Drinking and driving, wife beating, those things involve harming other people. As long as you're not hurting anyone else, I think you should be able to do what you want.
Bob and Jim are *******. They like to **** each other in the ***. They've decided that ******* each other in the *** is much preferable to ******* other people in the *** and wish to make the arrangement permanent. I don't understand why I should care that they want to exchange fudge packer rings. Why are conservatives so up in arms about this? I do not understand.While I do not agree with your verbage, I agree with the premise. I do not understand how this in any way diminishes my marriage or anyone else's
Danny, Denise, and Debbie are Mormons. They would like to **** each other stupid. They have decided they want to make this arrangement official. Why is that illegal? I do not understand. Why should anyone not named Danny Denise or Debbie even give a **** what their cohabitation arrangement is? Again, how does this effect me? Hell, a 3 person household has an even better chance of financial stability, if all 3 a re working. If only Danny is working, and can not support everyone, then that is a personal problem. Don't expect me to help fund your lifestyle.
Rex is a foreman. He works hard all week. Come Friday night he likes to get loaded on ecstasy at the rave and throw glitter on himself. He always takes a cab home. But this is illegal. I do not understand why. As long as Rex is RESPONSIBLE I don't have a problem. If I am going to become involved, due to his lack of responsibility, it will not be with a liberal koombahya midset.
Phil fancies himself a marksman. Really he's a UPS driver, but on weekends he likes to throw on the cowboy boots and strap his six shooter to his leg. He can hit 5 targets in less than 3 seconds now, right off the hip. If he walks off his property with that six shooter, he will be arrested. I do not understand why.As long as Phil is RESPONSIBLE I don't have a problem. If I am going to become involved, due to his lack of responsibility, it will not be with a liberal koombahya midset.
Randy is, well, randy. He's not particularly good looking, or tall, or charming. But he's a decent guy and he likes pretty girls just as much as the good looking guys do. He likes to pick up hot girls (over 18) on Backpage and pay them to ****. He treats these women well and pays them handsomely for their time. In some states he can not only be arrested for this, but can be charged with human trafficking and sex slavery for consensual paid sex. I do not understand why. Yes there are always going to be problems within the sex trade, even if it becomes legal. Since it is currently illegal there is a much greater chance that the issues will go unreported. My stance is that what goes on between CONSENTING ADULTS is their business, until I am going to become involved, then it will not be with a liberal koombahya midset
Nick loves a wager. He bets a few bucks on every game. Plays scratchers too. He's been getting good at poker, lately, and wants to host his own local tournament. If he does, he'll be charged under RICO and sent to Federal Prison for 10 years. I do not understand why. As long as Nick is RESPONSIBLE I don't have a problem. If I am going to become involved, due to his lack of responsibility, it will not be with a liberal koombahya midset.