It sounds good. If only it were true. Conservatism is inherently authoritarian. They love ramming their religion and "family values" down everybody else's throat. It is conservatives that wanted alcohol and later drug prohibition. It is conservatives who creates the vice laws and conservatives who are trying to define what a marriage is for other people. It is an ideology of control. Yes the nanny state liberals have helped them right along by creating a beurocracy to manage every aspect of our lives. But conservatives are at the heart of social crime legislation. The "moral majority" needs to GTFO of everybody's business.
Sounds to me like your opinion of conservatives. And it is vastly different from mine.
Also, I don't buy into the states rights bullshit either. Yeah, ya kind of have to since it's all in that Constitution thingy.State laws or local laws designed to regulate personal decisions are just as odious as federal ones. In fact, most drug gun and marriage laws are state and local ordinances. Big intrusive government doesn't suddenly become ok because your state enacted it instead of Congress.
Nothing could be further from the truth... In fact, it's the illegality of drugs that make the world much more dangerous than it would be otherwise. If drugs could be legally produced and sold, the black market that currently dictates the price and availability of these drugs would be eradicated also most overnight. The enormous cash flow currently making the criminals controlling the drug trade would be completely cut off. .
Uh huh.....
According to, the state has already missed out on an estimated $21.5 million in marijuana tax dollars because people–both citizens and tourists–continue to buy cheaper, “illegal” marijuana through alternative channels.
Naturally, supply and demand in Colorado have both never been higher and home growers remain flush with pot. Thus, when faced with the opportunity to buy an ounce from a friend for say, $150 versus an ounce from a dispensary for $250, any reasonable person will gladly save that extra $100 and opt for the cheaper, underground purchase