*Global Warming Alert*
July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis in 140 years
I had the top down on my Jeep this morning and my nipples got hard.
*Global Warming Alert*
July 2014 coldest on record in Indianapolis in 140 years
Not that it matters but the heat index has been 100 to 105 all summer here. Unbearable.
Not that it matters but the heat index has been 100 to 105 all summer here. Unbearable.
Callyfornia does not count
Death Valley is 30 degrees below normal.
BTW, why is a weather thread in G&G?
Because the Libtards think there is global warming, or cooling depending, humans are the cause of it, and the government can control it with taxes and regulation.
I just got a $318 electric bill. I've never had one over $270.
US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers
Oh you silly climate deniers. Don't you know it's not global warming anymore? It's climate change..
Being dumb isn't a crime. It's a way of life for many folks.
Being dumb isn't a crime. It's a way of life for many folks.
That's the beauty of stupidity, some are so dumb, they are not aware they are dumb.