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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Not sure why anyone takes Tibs seriously, he's only here for entertainment value and always good for a laugh.

Enjoy him now, because in 66 days he will likely disappear for a very long time. Carry on.

He is quite tolerable in the football forum. It is only over politics we don't get along.
Reminds me of the church shootings a few years ago, where cops brought mass murderer Dylan Roof lunch from friggin' Burger King after his arrest.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.

OMG Tibs. Roof hadn't eaten in numerous days. By law withholding food while interrogating someone could make the interrogation invalid. Do you know for a fact that no black suspect was ever provided by the police with fast food? Do you really believe the police had some special fondness for a mass murderer because he was white and that's why they bought him Burger King? DO YOU ACTUALLY ******* BELIEVE THAT? You know you don't. Using some stupid occurrence like this as evidence of racism makes you nothing but dishonest.
It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.
Observation tells me that blacks are more likely to resist arrest than whites.
Everyone would be better served if black pro athletes instead of going on strike were to do something really radical like suggest that maybe 1) black folks obey the law and not commit crimes and 2) do what the police tell you to do.
But end this bullshit that we need less laws and less law enforcement because a disproportionate number of minorities are arrested. No, the problem is that minorities commit a disproportionate amount of crime.
Everyone would be better served if black pro athletes instead of going on strike were to do something really radical like suggest that maybe 1) black folks obey the law and not commit crimes and 2) do what the police tell you to do.

Yep. Do they actually care about black lives? Doesn't seem like it, because they could save many by promoting three words: "Don't resist arrest".
Yep. Do they actually care about black lives? Doesn't seem like it, because they could save many by promoting three words: "Don't resist arrest".

A one-year-old black infant was killed by stray gunfire on the North Side this week. I'm not seeing any protests so far.
Not sure why anyone takes Tibs seriously, he's only here for entertainment value and always good for a laugh.

Enjoy him now, because in 66 days he will likely disappear for a very long time. Carry on.

And don't waste so much energy engaging him and asking him to answer honest questions, because as we've seen time and time again, it's not going to happen. If you get along with him so well in the football form, well, engage with him there.

Just a thought. Not trying to tell anybody what to do, but this is like groundhog day dealing with Tibs.
A one-year-old black infant was killed by stray gunfire on the North Side this week. I'm not seeing any protests so far.

Jesus. These poor families are just getting devastated left and right.
Jesus. These poor families are just getting devastated left and right.

Considering this neighborhood, the baby was almost certainly shot by another black person, albeit accidentally, so there is little or no outrage. As we see, black lives really only matter when they are ended by the police and/or a white person. I just hate the hypocrisy.
Considering this neighborhood, the baby was almost certainly shot by another black person, albeit accidentally, so there is little or no outrage. As we see, black lives really only matter when they are ended by the police and/or a white person. I just hate the hypocrisy.

What's worse is the media doesn't even try to hide the hypocrisy and the sheep just follow. It's like no one dies in this country anymore other than young black males at the hands of the police.

I'm really hoping the public isn't that gullible, but I have my doubts.
Well, that's one way to phrase it.

In the aftermath of the shootings, Rittenhouse walked right by the cops, brandishing his weapon, as people where yelling that he had just shot several people. The cops simply ignored him, sooooo..... he went home. The police arrested him the following day.

Reminds me of the church shootings a few years ago, where cops brought mass murderer Dylan Roof lunch from friggin' Burger King after his arrest.

It seems to me, time after time, white & black criminals are treated differently, that's all that I'm saying. In a Constitutional Republic, in the most advanced democracy on the planet with equal justice for all, that is a problem.

You are an unabashed, unrepentant liar.
That's the spirit.

See what happens when you come at people like a ******* loser dirtbag? You get that **** shoveled right back in your face. You have no business being on a messageboard, with your threats of violence. I'm surprised you haven't been banned already. You think it's cool to threaten people like that? You think there aren't ramifications for doing so?

You simply cannot deal with differing opinons and viewpoints. That's your problem, not mine. A public messageboard like this - particularly here on the political side - exists to have open discussions and debate. At least that's the idea for functioning adults. Your brain short-circuits and your 'roid rage kicks in, for all the world to see.

I read so much bullshit on here that I don't agree with, but I don't sit here raging at my keyboard ready to go after people. You really ought to reconsider your life choices, as your treading on dangerous territory. Hope it all works out for you, whatever it is your dealing with.

But you sure enjoy the **** out of inciting people with lies. I don't endorse threatening violence on anyone. But let's be completely honest here....it's what you want. It's your whole entire purpose for being here. To be a hateful troll who spreads lies gleefully to see how pissed off you can get people. We are about 5 minutes from an all out civil war in this country with groups of people shooting each other down in the streets.......and the people who share your ideology are the reason why. It's what they want and admit it openly. Burn it all down right Comrade?
You are an unabashed, unrepentant liar.

And talk about a cold-blooded murder, a Trump supporter was shot point blank last night in Portland. Then Antifa celebrated the murder.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Send in the National Guard to Portland. The city is out control as Antifa celebrates the murder of a Trump supporter. <a href="https://t.co/9rJjBlwL1s">pic.twitter.com/9rJjBlwL1s</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1300019042732761089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
And talk about a cold-blooded murder, a Trump supporter was shot point blank last night in Portland. Then Antifa celebrated the murder.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Send in the National Guard to Portland. The city is out control as Antifa celebrates the murder of a Trump supporter. <a href="https://t.co/9rJjBlwL1s">pic.twitter.com/9rJjBlwL1s</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1300019042732761089?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This might be the beginning of war......at least in Portland. How do you think the rest of the pro Trump group in that area is going to respond after one of their own was shot in cold blood as opposed to rioters and criminals who the media falsely claims are murdered in cold blood? This may turn into a shooting gallery.
It's out of control.

Video of the shooting apparently:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It sounds like someone is shouting, “We got a Trumper right here” just before the shots are fired and the man is killed. <a href="https://t.co/MMCnp5iwtj">pic.twitter.com/MMCnp5iwtj</a></p>— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1299983990351257600?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Not to mention they all celebrated after he got killed and were yelling we got a Fascist!
Not to mention they all celebrated after he got killed and were yelling we got a Fascist!

I deleted it because it's not in the right thread and I don't know if people want to see/hear the shots fired, but this our reality now and something needs done already. This is going to turn into a shooting gallery like you mentioned.
Cops were clearly ordered to just observe, evidenced by the fact that they just sat there while there were shots fired. That's the real problem here. Cops being ordered to stand down so citizens have to take the law into their own hands. That's what's dangerous.

And again, the kid didn't fight cops so he didn't get shot. Pretty simple concept. And he was arrested unlike most rioters.

And that's exactly what many of us EXCEPT Tibs have been demanding from the beginning. For cops to get involved and stop these riots IMMEDIATELY before they get the mob head-of-steam that is impossible stop (and where very bad things happen).

Tibs, you have been implying ANY use of Police force to quell violence is somehow wrong. You might not say it that clearly, but every meme you post, every link you provide shows you are on all the side of "lenience" and "hands off" approach to these mobs. You've even implied that police being there exacerbates the problem.

Now you use this same hands-off approach you and your ilk have demanded as yet ANOTHER example of racism. We are literally damned if we do and damned if we don't in your eyes on EVERYTHING. It is exhausting and boring.

We have seen this from you since 2016. You complain about EVERYTHING Trump does. And by definition you then complain about everything any right-wing conservative that supports Trump does.

We've been screaming here for WEEKS this type of violence was going to happen. Telling you if was inevitable. Then it happens and you STILL blame police and conservative and make is about race.

When, oh when, is the RESPONSIBILITY of violence finally going to be on the criminal to you? On criminal acts. On resisting arrest (which is a CRIME for a reason). You fail to blame the real cause of these acts TIME AND TIME again. You only see what you want to see. You only seen what the ******* media is telling you.

Wake the **** up.
You are an unabashed, unrepentant liar.
But you sure enjoy the **** out of inciting people with lies.

You can call me a liar all you want, if it makes you feel better. That doesn't change the facts in this case one iota. Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times while Rittenhouse was allowed to casually walk away from a crime scene were he had just killed two people. Again, hate and mock me all you want, those are the facts.

Do you know who throws around lies on the board? Anyone who calls me a 'komrade' suggesting I'm a communist symphatizer, or whatever that's supposed to mean. You won't find a bigger free market capitalist on the board, as I've spend the better part of the last three decades managing companies, including multiple start-ups. creating hundreds of jobs along the way. The fact I'm a liberal-leaning conservative is a long ways off from being the type of leftist many here try to label me as. But who gives a ****? Those lies are perfectly acceptable to the majority on the board. Such is life.

Tibs, you have been implying ANY use of Police force to quell violence is somehow wrong.

Sorry del, gotta call bullshit on this. I haven't suggested anywhere cops should be more lenient against criminals, looters, violent protestors, etc. I have raised my voice against police brutality and the excessive use of force, particularly as it's affected minorities. I think we should expect police everywhere to be even-handed and fair with all citizens, regardless of their race, or standing in society. I have never suggested cops 'stand down,' or police departments get defunded, or anything along those lines. In fact, police need to step up and keep the peace equally, against both left and right-wing extremists, who are increasingly out of control in cities around the country.
You can call me a liar all you want, if it makes you feel better. That doesn't change the facts in this case one iota. Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times while Rittenhouse was allowed to casually walk away from a crime scene were he had just killed two people. Again, hate and mock me all you want, those are the facts.

Do you know who throws around lies on the board? Anyone who calls me a 'komrade' suggesting I'm a communist symphatizer, or whatever that's supposed to mean. You won't find a bigger free market capitalist on the board, as I've spend the better part of the last three decades managing companies, including multiple start-ups. creating hundreds of jobs along the way. The fact I'm a liberal-leaning conservative is a long ways off from being the type of leftist many here try to label me as. But who gives a ****? Those lies are perfectly acceptable to the majority on the board. Such is life.

Sorry del, gotta call bullshit on this. I haven't suggested anywhere cops should be more lenient against criminals, looters, violent protestors, etc. I have raised my voice against police brutality and the excessive use of force, particularly as it's affected minorities. I think we should expect police everywhere to be even-handed and fair with all citizens, regardless of their race, or standing in society. I have never suggested cops 'stand down,' or police departments get defunded, or anything along those lines. In fact, police need to step up and keep the peace equally, against both left and right-wing extremists, who are increasingly out of control in cities around the country.

Again the two cases are entirely different and not comparable in any way. It is a false argument entirely.
Again the two cases are entirely different and not comparable in any way. It is a false argument entirely.

You are correct, but not in the way you think. Blake was shot multiple times for resisting arrest and for maybe, possibly, potentially reaching for a weapon, while Rittenhouse shot and killed two people point blank and injuring a third, and was allowed to waltz away. Mind you, police were seen grab-assing and lolly-gagging earlier in the protest with Rittenhouse and the other Patriot gun nuts, no wonder they let him walk right by after the shooting took place.
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You are correct, but not in the way you think. Blake was shot multiple times for resisting arrest and for maybe, possibly, potentially reaching for a weapon,
Not exactly. There was a knife and a gun in his car. Regardless, he kept going for his car and reached into it when the police told him to stop.

while Rittenhouse shot and killed two people point blank and injuring a third, and was allowed to waltz away. Mind you, police were seen grab-assing and lolly-gagging earlier in the protest with Rittenhouse and the other Patriot gun nuts, no wonder they let him walk right by after the shooting took place.
Rittenhouse was running away and was chased and they started beating on him, one with a skateboard and the other two had guns. You want to chase someone who is obviously carrying a large gun then getting shot is a chance you take. But hey, these are the people who don't want the police around.
You are correct, but not in the way you think. Blake was shot multiple times for resisting arrest and for maybe, possibly, potentially reaching for a weapon, while Rittenhouse shot and killed two people point blank and injuring a third, and was allowed to waltz away. Mind you, police were seen grab-assing and lolly-gagging earlier in the protest with Rittenhouse and the other Patriot gun nuts, no wonder they let him walk right by after the shooting took place.

After assisting mortally wounded people, police investigated, figured out who the shooter was and where he lived and arrested him the next day.

If they were so dead set on giving him a pass for his whiteness why is he currently in jail on charges of intentional homicide? Did they forget he's white?

Unlike others here I really don't think you actually are dumb enough to believe that police knew he shot three people and purposely let him go because he's white. You're just being extremely dishonest and your dishonest attempts to portray police officers as that racist and that evil are abhorrent.
You can call me a liar all you want, if it makes you feel better. That doesn't change the facts in this case one iota. Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times while diving into his vehicle to grab something which could have very possibly been a weapon

I went ahead and put in the part that you would have added if you weren't a liar. But you are. Keep in inciting, maybe you people can start a big old race war and wipe out America just as intended. Go Comrades!

Rittenhouse called the cops on himself liar...AFTER he shot someone IN THE MOB who was chasing him and heard shots fired from behind him.....one of his attackers was also armed. After he got hit in the head with a skateboard. He shot another person who kicked him in the head while he was on his back liar.

Liars used to get away with it a lot more before everyone had cell phones and can provide evidence that you and your liar media pretend never happened.
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I went ahead and put in the part that you would have added if you weren't a liar. But you are. Keep in inciting, maybe you people can start a big old race war and wipe out America just as intended. Go Comrades!

Rittenhouse called the cops on himself liar...AFTER he shot someone IN THE MOB who was chasing him and heard shots fired from behind him.....one of his attackers was also armed. After he got hit in the head with a skateboard. He shot another person who kicked him in the head while he was on his back liar.

Liars used to get away with it a lot more before everyone had cell phones and can provide evidence that you and your liar media pretend never happened.

He already had a weapon in his hand and was told to drop it. THAT changes the entire narrative and unlike the Kid he was actively resisting arrest and had known warrants. Again they are totally different situations.