So let me get this straight. You agree that you should be subject to search when entering the boarding area in an airport? I assume that is because you believe public safety is at hand.
Do you support the frisking and personal search done at Heinz Field before a game? At an NBA Stadium? At a MLB stadium? It's done for the same reasons.
What about now before marathons? People's rights and safety were violated by the Boston Bombers, were they not? Should we now be doing safety checks of anyone within 2 blocks of the 26 mile marathon route to protect all at hand? How about public schools? Everyone realizes that schools are now potential danger zones. Are you ok with pat downs and metal detectors at the entrance to a school?
When a bomb goes off in the concourse of an airport - or two - do we then, under the veil of public safety, now say that search should occur on the sidewalk before you get close to the airport? Then when bombs start going off in the parking garages at airports, do we have checkpoints on the roads leading up to airports? Are those justified because of public safety?
DUI checkpoints fall under the same guise. As do all checkpoints.
Terrorists are doing this to us, drunks are doing this to us, and as citizens we demand a response and to be safe. And this is what we get to keep us safe. In exchange for our "God given right" of personal safety you reference, we give up personal freedoms.
But back to your comment - "A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the right to travel where they will unmolested." Sorry again, but this just is no longer true. As you stated you subject yourself to search at an airport. And as I've pointed out, you subject yourself to search when you enter a ballpark (or a Federal building or a museum or countless other areas). As a driver you subject yourself to random searches because of drunks on the road. And in areas of high drug use, possible search there as well. Or when you enter a school. It's all in the name of public safety. And all of those things are done to provide this "God given right" you speak of that a person be secure.
Your wish - to have people have the security of their person while also being able to freely go wherever they want unmolested work against each other. You no longer can have them both. One must suffer for the gain of the other.