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I knew it was a commin'

Great news, hope all the States follow suit.

Illinois Senate Passes Bill To Label White Supremacists A Terrorist Organization


The Illinois state senate is taking a huge step forward against radical fascist elements in our nation, passing a resolution calling for police across the state to describe Nazi groups as terrorist organizations.

“It is vital that we stand in total opposition to the hatred, bigotry and violence displayed by the white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups in Charlottesville this past weekend,” state Democratic Senator Don Harmon said. Harmon, who sponsored the bill, also added, “We fought two bloody wars in opposition to their ideologies. We must continue to fight those same twisted ideologies today.”

These fringe organizations and so-called “alt right” white supremacist groups, like those who came to Charlottesville this past weekend, are the “heirs to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis,” Harmon said.

The resolution was passed in the wake of violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend. White supremacists convened into the city after the mayor announced he was considering removing the city’s statue honoring Robert E. Lee, a southern Civil War general. White supremacists congregated in the thousands on Emancipation Park, which was formerly named Lee Park, to protest the removal, donning signs and wearing emblems that matched those worn by Nazis in Germany and segregationists during the era of Jim Crow in America
There is nothing quite like the Far Right apologists on this board. What a pitiful, sorry bunch. It's not a whole lot of you, that I've come to realize. There are actually plenty of conservative, reasonable, right-leaning posters here that are normal and have kept their footing in reality.

But the hardcore Trumpsters and far right extremists here are really embarrassing. Those in this thread that refuse - like Trump - to call a spade a spade and condemn the extremist, white hate groups in Charlottesville.

Spike posted early on that it was a liberal lefty that rammed into the crowd. Total bullshit fabrication, not a peep from him or others since to apologize. We all now know it was yet another case of cold-blooded murder by a white extremist domestic terrorist. Others want you to believe that oh, this is cause-and-effect by the left and blm etc. Nothing like scapegoating and pointing the finger.

But who are we kidding? Why would anyone expect the Far Right members of this board to admit to or condemn acts by the Far Right in the country? Of course they will embellish, obfuscate, point fingers and make excuses.

The level of hypocrisy is through the roof here.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All patriotic Americans want to know: Why didn't James Alex Fields' Christian family and pastor inform authorities of his radicalization? <a href="https://t.co/EdN0zAAj5u">pic.twitter.com/EdN0zAAj5u</a></p>— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) <a href="https://twitter.com/BettyBowers/status/896555103913730048">August 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This is on the leading white supremacist website in America. These bigots LOVED what Trump said today. Loved it!


uh, yeah
Well then you - and Trump - should stop making excuses for them and denounce them in no uncertain terms. Presuming you - or Trump - don't agree with their views.

The other shoe is starting to drop. Since you all claim to hate racists and Nazis so fervently, I presume everyone here applauds this move.

Neo Nazis’ Favorite Web Site Was Just Taken Down Permanently

First, a white nationalist who participated in the Charlottesville rally got dumped by his employer.

Now, the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer is getting dumped by web host GoDaddy after several twitter users alerted the service provider of an exceptionally misogynistic post posted on the far right website.

The headline of the article described Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old Charlottesville counter-protester who was murdered by a Nazi sympathizer in a car attack on Saturday, as “a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut.”

In response, GoDaddy told the far-right site to find a new home.

“We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,” @GoDaddy tweeted.
Trump is a strange cat. Not sure why he just didn't call the neo-nazi's by name. I mean, he could have called them all by name. He says "by all sides" and it looks like he doesn't want to call out the racists. I think, personally, that he was being linguistically lazy. Now he is in the wringer again.

Everyone, including MSNBC, CNN and Tibs knows what he meant. It is political nonsense. If I were Donald Trump, I would have resigned by now. You left your billion dollar lifestyle for this? **** that. He won't even be given a chance. Should have seen that coming.

Beautiful article. West nails it throughout this gem:

This all began because someone decided, as other elected officials have across the country, to cave in to partisan political pressures and seek to erase American history. History is not there for us to love or hate, but for us to learn from and seek to not repeat its mistakes.

If there are those who truly believe we protect ourselves by trying to revise history due to false emotions, then we miss out on who we are as a nation, and our evolution. The statues of long since deceased leaders of the Confederate Army do not stand to remind anyone of oppression. And if a statue can oppress you, then I submit that you have greater issues.

I certainly did not appreciate former President Barack Obama taking a photo op in Cuba before the image of Che Guevara, nor do I enjoy seeing anyone wearing said image on t-shirts here in America…but I do not go into some whimsical state of “oppression.”

And so it is that we do possess in this Constitutional Republic a freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It would appear that said group who didn’t wish to see the statue of Virginian, General Robert E. Lee, who was a commissioned U.S. Army officer, graduate of West Point, and served the nation in the Mexican War, taken down did apply for a permit to hold a rally. We can dislike these individuals, but they took proper measures to secure permission to express their First Amendment right.

I find it rather odd that so many are seeking to lay blame on President Trump for what happened in Charlottesville. And there are some voices out there who want to blame all white people, and all Republicans. How odd that when it was the New Black Panther Party outside a voting precinct in Philadelphia in black fatigues and with clubs, nothing was said. As a matter of fact, they weren’t even prosecuted for voter intimidation. And when it was the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore fueled by media false narratives and a presidential administration’s rhetoric, there was no blame laid on Barack Obama. It appears to me that there is a blatant hypocrisy when an individual commits a horrible crime, such as in Charleston, South Carolina, and a collective group of people are to be held accountable.

But, when there’s an Islamic terror attack people say, “we cannot rush to judgment” or “this is not indicative of all Muslims”

And where were the voices to condemn the violence in Washington DC on Inauguration Day, or even at UC-Berkeley…or the violence committed against those who support the current president or hold beliefs aligned with Constitutional conservatism?

If we want to condemn groups such as the neo-Nazis and others, then we must also condemn groups such as BLM and Antifa. And we need to stop the cherrypicking, as they all should be investigated. Let’s end this absurdity of trying to connect the Republican Party with the Ku Klux Klan, since it was a creation of the Democrat Party. And I seem to recall Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, infamously known as a grand wizard of the Klan, lauded over at his memorial by Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was Senator Byrd who was vehemently against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but it was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen who supported its passage.

Who even remembers the fella who attempted to gun down several Republican Members of Congress at a baseball practice, severely wounding Rep. Steve Scalise? The mainstream liberal progressive media pushed that aside rather quickly, and let us not forget MSNBC commentator, Joy Reid, who on her Sunday show actually sought to justify Rep. Scalise’s shooting because of his voting record. Now, where was the condemnation there, and why is it that Ms. Reid still has a position and a show on that network?

Or maybe, if we had courageous elected officials who would just say, those statues aren’t offending anyone; they’re part of American history, and they stay. Imagine that, would there even be a story, any rally, and violence?

What happened in Charlottesville must not be allowed to happen again. And that means we need to hold ANY group responsible that promotes violence. “What do we want, dead cops; when do we want them, now”…”Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon”…no more. Our streets aren’t the place for hoods and masks, such as Antifa wears, and their violence and destruction of property. Let’s call them all out, and not have this selective enforcement mentality rooted in partisan political hackery. If we don’t stop the blatant hypocrisy, which is truly the problem, then we’re sitting on a powder keg — which I believe some wish for.

I have an idea. If y’all want to fight, sign up in the U.S. military — if you meet the standards. There are plenty of folks who do indeed hate the United States. Channel your angst against them…not each other.

Allen West is a true hero.
The other shoe is starting to drop. Since you all claim to hate racists and Nazis so fervently, I presume everyone here applauds this move.

Neo Nazis’ Favorite Web Site Was Just Taken Down Permanently

Quite frankly, Tibs, I do not care. I do not subscribe to their nonsense, do not read their website, and don't much care if they have a website.

I will say this. Everyone will applaud GoDaddy for taking a brave stance against hate. My question is, if they were so against hate, racism, neo-nazi's, etc, why did they wait so long to take down their web site? Is being a racist ok until you go to Virginia to protest removal of a statue and get in a fight with ANTIFA?
I still say it was all Soros rigged to provoke violence - just like the left wants.


Can't wait for the “No place for “Antifa, Black Lives Matter” reports

100% truth


Adam Swart – CEO

Adam founded Crowds on Demand in October 2012 to revolutionize the ‘people’ business. He takes a ‘hands-on’ approach with all Crowds on Demand clients, helping them to advocate for important causes, build their businesses, settle disputes or amplify their message. Adam has a long track record of delivering major wins even on the toughest of campaigns. Before starting Crowds on Demand, Adam worked as a Reporter for AOL’s Patch sites, in product management positions at various Bay Area start-up companies, and as a political organizer for campaigns including Jerry Brown’s successful election as Governor of California in 2010. Adam has long been an active investor. He first developed his interest in the market at the age of six years old when he decided Southwest Airlines was a good company to invest in due to the Honey Roasted Peanuts. He continues investing in quality businesses to this day. In his free time, Adam can be seen running on LA’s beautiful beaches, piloting small planes, and exploring the world. He has made it to six continents and is still working his way to Antarctica.

but, who is Adam Swart? let's see his LinkedIn profile

the summary:

Dot connector. High-level, hands on marketer. Brand strategist. Experience in brand positioning and alignment, digital marketing, strategy, growth, brand partnerships, project management, content marketing and event production. Lead and drive the "big idea" from development to execution

I have extensive knowledge and experience in Strategic, Brand, Social Media and Cultural marketing. A proven track record of success at a Fortune 500 in Silicon Valley, the music/film industry in Hollywood and a start-up in Europe. I've worked with amazing teams spanning geographic, cultural, and organizational boundaries, achieving goals and successes in fast-paced, dynamic environments.

I am seasoned in building strategic relationships in evolving markets and am known for applying my entrepreneurial mindset to uniquely blend analytical and creative proficiencies and yield lasting commercial success and impact. Colleagues would say I am an efficient communicator skilled at breaking high-level concepts down to tactical levels; motivated leader and collaborator with excellent negotiation and problem solving skills.

Some of my key competencies include:
Social Media Marketing and Strategy – Digital Marketing – Brand Awareness
Content and Business Development – Strategic Planning and Development
Corporate Partnerships – Cross-Functional Collaboration – Start-up Environments
Contract Negotiations – Securing Venture Capital Funding – Team Development

If you share my interests or would like to learn more about how I can be of value to your organization, I would like to connect: adamjaredswart@gmail.com.

the work experience:

UCLA Campus Coordinator
Company Name Jerry Brown 2010
Dates Employed Aug 2010 – Nov 2010 Employment Duration 4 mos

I was responsible for coordinating student efforts at UCLA for the Jerry Brown gubernatorial campaign. I managed a team of 14 interns and over 30 volunteers and helped to plan major rallies such as a Bill Clinton/Jerry Brown event at UCLA and a Barbara Boxer/Jerry Brown event in downtown Los Angeles. I also coordinated major phone-banking and canvassing drives.
Office of Representative Anna Eshoo
Company Name Office of Representative Anna Eshoo
Dates Employed Jun 2010 – Aug 2010 Employment Duration 3 mos

I was responsible for administrative tasks such as answering phones and responding to constituent mail as well as substantive tasks such as attending committee hearings and writing legislative memos. A recommendation from the Congresswoman is available upon request.

deeply liberal, as you can expect from this type of background... including the university/college he attended.

It absolutely must be accepted by all that the people in Charlottesville are not typical of the attendees at these rallies. As insinuated, a call went out. Where did that call go? Check craigslist.


the whole country is being played like a goddamn fiddle and the finger pointing is ridiculous.
Trump is a strange cat. Not sure why he just didn't call the neo-nazi's by name. I mean, he could have called them all by name. He says "by all sides" and it looks like he doesn't want to call out the racists. I think, personally, that he was being linguistically lazy. Now he is in the wringer again.

Everyone, including MSNBC, CNN and Tibs knows what he meant. It is political nonsense. If I were Donald Trump, I would have resigned by now. You left your billion dollar lifestyle for this? **** that. He won't even be given a chance. Should have seen that coming.

kinda similar how Obama wouldn't call ISIS ISIS, if I can paint with the same broad brush Tibs is using in this thread
John Oliver, once again, nails it.


Merck CEO resigns from presidential council over Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/a1PNQZism5">pic.twitter.com/a1PNQZism5</a></p>— Merck (@Merck) <a href="https://twitter.com/Merck/status/897065338566791169">August 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Merck CEO resigns from presidential council over Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists


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Merck CEO resigns from presidential council over Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/a1PNQZism5">pic.twitter.com/a1PNQZism5</a></p>— Merck (@Merck) <a href="https://twitter.com/Merck/status/897065338566791169">August 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ha ha!!! **** Merck.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
5:54 AM - 14 Aug 2017
He condemned all violence and hate. Isn't that exactly what you've wanted him to do all along for ***** sake?

Here is the problem the left is having.

With one dead and 19 others injured in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Donald Trump has responded to his first domestic crisis with the cowardice of the bully he has always been. Instead of standing up to the violent white nationalists who terrorized a peaceful city, he made them morally equal to those who allied against the hate.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides" said our President as civil unrest shocked the country.

By repeating the last phrase -- "on many sides" -- Trump made certain we understood he believes those who courageously opposed the racists were no better than the white nationalists who put their bigotry on display in an otherwise peaceful Virginia city.

And there you have it. ANTIFA and BLM COURAGEOUSLY opposed racism. With helmets and bats and clubs and God knows what else. Talk about ignoring facts.
If Trump is an admirer of Putin, then he is likely an admirer of Hitler, probably doesn't want to offend Adolph even if he is dead.