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Via Instragram, this video is not available in my country......translated, the Canadian government is actively censoring this.

Very sad.
You can thank Trudeau for that. That video was all clips of Harris talking about equity, not equality.

These marxists are like a toenail fungus.
You can thank Trudeau for that. That video was all clips of Harris talking about equity, not equality.

These marxists are like a toenail fungus.
Yep, I got to watch it because of SN.com and this forum. Better access to news here than almost anywhere.
nah. **** all that. he should be on the offensive and attacking these incredible fuckups. he should bring up that Kamala was shoveling money to and requesting money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund when BLM was burning Minneapolis to the ground, while there was a backdoor sex romp videoed in the senate hearing chambers meanwhile the border is being overran by illegals, and some of those are committing rape and murder.
I agree. Attack on the issues. Period. Show their depravity, incompetence and contempt for the average American. Forget Kamala’s racial pandering. It’s a losing venture for him.
He could have given an MLK response to the question, and they and the media at large would have honed in on something else to be outraged about.
You are exactly right. Stay on the issues. It’s the only way to win. Anything else will get twisted and turned into something retarded to spark outrage. I mean, that **** plays with his base. People think it’s awesome. I think it’s sophomoric. So do many others. He is stronger on the issues. Stay there and win.
You know a black person when you see one. She does have to identify as black because it's not clearly evident.
Really? Most people didn’t know she was half Indian. The dark complected woman, last name Harris, not Patel.
She has identified as black for quite a long time. Google it.
What do you identify as?
White male as is evident.
Oh I definitely will keep this going as long as you keep leaving yourself as wide open as Kamals legs.

Case in point...you jumped to another inane "point" which isn't true.
Nowhere did I defend Trump, I had agreed with those on this board that he is his own worst enemy.
Then what are you doing?
If you guys want to make a little extra money.

Really? Most people didn’t know she was half Indian. The dark complected woman, last name Harris, not Patel.


White male as is evident.

Then what are you doing?
Yes really.
Funny thing you said that...the idiot Trump was smart enough to know she was Indian.
The dark complected woman first name Kamala (Hindu) not Shaniqua, Shanice or Queen Latifah

What I'm doing is rubbing your nose in your own doo-doo.

If Trump was smart he would have said instead that Kameltoe was not an "authentic black" or not black enough as was directed toward Obama by some blacks.
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Really? Most people didn’t know she was half Indian. The dark complected woman, last name Harris, not Patel.


White male as is evident.

Then what are you doing?

Were you and the rest of the liberal cult this outraged when Biden said of Obama...

"I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American.... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

No you weren't.

"They're gonna put y'all back in chains man."
" You ain't black if you don't vote for me"

What about those?
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Biden must have figured that Kamala was black... no Indian accent.

"You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or Dunking Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."
All they need to do is focus on her record,her radical progressive rubbish and border.

No matter what you do or say the media is going to run with the sexist racist nonsense anyway. They're parrot propagandists for their totalitarian masters.

They do this every single election.

It's all they have. They don't have a single positive accomplishment for the country. The only thing the care about is staying in power and progressing the fundamental change promised by Barry.

Is Black a race or a color?
Yes really.
Funny thing you said that...the idiot Trump was smart enough to know she was Indian.
The dark complected woman first name Kamala (Hindu) not Shaniqua, Shanice or Queen Latifah

What I'm doing is rubbing your nose in your own doo-doo.

If Trump was smart he would have said instead that Kameltoe was not an "authentic black" or not black enough as was directed toward Obama by some blacks.
😂 Yeah, that’d be smart only to people of your mindset. Otherwise, it’s as idiotic as claiming she suddenly turned black.
We are being told that her 25% Jamaican blood is her most important asset. 50% Indian. Throw that out. 25% white. Throw that out. 25% Jamaican is it. That's not 25% African.
We are being told that her 25% Jamaican blood is her most important asset. 50% Indian. Throw that out. 25% white. Throw that out. 25% Jamaican is it. That's not 25% African.
It doesn't matter she will pander to all she can. That's what politicians do.
Biden grew up with and was part of any group he was talking to. It's pathetic.

They need to stay on them for their policies and the deeds they have done. That's ALL that matters.

If race bait questions come up,just say they're just pandering like always and move on.
You can thank Trudeau for that. That video was all clips of Harris talking about equity, not equality.

These marxists are like a toenail fungus

Were you and the rest of the liberal cult this outraged when Biden said of Obama...

"I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American.... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

No you weren't.

"They're gonna put y'all back in chains man."
" You ain't black if you don't vote for me"

What about those?
Nor when that ole boy Bill Clinton quipped to Ted Kennedy about Obama "a few years ago, he woulda been carryin' our bags.."
I would really like to see her in a real press conference without scripted questions or answers. Will the American people see it?
I would really like to see her in a real press conference without scripted questions or answers. Will the American people see it?
She will laugh a lot. That's her cover to avoid giving a real answer.
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The strategy appears to keep her hidden. It worked for Biden last time and may well do the same for her.

Allow the lemmings in the mainstream and social media to extoll all the virtues that are Kamala, strong, accomplished, without any factual basis to back their claims and coast to victory.
Stick to policies and not identity characteristics. Attacking race, gender and color are a waste of time & energy when it could be better spent looking into her policies, voting history, programs she’s associated with past & present, who are in her inner circle. Take a page from what Tulsi did to her in the 2020 primaries and bury her.
hmmm I wonder what the cackle would look like on this plate...

Ahhh good ole equity in equal outcomes.

Sounds so enticing,fresh and new,but it isn't...
