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I wonder if Obama will have any comment?

You remind me of my wife's scandalous friends back in Maryland. These white trophy wife broads that swear up and down to anyone who'll listen that they're not interested in Black dudes, but then get pissed at their husbands and cheat on them with the local Black ball players.

In my experience, racism is a conditional thing for women. Women are whatever room they happen to be standing in, and are not particularly attached to their racial views. In that regard, women are better than us: humanity tends to trump prejudice if a personal connection is made.

Men on the other hand tend to be quite tribalist and territorial, holding ethnic grudges for life.

Holding ethnic grudges for life?? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds??
Interesting, because I didn't say that. I qualified my statement by saying that women tend to be a certain way in my experience.

But feel free to ignore what I said and take me out of context if it makes you feel better.

Not "some" women or "most" women. You said women...sounds all inclusive to me.

I also love how we are supposed to give a **** about "your experience" when you discount everyone else's experiences.
Holding ethnic grudges for life?? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds??

I'm sorry, you're right. There's no such thing as racism. It's a myth, just like evolution.

Not "some" women or "most" women. You said women...sounds all inclusive to me.

I also love how we are supposed to give a **** about "your experience" when you discount everyone else's experiences.

You missed, and now you're flailing. And obviously you "give a ****" because you keep responding. I must be really important...
Well I am the furthest thing from a trophy wife...and I don't cheat on my husband...so there's that. But thanks for lumping me in with them.

But I have no clue what you mean about holding lifelong ethnic grudges...male or female.
I'm sorry, you're right. There's no such thing as racism. It's a myth, just like evolution.

I get a kick out of you talking about racism, then lump a whole sex in together.

In my experience, racism is a conditional thing for women. Women are whatever room they happen to be standing in, and are not particularly attached to their racial views. In that regard, women are better than us: humanity tends to trump prejudice if a personal connection is made.

Men on the other hand tend to be quite tribalist and territorial, holding ethnic grudges for life.

No problem seeing patterns in one sex over another but you draw the line at race. Very progressive.
I get a kick out of you talking about racism, then lump a whole sex in together.

No problem seeing patterns in one sex over another but you draw the line at race. Very progressive.

Grrrrr!! Me white male!! Me hold grudge!..ethnic grudge!!
So let me get this straight. You agree that you should be subject to search when entering the boarding area in an airport? I assume that is because you believe public safety is at hand.

Do you support the frisking and personal search done at Heinz Field before a game? At an NBA Stadium? At a MLB stadium? It's done for the same reasons.

What about now before marathons? People's rights and safety were violated by the Boston Bombers, were they not? Should we now be doing safety checks of anyone within 2 blocks of the 26 mile marathon route to protect all at hand? How about public schools? Everyone realizes that schools are now potential danger zones. Are you ok with pat downs and metal detectors at the entrance to a school?

When a bomb goes off in the concourse of an airport - or two - do we then, under the veil of public safety, now say that search should occur on the sidewalk before you get close to the airport? Then when bombs start going off in the parking garages at airports, do we have checkpoints on the roads leading up to airports? Are those justified because of public safety?

DUI checkpoints fall under the same guise. As do all checkpoints.

Terrorists are doing this to us, drunks are doing this to us, and as citizens we demand a response and to be safe. And this is what we get to keep us safe. In exchange for our "God given right" of personal safety you reference, we give up personal freedoms.

But back to your comment - "A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the right to travel where they will unmolested." Sorry again, but this just is no longer true. As you stated you subject yourself to search at an airport. And as I've pointed out, you subject yourself to search when you enter a ballpark (or a Federal building or a museum or countless other areas). As a driver you subject yourself to random searches because of drunks on the road. And in areas of high drug use, possible search there as well. Or when you enter a school. It's all in the name of public safety. And all of those things are done to provide this "God given right" you speak of that a person be secure.

Your wish - to have people have the security of their person while also being able to freely go wherever they want unmolested work against each other. You no longer can have them both. One must suffer for the gain of the other.


You are sort of shot gunning me on this so pardon me if I don't address every point. First I want to say that I do not believe in trading Liberty for safety. I don't think that we can eliminate every risk nor do I think we will ever be able to totally stop all aberrant behavior. Terrorists will attack and there is no way to stop every deliberate determined attack short of throwing away every freedom we hold dear. I think the way we address terrorism is through foreign policy change where first and foremost we stop creating them by arming, training and funding "Moderates" all over the world and we allow Israel to protect themselves any way they see fit rather than holding them back to meet our world view.

The airport boarding areas are leased to the airlines. They are in effect private property and the airlines have a right to restrict access to them. The same thing with the football stadiums and other venues you mentioned. As for the operational areas and certain other "public" buildings well they are restricted for a reason just as public buildings like the courthouse and the police stations are restricted. Road checkpoints are another matter based on the fact that it is understood, or at least it used to be, that you have a God given right to travel as you please and so long as you are not harming others or breaking the law be free from any detention or harassment from the authorities. I don't have a problem with police arresting those who are impaired and driving badly or have expired licenses or plates on their car. I have a problem with blanket stops of those who aren't doing anything wrong, and citizens who are not breaking the law being forced into contact with authorities without any probable cause.

I seem to remember somebody saying something once about "Give me Liberty or give me death."
All my life I thought Pakistani people were Arabs. I didn't know there was a difference. I was taught that the Middle East (with the exception of Israel) was all Arabic. Guess my GA education didn't learn me well.

And it was actually a joke...one that I now didn't go over well. You know how people say "oh you know how all those black people (or Asians or Arabs or whoever) all look alike"? Well, it was a play on that. But I still stand by my previous comment that I seriously had no idea Pakistanis weren't Arabic.

Pakistan is not in the Middle East and its people do not speak Arabic.
Pakistanis are essentially Indian Muslims. Pakistan was created in 1947 as a nation for Indian Muslims...the northern part of India was partitioned off to create Pakistan. Indians who were Muslim moved to Pakistan, and Indians who were Hindus living in Pakistan moved to India.

....and they hate each other happily ever after.
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Well I am the furthest thing from a trophy wife...and I don't cheat on my husband...so there's that. But thanks for lumping me in with them.

But I have no clue what you mean about holding lifelong ethnic grudges...male or female.

Nothing wrong with being a trophy wife, it's like winning the lottery. They do tend to get bored though.

I get a kick out of you talking about racism, then lump a whole sex in together.

No problem seeing patterns in one sex over another but you draw the line at race. Very progressive.

Well that's easy. Gender is real, race is not. There are measurable differences between the hormonal and brain chemistries between men and women. Race is a social construct. That's why you can be 5 different "races" but only one of two genders.

You could take a man from the aboriginal outback, a man from the jungles of Borneo, another man from northern Finland, and yet another from the United States: put them in a room and they'd have more in common with each other than they do with their own wives.

Men and women are different.

anyone who hates someone based on ethic reasons is a ******* idiot....I only hate ******* idiots. so yeah, I hate most of you
I have a trophy wife. Think I could get some black guy to come take her? Is that something on Twittertube or Instavine?
I have a trophy wife. Think I could get some black guy to come take her?

If you're ready to fire her ***, I hope you got that prenup. Otherwise kiss all your favorite **** goodbye. Whatever it is she knows you love THAT is what she's gonna demand in the settlement.
my white friends should tell the sad story of being called a cracker.
my white friends should tell the sad story of being called a cracker.

That's not sad. That's funny. Cracker. The things some people allow themselves to be insulted by.
I'm sorry, you're right. There's no such thing as racism. It's a myth, just like evolution.

You missed, and now you're flailing. And obviously you "give a ****" because you keep responding. I must be really important...

No. I just give as **** about pointing out when a hypocrite is doing the exact same thing that he accuses others of doing. You really give yourself way too much credit.
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anyone who hates someone based on ethic reasons is a ******* idiot....I only hate ******* idiots. so yeah, I hate most of you

That's un-possible! Any difference of opinion always comes down to race. Nothing worse than a racist who doesn't know he is a racist.
No. I just give as **** about pointing out when a hypocrite is doing the exact same thing that he accuses others of doing. You really give yourself way too much credit.

You're not grasping the narrative. It's not okay for white people to criticize black people but it is okay for black people to be critical of white people. Do I have to explain everything to you guys?
Casual observation in my neighborhood tells me that the drug busts are about 50/50 black/white so at least we're not racist. Seem to usually be at the same three rental properties though.

That's real estatist.

I get a kick out of you talking about racism, then lump a whole sex in together.

No problem seeing patterns in one sex over another but you draw the line at race. Very progressive.


Very cosmopolitan.

That's not sad. That's funny. Cracker. The things some people allow themselves to be insulted by.

My avatar resembles that remark.

You are sort of shot gunning me on this so pardon me if I don't address every point. First I want to say that I do not believe in trading Liberty for safety. I don't think that we can eliminate every risk nor do I think we will ever be able to totally stop all aberrant behavior. Terrorists will attack and there is no way to stop every deliberate determined attack short of throwing away every freedom we hold dear. I think the way we address terrorism is through foreign policy change where first and foremost we stop creating them by arming, training and funding "Moderates" all over the world and we allow Israel to protect themselves any way they see fit rather than holding them back to meet our world view.

The airport boarding areas are leased to the airlines. They are in effect private property and the airlines have a right to restrict access to them. The same thing with the football stadiums and other venues you mentioned. As for the operational areas and certain other "public" buildings well they are restricted for a reason just as public buildings like the courthouse and the police stations are restricted. Road checkpoints are another matter based on the fact that it is understood, or at least it used to be, that you have a God given right to travel as you please and so long as you are not harming others or breaking the law be free from any detention or harassment from the authorities. I don't have a problem with police arresting those who are impaired and driving badly or have expired licenses or plates on their car. I have a problem with blanket stops of those who aren't doing anything wrong, and citizens who are not breaking the law being forced into contact with authorities without any probable cause.

I seem to remember somebody saying something once about "Give me Liberty or give me death."

So we are sort of in agreement...I too believe in Liberty and personal freedoms. But I'm also a realist. We live in a different world than we did 15 years ago. And as a country, many of us have agreed to loss of liberties for increased safety. And the Government has used these situations to bestow upon us the beloved TSA, the Patriot Act, etc.

The road thing? Eh. The roads are taxpayer funded and state maintained. But at the same time we have the right to travel freely as individuals. Those two can and do at times come into conflict. We can argue about how much is justified/warranted.

I hear your "wish" - I just think it's Utopian. Public Safety will always conflict with Personal Freedoms. It's always been that way. Where we probably think alike is when "public safety" is used to justify excess in policing our people, as was the case in Boston chasing the Boston Bombers. I had major problems with that. I have major problems with police forces driving Humvees, etc. But at the same time, I'm a realist. I don't have nearly as much a problem with random checkpoints as you do.
That's not sad. That's funny. Cracker. The things some people allow themselves to be insulted by.

I was with 19 kids in Florida for my son's football National Championships two weeks back. Mixed group of 10-12 year olds - mostly black, one female, one Indian, 5 white kids (one half Asian/half white). We were there for a week so we also got into basketball at the hotels and touch football as well. The kids would make up teams. Then they decided their teams needed names.

The best basketball team name: Three Dudes and an Indian (the Indian kid suggested this team name himself...it was him, a white boy, and two black boys). I cracked up. They all thought it was hysterical.

The best football team name: Five and a Half Crackers. Again, the kids thought this up. This team was 5 white kids and the half Asian/half white boy.

I couldn't stop cracking up - nor could they.

No one was insulted in the least. And it was all driven by the kids.
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You remind me of my wife's scandalous friends back in Maryland. These white trophy wife broads that swear up and down to anyone who'll listen that they're not interested in Black dudes, but then get pissed at their husbands and cheat on them with the local Black ball players.

In my experience, racism is a conditional thing for women. Women are whatever room they happen to be standing in, and are not particularly attached to their racial views. In that regard, women are better than us: humanity tends to trump prejudice if a personal connection is made.

Men on the other hand tend to be quite tribalist and territorial, holding ethnic grudges for life.

So many generalizations in so few words. And you have the nerve to call anyone else racist. You're racist AND sexist.