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If Biden wins the eleciton

Yes but by then it was well-known that he regularly cheated on his wife.

There wasn’t the Social media aspect to deal with then. The Dems controlled the media, hence the message to the people.
Cooch once again being Captain Obvious. Well it's my fault for clicking on a thread he started I guess.

You are drawn to me like a moth to a flame. But there is a real danger here, that's what the thread is about.
I can't stand Biden or Trump...****.
I can't stand Biden or Trump...****.

How can you not like the eloquence, the verbal panache, of the great Joe Biden "my time"?

“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”

“We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse, no matter what. No matter what. We know what has to be done. We know you have to— you’re tired of hearing the phrase, you got to flatten that curve where it’s going up like this, people getting it, and then it comes down. We got to flatten that curve, and we got to make sure that once, in fact, we have this under control, it doesn’t come back. So we should be focusing on getting all the help necessary in terms of testing, in terms of access to the gear that our first responders, our doctors, our nurses need in treating people.”

"They're on a sense have more Americas than a lot of Americans."

"Am I supposed to say something now?" – Joe Biden asks his wife during a town hall.

“Well they have to deal with the — Look, there is institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved I started dealing with that. Redlining. Banks. Making sure that we’re in a position where — Look, talk about education. I propose that what we take is those very poor schools, the Title 1 schools, triple the amount of money we spend from 15 to 45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise that equal [closes eyes] raise to getting out — the 60-thousand dollar level." [Average teach salary as of 2020 - $60,000 per year]

Confused Biden forgets where he is, talks to a screen

Biden to crowd: "I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts." https://t.co/ZviIoDOqw9

“So they buy more of the farm products. They buy more — they go the drugstore more. They go into the — into the — into the haberdasher more,” Biden said.

Former Vice President Joe Biden was defending his perpetual confusion Sunday on Fox News when he mistakenly referred to host Chris Wallace by the wrong name.

Speaking to an auto worker: “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.” “You’re working for me, man!” the worker said. “I’m not working for you,” Biden said. “Don’t be such a horse’s ***."

“Look, the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know and I can get things done,” Biden responded. “That’s why I’m running. You want to check my shape, let’s do push-ups together. Let’s run. Let’s do whatever you want to do.” Biden also said to the voter, "Listen, fat" and called him a "damn liar."


A confused Biden (hear that a lot, don't we?) forgets he is on camera, walks out of the picture
Awesome find. The Joe Biden Insult Bot.


Some examples:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Take it to the bank, ya cobblestone-crunchin' gravy guzzler</p>— Joe Biden Insult Bot (@BidenInsultBot) <a href="https://twitter.com/BidenInsultBot/status/1245808588561559553?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You just hitched your dinghy to the wrong river boat, ya bellyachin' bucket kicker</p>— Joe Biden Insult Bot (@BidenInsultBot) <a href="https://twitter.com/BidenInsultBot/status/1239352534676000768?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You're hitch-hikin' to Memphis without a bindle, ya dew-droppin' three-eyed hobgoblin</p>— Joe Biden Insult Bot (@BidenInsultBot) <a href="https://twitter.com/BidenInsultBot/status/1241159537526288387?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I'm on record acknowledging that creepy joe is demented.

I'm also from NY and have heard Trump's mindless absurdities for decades.

They're both morons.
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All the crazy leftists HATE Tulsi Gabbert because she is not nearly radical enough.....and she actually makes sense part of the time. They would burn Biden at the stake if he dared have her run with him.

How about Biden/Obama or Biden/Sanders?

I'm telling you that once Biden is elected, COVID-19 will go away, schools will reopen, sports will resume, you can sneeze and you can shake hands again. All will once again be right with the world. If Trump is reelected, the second wave will wash ashore at Christmas and you won't be able to spend time with extended family and Christmas tree lots will be deemed non essential..

Vote Biden/Inanimate Carbon Rod this November...Or else.
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The strength of the hopes held by the dems is in the vote cheating, not any candidate they have or will have.
Biden would be our first president with rather advancing dementia. Because you know,we're all inclusive. He's going to go downhill rather fast over the next 4 years. He is absolutely positively unfit to run the country.

The best person to pull us out of this **** show economically is Trump. No matter how New Yorker type obnoxious he can be. I just ignore the words and look at the actions. That's what matters most. Get **** done and **** political correctness and all of the stupid games
There wasn’t the Social media aspect to deal with then. The Dems controlled the media, hence the message to the people.

Dont forget the "It's a right wing conspiracy" silver bullet. I'm one of the duped former dims that believed that ****. looking back I feel dumb as **** to have fallen for it so many times.
Biden would be our first president with rather advancing dementia. Because you know,we're all inclusive. He's going to go downhill rather fast over the next 4 years. He is absolutely positively unfit to run the country.

The best person to pull us out of this **** show economically is Trump. No matter how New Yorker type obnoxious he can be. I just ignore the words and look at the actions. That's what matters most. Get **** done and **** political correctness and all of the stupid games

I think Regan was showing some sign towards the end of his presidency.
It is what it is. There will be no change in the nominee. Now that Obama and the rest of the democratic party has pretty much endorsed him, unless he has a stroke or gets the virus and dies, he is it.

He represents everything establishment, Washington insiders on the left want. A figurehead that will let them all go back to running the country unelected and unaccounted for while lining their pockets and re-establishing the balance of power back into the "Washington Insiders" and Deep State. The media will imagine they have regained their legitimacy. They will take it very easy on him, feeding the message that everything is back to normal and peachy now that Orange Man is gone. There will be no controversies or major stories. His nominees will all be perfect. And all they will report on is the stonewalling of Senate Republicans. He will govern with executive orders and memorandum just like Obama and not one will care.

The right will cry foul. Fox will do its thing to show the hypocrisy of everyone (but do it in their typical over the top annoying way). A few right-wing fringe internet news outlets will probably be closest to the truth and try to expose the fact Biden is basically doing nothing but in many ways, that's what people want - a do-nothing President.

Personally, it doesn't matter. 4 years of a do-nothing democrat ******* things up isn't going to erase Trump's conservative movement. It has started and all it will take to re-ignite it is a better politician that isn't so stupid about tweeting and lying and self-promotion.

If Biden wins, he will be too feeble in 2024 and there will be a great opportunity for a really, really good Republican Candidate (hello Nikki Haley), which could swing EVERYTHING back to the right again.

I am very confident in Trump's conservative nationalism platform is here to stay. And I am very confident that it is a message that can consistently win at the ballot box given the right candidate. Much more so than Bernie's socialism, Race-baiting democrats or the do-nothing establishment (on both sides).
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It is what it is. There will be no change in the nominee. Now that Obama and the rest of the democratic party has pretty much endorsed him, unless he has a stroke or gets the virus and dies, he is it.

He represents everything establishment, Washington insiders on the left want. A figurehead that will let them all go back to running the country unelected and unaccounted for while lining their pockets and re-establishing the balance of power back into the "Washington Insiders" and Deep State. The media will imagine they have regained their legitimacy. They will take it very easy on him, feeding the message that everything is back to normal and peachy now that Orange Man is gone. There will be no controversies or major stories. His nominees will all be perfect. And all they will report on is the stonewalling of Senate Republicans. He will govern with executive orders and memorandum just like Obama and not one will care.

The right will cry foul. Fox will do its thing to show the hypocrisy of everyone (but do it in their typical over the top annoying way). A few right-wing fringe internet news outlets will probably be closest to the truth and try to expose the fact Biden is basically doing nothing but in many ways, that's what people want - a do-nothing President.

Personally, it doesn't matter. 4 years of a do-nothing democrat ******* things up isn't going to erase Trump's conservative movement. It has started and all it will take to re-ignite it is a better politician that isn't so stupid about tweeting and lying and self-promotion.

If Biden wins, he will be too feeble in 2024 and there will be a great opportunity for a really, really good Republican Candidate (hello Nikki Haley), which could swing EVERYTHING back to the right again.

I am very confident in Trump's conservative nationalism platform is here to stay. And I am very confident that it is a message that can consistently win at the ballot box given the right candidate. Much more so than Bernie's socialism, Race-baiting democrats or the do-nothing establishment (on both sides).

I don’t fear Biden whatsoever. I do fear that Biden victory could have coattails and bring a Democratic Senate. They would not be filibuster proof but still could do a lot of damage. We must keep the Senate. That is where the danger lies.

I think Trump will win.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
It is what it is. There will be no change in the nominee. Now that Obama and the rest of the democratic party has pretty much endorsed him, unless he has a stroke or gets the virus and dies, he is it.

He represents everything establishment, Washington insiders on the left want. A figurehead that will let them all go back to running the country unelected and unaccounted for while lining their pockets and re-establishing the balance of power back into the "Washington Insiders" and Deep State. The media will imagine they have regained their legitimacy. They will take it very easy on him, feeding the message that everything is back to normal and peachy now that Orange Man is gone. There will be no controversies or major stories. His nominees will all be perfect. And all they will report on is the stonewalling of Senate Republicans. He will govern with executive orders and memorandum just like Obama and not one will care.

The right will cry foul. Fox will do its thing to show the hypocrisy of everyone (but do it in their typical over the top annoying way). A few right-wing fringe internet news outlets will probably be closest to the truth and try to expose the fact Biden is basically doing nothing but in many ways, that's what people want - a do-nothing President.

Personally, it doesn't matter. 4 years of a do-nothing democrat ******* things up isn't going to erase Trump's conservative movement. It has started and all it will take to re-ignite it is a better politician that isn't so stupid about tweeting and lying and self-promotion.

If Biden wins, he will be too feeble in 2024 and there will be a great opportunity for a really, really good Republican Candidate (hello Nikki Haley), which could swing EVERYTHING back to the right again.

I am very confident in Trump's conservative nationalism platform is here to stay. And I am very confident that it is a message that can consistently win at the ballot box given the right candidate. Much more so than Bernie's socialism, Race-baiting democrats or the do-nothing establishment (on both sides).

I don’t fear Biden whatsoever. I do fear that Biden victory could have coattails and bring a Democratic Senate. They would not be filibuster proof but still could do a lot of damage. We must keep the Senate. That is where the danger lies.

I think Trump will win.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
I think conservatives are looking pretty good on the senate. I even think win/lose they might win a few spots in the House.

We all know with the electoral college the margin to win the White House is really down to a few states. And in those states we are talking 1-3% of the votes swinging one way or another.

I still think Trump wins. I think once we open things back up to business, things will BOOM forward. I mean even if summer vacations and stay-at-home orders ruin June and July, once kids are back in school and football is back (which I certainly predict will happen) from September to November, the stock market is going to roar. So much so that words like "inflation" will be thrown around.

All I'm saying is that either way, I don't Biden will **** things up until 2022. And even then it will just slow things down to Obama-like economy. Typical democrat policies. Too many cooks in the kitchen. Big government. Deep state. Regulations. All talk no action.

Biden will slow things down to 1-2% growth and blame it all on Republican policies during Trump. It will take a year to happen, but it will happen.

So we just have to hold the fort from about January 2022 under Biden until he would be voted out in November 2024 (then the stock market and economy will take off again).

The thing about a Biden presidency is I really believe it will be do-nothing. He just doesn't have any energy or leadership to make major changes. His entire Presidency will be about turning back Trump policies into Obama policies. And just like how slow it has taken Trump (being sued by every liberal state AG in the country), so it will be for Biden. Every conservative state AG (led by Texas) will sue the Biden administration on every executive order, every memorandum. But what is nice is that those lawsuits will end up (regardless of Biden) in a conservative Supreme Court.

So if we can still philabuster and with a Supreme Court in our favor, Biden's government will be halted into nothing. And he has no willpower to overcome that. In fact, he is such a career politician he will think it is normal.
The smartest thing Biden could do is talk Bill Gates into being his VP and put him in charge of reforming the healthcare system in the United States.
The smartest thing Biden could do is talk Bill Gates into being his VP and put him in charge of reforming the healthcare system in the United States.


the smartest thing Biden could do is to seek treatment for his dementia.

Team Joe ... if you don't know where you are, or how you got there, or where you left your oatmeal. Team Joe, because ... what was I saying?


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