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Helter Skelter - 'Baltimore police say gangs 'teaming up' to take out officiers'

Any mention of the racial makeup of the six officers?

3 black, 3 white

It was one of the black cops that had the most serious charges levied against him.

I wonder if the thugs knew that before they rioted.

In Ferguson the cop was white...riots.
A couple months ago in Cleveland, a black cop killed a black kid....peaceful protests.
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Actually the media does report the truth. ... That information may not be accurate, but it is still news.

It seems to me that the drug dealer / career criminal would still be alive if he hadn't gone full steam ahead and rammed a bolted steeldoor. I'm not sure how that is anyone else's fault. He put himself in that situation. The cops didn't force him to be a thug.
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3 black, 3 white

It was one of the black cops that had the most serious charges levied against him.

I wonder if the thugs knew that before they rioted.

In Ferguson the cop was white...riots.
A couple months ago in Cleveland, a black cop killed a black kid....peaceful protests.
The white cops obviously oppressed the black cops and bullied them into killing Freddie.

Today, I stopped caring about my fellow man. I stopped caring about my community, my neighbors, and those I serve.
I stopped caring today because a once noble profession has become despised, hated, distrusted, and mostly unwanted.
I stopped caring today because parents refuse to teach their kids right from wrong and blame us when they are caught breaking the law. I stopped caring today because parents tell their little kids to be good or “the police will take you away” embedding a fear from year-one. Moms hate us in their schools because we frighten them and remind them of the evil that lurks in the world. They would rather we stay unseen, but close by if needed, but readily available to “fix their kid”.
I stopped caring today because we work to keep our streets safe from mayhem in the form of reckless, drunk, high, or speeding drivers, only to be hated for it, yet hated even more because we didn’t catch the drunk before he killed someone they may know. Never less, we are just another tool used by government to generate “revenue”.
I stopped caring today because Liberals hate the police as we carry guns, scare kids, and take away their drugs. We always kill innocent people with unjust violence. We are called bullies for using a taser during a fight, but are condemned further for not first tasing the guy who pulls a gun on us. And if we do have to shoot, we are asked “why didn’t you just shoot the gun out of their hand?” And when one of us is killed by the countless attacks that do happen (but are rarely reported in the mainstream media) the haters say, “It’s just part of the job”.
I stopped caring today because Conservatives hate us as we are “the Government”. We try to take away their guns, freedoms, and liberty at every turn. We represent a “Police State” where “jackbooted-badge wearing thugs” randomly attack innocent people without cause or concern for constitutional rights. We are Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Rodney King all rolled into one lone police officer stopping to help change an old lady’s tire.
I stopped caring today as no one wants us around, but instantly demands answers, results, arrests, when a crime takes place. If a crime isn’t solved within the allocated 60 minutes it takes CSI on television, we are inept, incompetent, or covering something up. If we do get “lucky” it was just that and everyone with a Facebook account can post wonderful comments of how “they” would solve the case and how “we” and not nearly as clever.
I stopped caring today because a video of a cop six states away, from a department that you never heard of, screws up and forgets his oath of honor, thus firing up an internet lynch-mob of cop haters because “we all do the same things” even though 99% of us work twice as hard not to end up in the news and to still be “the good guys”. We are “militarized” because we wear body armor and kevlar helmets when shots are fired or rocks thrown at us and carry scary looking rifles even though everyone knows that they are easier to shoot and are more accurate than a handgun or a shotgun.
I stopped caring today because the culture of today’s instantly connected youth is only there to take and never give back. To never accept responsibility for ones actions, but to blame everyone else instead of themselves. To ask “what is in it for me?” versus “what can I do for you?” To idolize gangsters, thugs, sexual promiscuous behavior, and criminals over hard work, dedication, and achievement. To argue that getting stoned should be a right, yet getting a job or an education is a hassle. To steal versus earn. To hate versus help.
Yes, I stopped caring today.
But tomorrow, I will put my uniform back on and I will care again.
Written by Lt Daniel Furseth, DeForest, Wisconsin Police Department
The truth is, we still don't know all of the facts. We still don't know the story from the cops perspective. Do we have all of the forensics, and do they jive with the stories being told? Remember how the Michael Brown case took a turn when the forensics were complete.

Also, the claim that the arrest was illegal, because he wasn't witnessed committing a crime. Well, if the guy has been arrested many times selling drugs from that location, and he reacts like a dealer would in those circumstances, is that not probable cause to at least question the guy?
I just got my copy of the Morning Bell and they tell a tale of deeper problems in Baltimore...

In 1910, the Baltimore City Council passed a residential segregation ordinance. It was the first citywide law in the United States that mandated the segregation of each residential block.

“For me as a historian, I think it’s important to go back further than the last 20 years to over 100 years to provide context for what’s happening today in Baltimore,” said Elizabeth Nix, a University of Baltimore historian.

“People were living in certain neighborhoods because that’s where they were allowed to live. If you wanted to move to suburban area, you couldn’t. So the trends have already started. Then, after the courts determine the law to be unconstitutional, some of those suburban areas open up, middle class and professional people move out of city in greater numbers, and you end up with concentrated poverty in areas.”

Before the protests, there was also redlining, a 1930s government program that labeled certain areas as worthy of investment, and others not.

Banks wouldn’t lend to residents in neighborhoods that federally backed officials found to have “undesirable racial concentrations.”

“The inner city neighborhood with the older housing stock—that mostly white people moved out of—are the ones redlined,” Nix said. “And those areas are left to deteriorate.”

Residents spoke of the potential for “new life,” describing how public policy decisions had contributed to the city’s present state, and how they could help bring a better future.

She connects Baltimore’s erosion to the bit-by-bit demolishment of the city’s steelmaking industry. For more than a century, the steel mill at Sparrows Point was a job magnet where thousands of workers fashioned steel for use in cars and appliances. For most of that time, the mill, once the biggest steel producer in the world, was operated by Bethlehem Steel. But it closed in 2012 when then-owner RG Steel went bankrupt.

The city of Baltimore has more charter schools than any place in Maryland, but for years funding for such institutions has lagged behind that of traditional public schools despite a state law that requires them to be funded equitably.

Faced with a $108 million shortfall next year, the district school board passed a budget last week that eliminates funding increases for traditional public schools and also gives charter schools less than the $10,000 per pupil they say they need to fund operations.

In the early 1990s, former Baltimore Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke, a Democrat who was the city’s first elected black mayor, launched an effort to invigorate Sandtown.

In a public-private partnership, developer James Rouse, who developed Inner Harbor, and city officials spent more than $130 million on the community, focusing the core of their efforts on affordable housing, but also prioritizing schools, crime, the economy and health services.

Today, there are more people from Sandtown held in state prisons than there are from any other census tract in the state. According to The Baltimore Sun, it costs the state $17 million a year to care for those inmates

Robert Rector, an expert on policy and welfare at The Heritage Foundation, believes lack of public investment is not the problem.

“Adjusted for inflation, government spending on aid to the poor has increased eleven-fold since the beginning of the War on Poverty in 1964,” Rector wrote in an email to The Daily Signal. “Last year, government spent over $1 trillion providing cash, food, housing, medical care and services to the poor and near poor. Despite all this spending, conditions in the inner city have gotten worse, not better.”
There's going to be a lot of angry black people setting fires tonight.
The majority of jurors were black..
Robert Rector, an expert on policy and welfare at The Heritage Foundation, believes lack of public investment is not the problem.

To wit...

"In his January 1964 State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.” In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. In fact, a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency than it was when the War on Poverty began.


There are millions of reasons that the democrat party should be eternally banished from our midst. This is merely one of them.

To put this in a meaningful context, the $22T spent exceeds the "national debt" by more than 10%. It has yielded zero return. In fact, it could be argued that it is a significant catalyst to evolution of a permanent underclass that has and will render every city it affects a Detroit. Bringing all that into a useful context, the 53% that actually fund the follies we call the federal gubmint, each own $130,000 of that debt. $130K pissed down a rathole.
I didn't know any of the cops had come to trial yet.
The War on Poverty has failed completely. In fact, a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency than it was when the War on Poverty began.

As has the War on Drugs and as far as I can tell, just about every entity that our Govt has waged war against since the end of WW2. Kinda makes a person wonder if winning was ever the goal, or was there an alternate objective from the get go ?

I have been reading some about the US-Mexican drug connections and the implications of possible dirty deals are remarkable. Those that claim that the CIA introduced crack cocaine into this Country may not be too far off the mark. They just didn't directly introduce it into the black neighborhoods, they may have allowed it to flow wherever the market prevailed.

The war on poverty has the same implications. Following all that money, if possible, would tell a sad story indeed.

By the way...anyone see the story today on the new, latest, greatest budget deal....... bend over first.
When this country...err administration.. won't support the troops, first responders to disasters, and give them a big fu why do expect anything other
As has the War on Drugs and as far as I can tell, just about every entity that our Govt has waged war against since the end of WW2. Kinda makes a person wonder if winning was ever the goal, or was there an alternate objective from the get go ?

Kinda makes a person wonder how many kids died in viet cong or sov 'prisons' wondering the same thing. "Containment" was the "goal". Resonates eerily like the "degrade" blather oozing from the "White House" over ISIS.

The war on poverty has the same implications. Following all that money, if possible, would tell a sad story indeed.

There is no way that $22T, if actually purposed for a specific goal, would not move the needle to the positive. It isn't possible. The war on poverty was blather that fell on the ears of a nation that trusted its gubmint implicitly, well except for folks that knew kids who went to Viet Nam. The war on poverty was conceived by and championed by a man that regarded blacks as the subhuman remnant of a bygone era, a nuisance, but a political opportunity for a massive ruse created for his own legacy, and to line the pockets of his benefactors and their heirs. Sounds eerily like the "affordable healthcare act" blather oozing from the "White House".

In all these lofty tectonic shifts foisted on an ignorant public by their gubmint, a massive "solution" to a "crisis" is packaged in great urgency to avert a disaster that would have otherwise buried the Republic. "We must act now! There isn't time to read the bill. Anyone who opposes the bill is a racist!". The tectonic shifts are punctuated by wars just to keep the folks at home focused on working hard toward and paying for a "goal". In either event, crisis or war, trillions are appropriated, disappear, and are never accounted for. Ever. Well, sometimes sloppy management leads an inspector general to some missing billions, but distractions are presented to avert attention. Sounds eerily like another scandal swirling around a bunch of "missing" emails. And y'know what? Neither side gives a ****. Because they are accountable to nobody.

By the way...anyone see the story today on the new, latest, greatest budget deal....... bend over first.

Imagine that. The new speaker gave the dems EVERYTHING they demanded on the promise of dem votes that would pass another trillion plus in "spending" (read: trillions are appropriated, disappear, and are never accounted for). This causes brief confusion among the few who pay attention because they imagine there to be a representative Republic managed by two parties. See that's the flaw in the thinking. That Republic was but a vapor that existed only on the basis of its citizens obeying its laws. It disappeared long ago in the swirl of news cycles created to obliterate the memory of the previous news cycle. And anyway, the productive are far too busty servicing their own debt to pay attention for very long, much less do anything about it.

Here is some hard reality. The federal gubmint spends $4T a year. Every year. We see talking heads jawing over pie charts "explaining" the "expenditures", but there is no actual accountability. The money simply disappears in a haze of departmental budgets that must be exhausted each year end lest that budget not realize its annual 10% increase. Both sides are complicit - witness young Ryan's maiden omnibus. More reality. We rationalize that a $20T national debt is manageable within an economic engine that throws off $16T in GDP. Forget the $200T in unfunded federal obligations. Or the $150T in derivative exposure carried by the 5 top US banks. "Its all good."

Ultimate reality. This country isn't a Republic. Hasn't been for decades. Its an oligarchy run by 4 or 5 hundred corporations, families, mafias, and "sectors". They are accountable to nobody but themselves.

This country has not a prayer except the prayers of the righteous that remain.
Ultimate reality. This country isn't a Republic. Hasn't been for decades. Its an oligarchy run by 4 or 5 hundred corporations, families, mafias, and "sectors". They are accountable to nobody but themselves.

This country has not a prayer except the prayers of the righteous that remain.

I'm on board with that Vinny, they don't even try to hide their contempt for the sheeple anymore. My first cup of coffee isn't half drunk and already I am shaking my head with the news.

check this out...

House conservatives are up in arms over a provision in the omnibus spending bill that could allow more than a quarter-million temporary guest workers into the U.S.

As a significant change to immigration law, the legislation stunned conservative lawmakers, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told The Daily Signal. “It came out of nowhere, completely out of nowhere,” Jordan, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said, “[and] everyone was shocked there was a change and no one had talked about it.”

Tucked into the 2,009-page spending bill, the measure would increase the current federal caps on H-2B visas for low-skilled foreign workers seeking blue-collar jobs in the U.S.

The provision would quadruple the number of foreign workers allowed annually from 66,000 to 264,000. “Why is it that we go and try to recruit in bulk folks who compete against Americans, [against] our inner-city kids, where the unemployment rate is above 30 percent already?” he asked.

What was that you said Vin ? "witness young Ryan's maiden omnibus. More reality".....true dat brother....true dat indeed
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Ultimate reality. This country isn't a Republic. Hasn't been for decades. Its an oligarchy run by 4 or 5 hundred corporations, families, mafias, and "sectors". They are accountable to nobody but themselves.

This country has not a prayer except the prayers of the righteous that remain.

If the meek really share inherit the earth, it needs to get real messy for a spell.
I'm on board with that Vinny, they don't even try to hide their contempt for the sheeple anymore. My first cup of coffee isn't half drunk and already I am shaking my head with the news.

check this out...

House conservatives are up in arms over a provision in the omnibus spending bill that could allow more than a quarter-million temporary guest workers into the U.S.

As a significant change to immigration law, the legislation stunned conservative lawmakers, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told The Daily Signal. “It came out of nowhere, completely out of nowhere,” Jordan, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said, “[and] everyone was shocked there was a change and no one had talked about it.”

Tucked into the 2,009-page spending bill, the measure would increase the current federal caps on H-2B visas for low-skilled foreign workers seeking blue-collar jobs in the U.S.

It didn't come out of nowhere Jim.........it was there, IN THE BILL!!!! The bill that YOUR party allowed to pass. I thought we were the ones that say "read the bill"? Guess not.

If the meek really share inherit the earth, it needs to get real messy for a spell.

I don't want my granddaughter to have to fight this fight.......didn't want my kids to have to fight it either. But I didn't and now feel cowardly because they must.
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Another one of the cops was just found not guilty of all charges. Is Baltimore on fire yet?