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I vote Democrat

So, you are as dumb as you sound. Good to know.

I will type slower. You CAN charge $31k per three days for building your house. I suggest you do if you think your work is worth that. Keep in mind that some other dude who actually understands economics or, at least, the value of goods and services, is NOT charging that and will take all of your business.

Don't forget to tell your dad that he is not worth $31k to you.
I'm smart enough to know when I'm getting it stuck right in my ***, which $10000 a day certainly is... Or maybe u like things stuck in your ***... I , for one, do not. As they say, different strokes...
Except the hospital and/or doctor don't get to keep all $31k. Their insurance is hideously expensive, just like mine is. I get yelled at regularly over what I charge, like people think I get to keep all the money. My taxes and insurance total about $7k a month which is FAR more than I keep for myself. Most people have no concept of the costs of running a business, and for someone who says they build houses for a living, neither do you.
I wonder what this Obama-***-kissing, can't-think-for-himself Socialist is going to think when the price of medical care skyrockets as a result of ObamaCare? The promise of cheaper healthcare has been just that - a promise. Every real-time indicator shows that the costs of healthcare are increasing under ObamaCare, while facilities will go away, and care will worsen.

Then the VA-type problems will sink in.

I'll take $31,000 to fix my dad coupled with health insurance I get through my hard work vs. the piece of **** train wreck we've been force fed called "Affordable" Care Act (joke).

What will he say when we are subject to the VA-like healthcare? Would be a weird series of events if his dad ended up on a morgue slab because he was refused treatment altogether like lists of Veterans at the VA.

But hey, he'd have saved $31K.
I'm smart enough to know when I'm getting it stuck right in my ***, which $10000 a day certainly is... Or maybe u like things stuck in your ***... I , for one, do not. As they say, different strokes...

So, you are homophobic, too. Good to know.

I don't think you are smart enough to know anything. I hope none of us accidentally move into a house you built.
I'm obtuse... My point is that there are many people that do important jobs... That doesn't give them the right to gouge the **** out of people... If it weren't for building contractors, doctors would be seeing patients in a tent. Farmers provide the food that keeps us all from going hungry.... Firefighters run into burning buildings when everyone else is running out.... How much do they deserve? My point is that $31000 for 3 days in the hospital is ridiculous... and again that didn't include the doctor's fees... which was another $5k... $36000 for gallstones. No one else thinks this is an insane amount of money?

I don't think there's anybody out there that doesn't agree that health care costs are out of control but blaming the people that provide that care is ludicrous. Healthcare is a "Pandora's box" of old and new problems and regulations that have festered over time. Couple that with the fact that there are a lot more people qualified to build me a house than there are to mess with my gall bladder..jus sayin'

As a capitalist, I believe in the market based value of goods and services. I see healthcare as an over regulated, govt controlled business that could use some massive reforms and honest competition, if only they were left alone and allowed to be competitive.

This ACA is going to make things even more expensive just by simply increasing demand for services and decreasing the availability of them same services.....duh

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This ACA is going to make things even more expensive just by simply increasing demand for services and decreasing the availability of them same services.....duh

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Like 99% of Libs, he's operating on Hope and Change. They believe in Utopia, a better world, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Fairy, and by God the Easter Bunny is real. There's no consideration of facts. They Hope.

And they Hope healthcare will improve/get cheaper because by God it says "Affordable" in ACA.

Facts do not matter. Though there is NO way for ACA to be less expensive, this doesn't fit within that realm of "Hope" so it is disregarded.
So, you are as dumb as you sound. Good to know.

I will type slower. You CAN charge $31k per three days for building your house. I suggest you do if you think your work is worth that. Keep in mind that some other dude who actually understands economics or, at least, the value of goods and services, is NOT charging that and will take all of your business.

Don't forget to tell your dad that he is not worth $31k to you.
This is one of the best posts ever. Not just in this thread.....but ever.
So, you are as dumb as you sound. Good to know.

I will type slower. You CAN charge $31k per three days for building your house. I suggest you do if you think your work is worth that. Keep in mind that some other dude who actually understands economics or, at least, the value of goods and services, is NOT charging that and will take all of your business.

Don't forget to tell your dad that he is not worth $31k to you.

OMG, thank you. Why is it that libs don't understand basic economics?
I wonder what this Obama-***-kissing, can't-think-for-himself Socialist is going to think when the price of medical care skyrockets as a result of ObamaCare? The promise of cheaper healthcare has been just that - a promise. Every real-time indicator shows that the costs of healthcare are increasing under ObamaCare, while facilities will go away, and care will worsen.
Simple. Bush's fault and/or the evil money-grubbing doctors and hospitals. See, wasn't that easy?
I build houses for a living.... Houses provide shelter that keep people from freezing to death... I guess you could say I'm saving lives with my work... I think I'll start charging $31000 dollars for every three days I work on a house...
Last I looked, someone could easily spend $250,000 for a new house. What do you do with all that money? Price-gouging 1%-er.....
How many people do you employ? Do they get health insurance? Workmen's comp? Social Security paid?
I eagerly await your answer.
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Not that I'm tryin' to wander off the beaten path here but I just read a decision made by the Obama appointed NLRB that falls right into the narrative of fairness and social justice for all..like our friend RollRed subscribes.

It seems we no longer need to be respectful in the workplace, to customers, bosses, nobody...the NLRB says so and ya can't be fired for disrespecting customers anymore..period. I'm sorry folks but I want my Hooters girls smiling at me not cussin' me out.

The local NLRB judge ordered the Hooters franchise to post a sign on its premises reading “WE WILL NOT maintain or enforce a provision in our Employee Handbook that prohibits employees from being disrespectful to the Company, other employees, customers, partners, and competitors, posting no offensive language or pictures and no negative comments about the Company or coworkers of the Company” after declaring such policies illegal, according to an NLRB ruling issued on May 18.
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How many people do you employ? Do they get health insurance? Workmen's comp? Social Security paid?
I eagerly await your answer.
I doubt very seriously that he is on the ownership /management side of the business. His outlook reveals more of a labor /Union perspective.
Like 99% of Libs, he's operating on Hope and Change. They believe in Utopia, a better world, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Fairy, and by God the Easter Bunny is real. There's no consideration of facts. They Hope.

And they Hope healthcare will improve/get cheaper because by God it says "Affordable" in ACA.

Facts do not matter. Though there is NO way for ACA to be less expensive, this doesn't fit within that realm of "Hope" so it is disregarded.

This is classic... A guy who votes for a party that makes policy decisions based upon what a 2000 year old holy book says saying that democrats live in a fantasy world.... Wow...
I doubt very seriously that he is on the ownership /management side of the business. His outlook reveals more of a labor /Union perspective.

This is classic... A guy who votes for a party that makes policy decisions based upon what a 2000 year old holy book says saying that democrats live in a fantasy world.... Wow...

Asked and answered......damn you're good hammy.

The founder and primary theorist of Marxism, the nineteenth-century German thinker Karl Marx, had a negative attitude to religion, viewing it primarily as the opium of the people that had been used by the ruling classes to give the working classes false hope for millennia, while at the same time recognizing it as a form of protest by the working classes against their poor economic conditions

The connection between communism and the American Labor Union has been debated for years and never more than during this administration.

Some balk at the use of the word "Communism," dismissing its invocation as hyperbole. Yet when dissecting actual policies, laws, regulations and bureaucratic government approaches which Americans are increasingly subjected to, and weighing them against the 10 progressive "rules to live by," the facts scream loudly and clearly in the face of those who deny the ever-creeping onset of Socialism. Marx’s Communist "utopia" is only one evolutionary stage away from reality.
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I find it fascinating that the right has no problem with the gov't. dropping 5,6,7 hundred billion dollars a year on defense to protect the American people from invading armies, but when someone from the other side suggests that it is just as important that we protect the American people from invading viruses and cancer cells they're labeled a leftist-Marxist wack job. In the end, shouldn't all threats to the health and welfare of each American be treated with the same importance? And what is the more imminent threat to the average American citizen's health? Is it an enemy bullet or a cancer cell? We spend hundreds and hundreds of billions protecting our people from bombs and bullets, but to suggest we do the same to protect them from disease is somehow a ridiculous proposition.
This is classic... A guy who votes for a party that makes policy decisions based upon what a 2000 year old holy book says saying that democrats live in a fantasy world.... Wow...

I believe a person whose moral compass is based on biblical standards to be a huge plus. One can only guess at where Bummer get's his moral compass, or whether he even has one to begin with.
I doubt very seriously that he is on the ownership /management side of the business. His outlook reveals more of a labor /Union perspective.

I find it fascinating that the right has no problem with the gov't. dropping 5,6,7 hundred billion dollars a year on defense to protect the American people from invading armies, but when someone from the other side suggests that it is just as important that we protect the American people from invading viruses and cancer cells they're labeled a leftist-Marxist wack job. In the end, shouldn't all threats to the health and welfare of each American be treated with the same importance? And what is the more imminent threat to the average American citizen's health? Is it an enemy bullet or a cancer cell? We spend hundreds and hundreds of billions protecting our people from bombs and bullets, but to suggest we do the same to protect them from disease is somehow a ridiculous proposition.

Huh ?? WTF are you talkin' about ?

From 1 January 2015, the Government will establish a Medical Research Future Fund (the Fund) that will grow to $20 billion — the largest of its kind in the world....http://www.budget.gov.au/2014-15/content/overview/html/overview_12.htm

or this smoke and mirrors BS...
NIH Funding

There is no more telling illustration than the National Institutes of Health, the center of U.S. medical research and the largest such institution in world. House Republicans want to cut NIH funding for the current year by more than $1 billion, to $29.5 billion. Obama proposes a small increase in NIH funding.

While this 5 percent reduction is less severe than other proposals in the Republican budget, it reverses a 15-year bipartisan effort to support medical research. The NIH budget has almost tripled over the last decade and a half.

This may make proponents feel good, yet, as almost all budget experts acknowledge, these measures have little to do with addressing America’s fiscal challenges. That would require focusing on entitlements, taxes and defense spending.
Since the Govt will NEVER cut taxes, I would be in favor of rolling 1/2 of the DOD budget into paying Healthcare premiums for people who ACTUALL pay taxes.
Just as Al Sharpton needs racism to justify his existence, Democrats need to perpetuate victimhood to justify the party's existence. Same ****.

Rush puts it well..

Democrats need a never-ending supply of minorities, about whom you can say America is to blame for their plight.

What amnesty and a never-ending flow of poor, very poorly educated people provides them is a never-ending supply of people they can point to and say, "Look at these poor people. Look what this country has done to them." Or, "Look how this country is discriminating against them." It is a way to have, in perpetuity, the allegation of the charge that this is a racist, sexist, bigoted country that needs to be reformed, that needs to be fixed.

Just like they need a permanent underclass of dependent people who can't take care of themselves, they need a permanent, large group of people who are of color, poorly educated, that they can, in time, blame America for.
"Provide for the Common Defense". Don't know where I read that. Probably no where important.
I believe a person whose moral compass is based on biblical standards to be a huge plus. One can only guess at where Bummer get's his moral compass, or whether he even has one to begin with.

Matthew 5:42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

Deuteronomy 15:7-8 If among you one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that The Lord your God has given you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Sounds like Jesus would be in favor of single-payer. Seems to me that Bummer's moral compass is more in line with biblical standards than the Bible thumping republicans. As flawed as the ACA is, it was, at least, created by the party that actually gave a **** that there are millions of people that can't afford decent healthcare.
Not that I'm tryin' to wander off the beaten path here but I just read a decision made by the Obama appointed NLRB that falls right into the narrative of fairness and social justice for all..like our friend RollRed subscribes.

It seems we no longer need to be respectful in the workplace, to customers, bosses, nobody...the NLRB says so and ya can't be fired for disrespecting customers anymore..period. I'm sorry folks but I want my Hooters girls smiling at me not cussin' me out.
I thought that was a joke. Aren't unions and California great!