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Iraq 3.0

Anyone a little uneasy with the National Security State trying "6 Ways to Sunday" to get Trump domestically and being the same entity giving him actionable intelligence on the General's purported imminent threats to the US?

In deference to Chuck Schumer, is this just a 2nd Way to Sunday to hurt him and the Economy in an Election Year?
Iran needs more sanctions, send another carrier group to the region.
Trump Taking Out Soleimani Just Made The World A Better, Safer Place
By Ben Shapiro

On Thursday, in the most audacious and brave move of his presidency, President Trump ordered the killing of Iran’s top terrorist, Qassem Soleimani — a man who was also the top general of the country. Commentators have compared Iran’s loss of Soleimani to the loss of the Defense Secretary, head of the CIA, and the head of the FBI simultaneously. Soleimani was the man closest to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and some speculated that he would succeed Khamenei at some point. Now, he’s been reduced to pulp.

His death makes the world a significantly better and safer place. Soleimani was responsible for the killing of hundreds of American troops in Iraq (by State Department estimates, 17 percent of all Americans killed in Iraq were Soleimani’s handiwork), the arming of Hezbollah in Lebanon with tens of thousands of rockets, the Houthi terrorism in Yemen, the building of Islamic Jihad, and a bevy of terror plots all around the world, including the latest assault on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Speculation that this represents an “act of war” is utterly baseless — Soleimani is a terrorist who was killed while abroad, in Iraq, planning further acts of terrorism.

Suggestions that the Trump administration is responsible for “escalation” with Iran — after months of Iranian aggression in international waters and in foreign countries, after downing an American drone and attacking an American embassy — are absurd and morally disgusting. When Nancy Pelosi tweets that it is “disproportionate” to kill a terror leader planning action against Americans and our assets and allies, she’s not just reflecting moral confusion — she’s evidencing moral foolishness of the highest order.

There is a lot to be nervous about here. Is the Soleimani killing part of a broader American strategy with regard to Iran, or a supposed one-off? Has the U.S. hardened its assets on the ground in the Middle East in preparation for Iranian retaliation? Are America’s allies ready for the surge in terrorism that will surely follow, given the Iranian government’s need to show strength in the face of this devastating loss?

With all of that said, it’s obvious that President Trump was attempting to restore a deterrence against Iran that had been completely disintegrated by the Obama administration. History didn’t begin with Trump, and Iranian aggression didn’t start with the end of the Iran nuclear deal. Far from it. Iran has become more powerful and aggressive thanks to the overt planning of the Obama administration.

President Obama’s preferred strategy with Iran was wishful thinking and bribery. The Obama administration openly lied to the American people, claiming that there was a “moderate” faction inside the Iranian government that would be elevated through signing them checks and ushering them into the world economy. That was utter nonsense, as national security aide Ben Rhodes later admitted. The Obama administration engaged in the worst sort of appeasement, guaranteeing billions of dollars in economic growth to a regime dedicated to the destruction of American interests around the world and hell-bent on regional domination.

When Trump entered office, after years of increased Iranian aggression in the region, he pulled out of the bribery arrangement. Iran increased its aggression, including targeting American interests and allies directly. Trump ignored that or responded minimally for years. Then the Iranians attacked an American embassy. That was the final straw, and Soleimani was on the chopping block.

The fact that the Trump administration was unwilling to pay off the world’s worst terror regime, that the terror regime never stopped pursuing terrorism, and that the Trump administration responded — all of that Trump administration action is not only perfectly reasonable, but perfectly moral.

Now the question is what comes next.

Action always comes with risks. The easy move in foreign policy is always to bank on the status quo. After all, you never have to face the downside risk of responsibility by doing nothing. But long-term concerns must be weighed, too. Leaving Osama bin Laden alone for a decade didn’t hurt the Clinton administration much. But it certainly hurt America.

When it comes to international conflict, failing to establish deterrence comes with long-range risks, including the growing power of an aggressive Iranian regime moving steadily toward nuclear weapons and destabilizing or threatening every American ally in the region, as well as Americans abroad. It is true that America can be drawn into wars we don’t want by gradual escalation of conflict (Vietnam, e.g.) — but it’s also true that America can be drawn into far more dangerous conflicts by allowing dangerous enemies to grow, metastasize, and strengthen (Germany, Japan, Soviet Union).

Foreign policy is always a risk-reward and short-term vs. long-term gain calculation. But the world is a better place without Soleimani in it — and it’s simply mythmaking to suggest that Iran was benign until Soleimani’s head was removed from his shoulders.

Will be interesting to see if north Korea is up next.
Will be interesting to see if north Korea is up next.

I really don't think they will go that far. He is just a wussy really. He knows the limits.
I really don't think they will go that far. He is just a wussy really. He knows the limits.

Let him shoot his **** into the ocean. He isn’t killing Americans.
You don't tug on superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim

Updated 'burgh version:

You don't tug on TJ’s mask
You don't stop Sid on a one-on-one
You don't throw a slow curve to Jason Bell
And you don't mess around with Don
What is that Droning noise?

Is it coming from my cellph.......?


Several vehicles hit in airstrike north of Baghdad; at least 6 dead - (NEW)

BREAKING: "Unconfirmed report that Qais Khazali, one of the people the US named as responsible for storming of US Embassy in Baghdad, has been killed in new Baghdad airstrike"

I really don't think they will go that far. He is just a wussy really. He knows the limits.

I will say, I can see China and Russian toying with rocket man to ratcheting it up if we get more involved with Iran. But they have been shooting their load forhow long? Besides, bout time another Asian Ally step up to the plate if they don’t want over run
What is that Droning noise?

Is it coming from my cellph.......?


Several vehicles hit in airstrike north of Baghdad; at least 6 dead - (NEW)

BREAKING: "Unconfirmed report that Qais Khazali, one of the people the US named as responsible for storming of US Embassy in Baghdad, has been killed in new Baghdad airstrike"


From what I read, they got five guys from the Quds force in that strike. Those cats are operating in Afghanistan too. They are responsible for half the rocket attacks at Bagram. About time we send a message.
From what I read, they got five guys from the Quds force in that strike..

some young 2nd Lt in Indian Springs NV is getting free drinks tonight


US MQ-9 Reaper drone targeted a convoy carrying several high ranking officials of Iranian-intelligence backed paramilitary forces in Taji, North of Baghdad.
some young 2nd Lt in Indian Springs NV is getting free drinks tonight


US MQ-9 Reaper drone targeted a convoy carrying several high ranking officials of Iranian-intelligence backed paramilitary forces in Taji, North of Baghdad.

I have friends in Taji right now. We have a pretty decent presence there right now.
My question is why are all these Iranian military leaders walking around Iraq like they own it?

That was my question as well. Was listening to Michael Savage on the way home from work and thought he brought up a good point in that the Iranians figured now was a good time to strike with the Impeachment mess and after all the years of harsh rhetoric but no action taken, it was as good a time as any. They thought wrong.

He had a Navy Seal and Intelligence Officer on who thought the same. He also thinks that the Iranians are going to retaliate, and not necessarily head on, but be patient, use proxies etc. I wonder how many sleeper cells there are inside the US? Sarge, what do you think the Iranian response is going to be like?
AOC, Omar and the rest of the jihad squad should be checked for suicide vests
AOC, Omar and the rest of the jihad squad should be checked for suicide vests

I'm simply shocked we haven't heard a cacophony from the Squad, berating Jews, calling Trump evil, slandering Americans, and endorsing Iran through all of this.
That was my question as well. Was listening to Michael Savage on the way home from work and thought he brought up a good point in that the Iranians figured now was a good time to strike with the Impeachment mess and after all the years of harsh rhetoric but no action taken, it was as good a time as any. They thought wrong.

He had a Navy Seal and Intelligence Officer on who thought the same. He also thinks that the Iranians are going to retaliate, and not necessarily head on, but be patient, use proxies etc. I wonder how many sleeper cells there are inside the US? Sarge, what do you think the Iranian response is going to be like?

I think they'll keep doing what they are doing, and if they get an opportunity at a HVT, they'll take it. Their bullshit may increase in frequency a bit, but I feel like it will largely stay the same. They can't face us head on. They can't win that way and they know it. We would have air superiority in about 5 minutes, and the dinosaurs they have for ground equipment would be mostly useless. Their only hope is suckering us into a guerrilla war. We suck at those. See: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.
My question is why are all these Iranian military leaders walking around Iraq like they own it?

I lived for 6 months at Baghdad airport, thats my turf

While we have a troop presence there, it is mainly focused on Syria. Plus, it isn't a large troop presence, thus, spinning up the 82nd. We will see what happens here. My buddy is headed to Iraq tomorrow for LAR support. It isn't part of the current issue, he was already scheduled. That said, the current issue is now his issue. He is going to Taji.
What I find interesting, not socked, is that we nailed this dude so quick. We must have had his *** tailed by spooks for a long long time. We also must have a ton of his locations/friends next up.
some young 2nd Lt in Indian Springs NV is getting free drinks tonight


US MQ-9 Reaper drone targeted a convoy carrying several high ranking officials of Iranian-intelligence backed paramilitary forces in Taji, North of Baghdad.

Why am I hearing top gun song right now.

What I find interesting, not socked, is that we nailed this dude so quick. We must have had his *** tailed by spooks for a long long time. We also must have a ton of his locations/friends next up.

We've been paying attention.