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Hey Decaf, about those stories where somebody armed stops a killer?


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Decaf wanted to know why an armed citizenry does not stop crazed shooters from killing, apparently ignorant of the fact that the vast majority of mass shootings occur at schools, malls, movie theaters, restaurants - i.e., "gun free zones." Anyway, Decaf, here's one for you:

Neighbors say Arnold could open fire on anyone in the apartment building, so they took cover while he continued to shoot into the residences. Some say they are grateful for the one neighbor who stepped in and put an end to the shooting.

“If he didn’t do that, who knows how much worse it could have gotten,” says Lane. That neighbor who “put an end to the shooting” apparently grabbed a rifle of his own and fatally shot Arnold, though police haven’t released many details of the incident. While we don’t yet know what motivated Arnold to kill his elderly neighbor, it’s clear that, as resident Amber Lane told local media, there could have been many more victims were it not for the quick response by the armed citizen

As I have pointed it out before the NRA has a column in his publications every month called The Armed Citizen. It details defense of gun uses by lawful firearms owners every month. You can also read it online here.https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/armed-citizen/
Fixed it for you so it's embedded Ogre.

Doing some research and encountered this story about defensive use of firearms by members of the public. The story documents ten such instances that made the news - IN ONE MONTH (October, 2019).

  • Oct. 2 in Conroe, Texas: A business owner who had previously been victimized by burglars was inside his store around 2 a.m. when he heard the sound of breaking glass and went to investigate. A man armed with a crowbar confronted the store owner, who defended himself by firing several rounds at the would-be burglar, striking him at least twice. The would-be burglar tried to run away, but ultimately succumbed to his wounds.
  • Oct. 6 in Pulaski County, Missouri: An armed citizen came to the aid of a sheriff’s deputy as the deputy struggled with a knife-wielding attacker. The deputy was investigating a disabled vehicle when one of the vehicle’s occupants attacked the deputy with a knife, wrestled him to the ground, and attempted to unholster the deputy’s sidearm. The deputy suffered several cuts and bruises, but the situation was contained when the armed citizen and other vehicle occupants intervened, allowing the deputy to handcuff his attacker. The sheriff’s department praised the actions of the citizens, saying it was “overwhelmed with gratitude” for their willingness to help ensure the deputy’s safety.
  • Oct. 9 in Fort Worth, Texas: A homeowner caught a man breaking into his truck in the early hours of the morning and held the would-be burglar at gunpoint until police arrived.
  • Oct. 11 in Yuba County, California: A homeowner whose family was asleep upstairs fatally shot an intruder who apparently presumed the house had been evacuated due to nearby wildfires. The homeowner called 911 first, but needed to rely on his Second Amendment rights long before police arrived. The neighborhood had been without power for more than 24 hours, and while some homes had generators running, one neighbor said he thought the intruder targeted this home because it did not have lights on and looked unoccupied.
  • Oct. 15 in Philadelphia: Professional football player Fletcher Cox relied on his shotgun to defend himself and his girlfriend from the girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend, who armed himself with a baseball bat and walked menacingly around the Philadelphia Eagles defensive lineman’s property. The ex-boyfriend tried to enter the home several times, at one point trying to smash the glass in Cox’s front door. The 911 tapes reveal that Cox—who is 6-foot-4-inch and weighs 310 pounds—pleaded with the dispatcher to get police officers there as quickly as possible because he did not want to have to shoot the man. Ultimately, the ex-boyfriend saw Cox’s shotgun and left, but not before causing extensive property damage.
  • Oct. 20 in Harrisonburg, Virginia: A man who had just been released from prison after serving a sentence for breaking into a home two years earlier returned to that same home and tried to force his way inside in a threatening manner. This time, however, the homeowner’s 62-year-old wife shot the intruder. The wounded repeat offender is now once again facing criminal charges.
  • Oct. 22 in Duffield, Virginia: A severely handicapped tenant acted in self-defense to shoot and wound an acquaintance who forced his way inside the tenant’s apartment. The intruder was shot once in the leg and fled the apartment, only to be arrested by police about 45 minutes later. He is now facing criminal charges for breaking and entering with an intent to commit larceny.
  • Oct. 24 in Highland Park, Michigan: When an armed man burst into a back office at a local restaurant and demanded cash, the restaurant’s owner—a concealed-carry permit holder—used his own firearm to protect himself and the several employees who were in the office with him. At first, the owner complied with the robber’s demands for cash, but when the robber pointed a gun at another employee, the owner fatally shot the robber.
  • Oct. 28 in Los Angeles: An Armenian gang tried for months to extort a local market owner before returning and demanding money from the man at gunpoint as he stood outside his business. When one of the gang members shot the market owner, the market owner drew his own gun and returned fire. The owner’s son then ran out of the store armed with his semi-automatic rifle and also fired at the gang members, injuring one of them and causing all of them to flee.
  • Oct. 30 in Tampa, Florida: Two men armed with handguns broke into a young family’s home, severely beating the father before threatening his 11-year-old daughter with their guns. The man’s wife—who was eight months pregnant—heard the commotion and tried to check on her family, but one of the intruders fired his gun at her, forcing her to retreat to another part of the house. The wife then retrieved her husband’s AR-15 and immediately re-engaged the intruders, fatally shooting one of them and sending the other one running. The man later praised his wife and defended his ownership of an AR-15, telling reporters that “[those] guys came in with two normal pistols, and my AR stopped it. [My wife] evened the playing field and kept them from killing me.”

******* assault weapons. Who needs 'em? I mean, besides business owners, pregnant women and homeowners.
Doing some research and encountered this story about defensive use of firearms by members of the public. The story documents ten such instances that made the news - IN ONE MONTH (October, 2019).

******* assault weapons. Who needs 'em? I mean, besides business owners, pregnant women and homeowners.

Conspiracy theorist.
hmmm... maybe @Tibs hasnt seen this thread and @Tibs needs to be tagged in it?
hmmm... maybe @Tibs hasnt seen this thread and @Tibs needs to be tagged in it?

Has to be the case. When Decaf requests information and that information completely obliterates - eviscerates - his moronic, short-sighted, stupid, self-destructive left-wing ideology and proves that Media Matters is pure garbage that should be burned to the ground and its ashes dropped in Yemen, he owns up to it. Every time. I mean, just look at a few examples:
  • Trump indebted to the Russian mob. Bullshit.
  • Trump colluded with Russia. Bullshit.
  • Trump acting in Russia's interest. Bullshit.
  • Trump became President to make money. Bull-shee-it.
  • Protesters killed Brian Sicknick. Bullshit.
  • Protesters brought zip ties with them to kidnap lefty commie Congresscritters. Bullshit.
  • Protesters of January 6 were armed. Bullshit.
  • Protesters of January 6 were insurrectionist. Bullshit.
  • Antifa are noble protesters, and akin to American soldiers landing on Normandy. Bullshit.
  • WhYtE SoOpReMAsEe is a significant problem in America. Bullshit.
  • Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation." Laughably stupid bullshit.
  • Joe Biden is honorable and not in it for the money. Bullshit.
  • Kamala Harris is competent. Bullshit.
  • Joe Biden is competent. Bullshit.
  • (D)imbos care about the middle class. Bullshit.
  • Trump pressured the Georgia secretary of state to "find the fraud." Bullshit.
  • Capital police issued a "letter" asking Congress to set up a January 6 commission. Bullshit.
  • Betelguise did not engage in overt, illegal racism by selecting reporters based on their skin color. Bullshit.
  • Statements that the Chinese flu originated in a Wuhan lab are "conspiracy theories." Bullshit.
Jesus, Decaf has never been right about anything, but give him credit - he owns up to his countless instances of being so wrong that it looks almost like he is trying to be wrong.
i love the liberal heads exploding now that Texas has finally approved the constitutional carry.....can't believe it took so long here
Liberals pick a side and they believe the other is evil and has no rights, not even the right to defend themselves. George Zimmerman should have just let his skull get bashed into concrete, a cop should have just allowed a girl to stab another girl, and Israel should just let people shoot rockets at them.