power over 3 years. Fact is, those are empty words that will never be fulfilled. Hard to prove too. She's an idiot.
Does she know of price gouging? If so, why hasn't she taken action? She's been in power over 3 years. Fact is, those are empty words that will never be fulfilled. Hard to prove too. She's an idiot.
I’m not religious, but if this damn sure isn’t a tie in to take the mark of the beast.

Why isn’t this story gaining more traction?

It's more like opening the flood gates for fraud and identity theft. If the data on 3 billion people is exposed,that means they have ss numbers on people who have passed away as well.
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I read that as we want the federal government to control everything.
Price controls. If it goes through, stock up. Gonna be shortages on nearly everything. People gonna be hungry. It could get really, really ugly.
Just like I've been saying the last 3+ years. There's only one reason to flood the country with tens of millions of illegal immigrants.

Conspiracy Wig wonders... How many fake humans could you register before November if you had unlimited SS numbers?

And how many "suspect" SS numbers could you flag as "invalid" if you had SS that you could identify as belonging to say... Right Wing Terrorists?

In fact, Conspiracy Wig wonders if this isn't the new 'Rona.
It's more like opening the flood gates for fraud and identity theft. If the data on 3 billion people is exposed,that means they have ss numbers on people who have passed away as well.
Every single one of us is compromised. We’re very much prone to fraud and ID theft.

I can also see the government going power hungry and implementing a new ID system because of this.
Walz was an awful pick. Kamala's first real policy announcement is communist price controls that even lefty economists have condemned as a terrible idea. They did everything they could to influence polls. From what I've read, the recent polls showing her up were very heavily sampling Dem voters. Even with that, she only has small leads in the rigged polls.

Is it possible Dems are still considering pushing her aside at the convention?
Walz was an awful pick. Kamala's first real policy announcement is communist price controls that even lefty economists have condemned as a terrible idea. They did everything they could to influence polls. From what I've read, the recent polls showing her up were very heavily sampling Dem voters. Even with that, she only has small leads in the rigged polls.

Is it possible Dems are still considering pushing her aside at the convention?

Yeah, I don't see them pushing her out now. They've already pushed out Joe. That whole party is a train wreck.

Serves them right for allowing so many marxist commie turds to take control of that party,and fundamentally change it. And it will fail horribly.

It's to the point I don't think they can stop it, and they certainly can't implement what they want to do,unless it's by gunpoint against an unarmed population.
This is the way the left thinks, and I just don't understand it.
A totalitarian government is hard to comprehend when you're born free.

I don't understand the desire to have power over everything. I'd say they're moving along at a pretty good click.

So far,so good for them doing absolutely whatever they want.

I am hoping this November can pump the brakes on this radical craziness and start a reversal.

This is most likely our last ditch hope to save the republic as we have known it.

It's pretty clear what their goal is and it certainly doesn't involve life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness for you and me.

It's more like, we will do what we want and you will submit and do as you're told.
This is the way the left thinks, and I just don't understand it.
They get free **** at tax payers expense.

When you grow up leeching off of something of course you want to keep the course running and get more.

They’re manipulated and conditioned to be controlled by the government
A totalitarian government is hard to comprehend when you're born free.

I don't understand the desire to have power over everything. I'd say they're moving along at a pretty good click.

So far,so good for them doing absolutely whatever they want.

I am hoping this November can pump the brakes on this radical craziness and start a reversal.

This is most likely our last ditch hope to save the republic as we have known it.

It's pretty clear what their goal is and it certainly doesn't involve life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness for you and me.

It's more like, we will do what we want and you will submit and do as you're told.
I know many liberals will insist they believe in God and of course contort the doctrine of Jesus to endorse socialism and taxation/generational theft for social programs and never met a wolf in sheep's clothing they didn't like, but the crux of the issue seems to be that government and politics are the religion of the liberal and subsumes his entire identity. As such, rights are not endowed by the Creator but rather granted by the State in our own best interest.

They ignore all the lessons of history that this doesn't work anywhere in the end.
Walz was an awful pick. Kamala's first real policy announcement is communist price controls that even lefty economists have condemned as a terrible idea. They did everything they could to influence polls. From what I've read, the recent polls showing her up were very heavily sampling Dem voters. Even with that, she only has small leads in the rigged polls.

Is it possible Dems are still considering pushing her aside at the convention?
Price controls always result in shortages. Grocery store shelves will look like they did in the pandemic except without a pandemic.
The $25,000 first-time homeowner grant will start out by increasing home prices by $25,000 but it will soon get worse than that because the demand for homes will go up but they are doing nothing to increase the supply of homes, which means less regulations and lower energy prices, things that Democrats are staunchly opposed to.
A totalitarian government is hard to comprehend when you're born free.

I don't understand the desire to have power over everything. I'd say they're moving along at a pretty good click.

So far,so good for them doing absolutely whatever they want.

I am hoping this November can pump the brakes on this radical craziness and start a reversal.

This is most likely our last ditch hope to save the republic as we have known it.

It's pretty clear what their goal is and it certainly doesn't involve life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness for you and me.

It's more like, we will do what we want and you will submit and do as you're told.
I'm pretty sure there will be riots at the Dem Convention but it will be people who think Kommie and Walz aren't Left enough.
Price controls always result in shortages. Grocery store shelves will look like they did in the pandemic except without a pandemic.
The $25,000 first-time homeowner grant will start out by increasing home prices by $25,000 but it will soon get worse than that because the demand for homes will go up but they are doing nothing to increase the supply of homes, which means less regulations and lower energy prices, things that Democrats are staunchly opposed to.
I'm pretty sure there will be riots at the Dem Convention but it will be people who think Kommie and Walz aren't Left enough.

Any more left and we all start going into cattle cars and shipped off to concentration camps.

And by judging the reactions to Trump's assassination attempt,many would be just fine with it.

These people must be defeated. I don't think many truly understand just how quickly things have changed. They've had 12 of the last 16 years to wreck the founding principles of the country.

This is what happens when you believe in no higher authority than yourself. There's no moral compass.

Even if you're not religious,any normal human being can see how warped everything is becoming.

This isn't progress, it's the regression of a society toward an ideology that is oppressive and results in great suffering by those under it.

I see it as a battle of good vs evil. If good people do nothing,evil will continue to prevail. It's growing and has no restraints on its ability to flourish in an immoral society.
Any more left and we all start going into cattle cars and shipped off to concentration camps.

And by judging the reactions to Trump's assassination attempt,many would be just fine with it.

These people must be defeated. I don't think many truly understand just how quickly things have changed. They've had 12 of the last 16 years to wreck the founding principles of the country.

This is what happens when you believe in no higher authority than yourself. There's no moral compass.

Even if you're not religious,any normal human being can see how warped everything is becoming.

This isn't progress, it's the regression of a society toward an ideology that is oppressive and results in great suffering by those under it.

I see it as a battle of good vs evil. If good people do nothing,evil will continue to prevail. It's growing and has no restraints on its ability to flourish in an immoral society.
The late Larry Grathwohl, who was an undercover agent infiltrating the Weather Underground in the late 60's-early 70's.

Yea. The democrats invited the hard left under their tent.

Just like inviting a camel under your tent.