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I wonder if Obama will have any comment?

So when are we going to lay in the streets and stop traffic, because that will surely change things.
They Take 1 Of Ours…Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,” adding the hashtags, #ShootThePolice #RIPEricGarner, and #RIPMike Brown.

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"Now let me see if I have this right. The family situation is so unstable, 'Junior' doesn't even know where to send a Father's Day card. There's no guidance or discipline in the home. Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can't deal with the undisciplined whelp. Junior's major formative influences are 'gangsta' rap videos and a corresponding peer group of gangsta wannabes.

At age 18, Junior is turned loose on society carrying a bad attitude, a broken compass and little respect for authority. Junior gets himself in big trouble with the law and meets dire consequences.

Then, the situational diagnosis is that the police need more training and understanding?

Pardon me for asking, but do you really believe that bullshit?
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"Now let me see if I have this right. The family situation is so unstable, 'Junior' doesn't even know where to send a Father's Day card. There's no guidance or discipline in the home. Junior gets dumped into the education system where he is socially promoted because the overwhelmed school district can't deal with the undisciplined whelp. Junior's major formative influences are 'gangsta' rap videos and a corresponding peer group of gangsta wannabes.

At age 18, Junior is turned loose on society carrying a bad attitude, a broken compass and little respect for authority. Junior gets himself in big trouble with the law and meets dire consequences.

Then, the situational diagnosis is that the police need more training and understanding?

Pardon me for asking, but do you really believe that bullshit?
They should make these people patrol the ghettos alone, then see if their attitudes change.
That already happens in some hoods in this nation bruh...that not fiction.....Kabriny Greens (Chi Town) and some of the Wards on Houston have lil police presence to quell crime.But folks survive ya know. Well, some of them anyhow.Cops (many white ones) fear black males which is why youve seen aggressive behavior towards unarmed ones. I remember seeing a video interview done on MSNBC of a psychologist that had interviewed several officers w LAPD (when they had their issues with a host of excessive force lawsuits and shootings) and she said many white officers feared minority males (black and hispanic).

You cite this alleged "fear" as if it were a badge of honor for blacks and Hispanics. It's not.
There is a legitimate need for police accountability and reform. Also certain policies that put police officers in the roll of oppressors rather than guardians need to be changed. Finally the multitude of laws that create victimless crimes and put police into conflict with citizens that are harming no one need to be repealed. This type of violence will escalate in the future if we don't take steps to move our society back towards individual liberty.
I'm still waiting for some left-leaning idiot to tell me how a criminal with a gun got into the gun-free utopia of NYC.
There is a legitimate need for police accountability and reform. Also certain policies that put police officers in the roll of oppressors rather than guardians need to be changed. Finally the multitude of laws that create victimless crimes and put police into conflict with citizens that are harming no one need to be repealed. This type of violence will escalate in the future if we don't take steps to move our society back towards individual liberty.

No question that there should be "some" police accountability and reform.

What bothers me though is this is a typical media game. The problem isn't massive nor pervasive. Yet they've got the country believing that all police are bad - that they are all racists, that thousands of blacks are killed senselessly by cops, etc etc, blah blah.

The false narrative needs to be corrected.

If you ask me, I'm FAR more worried about our media than the situation with the police. Fix it first. It's far more lethal.
I'm still waiting for some left-leaning idiot to tell me how a criminal with a gun got into the gun-free utopia of NYC.

because we don't have ENOUGH gun control, duh. Just like when you wonder why you spend billions of dollars to educate kids. When the system produces, well, less than properly educated kids. The problem is you didn't spend ENOUGH money.

Educating you ******* is draining.
No question that there should be "some" police accountability and reform.

What bothers me though is this is a typical media game. The problem isn't massive nor pervasive. Yet they've got the country believing that all police are bad - that they are all racists, that thousands of blacks are killed senselessly by cops, etc etc, blah blah.

The false narrative needs to be corrected.

If you ask me, I'm FAR more worried about our media than the situation with the police. Fix it first. It's far more lethal.

I disagree about the problem not being pervasive. From stop and frisk and road check points to forfeiture and seizure without due process and court orders there is a huge problem with police forces everywhere infringing on personal liberty. And usually it isn't the MSM that reports on this stuff its the alternative media that is spreading the word about this stuff. I will keep saying this for as long as it takes to register: Increasingly militant police officers and are a problem and police agencies should not be allowed to investigate themselves. Lets get rid of bad cops so they cant give good cops a bad name and lets get rid of bad laws and policies that put good cops in a bad position when dealing with the citizenry.
That already happens in some hoods in this nation bruh...that not fiction.....Kabriny Greens (Chi Town) and some of the Wards on Houston have lil police presence to quell crime.But folks survive ya know. Cops (many white ones) fear black males which is why youve seen aggressive behavior towards unarmed ones. I remember seeing a video interview done on MSNBC of a psychologist that had interviewed several officers w LAPD (when they had their issues with a host of excessive force lawsuits and shootings) and she said many white officers feared minority males (black and hispanic).
They only stay out of Cabrini-Green cause that's where Candyman is.
I disagree about the problem not being pervasive. From stop and frisk and road check points to forfeiture and seizure without due process and court orders there is a huge problem with police forces everywhere infringing on personal liberty. And usually it isn't the MSM that reports on this stuff its the alternative media that is spreading the word about this stuff. I will keep saying this for as long as it takes to register: Increasingly militant police officers and are a problem and police agencies should not be allowed to investigate themselves. Lets get rid of bad cops so they cant give good cops a bad name and lets get rid of bad laws and policies that put good cops in a bad position when dealing with the citizenry.

I disagree. One way to analogize "pervasive" is to say it's entrenched.

Again, I believe there are problems. I disagree with the militarization of our police, check points, etc. that you highlight. But this still is not the norm and the problem, while growing, isn't pervasive.

And I'm pretty sure you and I get a lot of the same non-MSM news.

However, I stand by my comment. I'm more worried about the MSM. It's more lethal. Ask the average person on the streets, who's killed more often by bad cops/cops - whites or blacks - and I bet you the vast majority would say blacks. And they would be wrong. But the MSM's painted it this way. We just saw with these cops what happen when the MSM gets to disperse a false narrative.

They scare me far more than these police issues, which I believe are also more easily correctable than fixing the media problems.
How often do the police do stop and frisk in suburban neighborhoods Tim? How many cities in the USA have stop and frisk policies? The Tampa area has DUI and License checkpoints every week and I would bet the are you live in has them too. Do a quick google search on the topic and see for yourself how often the things I mentioned in the other post happen.
I do not have a problem with DUI checkpoints, as the "right" to drive is not really a "right" but is really a PRIVELEDGE. If it helps to get drunks off the roads, so much the better. Now if only the courts would take DUI seriously, we could move forward.
DUI checkpoints are blatent infringements of illegal search rules. the cops have no more right to randomly stop and test you than they do to randomly search you on the street. The end cannot justify the means. if they were serious about stopping drunk driving it wouldn't be hard to include a breath sensor on every car... or some of that touch sensor stuff that can read BAC through skin contact. I do not like slippery slopes like this. Its not correct
How often do the police do stop and frisk in suburban neighborhoods Tim?

Not much if at all because there is relatively little crime in white suburban neighborhoods. However, like I said at the opening, it is racist to hold blacks to white standards of behavior.
Not much if at all because there is relatively little crime in white suburban neighborhoods. However, like I said at the opening, it is racist to hold blacks to white standards of behavior.

That's the thing Ron, its done in every major city in the USA in the inner city neighborhoods. I can see where lots of resentment can come towards this from people that live there and see it happening in their neighborhoods and see that it doesn't happen in the affluent areas. People that are subject to this are justified in thinking that their rights are being infringed on by police. This is an example of police being put in the roll of oppressor by bad policy edict. More over it is a bad precedent to set, allowing searches without warrant or probable cause. Remember if they can do it to them they can do it to us. When that starts happening will we start shooting police officers out of reaction to perceived injustice and tyranny? I would personally like to avoid civil war.
How often do the police do stop and frisk in suburban neighborhoods Tim? How many cities in the USA have stop and frisk policies? The Tampa area has DUI and License checkpoints every week and I would bet the are you live in has them too. Do a quick google search on the topic and see for yourself how often the things I mentioned in the other post happen.

I'm not debating you on this. I'm saying that in the prioritization of problems, I'm far more concerned about the media than I am about the police. In every crate are bad apples. In every area of society, we have problems. I do not think the # of bad apples in our police force is as dire a problem for America as is the propaganda being spewed upon its citizens by the media.
That's the thing Ron, its done in every major city in the USA in the inner city neighborhoods. I can see where lots of resentment can come towards this from people that live there and see it happening in their neighborhoods and see that it doesn't happen in the affluent areas. People that are subject to this are justified in thinking that their rights are being infringed on by police. This is an example of police being put in the roll of oppressor by bad policy edict. More over it is a bad precedent to set, allowing searches without warrant or probable cause. Remember if they can do it to them they can do it to us. When that starts happening will we start shooting police officers out of reaction to perceived injustice and tyranny? I would personally like to avoid civil war.

So what do we do, just have police ignore the fact that some people in some areas are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity? Do you honestly want police to treat everyone exactly the same? Should the TSA search an equal number of 90 year old white grandmas from Ohio as they do young Arab men from Pakistan?
So what do we do, just have police ignore the fact that some people in some areas are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity? Do you honestly want police to treat everyone exactly the same? Should the TSA search an equal number of 90 year old white grandmas from Ohio as they do young Arab men from Pakistan?
I see what you did there.
So whaboth tdo we do, just have police ignore the fact that some people in some areas are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity? Do you honestly want police to treat everyone exactly the same? Should the TSA search an equal number of 90 year old white grandmas from Ohio as they do young Arab men from Pakistan?
Pakistanis are not Arab.
But I do want the TSA to search both.
So what do we do, just have police ignore the fact that some people in some areas are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity? Do you honestly want police to treat everyone exactly the same? Should the TSA search an equal number of 90 year old white grandmas from Ohio as they do young Arab men from Pakistan?

In the absence of probable cause and without a warrant I don't want police searching anyone. And yes I want police to treat everyone the same, as free individuals who are entitled to do as they please so long as they aren't causing harm to anyone else. The TSA is a different story all together. You are going to an airport to go into a secure area and get on a plane. You are giving consent to search just by entering the property. A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the a right to travel where they will unmolested.
Author larry Eldred put it best: "When you're fishing, you go where the fish are."

Something like 80-90% of victims of gun violence are black or hispanic, and 80-90% of people who commit these acts of violence are black or hispanic......... So if the police are looking to reduce violent crime and take guns off the streets, they should be frisking white kids at the suburban lacrosse fields?!?
Author larry Eldred put it best: "When you're fishing, you go where the fish are."

Something like 80-90% of victims of gun violence are black or hispanic, and 80-90% of people who commit these acts of violence are black or hispanic......... So if the police are looking to reduce violent crime and take guns off the streets, they should be frisking white kids at the suburban lacrosse fields?!?
As the late Fred Honsberger of KDKA Radio once said regarding airport security, "We have to search everyone so that it doesn't look like we're looking for who it is we're looking for."
A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the a right to travel where they will unmolested.

Ummmm...an airport is public as well. That comparison doesn't hold water.