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I'll post this here.....I didn't make it Political the NFL did..............

Shocking, Tibs doesn't believe Tim is entitled to an opinion, unless he agrees with him.

LOL, of course Tim's entitled to an opinion, nobody is claiming he doesn't. :jagoff:

And his opinion speaks volumes of what Trumpism has done to many of you. Turned you into culture warriors, screeching Karens, clutching your purses as you wail away how unfair the world is treating you. So incensed, so indignified.

We now have our very own, right-wing version of cancel culture. The very type that you've all been lambasting on the board for years.

Just look at this very thread. Gonna cancel this, not gonna watch that, **** this team, **** these athletes, **** that sports league, not gonna buy it, etc etc.

All because it doesn't jive with your political views. And the irony of that is thick enough to cut with a knife.

So again, nobody's saying you don't have a right to an opinion, or that you can't think or feel that way. Of course you do. Just don't be shocked when you get called out for it.

Now get back to your netflix series, trimming your hedges, reorganizing your sock drawers, cleaning out the garage, whatever it is you'll be doing this weekend instead of watching NFL football.

Lord knows we don't want these surly NFL players to pause for moment of silence before the game, or take a knee, or hurt your feelings in some other way. The horror!
Last edited:
You have no idea how miserable - and pathetic - you sound right now. Like a petulant child who didn't get the present they wanted for Christmas and is off in the corner pouting. Sad to see Trump turning grown men into weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, cancel-culture warriors.

So sad.

Can't wait for kick-off tonight. The six fantasy leagues I've played in for years have all drafted, rosters cued up, raring to go. Everyone's stoked the season is finally here. Will be watching football all weekend, as I have for the better part of thirty years. And when MNF rolls around, I'll be over the moon to see Big Ben and the Black & Gold embark on yet another journey for #7. Been waiting for this moment for months, stoked it's finally here.

Enjoy your crocodile tears.

And that goes for the rest of you anti-Steelers traitors as well. What a shameful bunch, to allow stupid political views to cancel out your Steelers fandom. Pathetic, that's really the only word that comes to mind.

I'd rather be anti NFL than anti American, Now kindly go **** yourself.
I'd rather be anti NFL than anti American, Now kindly go **** yourself.

Ok, see you over at the Breitbart forums.... since you hate the Steelers and the NFL so much, I imagine there's no good reason to be posting here. C'est la vie.
LOL, of course Tim's entitled to an opinion, nobody is claiming he doesn't. :jagoff:

And his opinion speaks volumes of what Trumpism has done to many of you. Turned you into culture warriors, screeching Karens, clutching your purses as you wail away how unfair the world is treating you. So incensed, so indignified.

We now have our very own, right-wing version of cancel culture. The very type that you've all been lambasting on the board for years.

Just look at this very thread. Gonna cancel this, not gonna watch that, **** this team, **** these athletes, **** that sports league, not gonna buy it, etc etc.

All because it doesn't jive with your political views. And the irony of that is thick enough to cut with a knife.

So again, nobody's saying you don't have a right to an opinion, or that you can't think or feel that way. Of course you do. Just don't be shocked when you get called out for it.

Now get back to your netflix series, trimming your hedges, reorganizing your sock drawers, cleaning out the garage, whatever it is you'll be doing this weekend instead of watching NFL football.

Lord knows we don't want these surly NFL players to pause for moment of silence before the game, or take a knee, or hurt your feelings in some other way. The horror!

The product sucks. The game is watered down. Goodell sucks. Tomlin still sucks as a game day coach.

There were many reasons to lose interest in the Steelers over the past 10 years.

But turning the game into a SJW crusade just made it suck at an intolerable level for many.
When yinz are done with that commie troll, you might notice that sentiment across the Country is turning solidly against these spoiled brats seeking attention.


I see one team decided to stay inside and the other only had one dipshit kneel last night ....maybe the word is getting out. Somebody tell Roger.
When yinz are done with that commie troll, you might notice that sentiment across the Country is turning solidly against these spoiled brats seeking attention.

Only in your warped little corner of Trumpland. The rest of the country doesn't share your views, thank God.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Most Americans support anthem protests, other athlete activism, Post poll finds - The Washington Post <a href="https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL">https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL</a></p>— Searching for a Better World (@lellingw) <a href="https://twitter.com/lellingw/status/1304140501851963392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
So again, nobody's saying you don't have a right to an opinion, or that you can't think or feel that way. Of course you do. Just don't be shocked when you get called out for it.


Tibs is right, we've been going at this all wrong.

Not watching an NFL game as a peaceful protest isn't the answer. We need to follow the Democratic playbook. Lets chant "death to America" and throw Molotov cocktails into stadiums and watch them burn to the ground. Lets attack anyone who dares to wear NFL apparel an beat them bloody while 30 people stand around cheering and live streaming the event. Lets topple and destroy all statues that mark any significance to NFL history. We should be in restaurants bullying the staff and senior citizens to chant "**** THE NFL"...even grab their chicken wings and eat it in front of them disrespectfully. You see, THAT is what Tibs deems a peaceful protest. THAT is how you get your point across and enact change in this country. Doing anything else is weak and pathetic.

We Conservatives try to do the right things. We value family. We value life. We believe in an American dream and root for the undogs because we love the inspiring stories. We didn't like what the political elites were doing to our Country so we used our vote to make our silenced voices heard. Now, we're peacefully protesting sports who have caved into the political pressures from those elites to further divide our nation. We're standing up for more than our National Anthem and THAT is American.

And NO...I am not, nor would I ever ask or promote the use of violence, destruction, or arson. <-- for the small minded **** bags who doesn't understand the use of hyperbole
Ok, see you over at the Breitbart forums.... since you hate the Steelers and the NFL so much, I imagine there's no good reason to be posting here. C'est la vie.

Are you suggesting, in this post and several others above, that long time contributors to SN.com just leave?
Because they disagree with you and your warped Euro-sensibilities.....

All politics aside, that is beyond stupid, and probably offensive to those who run this site.
Maybe I am wrong.

So let me ask a very simple, specific question for a simple yes or no response:

Tibs, are you suggesting that long time contributors leave SN.com?

Yes or No

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
So let me ask a very simple, specific question.

Tibs, are you suggesting that long time contributors leave SN.com? Yes or No

No, CONfluence, I'm not suggesting that.

Just poking fun at a bunch of crybabies bitching about NFL players exercising their 1st amendment rights. And proudly touting all the ways they're going out of their way to ignore the NFL, and wanting the NFL to fail in the process, on an NFL-themed forum. Pretty ironic, isn't it? Oh, I'll take that back, you're the last person who'd ever understand subtlety or irony, never mind.
No, CONfluence, I'm not suggesting that.

Just poking fun at a bunch of crybabies bitching about NFL players exercising their 1st amendment rights. And proudly touting all the ways they're going out of their way to ignore the NFL, and wanting the NFL to fail in the process, on an NFL-themed forum. Pretty ironic, isn't it? Oh, I'll take that back, you're the last person who'd ever understand subtlety or irony, never mind.
Good. How benevolent of you, Fibsy.

Your hypocrisy is evident in your post, again, where you suggest that it is ok for athletes, including Steelers, to exercise their right to protest (not exactly correct given that they are employees in this situation) yet belittle the choice of long time contributors here to exercise those very rights of expression and protest.

You do not even understand the madness within your subsumed, socialist network node of a mini-brain. Good job, comrade.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
You have no idea how miserable - and pathetic - you sound right now. Like a petulant child who didn't get the present they wanted for Christmas and is off in the corner pouting. Sad to see Trump turning grown men into weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, cancel-culture warriors.

So sad.

Can't wait for kick-off tonight. The six fantasy leagues I've played in for years have all drafted, rosters cued up, raring to go. Everyone's stoked the season is finally here. Will be watching football all weekend, as I have for the better part of thirty years. And when MNF rolls around, I'll be over the moon to see Big Ben and the Black & Gold embark on yet another journey for #7. Been waiting for this moment for months, stoked it's finally here.

Enjoy your crocodile tears.

And that goes for the rest of you anti-Steelers traitors as well. What a shameful bunch, to allow stupid political views to cancel out your Steelers fandom. Pathetic, that's really the only word that comes to mind.

But his avatar is the GOAT.
You have no idea how miserable - and pathetic - you sound right now. Like a petulant child who didn't get the present they wanted for Christmas and is off in the corner pouting. Sad to see Trump turning grown men into weak-kneed, yellow-bellied, cancel-culture warriors.

So sad.

Can't wait for kick-off tonight. The six fantasy leagues I've played in for years have all drafted, rosters cued up, raring to go. Everyone's stoked the season is finally here. Will be watching football all weekend, as I have for the better part of thirty years. And when MNF rolls around, I'll be over the moon to see Big Ben and the Black & Gold embark on yet another journey for #7. Been waiting for this moment for months, stoked it's finally here.

Enjoy your crocodile tears.

And that goes for the rest of you anti-Steelers traitors as well. What a shameful bunch, to allow stupid political views to cancel out your Steelers fandom. Pathetic, that's really the only word that comes to mind.

Just as I thought, a bunch of *******.

Go watch some re-runs on tv, or make a fruit salad or something. Make yourself useful.

Btw, why even frequent a Steelers messageboard, since you hate the team and the NFL so much? Doesn't Breitbart or Gateway Pundit have a messageboard you guys can wack off to?

I'm sorry this is happening to you.
No, CONfluence, I'm not suggesting that.

Just poking fun at a bunch of crybabies bitching about NFL players exercising their 1st amendment rights. And proudly touting all the ways they're going out of their way to ignore the NFL, and wanting the NFL to fail in the process, on an NFL-themed forum. Pretty ironic, isn't it? Oh, I'll take that back, you're the last person who'd ever understand subtlety or irony, never mind.

what’s your take on twitter and Facebook censoring Trump and other conservatives?
Tibs, my supporting their first amendment rights, and my agreeing with what they are doing, and my reaction to their choices, are all different.

I support their right to be jackasses. I disagree with their message and methods. I can respond any way I darn well please. I chose to make a statement (that darn first amendment again) that I oppose their message and their methods, by withdrawing my attention and money from their little world.

All of these are congruent.
No, CONfluence, I'm not suggesting that.

Just poking fun at a bunch of crybabies bitching about NFL players exercising their 1st amendment rights. And proudly touting all the ways they're going out of their way to ignore the NFL, and wanting the NFL to fail in the process, on an NFL-themed forum. Pretty ironic, isn't it? Oh, I'll take that back, you're the last person who'd ever understand subtlety or irony, never mind.

LOL once again blind to your own hypocrisy.

Boycotting a sport in support of the American flag and anthem and all they represent=crybaby.

Disrespecting the American flag and anthem and all they represent because somehow earning millions for throwing a ball means you're oppressed=courageous peaceful protest.
This is an actual question....besides wearing slogans and disrespecting the country, are any of these athletes actually doing anything to help? Does it ever occur to them that maybe if they promote education, work, staying off drugs, obeying laws and marriage and family, they might actually SAVE African Americans from ever having to interact with police at all? How many lives could be saved if they used their considerable platform and influence in service to those goals instead of preaching victimhood?
This is an actual question....besides wearing slogans and disrespecting the country, are any of these athletes actually doing anything to help? Does it ever occur to them that maybe if they promote education, work, staying off drugs, obeying laws and marriage and family, they might actually SAVE African Americans from ever having to interact with police at all? How many lives could be saved if they used their considerable platform and influence in service to those goals instead of preaching victimhood?

Lol. A Jet got busted in a multiple million dollar covid fraud scheme. He needs a mural.
This is an actual question....besides wearing slogans and disrespecting the country, are any of these athletes actually doing anything to help? Does it ever occur to them that maybe if they promote education, work, staying off drugs, obeying laws and marriage and family, they might actually SAVE African Americans from ever having to interact with police at all? How many lives could be saved if they used their considerable platform and influence in service to those goals instead of preaching victimhood?

BLM is against most of that especially the traditional family.
Tibs - the kneeling is for what:
1) police brutality of black people
2) income inequality
3) free college
4) free healthcare
5) all of the above

Certainly it is for all of the above, as the initial message that dear Colin had for protesting against police brutality has morphed and "evolved" to include a more wide range of social aspects. This is 100% undeniable, as those who are interviewed are regurgitating these points. You may not see this on your local news channel, due to being in another country. You honestly believe you know more about what is going on here than those of us who live here. Do we offer advice on what is going on in Hungary, since we do not live there?

All four of those points have been disputed and factually shot down as being incorrect or not sustainable. Yet they continue to be repeated. Over and over. And over. And over again.

How do you think the woman Jacob Blake feels when she sees his name on the helmet of an NFL player? You do know he sexually assaulted her, correct? Remember, we must - MUST - believe ALL women. So Blake 100% sexually assaulted her. He should be in jail. Which is where he was going before he decided to fight and sacrifice his ability to walk unassisted. Yet the cops are wrong for that. Not Jacob Blake. Not the guy who inserted his fingers into a woman against her will. Not the guy who **** on his own personal accountability in this and refused to comply with police commands. Not the guy who chose to try to either get in his car and flee the situation with his KIDS in the car or reach for a weapon to defend himself. Not that guy. The Cops are wrong.

Then there's the Breonna Taylor mess - which evidence has shown the cops responded in kind. They were fired upon. They returned fire.

George Floyd? Dude was messed up on fentanyl. Still, a knee shouldnt have been applied to his neck for that long.

Black lives matter. Of course they ******* do. The ratio of black to white/other in the NFL is far more in favor of black men. You see white men wearing black guys' jerseys. You see little kids of all colors looking up to NFL players.

Well, you did.

Some of us are doing our own version of protesting. Not that we disagree with the tired refrain of "black lives matter" (they do, but the organization does not) but the injection of politics into sports. We do NOT need sports. Sports is a way to break free of the stress in our lives. Not a way to add more. You may not understand that, and that is fine. Others do. Even if you feel it is an incorrect stance, its something that is happening and will continue to happen. Does this mean that sports athletes should not have an opinion on the state of this country? No, it does not. It means that those of us who provide the platform for which these athletes use to display their abilities do not wish to be inundated unmercilessly with the hypocrisy of people who have not put in even a moment of research before taking a stance.
Only in your warped little corner of Trumpland. The rest of the country doesn't share your views, thank God.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/index.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1304140501851963392&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com%2Fshowthread.php%3F35278-I-ll-post-this-here-I-didn-t-make-it-Political-the-NFL-did%2Fpage10&theme=light&widgetsVersion=219d021%3A1598982042171&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1304140501851963392" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 581px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;"></iframe>
<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

That’s a bullshit poll. If you ask the question, should athletes have the right to protest and speak their minds then the vast majority will say Yes.

next ask if you agree with athletes protesting during games and the answer will be No.<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets/widget_iframe.2d7d9a6d04538bf11c7b23641e75738c.html?origin=https%3A%2F%2Fsteelernationforums.com" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe>
I just read an article that said 52% of NFL fans agree that players can kneel during the National Anthem. I don't know about that, everyone in my circle of life detests them for it. Maybe the same people that take the presidential polls are doing these too.....we'll see. The countdown to my further participation may just be at 3 days and 7 hours.

LOL, of course Tim's entitled to an opinion, nobody is claiming he doesn't. :jagoff:

And his opinion speaks volumes of what Trumpism has done to many of you. Turned you into culture warriors, screeching Karens, clutching your purses as you wail away how unfair the world is treating you. So incensed, so indignified.

We now have our very own, right-wing version of cancel culture. The very type that you've all been lambasting on the board for years.

Just look at this very thread. Gonna cancel this, not gonna watch that, **** this team, **** these athletes, **** that sports league, not gonna buy it, etc etc.

All because it doesn't jive with your political views. And the irony of that is thick enough to cut with a knife.

So again, nobody's saying you don't have a right to an opinion, or that you can't think or feel that way. Of course you do. Just don't be shocked when you get called out for it.

Now get back to your netflix series, trimming your hedges, reorganizing your sock drawers, cleaning out the garage, whatever it is you'll be doing this weekend instead of watching NFL football.

Lord knows we don't want these surly NFL players to pause for moment of silence before the game, or take a knee, or hurt your feelings in some other way. The horror!

See ya.
Only in your warped little corner of Trumpland. The rest of the country doesn't share your views, thank God.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Most Americans support anthem protests, other athlete activism, Post poll finds - The Washington Post <a href="https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL">https://t.co/TUNu0XUGOL</a></p>— Searching for a Better World (@lellingw) <a href="https://twitter.com/lellingw/status/1304140501851963392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

LOL at using left wing lying trash like WAPO as a source.

Last night didn't go so well for the NFL (ratings down 16.1%) and it's only going to get worse from here:
