You know Cooch, he takes things he has heard or read and extrapolates them to the umpteenth degree. The fact is that Jackson has never had an agent work on his contract. He and his mother negotiated his rookie deal. Which was pretty smart actually. Since rookie deals are slotted, he wasn't going to get any more or less than his slotted value. Negotiating for himself (with his mother's advice) in this instance saved him whatever the agent's percentage would have been.
For this second contract, he demoted his mother to "manager" and is working as his own agent. Smart? I tend to think maybe not since there would definitely be more in depth negotiations needed for this contract. But, since all contracts are pretty much public record through the NFLPA, he could possibly use the Watson contract as a boiler plate/template for his own.
I digress. Cooch obviously believes that Lamar's mother is still acting as his co-agent. Even though he has demoted her to "manager" status. And since Cooch believes his mother is still a co-agent, she obviously must be driving the negotiations. There is also the implication that if Jackson's mother is acting as his co-agent, she is not intelligent, sophisticated or versed in NFL contracts enough to do the best for her son.
OH, here's a Google link to the information about co-agent, manager, etc.'s+mother+contract&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS874US874&oq=lamar+jackson's+mother+contract&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30i625l2j0i390l5.8133j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8