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I knew it was a commin'


Those making the argument that the U.S. Constitution's free speech clause gives the neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and anti-Semites the right to do what they did in Charlottesville need to think harder. The first amendment does not include the right to incite violence, which is exactly what the thugs who invaded the town in a coordinated act of domestic terrorism intended. Keep in mind that the STATED goal of these groups is to transform the United States into a white-dominated country in which racial and religious minorities have no rights. As Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson wrote in a 1949 free speech case, "the Constitution is not a suicide pact." (Some claim Abraham Lincoln said it first.)

How the Liberal Media Created Charlottesville

The liberal media is dying to blame it all on Donald Trump, but it should look in the mirror.

To begin with, the liberal media is almost entirely responsible for growing the Alt-Right merger of hate groups and internet trolls. Most people are well aware of the stifling political correctness that reached an apex under Barack Obama. People are sick and tired of being attacked and scolded by the humorless left-wing thought police every time they stray from the latest liberal doctrine. That created a large group of people who enjoyed tweaking social justice warriors and some of them realized the easiest way to do that was with racial slurs. Every time some doofus leaves a noose on a college campus or says the N-word, it’s treated like a national crisis. If you’re an anonymous troll who enjoys getting people to react to everything you say, that’s a FEATURE, not a bug. All you have to do is say something racially offensive and all these people who studiously try to ignore you will go out of their minds.

That racial element gave the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK mouth-breathers a way to connect with the more socially adept trolls making the Pepe the Frog memes. Of course, the media liberals fueled them as well with their hypocrisy. They painted EVERY white supporter of Donald Trump or the Republican Party as a racist even as they ignored and defended the vicious anti-white rhetoric that has become commonplace on the Left.

The hardcore racists out there are pariahs everywhere except in the mainstream media, where they’re treated as incredibly important.

On the other hand, the same mainstream media that has elevated the Alt-Right has been silent as violence has increasingly become a mainstay at liberal protests, including the counter-protest of this event. A few shops getting looted or people getting hurt doesn’t stop the media from describing a liberal event as a peaceful protest.

I will condemn the next person on the Left or the Right who kills someone over politics, which seems inevitable when you have opposing sides carrying shields and weapons to political rallies. Those condemnations don’t make a damn bit of difference as long as the liberal media keeps elevating white supremacists and excusing the violence of the Alt-Left. I’m genuinely sorry people are dying at political rallies, but it would be surprising if the death at Charlottesville were the last one. Their blood will be on the hands of the liberal media.

Hard to argue with this.Definitely time for some soul searching.


Trump lit the torches of white supremacy in Charlottesville. We must extinguish them.


President Trump lit every one of those torches in Charlottesville.

Yes, the white supremacists have always been with us. A parade of racist bigots is no surprise to anyone familiar with our history, especially those who have been the target of hatred and violence for centuries.

But when the mob of white men marched in Charlottesville carrying flaming torches Friday night shouting “Heil Trump” as the curtain-raiser for a day of violent clashes with counterprotesters that left three people dead, they showed the world that America is once again playing with fire.

And Trump was the one with the match.

The symbolism was not subtle. Torches, witch hunts, flaming crosses — they all stretch back to our country’s founding. All those white-power bros knew exactly the kind of fear they were trying to evoke, even if their tiki torches came from Home Depot’s end-of-the-season patio sale

The Nazi and Confederate flags were equally chilling to the millions of Americans who lost relatives in the Holocaust or in the fight against Hitler, or those with vivid memories of relentless racial oppression, including lynchings, church bombings and assassinations at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist terrorists.

Now we’re live-streaming that very same hatred while Trump looks the other way. It was 90 years ago that Fred Trump, the president’s father, was arrested for failing to disperse at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens that sounded a lot like the scene at Charlottesville.

Except today, there are no hoods.

Donald Trump gave everyone permission to take those hoods off with his winks, nods and refusal to take a moral stand on racial hatred and intimidation during his campaign and during the first six months of his presidency. He’d already spent years questioning the birthplace and legitimacy of President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black commander in chief. And the haters loved him for it.

On Saturday, the president stayed silent at his New Jersey golf club for hours, even as former KKK grand wizard David Duke declared Charlottesville a “turning point” for a movement that aims to “fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.”

First, he offered a vague tweet condemning hatred without any explicit reference to the hundreds of men, some wearing red Make America Great Again hats, who chanted “White lives matter,” “You will not replace us” and “Jews will not replace us.”

It wasn’t until a driver with alleged Nazi sympathies used an Islamic State-inspired tactic and plowed into a crowd of peaceful counter-demonstrators, injuring 19 and killing one woman, that Trump addressed the terrorist attack on his own soil.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides,” he said.


“There is only one side,” former vice president Joe Biden succinctly replied on Twitter.

Trump is so afraid of offending his Tiki Tribe that he didn’t even own his flaccid statement with “I.”

On Sunday morning, his daughter Ivanka Trump finally called out the cancer that is at the heart of this domestic terrorism.

“There should be no place in society for racism, white supremacy and neo-nazis,” she tweeted.

She, however, is not the commander in chief.

We are the ones who have to extinguish the blaze our president sparked. Democrat, Republican, independent — it doesn’t matter. Everyone must reject what’s been unleashed in this country. And that’s already happening.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R), the father of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, tweeted: “ ‘White supremacy’ crap is worst kind of racism-it’s EVIL and perversion of God’s truth to ever think our Creator values some above others.”

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) agreed: “We should call evil by its name. My brother didn’t give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home.”

The torches in Charlottesville are a dangerous sideshow in America’s ongoing culture war.

We need to stop attributing the resurgence of racism to income inequality or job loss and stop tucking it into the great red vs. blue, progressivism vs. conservatism, urban vs. rural struggle that is at the heart of debate in our society.

The University of Virginia, where the white extremists marched with their lit torches, is the home of James Davison Hunter, the sociologist who helped define the contemporary American culture war. In 1992 — as the American presidential election was rocked by the debate over a TV character’s single motherhood in “Murphy Brown” — Hunter reminded us that these cultural skirmishes aren’t just rhetoric or “political froth.”

“Cumulatively, these disputes amount to a fundamental struggle over the ‘first principles’ of how we will order our life together,” Hunter wrote in The Washington Post. “Through these seemingly disparate issues we find ourselves, in other words, in a struggle to define ourselves as Americans and what kind of society we want to build and sustain.”
Another sure sign of where we are with this President. Instead of being a true leader and calling out the far right extremists over the weekend, Snowflake-in-Chief releases yet another campaign-style tv ad creating even more division and hostility. The fish does indeed rot from its head.


New Trump TV Ad Declares Democrats And The Media ‘The President’s Enemies’

The President of the United States is now calling more than half of this country his “enemies.” Just let that sink in for a minute.

As Trump’s approval ratings continue to plummet, he is becoming more and more desperate to hold on to his base. It’s why he refuses to condemn white supremacists. And it’s why he continues to pit Americans against one another by demonizing and throwing hate toward certain people or groups.

On Sunday, Trump’s campaign released a new 30-second TV ad titled, “Let President Trump do his job.” The ad declares that Democrats and the media are “the President’s enemies.” Incidentally, this ad is coming out one day after Trump told the nation that we need to come together in love following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Never mind the fact that it is unprecedented, and frankly bizarre, that he is putting out reelection campaign ads when he’s only been in office for six months; but the real message behind this ad makes it clear that Trump is not a president for all of us. Not only does he not give a **** about people who don’t support him — he literally is now calling people who don’t agree with him his enemies.

He doesn’t say that about Russia, or white supremacists, or white domestic terrorists. No. His enemies are the American people.

His new ad starts off,

“Democrats, obstructing. The media, attacking our President. Career politicians, standing in the way of success. But President Trump’s plan is working.”

Then it goes into a whole bit about all of Trump’s supposed accomplishments, citing positive statistics about the economy. Of course, the joke about that is that most of those “accomplishments” are thanks to President Obama. Not Trump.

The voiceover in the ad then states,

“The President’s enemies don’t want him to succeed. But Americans are saying let President Trump do his job.”

This President is truly a disgrace. And he continues to prove that every day.

Every. Single. Day.

Legit question, will far right extremists be declared domestic terrorist groups? Don't see why not.


Charlottesville, Virginia: Can White Males Be Terrorists in Trump's America?


Will public pressure ultimately force Trump to order the investigation and prosecution of white male right-wing terrorists? If the political will is there, the staff and mechanisms are already in place

Had ISIS conducted the same kind of recruitment efforts in the United States as the armed militias that descended on Charlottesville this weekend, the Department of Justice would already be investigating and prosecuting them. So will it?

That is the key question now, when even GOP standard bearers like Senators John McCain and Cory Gardner (chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee), plus House Speaker Paul Ryan and Jeb Bush have become willing to use terms like “terrorist” and “white supremacist” to describe the hundreds of white, right-wing majority male radicals who kicked off their Friday night in Charlottesville with a torch-lit rally where they chanted “White lives matter,” "One people, one nation," “Jews will not replace us” and that time-honored Nazi-era favorite, "Blood and soil” (or Blut und Boden” in the original German).

Their ranks included James Alex Fields Jr., the white man who weaponized his car to kill anti-fascist protestor Heather Heyer and wounded 19 others. Will public pressure ultimately force President Trump to order the Department of Justice’s special counsel on domestic terrorism matters to investigate and prosecute white majority male radical right-wing terrorists with a fervor this administration has previously reserved for leakers, baseless allegations of voting fraud and Harvard?

If the political will is there, the staff and mechanism are already in place. This administration made the decision back in March to retain Thomas E. Brzozowski, who heads the U.S. Attorney's offices on domestic terrorism matters first created under the Obama administration, and was its original hire in 2014. Brzozowski is empowered to provide members of the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee (DTEC) with information on domestic terrorism matters. Ditto for providing advice and counsel to U.S. Attorney's Offices and DOJ National Security leadership as needed with respect to those matters. Empowered, that is, if his boss, who reports to Jeff Sessions, who reports to President Trump, gets the go-ahead to put the weight of the office of domestic terrorism behind the effort.

Early signs are not promising. The Twitter-happy Leader of the Free World, who has risen early much of the past week to threaten North Korea with a nuclear holocaust and spank Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for not repealing the Affordable Care Act on, has gone silent for over half a day now. That was after most of the globe criticized his infamous “violence on many sides” and “There is no place for this kind of violence in America” statements. "Alt-right" poster boy Richard Spencer, who knows a dog whistle when he hears one, greeted Trump’s equivocation with, “Did Trump just denounce antifa?” Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer, responded with a story titled, “Hate on Many Sides” – CNN is Pissed Trump Didn’t Denounce White Nationalism” and a tweet where he crowed, “DID NOT CUCK!”

But white supremacists are not the only people with an ear for a dog whistle. Said Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, “Had Isis driven a truck through a crowd, or whipped up and presented the risk of hate that the white supremacists did on Friday night before Saturday’s tragic events, this president would have the National Guard in there. He would be mobilizing the entire department of homeland security. And yet the same president who goes after Rosie O’Donnell and the cast of Hamilton and his own AG can’t even attack terrorism in Charlottesville.”
The mainstream media's attempt to blame this tragedy, and movement, on Trump is only going to throw gas on the fire, and cause an escalation of hostilities. We inch closer to the edge of the abyss.
This thing is providing a platform for all kinds of stupid commentary.

What do they teach these "journalists" in school. This one says the Confederacy was fascist like Nazi Germany -
But the truth of that matter is that racism is just one of the parallels Nazis Germany and the Confederate South share, and it may not even be the most important one. While most Americans are quick to accept that Hitler's Nazis were a government hell bent on spreading fascism throughout the world, they're slower to accept the same about Lee's Confederates.

Yeah, that's because it's ridiculous.

Here is the definition of fascism this one found somewhere -
By it's simplest definition, fascism is an authoritarian form of government in which economic, social, and political power are monopolized by one individual, party or class.

Simplest definition? How about inaccurate definition? Fascism is dictatorial authoritarianism based on extreme nationalism. Did this chick even read the Confederate Constitution before printing this drivel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_States_Constitution

It was a representative republic with strong emphasis on states' rights and even more checks on the federal government. Sort of the opposite of dictatorial authoritarianism. Obviously ****** up on the slavery front, but lets be a little accurate with our terms.

It's like these kids come up with something that they think is deep, and really don't care how accurate it is.

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This thing is providing a platform for all kinds of stupid commentary.

What do they teach these "journalists" in school. This one says the Confederacy was fascist like Nazi Germany -

Yeah, that's because it's ridiculous.

Here is the definition of fascism this one found somewhere -

Simplest definition? How about inaccurate definition? Fascism is dictatorial authoritarianism based on extreme nationalism. Did this chick even read the Confederate Constitution before printing this drivel? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_States_Constitution

It was a representative republic with strong emphasis on states' rights and even more checks on the federal government. Sort of the opposite of dictatorial authoritarianism. Obviously ****** up on the slavery front, but lets be a little accurate with our terms.

It's like these kids come up with something that they think is deep, and really don't care how accurate it is.

The Civil War was begun over states' rights to leave the union. It was only about slavery after President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
I am sad for America. We are truly lost as a nation. It isn't hard to see how we have gotten here. I won't make any excuses for what the President did or didn't say, or what he did or didn't do. This is a problem that predates him, Obama, Bush.

Normally, in times like this, we would come together as a nation and overcome this ****. I am not sure we will do that this time. People have their heels dug in and the chasm that separates us is just getting wider. I don't know if there will be a civil war (I believe there will be at some point) or not, but it is only a matter of time until some of these incidents end in gun fire. I think once that happens, game over.

This nation is ******. So many warped, broken views of how **** ought to be. We need a national enema.
Because freedom of speech and assembly is only for people who have views you approve of?

That is a very dangerous stance, remember if you can deny their rights to speech they can deny you yours.
Besides I like having ******** like this clearly differentiated from the rest of the population just like I am for the AntiFa Facistsr being able to carry their Communist Aktion and hammer and sickle flags while sporting Bernie Sanders and Dou-Che Guevara Tees. Let's you know exactly what they are about.

I didn't say that the hate filled white supremists couldn't express themselves. I said they could go **** THEMSELVES. They are going to be driven back under the rocks from which they emerged. If anyone on here is one of them, so be it.

As for the 5 Police Officers assassinated in Dallas - deplorable, despicable. So is anyone that condones that. Scum of the earth. But if you know anything about history and what the nazis did, I would say carrying a nazi flag is anything but childs play. Time for people to grow up.
Isn't it special how these Antifa clowns mimic their Islamic counterparts.


As of yesterday the group solely responsible for the mayhem not being called out by the media or anyone else.
Virginia Democrat governor Terry McDoofus refuses to condemn this violent group.

Trump called for civility from "all sides", but could have been on point if he wanted to.

I've heard common sense liberals (yeah there are some) state that all groups have the right to protest.
Imagine the "racist" blathering leftist backlash had Trump condemned only Antifa for obstructing a groups right to protest...in which he would have 100% correct.

Hypocrisy and double standards seems to always rear it's ugly head in liberalism no matter what the issue.
Isn't it special how these Antifa clowns mimic their Islamic counterparts.


As of yesterday the group solely responsible for the mayhem not being called out by the media or anyone else.
Virginia Democrat governor Terry McDoofus refuses to condemn this violent group.

Trump called for civility from "all sides", but could have been on point if he wanted to.

I've heard common sense liberals (yeah there are some) state that all groups have the right to protest.
Imagine the "racist" blathering leftist backlash had Trump condemned only Antifa for obstructing a groups right to protest...in which he would have 100% correct.

Hypocrisy and double standards seems to always rear it's ugly head in liberalism no matter what the issue.

If Trump can say radical islamic terrorists, I don't think it's too much for him to say white supremist or neo nazi. Just because some of these people may believe in trumps policies (lower taxes etc), doesn't mean he and other right wingers need to not specifically separate themselves from these groups. They are a dark part of the history of the world and many people fought and died to overcome these groups.

Antifa is a huge problem. But to say they were solely responsible for the mayhem on Saturday is extremely closed minded and turning a blind eye to another problem. Unless you are part of that problem.
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Imagine the "racist" blathering leftist backlash had Trump condemned only Antifa for obstructing a groups right to protest...in which he would have 100% correct.

Here's the thing though, even if the protest had been peaceful, these white supremacists were chanting Trump's name and identifying with him. Who doesn't condemn that and distance themselves from that?

Best case is Trump is a political ***** with no integrity, worst case is he a mentally ill narcissist who can't bring himself to condemn anyone that praises him.
Lookit all the leftists jumping on the ANITFA bandwagon - just like good little America hating communists

Feds slap extremist anti-Trump group with domestic terror label

The Department of Homeland Security in New Jersey has officially listed Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization after a rash of violent attacks by the group targeting supporters of Donald Trump.

Under the heading ‘Anarchist Extremists: Antifa’, the njhomelandsecurity.gov website characterizes Antifa under the designation of “domestic terrorism”.


Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices


Did they actually incite violence though? I didn't hear about anything that was said. I did see the VA State Troopers and Charlottesville city police allow the far right extremists to be attacked by the Bolshevik Brute Squad. Do you feel the same way about the AntiFa Facists or are they A-Okay with you because they are leftists?
Isn't it special how these Antifa clowns mimic their Islamic counterparts.


As of yesterday the group solely responsible for the mayhem not being called out by the media or anyone else.
Virginia Democrat governor Terry McDoofus refuses to condemn this violent group.

Trump called for civility from "all sides", but could have been on point if he wanted to.

I've heard common sense liberals (yeah there are some) state that all groups have the right to protest.
Imagine the "racist" blathering leftist backlash had Trump condemned only Antifa for obstructing a groups right to protest...in which he would have 100% correct.

Hypocrisy and double standards seems to always rear it's ugly head in liberalism no matter what the issue.

As first, I thought this was a pic of Slipknot.

any group that wears masks with weapons in toe are not there for a peaceful protest. I'm not certain that any protest is a good idea. You will always have oppositions and nothing good can come out of it. That mess in VA was a time bomb waiting to happen.
If Trump can say radical islamic terrorists, I don't think it's too much for him to say white supremist or neo nazi. Just because some of these people may believe in trumps policies (lower taxes etc), doesn't mean he and other right wingers need to not specifically separate themselves from these groups. They are a dark part of the history of the world and many people fought and died to overcome these groups.

Antifa is a huge problem. But to say they were solely responsible for the mayhem on Saturday is extremely closed minded and turning a blind eye to another problem. Unless you are part of that problem.

Yeah if other US citizens had not thought differently from them the Bolshevik Brute Squad would not have had to show up and attack them.
Well said, I'm not sure if you fully understand the irony of the statement though.

Guys, this **** is asinine. Violence on any side is abhorrent and should be put down, not made excuses for. Not to say, the other side did this **** some time ago. I don't give a flying intercourse about timing or politics. Put violence down immediately, not matter where it comes from. We're humans, not animals.

Side note, We need to remember the Civil war, not suppress it. Germany spends time each and every day, teaching their children about the holocaust, so they don't repeat their mistakes. I think that is a good lesson. It's also a great lesson to keep the monuments and flags intact. It is important for Americans to understand the horrors of a Civil war, and symbols like these, are teaching moments.

I agree with most of your post. It's okay to remember and teach the history. I'm not sure how many nazi flags and statues of Hitler there are in Germany though.
This was all predictable political theatre. do you wonder why the MSM isn't mentioning AntiFa and showing the Hammer and Sickle and Marxist Aktion Direct flags the Bolshevik Brute Squad was waving? They seem to be focused on the White Nationalists only when the fact is both sides are odious and the AntiFa Fascist actually initiated the violence.

I was not invited to the rally. I didn't even know about it until news alerts started popping up. Those people don't represent me. I totally agree with Trump's stance on it too:

“The President said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred,” a White House official said. “Of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, Neo-Nazi, and all extremist groups.”

And it also includes Antifa, BLM, the pussyhat brigade and all rioting libtards who can't get over the election.
Antifa: America's New (Leftist) Brownshirts

Welcome to “Antifa” (the name is a shortened version of “anti-fascist”), the hard left shock troops fomenting a new civil war in America. It is the political version of a flash mob, with no centralized leadership or structure, but with a clear ideology, hard-left, self-described “anarchists,”“anti-capitalists,” and “anti-fascists” to undermine Trump’s election and strike back at the “Nazis” they said had sent him to the White House

America’s Antifa has bloomed
in large part because mainstream media
outlets have refrained from inquiring
into how radical and revolutionary its
objectives and practices are, instead
seeing it as an alliance of “idealists” who
differ from other progressives only in the
fact that they are “in a hurry.”

Oddly, it is a leftist organization,
Occupy.com, that has been most critical
and most realistic in its analysis of
Antifa, which it rightly sees as making
the work of a “real” progressive harder:
“Through their wanton destruction and
rioting, as well as unbridled enthusiasm
for vandalism and violence, Antifa and
their black bloc tactics are in many ways
an outright gift to those who advocate for
a police state…. Awash in 20th century
Marxist doctrine, the presence of Antifa,
and the left’s tolerance of them within
their ranks, stands as a rejection of the
civil enlightenment values liberals and
progressives once stood for.

Notwithstanding its ceaseless
denunciations of “fascism,” members
of the Antifa movement themselves
routinely exhibit the type of brutal,
intolerant, totalitarian mindset that is
typically associated with fascism.

When they participate in street demonstrations,
they employ the aforementioned tactic
they call “black bloc,” whereby they
dress entirely in black and cover their
faces with black masks or scarves, so
as to make it nearly impossible for
victims, witnesses, or law-enforcement
personnel to identify who committed an
act of vandalism, arson, theft, or assault




I was not invited to the rally. I didn't even know about it until news alerts started popping up. Those people don't represent me. I totally agree with Trump's stance on it too:

And it also includes Antifa, BLM, the pussyhat brigade and all rioting libtards who can't get over the election.

Again, those people are claiming to represent Trump and vice-versa. Antifa, BLM and pussyhats are not claiming to represent Trump. By saying those people don't represent you, you have made more of a condemnation than Trump has.
Legit question, will far right extremists be declared domestic terrorist groups? Don't see why not.


Just as soon as Black Lives Matters is. Over the past year, can someone tell me how many police they have assassinated? They should be top of the list for being anointed America's newest terrorist organization.
Antifa is a huge problem. But to say they were solely responsible for the mayhem on Saturday is extremely closed minded and turning a blind eye to another problem. Unless you are part of that problem.

The media is blaming ONLY white supremacists for Saturday. Nary a mention of AntiFA or BLM. This is the Right's rub. The OBVIOUS politicization of Charlottesville as an incident through which to attack and destroy White Conservatives while giving White Liberals a 100% pass.

The Department of Homeland Security in New Jersey has officially listed Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization after a rash of violent attacks by the group targeting supporters of Donald Trump.

HUGE news. May 49 other states quickly follow suit.

Again, those people are claiming to represent Trump and vice-versa. Antifa, BLM and pussyhats are not claiming to represent Trump. By saying those people don't represent you, you have made more of a condemnation than Trump has.

BLM OFTEN chanted Obama's name while inciting violence (remember they are also the USA's police assassination force). This was ok?
Again, those people are claiming to represent Trump and vice-versa. Antifa, BLM and pussyhats are not claiming to represent Trump. By saying those people don't represent you, you have made more of a condemnation than Trump has.

When someone condemns all form of bigotry, violence and hate that pretty much covers it all. What the **** more does he need to say? Both sides were represented at this and they were both hateful and violent and he called them all out. What is anyone's issue with that? If you have a problem with what he said you are just looking for any reason to hate Trump.
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