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I knew it was a commin'

I despise racism and racists. That's one of the reasons I dislike you so intensely, you have called me a racist and implied that I am racist to many times for me to count. Saying someone has the right to speak even if what they say is unpopular is not making excuses for their message. I think I have made it abundantly clear that I believe in the natural rights of all men on more than one occasion on this board.
I didn't call you a racist, not have I implied you're a racist. I don't know the reason you and others feel the need to look for scapegoats and point fingers elsewhere, as if the situation in Charlottesville was the fault of leftists, BLM, Antifa etc. It would help if you clarified what you thought of the actions of those on the ground, the far right extremist hate groups, before you started cross referencing everything the 'other side' has done. It's a form of moral equivalency, that 'sure, this is bad, but so was that'. The President as well kept his comments on the vague side instead of simply coming out and saying this here and now is unacceptable and the white supremacists behind it are to be unequivocally condemned for their actions. So despise me as intensely as you like, it's no skin off my back. I don't know you, you don't know me outside of our comments on this board. I'm not suggesting you're a racist, nor have I in the past, just to be clear. If you've taken my comments to mean that, I apologize.
Like I said before, it's the LEFT that wants violence, it's the LEFT that wants civil war - because they CAN'T GET OVER IT!

Says the man who's posted 'CIVIL WAR!!!' about fifty times on this board accompanying his various Trump-worship posts.
There is some truth to this. There was a stand down order for the State Troopers and the City Police to allow the Bolshevik Brute Squad to approach and attack the white supremacists.
DBS1970, I think you have that backwards. The behavior of the police was indeed disturbing, but not for the reason you've stated. Not sure what makes you think their hands-off approach was somehow meant to assist the counter protestors, when the Far Right contingent came ready to battle and armed to the teeth.

New evidence emerges about Charlottesville police and it’s alarming

Charlottesville police refrained from intervening as violence escalated in city streets during the white nationalist ‘Unite the Right’ rally on Saturday, emerging evidence suggests.

Writing for ProPublica, reporter A.C. Thompson said he and others “repeatedly witnessed instances in which authorities took a largely laissez faire approach, allowing white supremacists and counter-protesters to physically battle.”

“The police did little to stop the bloodshed,” Thompson wrote. “Several times, a group of assault-rifle-toting militia members from New York State, wearing body armor and desert camo, played a more active role in breaking up fights.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia tweeted a video on Saturday of clashes between Confederate flag-bearing militiamen and counter-protesters, with the following caption: “Police says ‘We’ll not intervene until given command to do so.'”

The lack of police intervention is notable given that prominent right-wing media had called on attendees to bring weapons and battle armor to the rally.

The Virginia state police and Charlottesville law enforcement have previously been criticized by the ACLU of Virginia for their conduct during protests against the far right. In July, the ACLU of Virginia, along with other legal organizations, submitted a letter to the Charlottesville City Council and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe criticizing the “outsized and militaristic” response to a July 8th protest in opposition to a Klu Klux Klan rally in the city of Charlottesville.

1 person was killed and 19 injured after 20-year-old James Alex Fields, Jr. allegedly drove his car into anti-fascist protesters in Charlottesville. Photographs have since emerged of Fields marching with a racist right-wing organization during the rally.
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Bingo man. Personally, I'm tired of being lumped into these extremes.

My biggest beef in the world - in my personal life, here, work, sports - is treat all equally and eliminate double standars. Hell, you can shift the rules around, but make them apply to all equally. What I want in life is true equality.

If I put classified information on a server and get caught and get 10 years in the pokey, everyone should.
If I am involved in violent riots in Charlottesville, regardless my extreme party or skin color, the Governor of the state should tell us all to go home.
If I celebrate after a big play by shooting an imaginary bow & arrow and you ban this action because it appears to be a violent weapon, then the NE Patriots shouldn't be able to fire muskets at games.
If I'm white and knock out a black man in the Knock Out game and you file federal hate crime charges against me, then so too should every black man have them filed against him that played the game.
If one politician can strike deals with a foreign enemy nation and financially benefit from them, then all politicians should be able to.
If my wife gets upset at my son for leaving the seat up and punishes him, all who leave the seat up should be punished (including females).

Anything else is a double standard.

I'm old school I guess. I simply want everyone to be considered equal and treated by the exact same measures and rules.

We've been fighting that war since before the Crusades. We still aren't there. Not even close.

100% agreed.

Solid post
DBS1970, I think you have that backwards. The behavior of the police was indeed disturbing, but not for the reason you've stated. Not sure what makes you think their hands-off approach was somehow meant to assist the counter protestors, when the Far Right contingent came ready to battle and armed to the teeth.

New evidence emerges about Charlottesville police and it’s alarming

Breaking News: The Reich Wing is racist and deadly violent.

And now back to your regularly scheduled denial Steeler Nation "patriots".
The problem I have is the double standard that applies. If white people say the same thing that some of the black "leaders" say, the white person would be labeled as racist and promoting hatred. Of course some racism still exits today and it is getting worse, but Trump is not to blame. I blame the government and black leaders. The government is constantly handing out more and more freebies to minorities but nothing for whites. I mean trying to collect for slavery that ended over 150 yrs ago is ridiculous. Black leaders should be preaching blacks to work hard and make something out of yourself. Instead they are teaching oppression and how whites hate them and relying on the government for stuff. They should be speaking out about black on black crimes, cleaning up the streets / drugs /gangs, but most of them seem to ignore those issues. All the attention / freebies that minorities get are feeding into the white power groups and then you get what happened in charlottesville. Groups like the KKK, Nazis, etc etc should be disbanned, but so should groups like BLM. All these groups do is promote division. Everything should be equal for all people. You shouldnt get a job or scholarship or whatever because your black, white, or hispanic. You should get it based on your merits.

Sounds like some far left dream of "utopia"

I guess if you didn't have the juxtaposition of privilege and oppression your fantasy could come true.
Breaking News: The Reich Wing is racist and deadly violent.

And now back to your regularly scheduled denial Steeler Nation "patriots".

Thanks for reminding everyone why you shouldn't be treated with a single grain of respect. You are nothing more than an instigating troll.
Breaking News: The Reich Wing is racist and deadly violent.

And now back to your regularly scheduled denial Steeler Nation "patriots".

Ironic that a young lady was killed because she was using her right to free speech to block other peoples' right to free speech.
DBS1970, I think you have that backwards. The behavior of the police was indeed disturbing, but not for the reason you've stated. Not sure what makes you think their hands-off approach was somehow meant to assist the counter protestors, when the Far Right contingent came ready to battle and armed to the teeth.

New evidence emerges about Charlottesville police and it’s alarming

Because they knew the Bolshevik Brute Squad would be armed and the cops would do diddly squat to protect them.

Contrast how these protests have gone in conservative run cities and states as opposed to this one and the ones in California.

For instance in Auburn Alabama the police did not allow either side to carry weapons, kept them separated and avenues of approach clear. In addition they did not allow the Antifa Fascists to go about masked and immediately broke up fights and arrested the aggressors. The VA Governor and the Charlottesville mayor are both Neo-Socialist DNC hacks.
Remember when all these same public officials were calling for Obama to condemn the knockout game and call it domestic terrorism? Kidding. At least, after hundreds of these knockout game crimes, Holder finally federally prosecuted a case - a white guy.

I remember that vividly. Under the King, the man that would unite this country, his weaponized DOJ brought hate crimes against one person and one person only in the knock out game - a white guy. Thousands of incidents 99% of which were committed as black on white - and one hate crime filed against a white man.

Speaks for itself. It is not a hate crime for African Americans to randomly target and maim (and in one incident kill) the white man. It IS a hate crime if a white man assaults an African American.

DBS1970, I think you have that backwards. The behavior of the police was indeed disturbing, but not for the reason you've stated. Not sure what makes you think their hands-off approach was somehow meant to assist the counter protestors, when the Far Right contingent came ready to battle and armed to the teeth.

New evidence emerges about Charlottesville police and it’s alarming

So this is a problem now? When the police stand back and the protestors get a pass to riot and destroy it's a problem now? It wasn't a problem multiple times in Berkeley when the police allowed AntiFA to destroy the campus, cars and stores. But now it's a problem for you?

Got it...again. As predictable as a sun rise.
All these bitter loser rat **** leftists have left is the race card and Democrats ALWAYS side with the Palestinians against Israel and the US. They hate jews.

Remember how #Black Lives Matter was going to win the election for Hillary? Obama covered for them them to kill whitey, now they run wild.

The Governor refused to condemn the Antifa violence when asked to, on camera. He's a Dem, go figure.
The Governor refused to condemn the Antifa violence when asked to, on camera. He's a Dem, go figure.

Is there a link for this? Would love to see it.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump never calls out white supremacists for the same reason he never criticizes Putin: he welcomes their support and knows he needs it.</p>— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) <a href="https://twitter.com/matthewamiller/status/896458069424689152">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Alt Right is a terrorist movement. Steve Bannon and Breitbart gave it a platform which is now in the White House. They must go now!</p>— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) <a href="https://twitter.com/RWPUSA/status/896509143908990976">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If Repubs are actually against white supremacists they need to demand Bannon, Gorka & Miller be fired—if they don't-their words mean nothing</p>— Scott Dworkin (@funder) <a href="https://twitter.com/funder/status/896789882122641408">August 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Found it: http://www.theamericanmirror.com/va-gov-terry-mcauliffe-ignores-invitation-condemn-leftist-violence/

McAuliffe refuses to condemn attacks by left-wing ‘Antifa’ protesters

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe ignored an invitation to condemn violence by left-wing counter protesters in Charlottesville today, but he was eager to denounce right-wing demonstrators.

During a press conference after a driver mowed down several protesters, the rumored Democratic presidential prospect McAuliffe said, “It is time for this nation to come together and to stop the hateful rhetoric.

The governor denounced “these white supremacists and these Nazis,” but ignored a question about whether he would include the left-wing pro-violence Antifa in his condemnation.

“Do you condemn Antifa as well?” a reporter asked.

McAuliffe ignored the question and walked out of the room.

There was plenty of examples of attacks by leftists in Charlottesville today.
The Left will always stand behind violence as long as it is for their cause. I too noticed the Democrat Mayors that ordered the police to stand down when the anti-fa and BLM tore up their towns but let some loony Right wing white guy think he's gonna parade down their streets and see what happens.

Just a thought...isn't it illegal to cover your face in public during a demonstration, or something like that ?

All that aside, I think there is a distinct possibility we are being played again. The rumors are starting to spill out ..again, about paid marchers/protestors. Wouldn't it be a real kick in the *** if Tibs's Uncle George was using the ACLU and his unions to keep this pot stirred. I'm not a 'POP' conspiracy guy but I can imagine the ease with which our political swamp critters could arrange stuff just like this to keep the vitriol in the news and the Trump train in the station....jus sayin'


Thanks for reminding everyone why you shouldn't be treated with a single grain of respect. You are nothing more than an instigating troll.

I wouldn't piss on it to put it out if it where on fire. I'd let it burn and roast ucking marshmallows.
So Nazis and fascists are somehow equivalent to those that oppose Nazis and fascists. This is what we've come to. It's a damn shame and an embarrassment.
I told you Wig should have been called

LIHOP - they let it happen on purpose!

Police Were Called Off When Violence Started – They Said, "We’re Leaving"

Reporter Doug McKelway attended the violent protests Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia.

McKelway told viewers the police pulled out of Lee Park after the violence started. The police told him, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.”

Doug McKelway: We are now beginning to hear criticism bubble up on all sides of this event about the initial slow response by the police. When I got out of my car yesterday in Charlottesville about 10:30 in the morning you knew this was a bad scene and bad things were going to be happening because people were congregating at Lee Park and Emancipation Park wearing helmets, body armor, carrying big heavy sticks. Nobody was intent on peace here from either side. People were intent on causing havoc and causing damage. And even as wounded were being brought out of the park police were sitting idly by. I was standing off a cordoned off area where the police had set up as a staging area, the state police, and they said you can come in here this is a safe area. But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.” They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.

McKelway also interviewed a police spokeswoman who said “people” were hurling soda cans filled with cement. This is an Antifa tactic.

So Nazis and fascists are somehow equivalent to those that oppose Nazis and fascists. This is what we've come to. It's a damn shame and an embarrassment.

What are you trying to say? I think any, normal, rational human being would call anyone, on either side of the aisle, that brings violence to a protest despicable. Without any consideration for party affiliation, color, race or nationality interfering with their judgment.

It seems perhaps you are drawing some distinction? That those that oppose Nazis and fascists are beyond reproach?

As has been stated in this thread several times, even ******** are given the right to free speech. There was a day and age where the KKK could march, and protesters would show up and protest. The worst that typically would happen were harsh words and screams were heard.

Now? No longer. Violence must be brought to bear.

It's pretty clear where it's coming from.

The Woman's March? No counter protests, no violence.
Obama being elected, twice? No riots, no violence.

And while I abhor what they stand for, those **** nuts in Charlottesville yesterday had the right to assemble, march and protest. Whether you like it or not.

I don't know who started the violence, nor do I care. But there's enough evidence out there to show that AntiFA came looking to stab people. We have posted the videos of AntiFA and BLM taunting the police.

I gotta imagine that if these counter groups hadn't come looking for violence, yesterday would have gone down as yet another march by a bunch of ********.
Because they knew the Bolshevik Brute Squad would be armed and the cops would do diddly squat to protect them.

Contrast how these protests have gone in conservative run cities and states as opposed to this one and the ones in California.

For instance in Auburn Alabama the police did not allow either side to carry weapons, kept them separated and avenues of approach clear. In addition they did not allow the Antifa Fascists to go about masked and immediately broke up fights and arrested the aggressors. The VA Governor and the Charlottesville mayor are both Neo-Socialist DNC hacks.

And that's why Auburn rules/ WAR DAMNMOTHERFUCKING EAGLE!!!!!!
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So Nazis and fascists are somehow equivalent to those that oppose Nazis and fascists. This is what we've come to. It's a damn shame and an embarrassment.

Can't be fascist if you put anti in front of it huh Tibs?

Lets see.

Using violence against those with opposing views: Check

Using the threat of violence to deny access to venues: Check

When violence and threats don't work shout your opposition down: Check

When all else fails demonize your opposition: Check

Seems pretty ******* fascist to me.
Aww, libtards upset Trump didn't call out "white supremacists"... after all Obama called it Islamic terrorism all the time.
Aww, libtards upset Trump didn't call out "white supremacists"... after all Obama called it Islamic terrorism all the time.

Well said, I'm not sure if you fully understand the irony of the statement though.

Guys, this **** is asinine. Violence on any side is abhorrent and should be put down, not made excuses for. Not to say, the other side did this **** some time ago. I don't give a flying intercourse about timing or politics. Put violence down immediately, not matter where it comes from. We're humans, not animals.

Side note, We need to remember the Civil war, not suppress it. Germany spends time each and every day, teaching their children about the holocaust, so they don't repeat their mistakes. I think that is a good lesson. It's also a great lesson to keep the monuments and flags intact. It is important for Americans to understand the horrors of a Civil war, and symbols like these, are teaching moments.
Here is a known fact... attention whoring fucktards like pretty much both sides to this "protest" tend to dry up and disappear when people aren't paying attention to their shenanigans.... literally ignore this dumbfuckary... no one with any logical sense thinks either of these fringe elements of society are ever going to really matter again... its all just to rile us up...