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She’s biracial. That’s never been something she’s tried to hide. And who cares? I hate to be in the position of defending this idiot but this is an incredibly stupid line of attack. There are many more perfectly good ones. This one just makes him look like someone’s drunk Archie Bunkeresque uncle.
Agreed! She is such an unlikable dolt all by herself. The woman has a bunch of shovels, let her dig her own grave.
What the ****??
So was Hines Ward and Obama half black. Google it. So how does this relate to Harris identifying as black in order to get the black vote?
She doesn’t have to identify as black, she is black. Google it.
Your game is jumping from one irrelevant point to another so we can never nail you. It makes you feel like you've won..
Although I must say you've been nailed quite a few times.
😂 Says the guy trying to defend and make sense of another idiotic statement by Trump. I encourage you to not let this die, keep “winning”.
She’s biracial. That’s never been something she’s tried to hide. And who cares? I hate to be in the position of defending this idiot but this is an incredibly stupid line of attack. There are many more perfectly good ones. This one just makes him look like someone’s drunk Archie Bunkeresque uncle.
its how he's pointing out she flips and flops to whichever position can help her. and she's been in a lot of positions.
They need to focus on this and forget everything else. This definitely came from daddy. The term equity of outcome. Which means everyone ends up in the same place regardless.

This is 100% communism.

She doesn’t have to identify as black, she is black. Google it.

😂 Says the guy trying to defend and make sense of another idiotic statement by Trump. I encourage you to not let this die, keep “winning”.

You know a black person when you see one. She does have to identify as black because it's not clearly evident. She has identified as black for quite a long time. Google it.
What do you identify as?
Oh I definitely will keep this going as long as you keep leaving yourself as wide open as Kamals legs.

Case in point...you jumped to another inane "point" which isn't true.
Nowhere did I defend Trump, I had agreed with those on this board that he is his own worst enemy.

Liberals. All-knowing and righteous. LOL
I think Trump likes the chaos and drama. He was advised not to go after Kamala's race or gender, but he just can not help himself. It takes the focus off the actual issues and gives the media free talking points.
Sure, Trump likes it, but most Americans do not. If the guy would stick to issues and policy, he’d win in a landslide. But he just enjoys the insults and nonsense because that’s what his base expects of him. Gotta “own the libs.” Just remember, when he loses again because of his own stupidity, the election was rigged.
Trump being Trump will be his, and the country's downfall, he needs to stick to the issues, and I wish there was someone that could guide him to thinking this way.
It's the left that promotes race, gender, sexual preference as a qualifying characteristic of any job opening, including the Presidency. First this, first that, yea!!!!

The same people that are telling us that Kamala is the most qualified candidate ever, are the same ones telling us two weeks ago that Joe was sharp as a tack.
its how he's pointing out she flips and flops to whichever position can help her. and she's been in a lot of positions.
If he had half a brain he'd stick to her positions and not her race or her "positions". I know that stuff appeals to his devoted base but there aren't enough of y'all to win.
Trump being Trump will be his, and the country's downfall, he needs to stick to the issues, and I wish there was someone that could guide him to thinking this way.
It's the left that promotes race, gender, sexual preference as a qualifying characteristic of any job opening, including the Presidency. First this, first that, yea!!!!

The same people that are telling us that Kamala is the most qualified candidate ever, are the same ones telling us two weeks ago that Joe was sharp as a tack.
I don't think his massive ego will ever allow him to be "guided". HE thinks he's brilliant and can do no wrong.
nah. **** all that. he should be on the offensive and attacking these incredible fuckups. he should bring up that Kamala was shoveling money to and requesting money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund when BLM was burning Minneapolis to the ground, while there was a backdoor sex romp videoed in the senate hearing chambers meanwhile the border is being overran by illegals, and some of those are committing rape and murder.
and what Trump really needs to hammer hard is the ******* bullshit deal cut with the 9/11 terrorists.
They need to focus on this and forget everything else. This definitely came from daddy. The term equity of outcome. Which means everyone ends up in the same place regardless.

This is 100% communism.

Yep. Also means if you work hard and try to give your kids a great start in life, great education and a stable home life, they should be punished for that. No matter how hard they work they don't deserve to get ahead because they are "privileged".
It's hard to fathom Kamala being president, and with Trump as an unwitting accomplice she likely will be.

We gots us some amazing candidates.
huwyte people leave an area = white flight
huwyte people invest in an area = gentrification
Sure, Trump likes it, but most Americans do not. If the guy would stick to issues and policy, he’d win in a landslide. But he just enjoys the insults and nonsense because that’s what his base expects of him. Gotta “own the libs.” Just remember, when he loses again because of his own stupidity, the election was rigged.
The Election was rigged. There were machinations much bigger than Trump's personality tipping the scale and probably will be again. Does he make some unforced errors at times with hostile journalists? Sure. But the guy is human. He's been persecuted and shot at literally and figuratively like no other candidate in our history by the powers that be.

I'm not sure there really is this mushy middle of undecideds who would come over to Trump if he would but do his best John McCain, GWB, or Mitt Romney losers of the past impersonation. We've had 25 years of political polarization by this point. Trump will get more black and hispanic vote than those 3 stuff shirts just mentioned.

Black women as a voting block are a lost cause as far as this race goes and maybe for all the future. College educated white women are almost as bad as a group. Female suffrage was a net loss because they vote with their feelings or reproductive organs, and society protects and shields them from the feedback of their folly.

If anything, Trump should just have avoided going into that viper's nest. It was one big gotcha expedition for them. His inarticulate response was an unforced error, but not going to win or lose the match for him.

He could have given an MLK response to the question, and they and the media at large would have honed in on something else to be outraged about.

Case in point: Trump NEVER got credit for CJR or Urban Opportunity Zones.
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Yep. Also means if you work hard and try to give your kids a great start in life, great education and a stable home life, they should be punished for that. No matter how hard they work they don't deserve to get ahead because they are "privileged".
It's why communism will always fail. You have zero incentive to work harder because the state is just going to take it anyway.

Everyone is equally poor ,starving and can't say a damn thing about it or or they'll get thrown in the work camps.

The only people who win are those in power. They stay fat&happy.

Screw equity of outcome. That's not how a free people operate.

"Life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
huwyte people leave an area = white flight
huwyte people invest in an area = gentrification
Reminds me of Biden's comments yesterday about the prisoner swap when he said that Russia "arrested our people and conducted show trials."

Totalitarians in Russia arrest political enemies and charge with crimes = Show Trials
Totalitarians in America arrest and raid political enemies and overcharge with crimes = Protecting Democracy
Reminds me of Biden's comments yesterday about the prisoner swap when he said that Russia "arrested our people and conducted show trials."

Totalitarians in Russia arrest political enemies and charge with crimes = Show Trials
Totalitarians in America arrest and raid political enemies and overcharge with crimes = Protecting Democracy

That sure hit the nail on the head and drove it in flush.
They need to focus on this and forget everything else. This definitely came from daddy. The term equity of outcome. Which means everyone ends up in the same place regardless.

This is 100% communism.

Via Instragram, this video is not available in my country......translated, the Canadian government is actively censoring this.

Very sad.