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How much racism will white Americans tolerate?


Oct 26, 2014
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Great article.

A battle for the racial soul of the U.S. must be waged among white Americans.


AUG 19, 2017, 9:07 AM


The past week has been marked by a tumultuous stream of violence, protests, counter demonstrations, and presidential proclamations stemming from a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. While the uproar is sustained by the removal of Confederate monuments, that struggle is merely a facade covering the much more complicated reality. A fresh battle for the racial soul of the U.S. is afoot, and it’s being waged among white Americans.

This isn’t a race war as it’s typically understood: African Americans and other marginalized peoples taking their fight for civil rights and dignity to the streets against an oppressive and dominating white male-led establishment.

o be sure, elements of this historic struggle are present and ongoing as part of our nation’s evolution toward a more perfect union, but the current and immediate battle is unique because it’s being waged almost exclusively among white Americans. This was exhibited violently in the streets of Charlottesville, where a clear majority of the participants on both sides — KKK and Nazis versus anti-racism activists — were white people. All of the dead, including 32-year-old Heather Heyer and the two Virginia State Police pilots, Trooper Berke M.M. Bates, 40, and Lt. H. Jay Cullen, 48, were white Americans. Literally, this was a white-on-white riot.

What took place in Charlottesville and the resulting political fallout represents an internecine struggle over the quantity and quality of racism that white Americans want to embrace or tolerate as the nation grows increasingly multicultural. While they are ardent and aggressive activists in the fight against white supremacists and deserve to be heard, members of marginalized communities — African Americans, Latinos, immigrants, LGBTQ people, and women of all colors — are not the primary actors in this unfolding drama. Rather, it is incumbent upon white Americans to accept and deal with the fact that soon the nation will no longer have a white majority population.

The evolving demographics of the nation lies at the heart of the struggle, churning racist passions on the right-most fringe of white America. The unmistakable message of avowed white supremacist Chris Cantwell’s brazenly racist rants is that white men are losing their grip on exclusive power in the U.S. Such fear was the rallying reason for the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, not the putative argument of preserving a Confederate memorial of General Robert E. Lee.

“The biggest thing is a show of strength,” Matthew Heimbach, a self-identified white nationalist and one of the rally’s organizers, said in an interview with USA Today in advance of the demonstration. “To show that our organizations that have been divided on class, been divided on religious issues, divided on ideological grounds, can put 14 words — ‘We must secure the existence of our people and the future for white children’ — as our primary motivating factor.”

On the other side, anti-racism groups have sprouted to challenge the white nationalist threat. Thousands of people, mostly white Americans, but also joined by racial and ethnic minority activists, organized nearly 700 rallies following the violence in Virginia, according to a Salon report. “Everything that happened [in Charlottesville] was horrifying and demanded a response,” a man who identified himself as Justin told a reporter as he participated in a “Rally for Peace and Sanity” in Brooklyn, New York.

While marginalized communities might be the stated objects of concern, its members are unlikely determine the final score in this political struggle. Left-leaning groups such as Black Lives Matter and traditional civil rights groups like the NAACP and National Urban League are rightfully outspoken and critical of the administration, but they were incapable of preventing Trump’s election and don’t yet wield enough power to drive him from office. For the time being, the fate of the nation rests with the white men of the GOP.

I find it useful to think of marginal communities as a political football, kicked around by two combatant teams composed primarily of white men, specifically political leaders of the Republican party. As things stand presently, the two most powerful teams on the field are the white nationalists and the GOP leadership, which in effect is the same team. Trump rose to political power by employing racist, dog-whistle appeals to the far-right and the Republican establishment did little to prevent it from happening. If a course correction occurs, it will fall to leaders within the GOP to resolve this moment of national racial anxiety.

What would that look like? It would look like leadership, putting the national interest ahead of petty, partisan politics, and recognizing the reality that the America of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries will not be the country of future generations. History offers guidance that it’s possible. The nation’s first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, challenged the prevailing mores of his day to free black slaves from bondage. A century later, President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, demanded that racist members of his party and region embrace a sweeping package of civil rights reforms. In both of these profiles in courage, political leadership rose to the task — and succeeded in trying to make America live up to its ideals.

Whether a similar jolt of progress can happen at this moment, however, is murky. The current prospects seem dim as few GOP leaders have dared challenge the president to repudiate his base of support among white racists. Frankly, until the GOP demonstrates a willingness to do that, showing courage and demonstrating national leadership that brings the nation wholly together, their struggle can not be resolved. Or, to put it another way, as competing groups of white Americans wrestle with the racism embedded in the White House, they will determine the soul and spirit of an emerging America.

It's from the Alt Left ThinkProgress.

Not much more.


One officer was killed and three others were injured in two separate Florida shootings Friday night, outbreaks of violence against police that reverberated across the nation.

The first shooting incident left one officer dead and another “gravely” injured in Kissimmee, Fla., just south of Orlando. Officers were responding to a report of suspicious activity in a high-crime area when they were taken by surprise, officials said.

The second shooting, about 90 minutes later in Jacksonville, left two officers injured. Police were dispatched to deal with an armed suicidal man when he came out firing.

All the shootings were “deflating to law enforcement and heartbreaking,” Kissimmee Chief Jeff O’Dell told reporters, shortly after he announced that Officer Matthew Baxter had died of his injuries.
The real question is, why do we let the Communists divide our country?

Who are the Workers World Party, the group who helped organize the Durham Confederate statue toppling

It's a communist party that was founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party.


The party is active in the Black Lives Matter movement and supports the struggles of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

The group says they're "dedicated to organizing and fighting for a socialist revolution in the United States and around the world."

It's from the Alt Left ThinkProgress.

Just another name for violent leftwing Neo-fascists cowardly hiding behind their black ski masks

The New Civil War

The first “shots” in our new civil war were fired after Charlottesville when many Democratic leaders claimed that they had the right to use physical force against anyone they didn’t like.

While cowardly leftist leaders are trying to portray themselves as fighting Hitler they are really fighting anyone they don’t agree with. Remember that some Democrats said that Rep. Steve Scalise had it coming since he opposed gun control and that Democrats have been silent when left-wing violence was used to prevent Republicans marching in a parade in Portland.

Facing a continued loss of power because their radical agenda is toxic to most Americans, the Democrat leadership -- which includes the MSM -- have decided that they have the right to physically attack anyone who stands in their way.

Like their Nazi and Communist forefathers, today’s Democrat leaders are comfortable sending swarms of Brownshirts out to beat into submission anyone who stands between them and power.

To both parties... Would yinze all hurry up and kill each other so the people who are tired of all the overstated rhetoric can finally take over from these immature illogical idiots... take your trolls with you on your way down too...
Yes, get in ******* line with the Alt Right. God forbid you think for yourselves!


Yes, because this is an argument Tibs has never used. "Well it was from Fox News or Brietbart, you want me to believe them?"

Classic Double Standard on display Komrade.

ThinkProgress IS the AltLeft. They are extreme, like Salon. Fox News, Right but more moderate. I'll take your criticisms of Brietbart.
Not much more.


One officer was killed and three others were injured in two separate Florida shootings Friday night, outbreaks of violence against police that reverberated across the nation.

The first shooting incident left one officer dead and another “gravely” injured in Kissimmee, Fla., just south of Orlando. Officers were responding to a report of suspicious activity in a high-crime area when they were taken by surprise, officials said.

The second shooting, about 90 minutes later in Jacksonville, left two officers injured. Police were dispatched to deal with an armed suicidal man when he came out firing.

All the shootings were “deflating to law enforcement and heartbreaking,” Kissimmee Chief Jeff O’Dell told reporters, shortly after he announced that Officer Matthew Baxter had died of his injuries.

Nothing to see here. Just continuation of the war on Police that Bammy started with his divisive and critical rhetoric against the police, implemented by BLM, supported by Al Sharpton (What do we want? Dead Cops!), and continued to this day with nary a peep from the media.

It's weekly now that cops are killed by the violent left.

"But Charlottesville!"
The whole pointless article is based on the erroneous assumption that Republicans are aligned with radical white nationalists, who are actually a tiny fringe group that hold little to no power in any sort of decision making. Again, the only thing they have in common is an anti-illegal immigration sentiment, which is not for most of us based on race but on the rule of law and not importing lawless, dangerous and resource-sucking people of any race or ethnicity into the country at high rates.

It's just comical to me that the Democratic party has over the last several decades created a permanent underclass of minority communities dependent on the government for their survival, wants to keep poor minority children trapped in drug and crime ridden terrible public schools, and yet WE are the ones who are supposedly racist.
The whole pointless article is based on the erroneous assumption that Republicans are aligned with radical white nationalists, who are actually a tiny fringe group that hold little to no power in any sort of decision making. Again, the only thing they have in common is an anti-illegal immigration sentiment, which is not for most of us based on race but on the rule of law and not importing lawless, dangerous and resource-sucking people of any race or ethnicity into the country at high rates.

It's just comical to me that the Democratic party has over the last several decades created a permanent underclass of minority communities dependent on the government for their survival, wants to keep poor minority children trapped in drug and crime ridden terrible public schools, and yet WE are the ones who are supposedly racist.

Yeah you're not racist AT ALL....................................................
Yeah you're not racist AT ALL....................................................

You are quite literally the most racist person I've never met. No joking, no intent to harm...just cold hard truth.

Every time you call anyone racist I can only laugh.
You are quite literally the most racist person I've never met. No joking, no intent to harm...just cold hard truth.

Every time you call anyone racist I can only laugh.

Yes and you see nothing wrong with her statement highlighted in red.....nothing at all.

And that's who YOU are as well.
Yes and you see nothing wrong with her statement highlighted in red.....nothing at all.

And that's who YOU are as well.

Did I reply to or acknowledge her post? Nope. Didn't comment on it...didn't read it.

But in typical Libtard fashion, you take the actions of a few (200 White Supremacists) and tie them to everyone that looks like them (all of White America is racist).

I STILL haven't read OFTB's post. But in Eftard hate world, I support her message.

Let me repeat the company tag line: You're a sick ****.
Shake my head at fucktards like you who refuse to understand that people can be against illegal immigration but not against legal immigration.

stop with that damn common sense. We don't want that around these parts. . .
Shake my head at fucktards like you who refuse to understand that people can be against illegal immigration but not against legal immigration.

Libs deliberately try to blur the issue, they won't use the words "illegal" and "immigrant" in the same sentence just like they won't use "extremist" and "Muslim" in the same sentence either.
The real question is, why do we let the Communists divide our country?

Who are the Workers World Party, the group who helped organize the Durham Confederate statue toppling

It's a communist party that was founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy of the Socialist Workers Party.


The party is active in the Black Lives Matter movement and supports the struggles of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.

The group says they're "dedicated to organizing and fighting for a socialist revolution in the United States and around the world."


If we ever have to throw down with those asshats. I'm in. They need a major attitude adjustment of epic proportions. ******* thumped . Just poking the bear. Someone is pushing this entire narrative and I have a good idea who.
I don't have any guilt for being white. So this article will not wash.

Why is it racist to say we do not wish to take in every semi literate low skilled person who doesn't speak English that crosses the border from Mexico. We know they will be nothing but a drag on our economy and social services. But it is it racist to put much lower immigration quota numbers on people from Western Europe who do speak English, are educated and have skills that would be marketable?

It's not racist for me to expect everyone play by the same rules. It's not racist for me to hold minorities to the same standards of conduct that I am held to. It is not racist for me to demand that minorities stop having babies out of wedlock that they do not intend to raise and cannot afford.
Libs deliberately try to blur the issue, they won't use the words "illegal" and "immigrant" in the same sentence just like they won't use "extremist" and "Muslim" in the same sentence either.

I disagree Ron. I downloaded an old Black Flag album on bit torrent, which is clearly illegal and handed it to my neighbor on a pen drive, who was an immigrant from Cairo. He was an extremist punk rock fan, ran an underground club back home years ago where he and his Muslim buddies would blast 'Slip It In' on the weekends.

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I disagree Ron. I downloaded an old Black Flag album on bit torrent, which is clearly illegal and handed it to my neighbor on a pen drive, who was an immigrant from Cairo. He was an extremist punk rock fan, ran an underground club back home years ago where he and his Muslim buddies would blast 'Slip It In' on the weekends.


That is some artful bullshit right there. Well played sir kudos to you. However I still hate you ******.
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Yeah you're not racist AT ALL....................................................

Please explain how anything I just wrote is racist. And racist against whom. I'll wait.

I don't care what race or ethnicity anyone is...as long as they come here legally. We know who they are. We know why they are here. They are contributing members of society instead of leeches. How on earth is that racist?
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Please explain how anything I just wrote is racist. And racist against whom. I'll wait.

I don't care what race or ethnicity anyone is...as long as they come here legally. We know who they are. We know why they are here. They are contributing members of society instead of leeches. How on earth is that racist?

I'm done tolerating the idea that white people are automatically called "racists" any time they are critical of darker-skinned people.