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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Only helping to divide the country even more, which is exactly what they want.

I dont give a rats *** what agenda Tibs and people like him try to push, I know what I have lived through and seen for over 50 years on this planet and race relations was better that it had ever been in my life RIGHT UP TILL 2008....

Why 2008 you ask? Hmmm.
Oh **** you and your marxist ******** movement. You fake pathetic fraud.

No ****. I don't understand why he's even allowed to post his fraudulent nonsense in this forum in the first place. He's admitted multiple times he's simply a troll here to stir discontent and rile people up. Noble ******* cause.
Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign financed by George Soros and spurned on by Lebron James and other *******, entitled millionaire athletes. There is nothing to see here, the whole thing is just manufactured outrage.

Everyone in America is with you guys, the conservative, far-right wingers, who are now 'turning your back' on professional sports in a hissy fit, because your feelings are hurt. As Laura Ingraham said, athletes should just shut up and dribble. They are here to entertain us. How dare they raise their voices and protest social issues plaguing America? Don't they know their place?

Yup, that's the ticket.

Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support protests against racial injustice


63% support Black Lives Matter as recognition of discrimination jumps: POLL

You could miss a point if it was tattooed to your forehead and you looked in the mirror.

Not one link you provided had anything to do at all with the topic - professional athletes and their protests. You posted a bunch of bullshit about Americans views of protests. Not Americans views of athletes protesting via sports.

Apples. Oranges.

People go to the cinema to watch movies. If every movie were preceded by 45 minutes of politics - it doesn’t matter the flavor - people would stop attending the movies.

People tune into sports to watch sports. Politics are being shoved down their throats. They are tuning out.

Lace those shoes tight Komrade and March on in support of your agenda.
Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign financed by George Soros and spurned on by Lebron James and other *******, entitled millionaire athletes. There is nothing to see here, the whole thing is just manufactured outrage.

Everyone in America is with you guys, the conservative, far-right wingers, who are now 'turning your back' on professional sports in a hissy fit, because your feelings are hurt. As Laura Ingraham said, athletes should just shut up and dribble. They are here to entertain us. How dare they raise their voices and protest social issues plaguing America? Don't they know their place?

Yup, that's the ticket.

Amid Protests, Majorities Across Racial and Ethnic Groups Express Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans support protests against racial injustice


63% support Black Lives Matter as recognition of discrimination jumps: POLL

LOL at polls. I'm surprised the polls aren't even higher. They called themselves Black Lives Matter. Unless you are aware that they are a communist organization, of course you will say you agree with that sentiment.

I also wonder when those polls were taken because i have a feeling they are much lower today after more people are becoming aware that they are not what they pretend to be.

Watching sports is a private personal choice. In other words, it's a secret ballot of sorts. Kind of like how Gay Marriage always showed huge support in polls but it lost every single time it was put on a ballot. Even in California.

This is ultimately why liberals hate capitalism. Because it's democratic. People are free to choose what they spend on and liberals hate that. They think they should spend your money for you.

These athletes are being manipulated. They live on social media where they are constantly told (by people who don't watch sports) that this is what America wants from them, being social justice warriors. Things would be much different of there were fans. Let them see empty seats and hear Boos.

This is all empty virtue signaling. Look at how the NBA went back to work when it was about to hurt their paychecks.

You want to impress me? Actually do something in the community. Hey Lebron, why don't you make a video with the police going over what to do when Cops pull you over or interact with you. Or make a video that tells people that having kids out of wedlock is possibly the biggest factor in being poor. You live your own life by conservative values. You are married with kids and worked hard to be successful.

A few months back, some group put out a list of nonsense traits of "white privlege" such as working hard and being on time. You damn well know that is harmful to black people, to tell them that it's fine to be late all the time and working hard is a bad thing. Sentiments like that are more harmful than a few unfortunate poiice interactions per year. And you know it.

Go call all the real issues holding back black Americans and i'll be impressed. Until then, you are just a poser. A virtue signaling fraud trying to monetize race issues.
Yeah, this is just a fake outrage campaign

Yes. Yes it is. Speaking of a fake outrage campaign:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Can we take the gloves off and tell the truth?<br><br>Trump is deliberately killing people. <br><br>He holds rallies where people get infected. On Thursday, no social distancing or masks, sending a clear message that the CDC should be ignored.<br><br>His plan is to kill people. Let's just say it.</p>— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) <a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisMurphyCT/status/1299701890322706432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 29, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My church is still closed and my husband is not allowed to come to any sonograms of our baby but ok <a href="https://t.co/0ylDurGdZg">pic.twitter.com/0ylDurGdZg</a></p>— Madeline Osburn (@madelineorr) <a href="https://twitter.com/madelineorr/status/1299407778696572931?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The America that - for whatever reason or reasons - many of you refuse to see, or acknowledge.

Oh **** you and your marxist ******** movement. You fake pathetic fraud.

Since you're unwilling, or unable, to stay on topic and have an adult conversation, here have a t-shirt. You can use it to wipe your dripping wet vagina.

The America that - for whatever reason or reasons - many of you refuse to see, or acknowledge.


All of that is based on lies and knee jerk reactions not the truth of what happened. Stop putting up memes that are basically outright lies. Don't be part of the I heard this happened so I am going to just go with it. Actually research what happened or else you look like an *** and this meme is a perfect example. I defend you on your right to have an opinion and not get personal bullshit for it but you like so many many others are just causing problems with posting this bullshit.
All of that is based on lies and knee jerk reactions not the truth of what happened. Stop putting up memes that are basically outright lies. Don't be part of the I heard this happened so I am going to just go with it. Actually research what happened or else you look like an *** and this meme is a perfect example. I defend you on your right to have an opinion and not get personal bullshit for it but you like so many many others are just causing problems with posting this bullshit.

I get your drift Lebanon, but what part of the meme is inaccurate? Just curious. From all accounts Rittenhouse walked right by the cops with weapon in hand, even as others were shouting to them that he had just shot multiple people. He was allowed to waltz away, spend the night at home, and was only apprehended the following day. Is that an inaccurate description of what happened?

And we know what happened to Jacob Blake. He wasn't afforded much benefit of the doubt.

Same police force, same town. Two entirely different approaches to 'fighting crime.' I think that's the gist of that meme.
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I'll be honest, I'll probably still watch it, especially when there's nothing else to do. But the excitement and anticipation I used to have for it is gone. It's been waning for a long time now. I don't care if someone wants to kneel for the anthem but this total submersion in racism is boring. George Floyd's death was a terrible thing and I think some things need to change about how policing is done. But acting like anything and everything is about race, and that any actions in the name of protesting racism are ok, has done nothing but dilute the message.
I get your drift Lebanon, but what part of the meme is inaccurate? Just curious. From all accounts Rittenhouse walked right by the cops with weapon in hand, even as others were shouting to them that he had just shot multiple people. He was allowed to waltz away, spend the night at home, and was only apprehended the following day. Is that an inaccurate description of what happened?

And we know what happened to Jacob Blake. He wasn't afforded much benefit of the doubt.

Same police force, same town. Two entirely different approaches to 'fighting crime.' I think that's the gist of that meme.

Completely different situation. Chaotic scene with police rushing to render aid to seriously injured people on the ground vs. cops focused on trying to arrest one guy who has a felony warrant out on him, was violating a protective order and violently resisting them.

But your argument is police saw Rittenhouse and thought "Oh he probably killed someone but he's white, let's let him go."

Is that what you really, truly honestly, think happened? As Sleepy Joe would say, Come on man!
Since you're unwilling, or unable, to stay on topic and have an adult conversation, here have a t-shirt. You can use it to wipe your dripping wet vagina.


I got your dripping vagina right here you ******* ****. I great part of me would like to split your head open and ragdoll you .

So **** you back fraud.
I get your drift Lebanon, but what part of the meme is inaccurate? Just curious. From all accounts Rittenhouse walked right by the cops with weapon in hand, even as others were shouting to them that he had just shot multiple people. He was allowed to waltz away, spend the night at home, and was only apprehended the following day. Is that an inaccurate description of what happened?

And we know what happened to Jacob Blake. He wasn't afforded much benefit of the doubt.

Same police force, same town. Two entirely different approaches to 'fighting crime.' I think that's the gist of that meme.

What benefit of the doubt should Blake have gotten? His girlfriend called the cops on him. He had an outstanding arrest warrant. He had a history of using deadly weapons. He fought cops and was tazered and still kept trying to reach into his car where he had a knife.

Please tell me where benefit of the doubt comes into play.

As for Rittenhouse, he turned himself into cops shortly after the incident and is currently being prosecuted. So what else should have happened to him? You think he should have been shot just to make things fair? The difference is that Rittenhouse surrendered to cops with his hands up. If Rittenhouse had aimed his weapon at cops, he'd be dead right now.
There are certainly soccer athletes in Europe that are kneeling before games.

But it's the COVERAGE of those acts that is completely different. The announcers barely (if ever) mention it during broadcasts. Once the game starts, you never once hear it mentioned. I follow soccer websites:

The Score (basic news coverage) https://www.thescore.com/epl/news

Transfer Market https://www.transfermarkt.com/

Transfer Market Web https://www.transfermarketweb.com/

Find me one article about BLM..... Even most of the major English papers barely mention it. Sure, there are still instances of blatant racism in soccer. Italian fans are notorious for throwing bananas at black athletes. Now THAT is racism. THAT is worth saying is wrong. Not some bogus, trumped up BLM crap that says police are systemical racist.
The America that - for whatever reason or reasons - many of you refuse to see, or acknowledge.


That is arguably the most misleading and false narrative you've ever tried to push here Tibs. You are completely off your rocker if you truly believe the message being portrayed in that picture. Completely, ******* delusional.

It shows me just how out of touch you are with basic facts and circumstances and just how much you WANT a narrative to exist that doesn't. Maybe you want that narrative to exist because you think it helps defeat Trump. That's honestly the only thing I can think of. It certainly isn't to save black lives. It certainly isn't to protect innocent civilians. It certainly isn't because cops are racist.
I get your drift Lebanon, but what part of the meme is inaccurate? Just curious. From all accounts Rittenhouse walked right by the cops with weapon in hand, even as others were shouting to them that he had just shot multiple people. He was allowed to waltz away, spend the night at home, and was only apprehended the following day. Is that an inaccurate description of what happened?

And we know what happened to Jacob Blake. He wasn't afforded much benefit of the doubt.

Same police force, same town. Two entirely different approaches to 'fighting crime.' I think that's the gist of that meme.

Blake was a career criminal who did not listen to the police and was reaching into his car for what we now know were weapons. The fact that he was shot in the back 7 times, well, that's his own damn fault and I absolutely do not feel bad about that. In front of his kids? Nope, don't feel bad about that either. Hopefully they will learn from this and that is what happens when you reach for a weapon when the police tell you to put your hands up but instead they will probably be taught that the police tried to kill daddy because he was black.
I get your drift Lebanon, but what part of the meme is inaccurate? Just curious. From all accounts Rittenhouse walked right by the cops with weapon in hand, even as others were shouting to them that he had just shot multiple people. He was allowed to waltz away, spend the night at home, and was only apprehended the following day. Is that an inaccurate description of what happened?

And we know what happened to Jacob Blake. He wasn't afforded much benefit of the doubt.

Same police force, same town. Two entirely different approaches to 'fighting crime.' I think that's the gist of that meme.

Jacob Blake was given every opportunity to not resist arrest and come peacefully, HE chose to fight, HE chose to have a weapon and not drop it, HE chose to put himself in this situation and HE chose to force the policeman's hand by putting him in a situation where he had to act with deadly force.

The kid shot in self defense immediately called 911 was attacked again ran and again shot in self defense. He tried to turn himself into the police and was not threatening them with his weapon. That is the difference.

Now we can have a legitimate debate on whether he should have been there or not just as we can say those he shot shouldn't have been there and have attacked him.

The approaches were no different the situations were entirely different and there is no legitimate way to try and draw any parallels.
As for Rittenhouse, he turned himself into cops shortly after the incident and is currently being prosecuted.

Well, that's one way to phrase it.

In the aftermath of the shootings, Rittenhouse walked right by the cops, brandishing his weapon, as people where yelling that he had just shot several people. The cops simply ignored him, sooooo..... he went home. The police arrested him the following day.

Following this incident, Mr Rittenhouse approaches police vehicles with his arms in the air, his weapon slung across his chest.

A bystander calls out that the teenager "just shot" people, but the police vehicles pass by to attend to the injured protesters.

Rittenhouse was taken into custody on Wednesday in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois, about 15 miles (25 kilometers) from Kenosha.

Reminds me of the church shootings a few years ago, where cops brought mass murderer Dylan Roof lunch from friggin' Burger King after his arrest.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.
Well, that's one way to phrase it.

In the aftermath of the shootings, Rittenhouse walked right by the cops, brandishing his weapon, as people where yelling that he had just shot several people. The cops simply ignored him, sooooo..... he went home. The police arrested him the following day.

Reminds me of the church shootings a few years ago, where cops brought mass murderer Dylan Roof lunch from friggin' Burger King after his arrest.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.

Cops were clearly ordered to just observe, evidenced by the fact that they just sat there while there were shots fired. That's the real problem here. Cops being ordered to stand down so citizens have to take the law into their own hands. That's what's dangerous.

And again, the kid didn't fight cops so he didn't get shot. Pretty simple concept. And he was arrested unlike most rioters.
Completely different situation. Chaotic scene with police rushing to render aid to seriously injured people on the ground vs. cops focused on trying to arrest one guy who has a felony warrant out on him, was violating a protective order and violently resisting them.

But your argument is police saw Rittenhouse and thought "Oh he probably killed someone but he's white, let's let him go."

Is that what you really, truly honestly, think happened? As Sleepy Joe would say, Come on man!

Don’t forget Tibs is that ******* stupid now that he has full blown TDS.
I got your dripping vagina right here you ******* ****. I great part of me would like to split your head open and ragdoll you. So **** you back fraud.

That's the spirit.

See what happens when you come at people like a ******* loser dirtbag? You get that **** shoveled right back in your face. You have no business being on a messageboard, with your threats of violence. I'm surprised you haven't been banned already. You think it's cool to threaten people like that? You think there aren't ramifications for doing so?

You simply cannot deal with differing opinons and viewpoints. That's your problem, not mine. A public messageboard like this - particularly here on the political side - exists to have open discussions and debate. At least that's the idea for functioning adults. Your brain short-circuits and your 'roid rage kicks in, for all the world to see.

I read so much bullshit on here that I don't agree with, but I don't sit here raging at my keyboard ready to go after people. You really ought to reconsider your life choices, as your treading on dangerous territory. Hope it all works out for you, whatever it is your dealing with.
I am considering my options. I know for a fact I'm not watching a non Steeler game any more....of course I didn't really watch any last year either. I am now leaning towards not watching Steeler games either. We'll see what happens. .

Last three years the only regular season games Ive watched are those with our boys (oh **** that was racist) and the Clowns, Rats, Bungles.....and those cheating *** ***** from NE.
Well, that's one way to phrase it.

In the aftermath of the shootings, Rittenhouse walked right by the cops, brandishing his weapon, as people where yelling that he had just shot several people. The cops simply ignored him, sooooo..... he went home. The police arrested him the following day.

Reminds me of the church shootings a few years ago, where cops brought mass murderer Dylan Roof lunch from friggin' Burger King after his arrest.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.

Wow you miss the whole and most important point Tibs, let me correct a sentence of yours.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals react differently and put themselves in untenable situations forcing the cops hands, that's all that I'm saying.

These are not the same situations Tibs, what makes them different is the reactions of those being arrested and you continually ignore that major difference. Time to post Chris Rock again.
Not sure why anyone takes Tibs seriously, he's only here for entertainment value and always good for a laugh.

Enjoy him now, because in 66 days he will likely disappear for a very long time. Carry on.
Wow you miss the whole and most important point Tibs, let me correct a sentence of yours.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals react differently and put themselves in untenable situations forcing the cops hands, that's all that I'm saying.

These are not the same situations Tibs, what makes them different is the reactions of those being arrested and you continually ignore that major difference. Time to post Chris Rock again.

They aren't polite, because they know they can get away with it........................................................most of the time.