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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Technically, it has nothing to do with 1st Amendment rights, since they are employees of the NFL at the time of their "protest" and employers certainly have the right to restrict certain rights while "on the job".

That's like saying, I'm just exercising my right to bare arms if I carry around a long gun while being a cashier at Walmart. Certainly, you agree Tibs, that Walmart has the right as an employer to say employees can't bring guns to work, correct? Or is that NOT okay with you and why?

So please stop saying this is a constitutional right of free speech. It is not and would not hold up to legal scrutiny.

This is a BARGAINED labor/management right at this point. The NFL and the players have decided, in concert and agreement, to allow a certain amount of political speech into the game. This is reflected in anthem protests and wearing phrases/names on uniforms. It has NOTHING to do with the Constitution.

So we will see if this labor agreement benefits the league or not in the long run. I certainly think it won't. And I doubt it will significantly impact any BLM platform or position. In fact, the more the REAL motives and desires of BLM is exposed and expressed intelligently, the more most American's don't agree with them.
it should also be addressed that the vast majority of the funding for these stadiums the NFL teams play in are financed via taxpayers.

Those are the very same people that are being told they are racist for not supporting "x". The very same people who are told they are racist for not supporting "y". The very same people who are told they are racist for not supporting "z".
it should also be addressed that the vast majority of the funding for these stadiums the NFL teams play in are financed via taxpayers.

Those are the very same people that are being told they are racist for not supporting "x". The very same people who are told they are racist for not supporting "y". The very same people who are told they are racist for not supporting "z".

Also a majority of those who can't attend because of the flu are the local taxpayers. A majority of which would have let the public know about their thoughts on the whole matter if allowed to attend. As always is the case these days, the narrative is manipulated.
I crack up at the first Ammendment rights line. That **** doesn't fly at work. Yeah go to your job and protest anything that pisses your customers off,causing them to lose a lot of money. You'll get fired. It doesn't matter if you make 10 bucks an hours or 50 million a year.

Hell they're terminating all kinds of people for just posting **** on Twitter from years ago.

This is a battle the NFL will lose. Just couldn't leave **** alone. Nobody just had to **** up sports entertainment.

The only message fans want is ******* football. Not this other highly divisive horseshit. The rest of pro sports can go to hell as well.

The people who they put up as heros and martyrs are just hideous. They're actually poster children for ,hey kids,don't end up like this complete **** up,stop killing each other,stop stealing,stop dealing drugs, stop gang banging. Get your head out of your ***.

The only racism I see now is coming from the leftists who have used it to manipulate the minority votes for 50 years all while pushing to kill as many black babies as they can for population control
The way I look at it, the NFL is a business, and I am the customer. If I decide to take my business elsewhere, does not make me a crybaby. Making this a First Amendment issue is pathetic. Let these guys protest on their own time.
The only message fans want is ******* football. Not this other highly divisive horseshit.

What highly divisive horseshit?

Shocking, Tibs doesn't believe Tim is entitled to an opinion, unless he agrees with him.

"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view."

- William F. Buckley, Jr.
"What yells out at the US public is the incandescent hypocrisy of so many people who, in the name of free speech, persecute its practitioners if their opinions are conservative."

- William F. Buckley, Jr.
What highly divisive horseshit?


What planet have you been on the last few years? The fans are over all of this crap. NFL,NBA,MLB and the NHL are really just hammering away at everyone. It's overkill to the point that people will just turn it off and walk away.

The overwhelming majority just want to watch a game. Save all of that **** for your own time. This is our time. If we wanted to watch politics and be lectured ,well we have tons of options to choose from.

Sports unites people, this will not. They're going to find out the hard way.
They're lucky only a fraction of fans got in.

They can lock arms,preach,kneel or whatever they feel righteous about doing,but until they change themselves as a culture in society absolutely nothing will change ever. Not now or 50 years from now.

The only thing they have done by promoting groups who riot,burn,pillage and kill is make millions of people hate them. Great work! White people will be walking far on the otherside of the street to avoid them. All thanks to BLM and antifa.

This will take the unity we have all enjoyed and now give us a very divisive topic that has no business being pushed on us.

I do applaud the choice not to kneel for the anthem. That to most people says we hate the country as a whole....all of you suck! That message will never produce positive results ever.

Fix your own backyard before you start bitching about anyone else.That's my message to them.
Remember when Tibs was so vocally supportive of Tim Tebow taking a knee?

yeah, me neither.
Only in your warped little corner of Trumpland. The rest of the country doesn't share your views, thank God.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Most Americans support anthem protests, other athlete activism, Post poll finds - The Washington Post <a href="https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL">https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL</a></p>— Searching for a Better World (@lellingw) <a href="https://twitter.com/lellingw/status/1304140501851963392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

A poll from the Washington Compost that interviewed 1,000 people.

Read into that all you want. Others have already destroyed the question and the analysis. The real result will be their ratings (down) and the voting in November.

All because it doesn't jive with your political views. And the irony of that is thick enough to cut with a knife.

Once again, you remain willfully blind. I'm not not watching the NFL simply because of political "views" - I'm not watching because politics is involved. As many are.

If I go to a restaurant to be served food, and instead am harassed by protesters, I won't go back. I went to eat, not be harassed.
If I go to a movie to be entertained, and they put up CNN for 20 minutes prior, I won't go back. I went to watch a movie, not the news.
If I go to a doctor to treat my diabetes, and the doctor lectures me on fracking, I won't go back. I went to get healing, not an environmental lecture.
If I turn on the Food Network, and they show me WWII history, I'll tune into another food channel because I was looking for Food content.

We tune into sports to.....*SHOCKER*....watch sports. Sports have used their platform to give me different content. Content I'm not tuning in to see.

It is really rather basic. To add to it, it's beyond just content. It is indoctrination of lies. That turns it from just a content issue into an opposition point of view. I choose not to support the further indoctrination of said lies.

What lies? Oh, I'll give you the latest, biggest....

Jacob Blake is not a hero and he is not a victim. The mother of his children is the victim. The NFL and it's players are making him out to be a victim and a hero. That is a lie.

So my "peaceful protest" is not to support a platform that
a) Isn't delivering the sports content fans want to see, and
b) That purports deceitful narratives for false political gain

But as was said before, I guess you'd support us if we went to the stadium throwing Molotov cocktails into the stands, screamed in fans faces, took their beers, ripped off their NFL hats and generally harassed them through the duration of the game. You support THAT kind of protest.
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If I go to a restaurant to be served food, and instead am harassed by protesters, I won't go back. I went to eat, not be harassed.
If I go to a movie to be entertained, and they put up CNN for 20 minutes prior, I won't go back. I went to watch a movie, not the news.
If I go to a doctor to treat my diabetes, and the doctor lectures me on fracking, I won't go back. I went to get healing, not an environmental lecture.
If I turn on the Food Network, and they show me WWII history, I'll tune into another food channel because I was looking for Food content.

A better analogy would be:
the waiter to lecture you on his/her politics before you order
the ticket taker to lecture you on his/her politics before taking your ticket
the receptionist to lecture you on his/her politics before you sign in
there being a 45-second infomercial on the station's politics before you are allowed to watch content

none of those Tibs would understand.
unless, of course, those applauded OrangeManBad.
Oh, and Tibs - you lecture us on "having a life"? You wrote that you have six (6) fantasy football teams.

Somebody needs a life, dude, and I think it's the guy who spends most of his week involved with **** that actually has the word "fantasy" in the title.
What highly divisive horseshit?


did you consider it divisive when Malcom Jenkins publicly shamed Drew Brees for having his own opinion on the anthem?

answer No and you are a lying hypocrite.
answer Yes, and you understand that it is not the fans being divisive, it’s politics that are divisive and injecting politics makes the gesture divisive regardless of whether the players intend it or not, or if they are too ill-informed to understand why it would be divisive to support BLM publicly during a performance their fans paid money to see.
Besides, JJ has to say that to keep that Subway money coming. Just as Brees had to publicly flog himself because he wants a broadcast career. How can anybody not see that it is the left cancel culture that is dividing people?
Besides, JJ has to say that to keep that Subway money coming. Just as Brees had to publicly flog himself because he wants a broadcast career. How can anybody not see that it is the left cancel culture that is dividing people?

Brees also has restaurants and other investments.
So my "peaceful protest".... I guess you'd support us if we went to the stadium throwing Molotov cocktails

Nah, I support your peaceful protest just the way it is. All the power to you. If you feel this is the right thing to do, then have at it. If you don't want to watch Steelers games, then don't. If you don't want to play fantasy football, your choice. Nobody's forcing you to do anything.

Good luck in your struggle. I hope it pays off in the end and that you achieve what it is your striving for.
At this point I surprised the NFL still has a flag on the back of the helmet. Let those who protest the flag player without it. Maybe they will get some sense knocked into them.
Ok, see you over at the Breitbart forums.... since you hate the Steelers and the NFL so much, I imagine there's no good reason to be posting here. C'est la vie.

I'm simply sick of your bullshit. You have become a hate filled delusional person, not to mention a colossal hypocrite. Plain and simple.
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I'm simply sick of your bullshit. You have become a hate filled delusional person, not to mention a colossal hypocrite. Plain and simple.

Sorry you feel that way. We used to get along great, for years on end, until Trump came along.

I must really stick out on this board, with all my 'hate-filled delusion and hypocrisy.' This forum being the exemplification of friendliness, openess, mutual respect and understanding. The debating of various and differing viewpoints is encouraged and common practice around here. This forum is the paradigm of a peaceful, inclusive, kumbaya-type gathering of sports fans from around the world, where everyone is made to feel welcome, regardless of political persuation.

Sorry to **** it up for everyone else.