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I wonder if Obama will have any comment?

Pakistanis are not Arab.
But I do want the TSA to search both.

I didn't say Pakistanis are Arab. I said a young Arab man from Pakistan. Pakistan is known to harbor Arab terrorists.
I didn't say Pakistanis are Arab. I said a young Arab man from Pakistan. Pakistan is known to harbor Arab terrorists.
I love it when I come into work at the airport and see the middle-eastern cabbies on all fours on their prayer rugs in the grass next to the cab waiting lot. Gives you a good feeling. (You don't see this from the public areas, it's in the back by employee parking.)
In the absence of probable cause and without a warrant I don't want police searching anyone. And yes I want police to treat everyone the same, as free individuals who are entitled to do as they please so long as they aren't causing harm to anyone else. The TSA is a different story all together. You are going to an airport to go into a secure area and get on a plane. You are giving consent to search just by entering the property. A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the a right to travel where they will unmolested.

Have you ever read the fine print when you take your drivers license test? The roads may very well be public, but it is not a right to drive a motor vehicle on them. I also agree that it is time to put technology in place to prevent operation of motor vehicles while impaired.
Not much if at all because there is relatively little crime in white suburban neighborhoods. However, like I said at the opening, it is racist to hold blacks to white standards of behavior.

This is a lie.

Fully 60% of the prison population consists of non-violent drug offenders. Drug use is just as prevalent among suburban youth, and whites in general, as it is Black youth. The difference is in enforcement. Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drugs because they are more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs, not because they are more likely to use drugs.

I grew up in the burbs. Whites who do drugs routinely are far less likely to get caught or go to jail for drugs because they are simply not accosted by the police in the way minorities are. But the crime of drug use/possession/sales is RIFE in American suburbs.

The problem is that the "crime" you describe is bullshit. Drug use/possession/sales is a bullshit crime and an excuse to incarcerate millions. The drug war has done far more harm in terms of blood, gang warfare, dead cops, and drug associated crime than total legalization ever could have. When was the last time you heard about a whino holding up a gas station so he could get loaded? Almost never happens because booze is cheap and legal. Black markets drive up costs, and make drug users far more dangerous than they need to be.

But go on living in your "Blacks do all the crime" thought bubble. Seems to be helping your self esteem.
Fully 60% of the prison population consists of non-violent drug offenders. Drug use is just as prevalent among suburban youth, and whites in general, as it is Black youth. The difference is in enforcement. Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drugs because they are more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs, not because they are more likely to use drugs.

Non-violent drug offenders include dealers, and DUIs. Let's face it, if you smoke a joint in the privacy of your home, you don't have much to worry about from the police, whether you are black white or green. The police really don't want to waste their time on that stuff. If you deal it, or drive, or go out in public acting like an ***, you're gonna get popped. I don't doubt that black people in certain neighborhoods get more scrutiny. Still, you can't pretend that the discrepancy is solely due to discrimination. Most of the white kids I knew went to the black neighborhoods to buy their drugs.

That said, maybe this will make you feel better...even the most privileged of the privileged get popped if they're dealing...

This is a lie.
You're wrong.

Fully 60% of the prison population consists of non-violent drug offenders. Drug use is just as prevalent among suburban youth, and whites in general, as it is Black youth. The difference is in enforcement. Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drugs because they are more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs, not because they are more likely to use drugs.
I grew up in the burbs. Whites who do drugs routinely are far less likely to get caught or go to jail for drugs because they are simply not accosted by the police in the way minorities are. But the crime of drug use/possession/sales is RIFE in American suburbs.
Because for the most part we don't go shooting at each other over it.

The problem is that the "crime" you describe is bullshit. Drug use/possession/sales is a bullshit crime and an excuse to incarcerate millions. The drug war has done far more harm in terms of blood, gang warfare, dead cops, and drug associated crime than total legalization ever could have. When was the last time you heard about a whino holding up a gas station so he could get loaded? Almost never happens because booze is cheap and legal. Black markets drive up costs, and make drug users far more dangerous than they need to be.
You get no argument from me there. I'm sure FBP is a big disappointment because He hasn't legalized weed, crack, heroin, and meth. Still, how about if people don't break the law even if they don't agree with it? Novel concept.

But go on living in your "Blacks do all the crime" thought bubble. Seems to be helping your self esteem.
Yinz are doing a far better job of killing blacks than the Klan ever did. But somehow it's still whitey's fault.
The problem is in your house. Go fix it. The path to success is already well defined.
Go stand on the corner in a black neighborhood and tell people to do well in school, graduate, don't have kids until they get married, don't get married until they have a job, and treat each other with respect. Let us know how it works out.
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MT Forged,

You need a license to operate a vehicle on the roadways but you don't need one to walk down the street. The implied consent on the DL is for sobriety tests for DUI the police still need reasonable suspicion to pull you over, or at least they did until SCOTUS nullified the 4th amendment and allowed Check Points. The police should need reasonable suspicion to stop and frisk even in the inner city.


An airport is public and you are not subject to search unless you enter the boarding area or the secure areas. You can walk around inside the terminal to your hearts content otherwise so my point was indeed a valid one.
Pakistanis aren't Arab????
This is a lie. Fully 60% of the prison population consists of non-violent drug offenders. Drug use is just as prevalent among suburban youth, Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drugs because they are more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs, not because they are more likely to use drugs. . Drug use/possession/sales is a bullshit crime and an excuse to incarcerate millions. The drug war has done far more harm in terms of blood, gang warfare, dead cops, and drug associated crime than total legalization ever could have.

But go on living in your "Blacks do all the crime" thought bubble. Seems to be helping your self esteem.

I agree with you on almost all your points SNAP, except like bus says..you don't gotta be paradin' down the middle of main street with your joint stuck behind your ear and there ain't a bunch of street corners in the burbs to hang out on.

. Let's face it, if you smoke a joint in the privacy of your home, you don't have much to worry about from the police, whether you are black white or green. The police really don't want to waste their time on that stuff. If you deal it, or drive, or go out in public acting like an ***, you're gonna get popped. I don't doubt that black people in certain neighborhoods get more scrutiny. Still, you can't pretend that the discrepancy is solely due to discrimination. Most of the white kids I knew went to the black neighborhoods to buy their drugs.

That said, maybe this will make you feel better...even the most privileged of the privileged get popped if they're dealing...

The reality is that cops profile. No other way to put it, no way around it, that's how they operate.

A cop is patrolling in ritzy Montgomery County, in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. A pricey car full of white teenagers stops beside him at a light. The kids see the cruiser and look straight ahead, fixedly, like statues. This isn’t how kids normally act. The cop runs the tags. Stolen, for a joy ride. He is profiling.

A cop sees a scruffy unshaven man driving a new BMW. Nine times out of ten, the car has been stolen. People who buy Beamers do not usually look as if they slept in dumpsters. The cop finds an excuse, which a cop can always do, and pulls him over.

Whites all engage in profiling, chiefly of blacks. If you are white, when was the last time you went at night into the black inner city for dinner? Why?

Whether your profiling is in fact racial is debatable. You are walking down a dimly lit street and hear footsteps behind you. You turn and see three black men in business suits, carrying briefcases. Do you worry? No. If you see three young blacks in hoods, or three Hells Angels with bicycle chains in their hands, you do. Maybe they are very nice Hells Angel's on their way to repair a bicycle, but you play the odds. You are profiling.

That's the reason, tell me..what's the cure ?
Some bullshit arguments here. You bet your *** if my neighborhood got anywhere near as violent as these inner city neighborhoods, the entire street would be all for as much police harassment as it took to clear away the ********.
Your mixing up geography with religion. They can be all Muslim to you, but saying they are all arab is sufficiently stupid.
Your mixing up geography with religion. They can be all Muslim to you, but saying they are all arab is sufficiently stupid.

I really don't give a flying **** what you think, considering your grasp on grammar is tenuous at best....and when a person confuses YOUR with YOU'RE, I automatically tune him out.
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This is an interesting article. A lot of profiling goes on because profiling a neighborhood can get it cleaned up. And your odds of being searched will go up
if you live in higher crime areas. When your neighborhood gets cleaned up, your odds of being harassed go way down. The truth is: honest people that live
in higher crime areas should be the ones most mad at their dishonest neighbors because they are the ones increasing the likelihood the honest folks get'
harassed as well.

I think there probably is too much profiling and incarceration related to non-violent crime, but more profiling in the high violent crime neighborhoods can reduce the harassment
on the honest folks. I think the media spends too much time stirring up the pot, rather than reporting on studies like the attached that highlight what is working. Most probably don't know
this but crime has been steadily dropping for 20 years now.

An airport is public and you are not subject to search unless you enter the boarding area or the secure areas. You can walk around inside the terminal to your hearts content otherwise so my point was indeed a valid one.

So let me get this straight. You agree that you should be subject to search when entering the boarding area in an airport? I assume that is because you believe public safety is at hand.

Do you support the frisking and personal search done at Heinz Field before a game? At an NBA Stadium? At a MLB stadium? It's done for the same reasons.

What about now before marathons? People's rights and safety were violated by the Boston Bombers, were they not? Should we now be doing safety checks of anyone within 2 blocks of the 26 mile marathon route to protect all at hand? How about public schools? Everyone realizes that schools are now potential danger zones. Are you ok with pat downs and metal detectors at the entrance to a school?

When a bomb goes off in the concourse of an airport - or two - do we then, under the veil of public safety, now say that search should occur on the sidewalk before you get close to the airport? Then when bombs start going off in the parking garages at airports, do we have checkpoints on the roads leading up to airports? Are those justified because of public safety?

DUI checkpoints fall under the same guise. As do all checkpoints.

Terrorists are doing this to us, drunks are doing this to us, and as citizens we demand a response and to be safe. And this is what we get to keep us safe. In exchange for our "God given right" of personal safety you reference, we give up personal freedoms.

But back to your comment - "A public street is just that public and a person has an absolute God given right to the security of their person and the right to travel where they will unmolested." Sorry again, but this just is no longer true. As you stated you subject yourself to search at an airport. And as I've pointed out, you subject yourself to search when you enter a ballpark (or a Federal building or a museum or countless other areas). As a driver you subject yourself to random searches because of drunks on the road. And in areas of high drug use, possible search there as well. Or when you enter a school. It's all in the name of public safety. And all of those things are done to provide this "God given right" you speak of that a person be secure.

Your wish - to have people have the security of their person while also being able to freely go wherever they want unmolested work against each other. You no longer can have them both. One must suffer for the gain of the other.
A cop is patrolling in ritzy Montgomery County, in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. A pricey car full of white teenagers stops beside him at a light. The kids see the cruiser and look straight ahead, fixedly, like statues. This isn’t how kids normally act. The cop runs the tags. Stolen, for a joy ride. He is profiling.

Why ya gotta be disrespecting my hood??
Casual observation in my neighborhood tells me that the drug busts are about 50/50 black/white so at least we're not racist. Seem to usually be at the same three rental properties though.
They are all Arabs to me. Middle Easterners=Arabs.

If anyone ever decides to do a term paper on cognitive dissonance or moral relativism, this board would make an excellent thesis piece.

You say silly **** like this, like it's the thing to do, but if someone makes a similar comment about whites we hear a diatribe about how racist it is against white people today.

More to the point: you say racist **** like this and then have the nerve to get offended when someone calls you racist. It's the most bizarre **** I've ever seen.
All my life I thought Pakistani people were Arabs. I didn't know there was a difference. I was taught that the Middle East (with the exception of Israel) was all Arabic. Guess my GA education didn't learn me well.

And it was actually a joke...one that I now didn't go over well. You know how people say "oh you know how all those black people (or Asians or Arabs or whoever) all look alike"? Well, it was a play on that. But I still stand by my previous comment that I seriously had no idea Pakistanis weren't Arabic.
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All my life I thought Pakistani people were Arabs. I didn't know there was a difference. I was taught that the Middle East (with the exception of Israel) was all Arabic. Guess my GA education didn't learn me well.

And it was actually a joke...one that I now didn't go over well. You know how people say "oh you know how all those black people (or Asians or Arabs or whoever) all look alike"? Well, it was a play on that. But I still stand by my previous comment that I seriously had no idea Pakistanis weren't Arabic.

You remind me of my wife's scandalous friends back in Maryland. These white trophy wife broads that swear up and down to anyone who'll listen that they're not interested in Black dudes, but then get pissed at their husbands and cheat on them with the local Black ball players.

In my experience, racism is a conditional thing for women. Women are whatever room they happen to be standing in, and are not particularly attached to their racial views. In that regard, women are better than us: humanity tends to trump prejudice if a personal connection is made.

Men on the other hand tend to be quite tribalist and territorial, holding ethnic grudges for life.
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I never realized all women think the same way and all men think the same way. Thanks for the enlightenment.

Interesting, because I didn't say that. I qualified my statement by saying that women tend to be a certain way in my experience.

But feel free to ignore what I said and take me out of context if it makes you feel better.