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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Cops were clearly ordered to just observe, evidenced by the fact that they just sat there while there were shots fired. That's the real problem here.

Yep, 100%. And here's your proof:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kenosha PD have a lot of explaining to do <br><br>One of the guys with Kyle Rittenhouse said the police told them they would push the rioters to them<br><br>They set these kids up <a href="https://t.co/ocybE7iGzK">https://t.co/ocybE7iGzK</a></p>— Tim Pool (@Timcast) <a href="https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1300143461186887680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
You can call me a liar all you want, if it makes you feel better.

You're called a liar because...you lie. If you aren't doing the lying, you're spreading it.

Blake was shot multiple times for resisting arrest and for maybe, possibly, potentially reaching for a weapon,

See the post above. You're a liar. It's already been reported by the police that there was a weapon in the car. You try to change the facts, saying there "MAY" have been a weapon.

You're a liar. If you're not intentionally trying to distort the truth here, then you are simply ignorant.
You're called a liar because...you lie. If you aren't doing the lying, you're spreading it.

See the post above. You're a liar. It's already been reported by the police that there was a weapon in the car. You try to change the facts, saying there "MAY" have been a weapon.

You're a liar. If you're not intentionally trying to distort the truth here, then you are simply ignorant.

Don't worry. All here saw that capital MAY exactly the way he intended. He is saying the cops planted evidence and that the DA's office is complicit in a coverup. That's EXACTLY what he meant when he capitalized that MAY in his sentence.

Tibs, you're an ******* and don't for one ******* minute deny that's exactly what you meant to imply when you typed that you ************.
Tibs, you're an ******* and don't for one ******* minute deny that's exactly what you meant to imply when you typed that you ************.

People say that Tibs was all fine and well before Mango Mussolini took office, but in all my interactions with him or observing him in the way he talks to others, he's been nothing but a self-righteous, smug little ******* who just likes to rile people up. It likely makes him feel better because he's miserable about the President of a country he doesn't even live in.

I think it's about time we stopped feeding the troll and let him eventually die off. Especially during this insane & downright criminal time in our nation's history. He's just going to bait someone else into losing their **** because that's what trolls do.
The nfl is dead to me. That includes the Steelers.

It started with the 'hands up, don't shoot' BS the Rams did coming out of the tunnel. That was it for me for 15. Then all the kneeling and disrespect. Didn't watch a game in 16. Lurked a little but didn't watch a game in 17, 18 or 19... except SBs - family forced me to watch. I'm not one of those idiots that burned their regalia - that's just stupid. But it's all in boxes. I don't care. The league can go to hell. Actually, it is.

What really frosts me is the hyper-indulged, dim witted, smug ******** calling fans, 75+% of whom are white 'racist'. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! It isn't possible for a fan of a league comprised of 75+% black children to be racist.

The good news is that after the stupor of this BS wears off you realize how infantile and utterly meaningless it all is. Its a colossal waste of time and expense for something that hasn't been entertaining for more than a decade. The left destroys everything it touches.
Vincent, good to see you back around and well (or as well as can be right now) sir. I used to try to give the benefit of the doubt, but it's become increasingly clear that the left not only destroys everything it touches, but they're downright (and now blatantly/openly) criminal.
People say that Tibs was all fine and well before Mango Mussolini took office, but in all my interactions with him or observing him in the way he talks to others, he's been nothing but a self-righteous, smug little ******* who just likes to rile people up. It likely makes him feel better because he's miserable about the President of a country he doesn't even live in.

I think it's about time we stopped feeding the troll and let him eventually die off. Especially during this insane & downright criminal time in our nation's history. He's just going to bait someone else into losing their **** because that's what trolls do.

Don't really care about him. He's a turd. Proved that years ago. He's about as bothersome as a cloudy day. Doesn't mean I won't cuss him out. Probably thinks I'm some mouth breathing knuckle dragger..haha.

Just a guy who hates commie lefto wingnuts. I'd never actually lose my **** on here. My demeanor in real life is calm in the biggest storms.

I am peaceful, but not harmless
Being capable of great violence doesn't mean you are violent.
Just a guy who hates commie lefto wingnuts. I'd never actually lose my **** on here. My demeanor in real life is calm in the biggest storms.

I am peaceful, but not harmless
Being capable of great violence doesn't mean you are violent.

From our interactions on here, I never got a single hint you were anything but a damn nice and level-headed guy (especially with all the exercise advice you've given me).

I guess I implied you lost your **** (wasn't really my intention though). And I don't doubt a word you say (or have really ever said on here). Christ, I can't get through one post without using multiple parentheses, lol.
Italian Soccer Shows Its Support For Black Lives Matter Movement

Italy's AS Roma adds 'Black Lives Matter' badge to players' shirts

Juventus and AC Milan players wear 'Black Lives Matter' and 'No Racism' shirts before Coppa Italia tie

Real Madrid star Kroos expects and supports Black Lives Matter protests when La Liga resumes

Funny how people around the world understand both the BLM and Covid phenomena and see them for what they are. Everyone that is, outside the narrow-minded base of right-wingers in America, who constantly see massive conspiracies and ill-will behind basically anything and everything taking place. It must be tough being part of such a small minority of group-thinkers. No wonder they call the Trump base a cult.

This board is the perfect petri dish to observe this type of unhinged right-wing, Qanon-fueled sentiment. The hard-core Trump base, blinded by a never-ending faith in Trump, that he will somehow save the aging, white Christian conservative population from imminent demise.

The paranoia and fear on this board is palpable.

Tibs you ignorant slut.

Nobody here thinks police brutality is okay or that black people should be shot out of hand by police. We simply reject the rioting as a form of protest and discourse and we despise the Burn Loot Murder movement and what it really is an attempted Marxist uprising.
Don't worry. All here saw that capital MAY exactly the way he intended. He is saying the cops planted evidence and that the DA's office is complicit in a coverup. That's EXACTLY what he meant when he capitalized that MAY in his sentence.

Tibs, you're an ******* and don't for one ******* minute deny that's exactly what you meant to imply when you typed that you ************.


I always considered you one of the more rational posters here. Looks like you caught the bug, the red pill bug, along with the rest of the loonies.

You couldn't be more wrong and off-base. Of course I didn't and wouldn't suggest cops or the DA's office would plant evidence. What planet are you on?

I wrote what I wrote, that he was shot seven times as he was resisting arrest, while reaching into his car.

And I didn't capitalize the word "MAY' in my post, TimSteelersfan did in his. So you got that wildly wrong, you ******* ************. < Since that's the way you prefer to call others, I'll return the favor.

Hope you can return to being your normal, rational self, at some point.
And I didn't capitalize the word "MAY' in my post, TimSteelersfan did in his. So you got that wildly wrong, you ******* ************. < Since that's the way you prefer to call others, I'll return the favor.

But you wrote it. You lying liar. You have been presented the fact that a weapon was IN the car. But you say there "may" have been.

The good news is that after the stupor of this BS wears off you realize how infantile and utterly meaningless it all is. Its a colossal waste of time and expense for something that hasn't been entertaining for more than a decade. The left destroys everything it touches.

Good to know you are well there Vinny....'prophetic like' words of wisdom as usual.

But you wrote it. You lying liar. You have been presented the fact that a weapon was IN the car. But you say there "may" have been.


I took May as Tibs not implying a weapon was planted but That the cops at that point did not know there was a weapon in the car. He’s still wrong because he seems to be saying that after wrestling and tazing a guy and drawing your weapons on him and he lunges for his car, the cops should have waited for him to grab the mystery item in his car and to potentially get shot.
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They should have shot him before he walked around to the car door.
God what a great feeling. I just called AT&T (DirecTV) and cancelled The Sunday Ticket.


I was just looking at doing the same but I’m torn. The small print says that you have until sept 27 to cancel and not be charged. So you can get the first 2 weeks free. You would get a refund if they had already charged you on the auto renewal.

So I’m torn. I’m not paying a cent for it this year. That’s given. I can cancel now online. That would be easiest. But I’d kind of like the satisfaction of talking to somebody so they know why I’m cancelling. Then there’s the prospect of sticking it to them by taking 2 weeks free. But I’d like to see their ratings tank so I’m not sure I want to watch redzone anyway. My plan is to only watch on antenna where possible. I may watch the steelers on satellite as the lone exception.
I removed the ESPN app from roku last week. The best part was that it then asked for feedback as to why you are deleting the app. One of the choices was "this content is offensive".
I was just looking at doing the same but I’m torn. The small print says that you have until sept 27 to cancel and not be charged. So you can get the first 2 weeks free. You would get a refund if they had already charged you on the auto renewal.

So I’m torn. I’m not paying a cent for it this year. That’s given. I can cancel now online. That would be easiest. But I’d kind of like the satisfaction of talking to somebody so they know why I’m cancelling. Then there’s the prospect of sticking it to them by taking 2 weeks free. But I’d like to see their ratings tank so I’m not sure I want to watch redzone anyway. My plan is to only watch on antenna where possible. I may watch the steelers on satellite as the lone exception.

I had the satisfaction you speak of. I was asked (by an African American) "So you are just not watching football this year?" (that was a bad leading question, but anyway). I said bingo. No more interest in watching this NFL. Nothing else was said, I figured best let it go. They are getting thousands of calls per day I'm sure.

My kids are pissed. Oh well.
I had the satisfaction you speak of. I was asked (by an African American) "So you are just not watching football this year?" (that was a bad leading question, but anyway). I said bingo. No more interest in watching this NFL. Nothing else was said, I figured best let it go. They are getting thousands of calls per day I'm sure.

My kids are pissed. Oh well.

I've been following Sarge's advice and streaming the Steelers games for free on Reddit. The NFL doesn't get a dime.
I've been following Sarge's advice and streaming the Steelers games for free on Reddit. The NFL doesn't get a dime.

I'm following the advice of a 7'4" tall neanderthal resident of this board and getting a Firestick and trying another streaming service for $22/month
I've been following Sarge's advice and streaming the Steelers games for free on Reddit. The NFL doesn't get a dime.

Canceled the ticket about 5 years ago and I doubt I've missed a handful of Steeler games.

Between the national games, the Harrisburg station and streaming to the big screen, it isn't hard to find the game.
You could miss a point if it was tattooed to your forehead and you looked in the mirror.

Tibs would conclude the tattoo was not a message, since it reads, "kcufdumb." "Pffft, that's not even a word."

Not one link you provided had anything to do at all with the topic - professional athletes and their protests. You posted a bunch of bullshit about Americans views of protests. Not Americans views of athletes protesting via sports.

Apples. Oranges.

Not only that, those poll results are quite old, well before the endless violence, burning, looting, murders, etc. that are the modern (D)im party. Today? Funny how Sleepy Hiden Biden and kneepads have just now announced they are against burning, looting, etc. Just now.

Wonder why.
here's why the NFL should care about what they are doing...

All of us grew up watching the NFL. Either our parents or older relatives would take us to a game. Or, we'd manage to get into a game as we got older. Regardless, it was a staple of our lives as we grew up. We idolized the guys on the field. Mean Joe, Jack Lambert, Bradshaw, Swann, etc, etc. As we have gotten older, we're seeing that the league itself has changed. We're seeing more politics injected everywhere we turn, and the one relief we had - entertainment - has begun to get more and more and more politicized. To the point, as shown above, some are even going as far as to not watch anymore. While the ramifications of that 1-2 people cancelling a subscription are low, there's an aspect that is not acknowledged. That of those people's kids having less access to NFL games. That will affect the NFL in the future - potentially when all the older team owners and coaches are dead or retired. Less people watching will equate to less revenue. Add in the fact that more and more kids/children are becoming more and more recluse, playing more games online and getting out less (backed by the fact that this country leads all others in obesity), is just the feather drifting downard onto the camel's back.

All that said ...

it's amazing that there's such an outcry in faux outrage over Kyle Rambo taking out three white guys with the same number of shots. Three shots, three down. No collateral casualties. Arrested and facing charges. Regardless of how you feel about what he did, those are the facts. Yet we're told that when a black guy walks out into the street and shoots a goddamn toddler in the head at point blank range, is immediately arrested and there's very, very little media coverage, it's because the guy was arrested and is facing charges.

I'm on record as saying what Kyle Rittenhouse did was pretty ******* stupid - considering his age. Sure, I can understand why he did it, but it was still stupid.Yet he was out-stupided by those three ********* who chased him down for ALLEGEDLY shooting someone prior. Three grown idiots in a crowd of grown idiots chasing down a teenager with an AR-15.

Still lost in all this is the ratio of pedo-wifebeater-felon of whom Kyle shot. 3:3, I believe. Not the best of the best, but sure does lead to questioning the legal background of those involved in the peaceful fiery riots.