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I'm shocked the communist news network said anything.

wow.....cnn is evolving its position.....wonder if this is a one off......or if there are issues surrounding the media monolith messaging?
Worse, guys like Cuban will still vote for her. Americans, at this point, are just stupid. Voting for Kamala Harris is voting for your own demise in every way imaginable.
He will just move his money on out. Just like the rest of the super wealthy. Which will make it just as bad. There's no escape from wrecking the economy like that.
Her voice sounds familiar.....Too familiar.

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Her parts were well rehearsed. They set her up to look authoritative. The hand under the chin gesture was way too cringe. Very fake. But her base loved it. Her facial expressions and tilt of head were exactly like Obama. Same coach.
And that dumb lying commie said that was worse than 9/11.
We are in the midst of a 24-7 military grade psychological operations attack and they've captured more than half the population at this point with their lies and distortions.