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Help me out here - dudes competing as girls is ok?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
What..the..****? How is this ok, and what kind of parents enable this bullshit?

Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood dominated the competition at Connecticut’s girls track and field state championships earlier this week. Miller took 1st place in both the 100 and 200 meter dash, while Yearwood finished second in the 100. According to News 8 in Hartford, CT, both Miller and Yearwood are transgender which has some people saying that the pair had an unfair advantage.

"some people"?

What the **** is going on with society..


Open to arguments in favor of this ****.
The problem with this is society will start to **wink, wink** and correct it. The girl who came in second will get the achievement of winning but only behind the closed doors of a "back room" society that is afraid of the wrath of political correctness.

This is our future. A back room and silent majority that will correct the political correctiness through "favors", which is exactly the opposite of what liberals want. They are going to drive everything underground again. Favors, friends, hires... all done with greater and greater cover ups.

I don't care. I have connections. My kids will be alright. But liberals will keep pushing and pushing and isolating more and more people. Group think will kill. Tibs knows it. I know it. Left/Right know it. It's just a matter of whether we let it happen (and I think there are enough awares to prevent it).
this was on fox news the other day they interviewed an actual female runner from that area. She did well explaining why it is stupid but still praised the "women"
This has been going on awhile in sports. Back in the 70s/80s there was a tennis player named Renee Richards who halfway made a career out of playing tennis in the women's league. As a guy he would have been blown out of the water on the men's circuit, but as a woman he was one of the top players in the world. Yeah its unfair and really weird, but its not new news.
Obama said that men can use the women’s restroom, so yeah.
In terms of competitive sports, you should compete in your genetic gender......no exceptions. If you are a transgender women, tough ****.
Het rid of men's and women's sports. there is one basketball team, one baseball team, one softball team, one football team. Cant sue because women aren't on the teams, because gender is just a social construct.
What..the..****? How is this ok, and what kind of parents enable this bullshit?

Parents who see a free ride to a Div 1 school that will be happy to take them due to political correctness and Title IX. Then once they're out of school with a free degree they will magically decide to be men again. I can see this coming a mile away.
Just have 4 'divisions':

Men competing as men
Women competing as women
Women who used to be guys competing against other women who used to be guys
Men who used to be women competing against other men who used to be women
Just have 4 'divisions':

Men competing as men
Women competing as women
Women who used to be guys competing against other women who used to be guys
Men who used to be women competing against other men who used to be women

Or we could just have men and women.

Its really simple - What does your birth cert say you are? What does your DNA say you are? Roll with it.
you people need to stop being homophobic.
Or we could just have men and women.

Its really simple - What does your birth cert say you are? What does your DNA say you are? Roll with it.

I think it’s even easier than that. Drop those skivies, look down, are you an outie or innie?

Edit: original equipment
Thought this tread was about Martina Navratilova accused of being transphobic.

In December she was criticized after tweeting: "You can't just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard."


I saw that and she was then kicked out of some kind of LGB EiEIO group.

The left has pushed so much zany **** in the last few years that it's starting to bust at the seams. The infighting is starting. Now you have feminists pushing back against trans policies.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aQns3VsYdd4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The left has pushed so much zany **** in the last few years that it's starting to bust at the seams. The infighting is starting. Now you have feminists pushing back against trans policies.

You can't be everything to everybody. The Left in America has gone farther than that, creating victim groups who they can then ostensibly protect. One of the reasons Hildebeast lost was that around the summer of 2016 the Leftys decided that men wearing dresses needed to use women's bathrooms and Hildebeast couldn't be against that.